George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin Discussion Thread #10 Mon. July 8

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Could GZ friend, Osterman (sp) (the federal marshal) have coached GZ on the ride home from the police station to say TM was going for his gun? I may not have understood whether GZ said that the night of or the next day in his talk with LE. Something just struck me odd with that witness. JMO. TIA
Don't know. I cannot fight, I own a gun that I do know how to use. I have never considered carrying it to the grocery store. There are many establishments with a sign on the door that prohibits weapons inside the store.

i am sure there are places where you OUGHT to carry a gun when you walk around at night. i can think of a lot of them.
Yes, I do. I don't know why GZ wouldn't. My guess is he thought he was shooting a ...... Criminal and would be given a medal. He probably would have except for that little business about TM not being one.

It is admirable to me that these friends are willing to testify on GZ behalf. The likes of Cndy Anthony might commit perjury but I can't see a friend doing it knowing they could go to jail for it. Unless they are stupid. There are far too many friends and police officers testifying for GZ for them to be stupid or to be perjuring themselves.

Think about it. Jodi arias didn't have ONE testify for her.
I think that's what I remember as well. And, if I'm remembering correctly, it was from the beginning of GZs call to NEN. Where I live, that would be considered a pretty impressive response time.

And I think that it shows that GZ did not have a planned attack on TM. That it was a meeting of happenstance at best, Possibly in my book, TM may have gone looking for him based on the evidence of RJ's call and where it happened but I think at best here the State should have gone after MS.

IT just does not play to M2.

Guys! I just read 3 post without the needed IMO, JMO, MOO.

WE HAVE to add them it is so simple!! Just add it.. Tricia just reminded us and if we don't comply we are going to end up getting shut down..
Let's keep this going!! WE can do it!! PLEASE!!!!!!
Could GZ friend, Osterman (sp) (the federal marshal) have coached GZ on the ride home from the police station to say TM was going for his gun? I may not have understood whether GZ said that the night of or the next day in his talk with LE. Something just struck me odd with that witness. JMO. TIA

yes its possible that a law enforcement officer could coach someone to lie under oath. nothing about that witness struck me as odd.

funny isnt it?
I don't recall RJ mentioning anything about TM doubling back. I remember her testimony as GZ caught up to TM in the back of the townhouse where he was staying. Could you please give me an idea where I might find a mention of TM doubling back in her testimony? Thank you.

She testified that TM told her was just outside his father and stepmother's house. I made what (IMO) is a logical deduction - based on where the shooting happened - that TM had to have gone looking for GZ.
If both of these individuals were fearful of each other and it appears so from the testimonies so far and the fight GZ claims started at the T of the sidewalk while GZ was trying to get to his car why would TM's body end up further down the walkway closer to his destination. It just appears if in the "flight mode" it's a possibility that TM just may have been trying to get away from GZ and get home.

This is very sad for both GZ and TM's family. jmo
in my opinion

TM was shot at a frontal proximity. He was not fleeing. If he had been fleeing he would not have been shot at such a close frontal proximity. The theory that he had been trying to flee was disproved once the entrance wound and proximity were revealed.

When I was attacked, the assault started a good eight to ten feet from where it ended.
I really feel for Mr Martin, but we can't change the tragic event. imo
I personally don't think that walking up to a stranger in the dark and saying.. :" WHAT ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME FOR? is showing fear. I think it is showing confrontation.. OMO

I believe he asked this as GZ approached him right where he was standing, on the grass. IMO
How long after the call GZ made did LE arrive? I heard 6-7 minutes by MOM, but I don't know if that is from beginning to end of the fight or from the call to NEN by GZ and when LE arrived. TIA. I really appreciate you all answering my questions.
IIRC, the 6-7 minutes is from the beginning of the NEN call to when shots were heard over the 911 calls the neighbors made. It has been testified to that, IIRC, the police arrived within seconds after the shot was heard on those 911 calls. IMO
I have another question about CCP. Do people who carry live in areas of high crime or because they like the security in knowing they can protect themselves? Is it more popular in certain areas of the country? I understand that LE carries 24/7. I just wondered about normal citizens. Again, no snark intended. I know zero about guns. TIA

Where I live in Arizona, it's just as common as other people picking up their cell phone and wallet on the way out the door, you have your weapon in your holster, backpack, or purse.........but we don't need a CCW anymore to carry concealed, Az did away with that several years ago.
In Arizona it's a cultural thing. You've always been able to carry un-concealed. You don't have to have your weapon registered. Households that are anti-gun are just that, no big deal. Hunting, predators, cowboys, it all goes into the mix. We don't carry guns out of fear, we carry them because they're a tool, if that makes sense. Just like the jack for your car, make up in your purse, you just might need it.
My son's GF is from San Diego. She has a job at a coffee shop right now in Prescott. Last week a patron came in with a side arm, she just about lost it, she thought they were going to be robbed. In California "guns" imply "fear" where in Arizona "guns" imply "safety". Might be hard to wrap your head around that, but that's as close to an explanation as I can get. If you're raised around it, it doesn't bother you.
As far as using a safety or not, that's a preference to the carrier. I carry a revolver, it has a double action, you have to pull the trigger past one "click" to get the hammer to *advertiser censored*, or manually *advertiser censored* the hammer, then the gun will fire when you continue to pull the trigger. Pistols you have to pull the "slide" to chamber a round, then it's ready to fire. Pistols have a safety you can slide on or off.
It is admirable to me that these friends are willing to testify on GZ behalf. The likes of Cndy Anthony might commit perjury but I can't see a friend doing it knowing they could go to jail for it. Unless they are stupid. There are far too many friends and police officers testifying for GZ for them to be stupid or to be perjuring themselves.

Think about it. Jodi arias didn't have ONE testify for her.

GZ has a very impressive set of friends willing to step up for him in a court of law. thats obviously my opinion. some apparently think that being friends with folks interested in law and order and having friends that are is a character flaw. i dont.

you are, my dad said, known by the company you keep.

what do we know about TM's friends? I havent followed this case closely.
IMO if George Zimmerman had "fight" training three times a week for over a year, he should have been able to withstand an "*advertiser censored* whooping" by TM for the 10 minutes or less that it took the police to get there without pulling his gun out from the holster, in back of him, "while laying on his back" and shooting.

IMO He could have just punched back and held on. No, he wanted to be the "police" in this situation and take care of a "F..... A...." himself.

He was a 30+ yr. old man against a 17 yr. old kid, he had training, he was the aggressor, IMO.
I personally don't think that walking up to a stranger in the dark and saying.. :" WHAT ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME FOR? is showing fear. I think it is showing confrontation.. OMO

It seems possible that TM just asked why once they were aware of one another and that he may not have approached/walked up to GZ at all.
What should TM have done vs asking GZ a question?

She testified that TM told her was just outside his father and stepmother's house. I made what (IMO) is a logical deduction - based on where the shooting happened - that TM had to have gone looking for GZ.

Me too. RJ was the state's "star" witness and yet her testimony actually convinced me that TM deliberately went back to find GZ and initiate a beat down, a premeditated assault. JMO. OMO. MOO.
didn't the nurse practitioner say something the effect that the bmi scale was subjective, and didn't take in mind that muscle weighs more than fat, and that she didn't think gm was obese??

I don't recall but I look at the reenactment and he didn't look obese. He looked pretty fit to me. He had been working out for a while. JMO

I never understood people saying that muscle weighs more than fat...a pound is a pound, whether it's fat or muscle. Your body just looks different if it's muscle or fat and distributed in different areas. GZ didn't look fat or obese to me the day of the killing or during the reenactment. :twocents:
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