George Anthony Says He Didn't Believe 'At That Time' His Daughter Killed Caylee

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I was THRILLED by this quote when he said it. :great:

Thanks everyone for letting me express my opinion and not jumping on me. I grew up with a mother exactly like CA, I identify with KC. And I was also cursed with blind empathy. Which is quite a burden at times.

I immediately did react to your initial post... but that is why I don't post emotionally.

Now, I do relate to Casey in some ways... which is why I have no empathy for her.

Even though I am blessed with a great deal of empathy as well, I do have empathy for some odd people.
I DID have some level of empathy for Casey to begin with... I struggled to put this girl so much like me... together with these pictures... together with the end result.

Casey and I have a lot in common.

By the time Casey had Caylee I had two kids with special needs... single Mom to 2.

I have one brother that I grew up with.
My parents remained married.
My Mom was a nurse.
My Dad got shot at by the cops. :floorlaugh:

I would prefer Cindy Anthony as a Mom... she looks tempting compared to what I had growing up.

My mother couldn't care for my kids if I died tomorrow.

I bet Cindy got out of bed every morning.
I highly doubt Casey and Lee raised themselves.
I highly doubt that Cindy constantly insults Casey and makes her feel worthless.
Casey certainly has a self esteem. Lucky her.

I am heartless.
I don't get emotionally bothered by many things.
I don't get angry.
If most relatives died tomorrow I wouldn't bat an eyelash.

The only time I have ever cried at a funeral is when my own Dad was crying while talking.

When my 34 month old went missing for 30 minutes I was hysterical.

I quit being a teenager when I had kids and started being a Mom.

Similarities... Differences.

I know I couldn't sit there and watch my Dad cry like that.
That pushed me right over the edge... any empathy I had left for Casey, was gone.
I cannot have empathy for her. :twocents:
Thanks everyone for letting me express my opinion and not jumping on me. I grew up with a mother exactly like CA, I identify with KC. And I was also cursed with blind empathy. Which is quite a burden at times.

aww! you are making me cry!
I know exactlywhat you mean. If abortion had been legal in 1967 I wouldn't be here.

My mom didn't want a kid! AND made sure when I was 6 that the sibling that I SHOULD have had never was.
There was NO pleasing her! BUT I LOVED her. She died 10 years ago and I still miss her, but I must admit since she's been gone... my life has been a lil easier.

She didn't do drugs or drink she was just different, mean... and raised me by Dr. Spock's book. (I hate Dr. Spock!)

My goal in life was to be NOTHING like her! I'm not!
I heard him say it, so did Jeff Ashton, and I'm positive all 17 jurors heard it, too.

As did Casey Marie Anthony.

I think this is when she mouthed, "I hate you" to her father.
Being held accountable is not much fun, apparently.
I have always thought the Anthony's knew that ICA killed Caylee and that Caylee was dead, once Cindy called 911 and said "there's something wrong, it smells like a dead body in the damn car." Also when George went to pick up the car at the towing yard and smelling the smell of human decomp. He also knew the truth. George said he was hoping when he smelled that decomp smell that it wasn't his daughter or grand daugther in the trunk of that car. But guess what Casey is alive but where is Caylee??? What was to follow was damage control, headed and directed by the family CEO Cindy Anthony. Denial, lies, coverups, slander you name it. If CA said ICA didn't kill her grand daughter then of course that's what the family wants everyone to believe. If ICA didn't do it why all the lies, coverups, etc from CA?


Denial is a [ame=""]Defence mechanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Freud_Sofa.JPG" class="image" title="Psychoanalysis"><img alt="Psychoanalysis" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/5/58/Freud_Sofa.JPG/150px-Freud_Sofa.JPG[/ame] postulated by [ame=""]Sigmund Freud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg" class="image" title="Sigmund Freud, by Max Halberstadt, 1921"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/1/12/Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg/200px-Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg[/ame], in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming [ame=""]Evidence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:FBI_Evidence_Response_Team.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/2/23/FBI_Evidence_Response_Team.jpg/220px-FBI_Evidence_Response_Team.jpg[/ame]
He also said, Casey was the last to be with Caylee, and the last to see Caylee alive - 1 + 1 = 2.

He also said her car smelled like human decomp!

I gasped when he made the "at the time" quote. But I thought maybe it didn't mean what I took it to mean. But, when he made the "1+1=2" quote I knew he was saying EXACTLY what he meant to say. I'm pretty sure the earth tilted slightly on it's axis at that moment.

Nancy Grace&#8230;take notice. THAT'S what a "bombshell" looks like! :woohoo:

P.S. It may not be as clever as "if it doesn't fit, you must acquit", but I wish there was a sign in the jury room that says, "K.I.S.S. 1+1=2".
I think that's a horrible thing to say. Yes it is very important. He doesn't know if she killed her or not. HE DOESN'T KNOW. So in effect he is telling the jury that her own father "feels" like she murdered the baby and so certain jurors will take that as parental intuition. And may convict her on that. I just think it's awful. A loving parent would try to save their mentally ill (or deranged) child from the electric chair. This says a lot to me about what kind of parent he was.

Respectfully, disagree. ICA will not get the DP. and that is why I believe GA is finally making ICA accountable for her actions. If someone had done that before all of this Caylee would be alive today. That says more about CA and GA's parenting skills than anything he said yesterday. He is an ex cop he is basing his belief now not on feelings but on evidence. JMHO
I believe we might hear George say the REST of that sentence - or at least, "I don't believe she's innocent" before this trial is over.

The Defense has certainly been opening those doors. Bringing up the suicide attempt, getting him to re-live those times. I've seldom had sympathy for George or Cindy, but I clearly saw the anguish that this situation has had on him.
:clap: ITA

IMO, one of the worst things to happen to parenting is this concept of "unconditional love". *I'll love you and support you whatever happens, whatever you do*. And we have a lot of young people now who do whatever the he** they want b/c Mom and Dad are expected to love them unconditionally. Personal accountability is becoming a relic of the past. MO

You have a point, certainly, but people have always tended to stick by "their own." The Greeks wrote tragedies about it 2500 years ago!
Respectfully, disagree. ICA will not get the DP. and that is why I believe GA is finally making ICA accountable for her actions. If someone had done that before all of this Caylee would be alive today. That says more about CA and GA's parenting skills than anything he said yesterday. He is an ex cop he is basing his belief now not on feelings but on evidence. JMHO

I`m sure it`s painfully real that he failed Caylee, like he said.

As for the "mentally ill" Casey- yeah, ill like a sociopath.

I liked George's testimony yesterday. My goodness if supporting a woman who murdered her child in cold blood and then went on to accuse innocent people of horrible things equals unconditional love then I wouldn't want any love! Parental love with the " You are my child, an extension of me, so I will support you even if you don't meet the bare standards of morals and ethics" is a selfish kind of love. True parental love is supposed to help the child grow and evolve.

If anyone believes that they really love Casey and/or feel compassion for her then you would want her to be found guilty and sent to prison. You would want her to repent, confess and take responsibility for her actions. You would want her to receive a whole lot of prayers and some sort of mental help in prison. This is REAL compassion.
Originally Posted by love.child
I think that's a horrible thing to say. Yes it is very important. He doesn't know if she killed her or not. HE DOESN'T KNOW. So in effect he is telling the jury that her own father "feels" like she murdered the baby and so certain jurors will take that as parental intuition. And may convict her on that. I just think it's awful. A loving parent would try to save their mentally ill (or deranged) child from the electric chair. This says a lot to me about what kind of parent he was.

But he does know, he wasnt' there when Caylee met her demise.

I can't get over His Honor allowing the persecution of this man and the man that eventually found Caylee. This is about ICA not wanting to be attached to the facts that she did something to Caylee and that Caylee was thrown away like yesterday's trash. I too would say what GA said, knowing my own flesh and blood and how she pushes the envelope. I am disgusted how this trial turned into GA trial and how cold hearted it is to do so. Not only that, Baez admits his client is a liar, so how do you put your faith in ICA thinking now she's telling the truth. The truth is not in her and this is her new reality she invisions in that sick mind. This young woman is very distrubed but not distrubed enough for an insanity defense, she's crazy like a fox. It appears she is a sociopath, she feels no empthy unless it includes talking about her. Stone cold faced as her father breaks down, yet, she did lots of crying at the hypotheticals DCS had this greif expert speak upon. I abhor the fact there is no evidence to say this alleged drowning took place but more evidence that a murder did. I only hope the jury sees this and gets Justice for Caylee...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I was raised by a strict, Irish-Catholic father who believed that to "spare the rod, spoiled the child". I wasn't sexually abused but I WAS severely physically abused. Even given that, it would absolutely crush me to see my father like this...


Yet ICA just looked at him with hatred.

I don't believe that anyone else was ever in danger of being charged with Caylee's murder. I won't defend some of the things CA has done or said...but I hope NEVER to have to find out what I would do in her position.


I actually got choked up watching George break down like that! It surprised me, because I can't stand him! I despise all of the Anthonys after watching their atrocious behavior for the last three years. But I was moved to tears seeing someone in such pain, crying over the loss of his little grandchild at the hands of his daughter.

And when I looked at Casey she was dried-eyed, taking notes, glaring at her dad. Cold. As. Ice. It chills me to think of a human being so soulless.
But he does know, he wasnt' there when Caylee met her demise.

I can't get over His Honor allowing the persecution of this man and the man that eventually found Caylee. This is about ICA not wanting to be attached to the facts that she did something to Caylee and that Caylee was thrown away like yesterday's trash. I too would say what GA said, knowing my own flesh and blood and how she pushes the envelope. I am disgusted how this trial turned into GA trial and how cold hearted it is to do so. Not only that, Baez admits his client is a liar, so how do you put your faith in ICA thinking now she's telling the truth. The truth is not in her and this is her new reality she invisions in that sick mind. This young woman is very distrubed but not distrubed enough for an insanity defense, she's crazy like a fox. It appears she is a sociopath, she feels no empthy unless it includes talking about her. Stone cold faced as her father breaks down, yet, she did lots of crying at the hypotheticals DCS had this greif expert speak upon. I abhor the fact there is no evidence to say this alleged drowning took place but more evidence that a murder did. I only hope the jury sees this and gets Justice for Caylee...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I agree with you and I don't think it escaped notice how the inmate acted yesterday during George's testimony. I think they've spent enough time observing courtroom behavior to see that.
While I am grateful that GA seemed to finally stand up for Caylee, I can't help but think it took ICA accusing HIM of something before he did. I wonder if it would have been different had the DT not gone with the molestation angel?
I think that's a horrible thing to say. Yes it is very important. He doesn't know if she killed her or not. HE DOESN'T KNOW. So in effect he is telling the jury that her own father "feels" like she murdered the baby and so certain jurors will take that as parental intuition. And may convict her on that. I just think it's awful. A loving parent would try to save their mentally ill (or deranged) child from the electric chair. This says a lot to me about what kind of parent he was.

IMO, I don't think GA did any worse than CA did when she mentioned the bad check charges. I don't think either one of them meant to harm ICA in what they said, it just came out.
I agree with those of you who are saying George has had enough. What a horrible position for a parent to be in, finally coming to the realization that your daughter is capable of killing your beloved granddaughter. On so many levels this would be difficult to accept. His statement about "at that time" reflects just that. Inconceivable to believe. Though Cindy is trying to save Casey, even by perjuring herself, George is not willing to go there now. My heart goes out to him, and all of them really, for what this monster has done to them.
KC was the last to be seen with Caylee and the car smells like decomp. Agreed. That does not rule out accidental drowning. Although the grief expert didn't get the point across very well, avoiding telling your crazy parents that their granddaughter that they love more than you died in an accident does not mean it was murder. Ask Marie Osmond about normal grieving. She went to Vegas and sang happy songs onstage right after her son's suicide. Is that normal?

Marie Osmond didn't return to the stage for two weeks. She waited until the day after Michael's funeral. She said that the stage is her "safe place". She's not scared when she's performing.

Casey Anthony got herself ready for her date with TL, browsed thru BlockBuster for videos, and "played house" with her new boyfriend within HOURS of her daughter's death. And we all know her itinerary for the following 30 days by now. Whether it was truly an accident (NOT) or a murder, there was no grieving going on in Casey Anthony! We grieve for a loss. She doesn't feel she lost anything.
Slightly OT but didn't George say something like his wife was a partner in helping enable and cover up? I can't find the quote.
My big problem is the DT just messed up. To imply that GA was scared that law enforcement was closing in on him but imply that he wasn't really trying to commit suicide because it was only beer, well, which one was it? Can't have it both ways JB. Also, they would have done much better just leaving Kronk and GA out... sad that they had to try to blame it on these two men.
I was raised by a strict, Irish-Catholic father who believed that to "spare the rod, spoiled the child". I wasn't sexually abused but I WAS severely physically abused. Even given that, it would absolutely crush me to see my father like this...


Yet ICA just looked at him with hatred.

^^ that was one of the more chilling things I've witnessed this trial . I can understand in order to keep up the defense that she was horribly mistreated in every way iCA can't show tenderness to the so called abuser. This went further. She looked at him like his emotion was an entirely foreign concept to her. She looked truly inhuman there. IMO.

Did anyone see last night on dr drew or Nancy- not sire which- the screenshot of her creepy evil smirk as her father had an emotional breakdown yesterday? Wow!
Does anyone remember from what was released during his suicide attempt- did the note or GA himself say something about realizations he couldn't live with or something to that effect? I just remember thinking he had finally realized who killed Caylee or he knew all along but his denial had finally broken down and the truth was hitting fully for the first time. Was there actual words from GA supporting that or just tv host conjecture?

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