George Anthony Says He Didn't Believe 'At That Time' His Daughter Killed Caylee

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According to some reports (ahem, IIRC, they were Casey's statements) George and Cindy were considering divorce prior to Caylee's disappearnace. I would be very surprised if they stay together after this trial ends. Unless Casey somehow manages to put the blame on either of her parents where charges could be filed against them. If they are married, they can't be forced to testify against each other, right? Not like that is gonna happen, but at this point, nothing would shock me! :banghead:

I agree and I hope, sincerely, that George gets some psychiatric help. I am very worried he will try suicide again. Yesterday was just so sad.
If I had been her defense attorney, I would have thrown out the accidental drowning theory and stated she panicked because she knew her parents would never forgive her. And then everything snowballed from there.

Why didn't Baez use that defense? It's actually more believable. And she wouldn't have had to throw her parents under the bus.

I know George and Cindy didn't handle this well at all but I have always had a soft spot for them. I can only imagine their pain. They love Caylee and gave her the world when she was alive.
One thing I don't understand is that GA was 100% sure that the smell was decomp. He has known that Caylee was missing since June 16, 2008. He knew that KC was the last person seen with her. Why did it take his so long to finally figure out she did it? How was he able to convince himself that she was somewhere on vacation with her nanny after smelling human decomp? Why did his opinion only change after he was thrown under the bus? It took that extreme for him to see the light?
Part of me thinks he has always known that Caylee was gone and KC did it but he was afraid to admit it out loud, for fear of Cindy and sending her over the edge. He kept of the pretense for all those years because Cindy couldn't accept reality.

This has been nagging at my instincts all along too.

I think shock, disbelief and denial came into play at first...the smell, in GA's mind couldn't have come from ICA or Caylee..GA has always seen ICA as a loving parent caring for her child.

Then you have all the BS that ICA was telling them and with no body GA hoped beyond all reason that Caylee was still alive.. that what his mind/intellect was telling him wasn't true.

The moment he realized his instincts were correct was the day Caylee's remains were identified.

The day GA found out what her defense was going to be; he KNEW that ICA killed Caylee.
THAT was GA's 'Come to Jesus' moment.

What we witnessed yesterday was GA finally verbalizing this epiphany:
After that all the CARP that ICA had put GA and CA through, not just since Caylee disappeared, but her entire life; came flooding back to GA. He finally is out of the FOG of chaos ICA creates with her psychopathic sociopath behavior. GA stating, "I felt like I failed Caylee and wanted to die." He realized all the warning signs were there for this to happen and he did nothing.
I would want to kill myself too.
I agree. I think George finally was able to get his own mind back, after all the "crazymaking" by ICA and CA....he knew justice had to be served for his granddaughter. I also agree he felt like he failed to protect her, that he knew in his heart of hearts that ICA was not putting Caylee first. Good for him, finally bringing out the truth. The trial helped him see...who else could have done it? No one.

MOO of course
Thank you for this post.. I can only imagine how tough it must have been to write all this. I am the mom of a daughter who shares many similarities as KC and this whole trial has been tough.

I can only assume that you must be much more mature and insightful than my own daughter and KC herself.

While I can bet that you nor my daughter would ever resort to the things KC did it's still a tough place to come from.

Kudos to you for seeing and understanding the tough side of things and having the wisdom and bravery you need right now.

I have long wanted to start a "walking in cindy's shoes" thread but unlike you I haven't had that courage.

I for one am proud of you and commend you. Don't sell yourself short.. while you feel you share many of ICA's traits.. YOU have obviously overcame much of what she did not. Be proud and continue down the path you are on.. You have shown a level of maturity that people who haven't been in your shoes don't have..

I was THRILLED by this quote when he said it. :great:

I immediately did react to your initial post... but that is why I don't post emotionally.

Now, I do relate to Casey in some ways... which is why I have no empathy for her.

Even though I am blessed with a great deal of empathy as well, I do have empathy for some odd people.
I DID have some level of empathy for Casey to begin with... I struggled to put this girl so much like me... together with these pictures... together with the end result.

Casey and I have a lot in common.

By the time Casey had Caylee I had two kids with special needs... single Mom to 2.

I have one brother that I grew up with.
My parents remained married.
My Mom was a nurse.
My Dad got shot at by the cops. :floorlaugh:

I would prefer Cindy Anthony as a Mom... she looks tempting compared to what I had growing up.

My mother couldn't care for my kids if I died tomorrow.

I bet Cindy got out of bed every morning.
I highly doubt Casey and Lee raised themselves.
I highly doubt that Cindy constantly insults Casey and makes her feel worthless.
Casey certainly has a self esteem. Lucky her.

I am heartless.
I don't get emotionally bothered by many things.
I don't get angry.
If most relatives died tomorrow I wouldn't bat an eyelash.

The only time I have ever cried at a funeral is when my own Dad was crying while talking.

When my 34 month old went missing for 30 minutes I was hysterical.

I quit being a teenager when I had kids and started being a Mom.

Similarities... Differences.

I know I couldn't sit there and watch my Dad cry like that.
That pushed me right over the edge... any empathy I had left for Casey, was gone.
I cannot have empathy for her. :twocents:

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