George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#2

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Being new I'm obviously not up-to-date on everything that has ever been said about GA. However, we cannot expect that in a case of this magnitude that everyone will have had wonderful and pink rosy thoughts about him, his involvement or lack thereof.

Surely you aren't implying that something a websleuther (or many) may have said or thought at one time or another caused this to occur. If that's your stance then I have to vehemently disagree with you.

We will probably never know the full details of what brought GA to this state but I don't feel it was because some internet strangers said bad things about him. His gd is dead and his daughter is jail accused. That alone would drive any parent over the edge.

I don't hold websleuths apart from what can be found in other crime forums.

An old movie is a favorite of mine: Absence of Malice (Paul Newman, Sally Fields).
JMCDAD - that's certainly what any normal person would be upset about and trying to cope with.

Have to say to all the other WSers who think that he's upset about what's been said about him on the internet that IF they are right (and for the record, I don't think that they are), then George's heart isn't in the right place anyway. Who the heck gets hot under the collar about what total strangers are saying when one's daughter has been arrested for murdering one's beloved granddaughter? Sheesh!

EXACTLY. I might add that truthfully, if GA and CA sit at home day after day and read blogs.....they should really get a grip. IMOO they should not watch TV NOR surf the web - they should rely on (hopefully) competent legal advice from their attorney BC. PERIOD. Their time would be better spent meeting with a family therapist, counselor, clergy....anything but reading blogs of people they do not know, who don't have all the facts, and suppose theories that are sometimes ludicrous.
Carmen: I am sorry for that loss you have experienced. Nobody can understand the pain that suicide leaves behind. That being my knowledge there have been no reports of what exactly the text messages said. It was reported by LE that he was despondent and family may have mentioned at some point that he was feeling that way. It is entirely possible that when he was receiving text messages and messages from his family that he responded in a way that made them worry that he may actually do it. We haven't seen the texts or alleged letter that is being reported. I just broke my rule of not commenting on any other family members (that I made this morning) but wanted to say that we don't know what he said or didn't say to the family before he was found.

BTW....Welcome. I am new as well.

Thank you kindly for the welcome.

I get what you are saying. No one knows what he said in the text messages.

I'm just such a suspicious person that I can find a conspiracy in a simple sentence. lol

I just find it odd that after the last document dump that first JB has his whiny arse press conference than GA "attempts" suicide.

I do not wish him harm. I do not wish him dead. I don't even wish him a bad case of hemorrhoids. But I do think that this is all their way of pulling the attention away from the details in the document dump.
WESH just stated it was 8 pages long. They also said the note said that George believes KC is innocent, CA deserves someone better than him etc etc...

Well if this is true and that is what he wrote, who the hell does he think killed little Caylee!!

I can't believe after all that has been made public about this case that he would even think that.
He threatened to kill himself but still wanted to be sure his BP was under control?

He may have been thinking of taking all the pills. I'm not a Dr, but what would happen to a person if they took a whole months supply of bp medicine?

My personal thoughts about suicide ( a long long long time ago) came from such strong feelings of hopelessness one can't imagine unless you've experienced it. I felt everyone around me would be better off without me and I was causing them so much pain that they all would be better off without me. I thought about it and knew the way I'd do it ... I only mentioned it to one person but luckily it was the right person before ever carrying out my intentions. The very best thing to come from this for George will be to get him out of the environment he was in and professional help.
Ames, biggirl, sweetmop, WaltzingMatilda: :blowkiss: for your regards.
It's OK, I don't need to talk about it right now. It's just that prior to logging on here this a.m. I was at that Stop sign and this strong feeling came flooding in on me about George and the family being in this intense empty grief place, you know?
I feel this is just the beginning for the world seeing the dynamics of the A family.

I feel heartache for anyone who contemplates suicide and commend anyone who seeks out professional help in working though it.

I agree, those who truly want to commit suicide do it. My former SIL sister committed suicide over 30 years ago in the judges chambers where she was court clerk using a gun. No one knew she was in pain. Later a note was found in her home. We still don't understand to this day why. Or why we didn't see it.

George's alleged attempt was a cry for help. What I found interesting in the dynamics of this family is that neither CA or LA came to the hospital immediately. If this had been a family member of mine, I don't care if I was refused to visit with him. Simply being there is what I would have done and where I would be at this moment.

I sincerely wish GA the ability to voice his concerns/fears/feelings without having anyone shut him up and down out of fear for themselves.
Originally Posted by Tichad3 View Post
I'm coming out of lurkerdom (if that's a word) to post in this sad thread.

Do I hope GA gets some mental help? yes
Do I feel sorry for GA? eh, not so much.

I do feel bad that he has lost a granddaughter due to the product he helped raise. But I have a hard time feeling sorry for suicide "attempts".

Before I get flamed let me add that my daddy committed suicide on May 11, 1999...3 days after his 41st birthday.

If someone wants to commit suicide they do it. They don't call and text people to let them know that's what they are doing.
Respectfully snipped.

I'm terribly, terribly sorry for the loss of your father. That must have been difficult beyond belief.

But suicide is as individual as the people who commit it. Many, many do, in fact, let others know of their intentions in advance.

While some make mere "suicidal gestures," others are as serious as can be. All discussion of suicide should be taken at face value, especially in the absence of very clear evidence to the contrary.
We did not create the world this family has made for themselves. Their own actions and words, their daughter's actions and words, and their decision not to own up to the truth did.

My stance on the situation has not changed in light of this event. I want the truth of what happened to Caylee and I want to see justice served for this beautiful child.
Beta blockers can kill you if you take too much and don't get medical attention. There are many different meds for blood pressure though.
Praying with everyone here for George. There have been several times in my life, I felt like I couldn't go on with all of the pain, but prayed with this Psalm:

The Lord is my Shepherd...

I was up all night helping my son finish his Science project. I'm glad I didn't have time to be on Websleuths because I would have broken down. You see, for the past week I have been grieving because my sister was killed in a car crash and the last time I spoke with her was on my birthday that just passed.

And the strangest thing happened. I was driving this a.m. and stopped at a stop sign. I was thinking about my sister, but then, my thoughts suddenly shifted to the Anthony family and I felt this sudden awareness of the hollowness, pain and grief they are feeling right now.

It wasn't until I got home that I logged on here and read this. Thank you Friday and everyone for your loving thoughts and prayers for George.

I am so sorry to hear about your sister, hugs & prayers to you and your family. Re: your thoughts shifting towards the Anthonys, isn't it strange how this family has somehow become a part of us...last night when it was reported that George was missing, I experienced the same awful feeling of loss that I do when I lose a family member. While I am so thankful that he is being care for, I am still in a state of mourning for him...just can't shake this doom & gloom feeling.
I know! I'm getting that hinky feeling again...

It is possible to kill oneself with BP meds...but you need to take a lot, a real lot. I kinda think that wasn't the method George may have been thinking of.
Wow, and 8 page long note, and still believing in Casey's innocence. George may have some undiagnosed mental illness such as depression. I have never thought that he seems exactly right or in touch with things mentally, but I guess who would under the circumstances.
Thank you! I have been wondering if this whole episode could be bogus or blown out of proportion by zealous media.
No weapons, no drugs. He took his blood pressure meds with him. Who worries about their blood pressure if they are going to end it all anyway?
He had Onstar. Surely he knew he has Onstar.
It just doesn't make sense to me...

I feel the same. And it's odd that Friday reported that he had been resuscitated, when I didn't even see any ambulance personnel near him and he seems to have been transported by police vehicle?
yeah his beautiful granddaugther was murdered and thrown away like garbage by his daughter
I am pretty sure having to deal with that is more upsetting than what people may write on the internet

Bingo, it's pretty obvious that a lot of people don't have even a teeny tiny clue what is happening inside this home, to these people who never asked for any of what they are living with.

All they have asked for from the beginning was for their grandbaby to be returned. I know they have gone to extremes to get their point across, I won't begin to judge their actions. It all boiled down to pain and frustration at their daughter for not telling them the truth; whatever the truth was. To them it was going to be to tell them who had Caylee. To 99% of the population it was where did she leave Caylee's body. Since Dr G announced her findings, they have been slapped with a truth they couldn't bare to hear.

The pain behind that front door has been beyond comprehension for months. I hope they all get the help they so badly need and are able to have some sort of life away from what little KC left behind.
I know! I'm getting that hinky feeling again...

I'm just hearing about all of this, and waiting for the real story.
Anyone could see that GA was emotionally disturbed, for how
long, none of us know that. It's difficult to grasp because we
have been led down so many different paths by this family.
I too have had suicide in my family, there was no advance
warning. Not saying that these types of threats are not to be
taken seriously, just wondering.
Well if this is true and that is what he wrote, who the hell does he think killed little Caylee!!

I can't believe after all that has been made public about this case that he would even think that.

Yep that is what the woman reporter said standing in front of the hospital.

She also said that no one from the family had been there to see GA. I swear I saw her (CA) on the fox cam wearing a coral colored shirt and there was a man with her that looked like the guy from KFN. I dunno tho, I could be wrong but it sure did look like them. I find it hard to believe that CA would not rush to the hospital under these circumstances.
Respectfully snipped.

I'm terribly, terribly sorry for the loss of your father. That must have been difficult beyond belief.

But suicide is as individual as the people who commit it. Many, many do, in fact, let others know of their intentions in advance.

While some make mere "suicidal gestures," others are as serious as can be. All discussion of suicide should be taken at face value, especially in the absence of very clear evidence to the contrary.

I agree.
I well understand the effect words can have on a person's psyche.

A week after Dr. Sheppard was wrongfully convicted, his Mother shot and killed herself.

The family reported that leading up to the trial, she had been horribly depressed from reading and hearing all the terrible things said about Sam. However, the viciousness of the reporting got even worse after he was convicted.


(lesson in life....words matter)

Casey caused George's pain and suffering, Wudge. No "words" would have been spoken or written had it not been for her callous act. I have deep sympathy for George and have expressed it many times on this forum. He needs professional help to get through this.

Casey has earned her words.
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