George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin Discussion Thread #10 Mon. July 8

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IMO if George Zimmerman had "fight" training three times a week for over a year, he should have been able to withstand an "*advertiser censored* whooping" by TM for the 10 minutes or less that it took the police to get there without pulling his gun out from the holster, in back of him, "while laying on his back" and shooting.

IMO He could have just punched back and held on. No, he wanted to be the "police" in this situation and take care of a "F..... A...." himself.

He was a 30+ yr. old man against a 17 yr. old kid, he had training, he was the aggressor, IMO.

No. He had no skill at it. HE did not get one shot hit onto TM. Not one. TM had no defensive wounds or attacks marks.

BEing 30 has nothing to do with the skill needed to hold off an attacker... OMO
Two officers heard "no".....TM said he didn't say "no"....someone's fibbing....IMO.
Where I live in Arizona, it's just as common as other people picking up their cell phone and wallet on the way out the door, you have your weapon in your holster, backpack, or purse.........but we don't need a CCW anymore to carry concealed, Az did away with that several years ago.
In Arizona it's a cultural thing. You've always been able to carry un-concealed. You don't have to have your weapon registered. Households that are anti-gun are just that, no big deal. Hunting, predators, cowboys, it all goes into the mix. We don't carry guns out of fear, we carry them because they're a tool, if that makes sense. Just like the jack for your car, make up in your purse, you just might need it.
My son's GF is from San Diego. She has a job at a coffee shop right now in Prescott. Last week a patron came in with a side arm, she just about lost it, she thought they were going to be robbed. In California "guns" imply "fear" where in Arizona "guns" imply "safety". Might be hard to wrap your head around that, but that's as close to an explanation as I can get. If you're raised around it, it doesn't bother you.
As far as using a safety or not, that's a preference to the carrier. I carry a revolver, it has a double action, you have to pull the trigger past one "click" to get the hammer to *advertiser censored*, or manually *advertiser censored* the hammer, then the gun will fire when you continue to pull the trigger. Pistols you have to pull the "slide" to chamber a round, then it's ready to fire. Pistols have a safety you can slide on or off.

Wow! I'm in NJ, and I literally only know 2 people who own a gun (husband and wife). I had toyed with getting one, but he paperwork and wait times were insane, so I decided to use other means of defense should I ever need to.
I live in a town of 650 people. There is literally no crime here and a ton of people still carry a weapon at all times. They just like to, I think, and it is their right.

>snipped by me<

Just from my own experience, I think guns make for a more polite society. JMO
IMO if George Zimmerman had "fight" training three times a week for over a year, he should have been able to withstand an "*advertiser censored* whooping" by TM for the 10 minutes or less that it took the police to get there without pulling his gun out from the holster, in back of him, "while laying on his back" and shooting.

IMO He could have just punched back and held on. No, he wanted to be the "police" in this situation and take care of a "F..... A...." himself.

He was a 30+ yr. old man against a 17 yr. old kid, he had training, he was the aggressor, IMO.

Actually, he was 28.

I've been kickboxing for about five years and a 10-year old could probably overwhelm me. I am small and not physically strong. That's just the genetic cards some of us are dealt. JMO. OMO. MOO.
IMO if George Zimmerman had "fight" training three times a week for over a year, he should have been able to withstand an "*advertiser censored* whooping" by TM for the 10 minutes or less that it took the police to get there without pulling his gun out from the holster, in back of him, "while laying on his back" and shooting.

IMO He could have just punched back and held on. No, he wanted to be the "police" in this situation and take care of a "F..... A...." himself.

He was a 30+ yr. old man against a 17 yr. old kid, he had training, he was the aggressor, IMO.

Really? You think GZ - or anyone else for that matter - should simply take a vicious beating for ten minutes? Wow.
It seems possible that TM just asked why once they were aware of one another and that he may not have approached/walked up to GZ at all.
What should TM have done vs asking GM a question?


Well if when He was at his Dad's Gf's house, had he walked in, He would have never run into GZ 70 yards away.

He was already home. GZ was by his truck 70 yards away waiting for police. TM went to find GZ. That is how the evidence fits.. If GZ was still looking for TM he would have been closer to the Dad's gf's house..

I can not see anyway around that... OMO
IMO if George Zimmerman had "fight" training three times a week for over a year, he should have been able to withstand an "*advertiser censored* whooping" by TM for the 10 minutes or less that it took the police to get there without pulling his gun out from the holster, in back of him, "while laying on his back" and shooting.

IMO He could have just punched back and held on. No, he wanted to be the "police" in this situation and take care of a "F..... A...." himself.

He was a 30+ yr. old man against a 17 yr. old kid, he had training, he was the aggressor, IMO.

Absolutely not...

If a stranger attacks, you protect yourself by any means necessary...IN MY OPINION
Two officers heard "no".....TM said he didn't say "no"....someone's fibbing....IMO.

Guess the jury will have to decide. Wonder if they think he is lying, they will assume the others are lying too.

Did LE tape this meeting? If so could the tape be played in court?

I feel so badly for both sides of this case. I cannot imagine how hard this is for mr. Martin. Heartbreaking.
It seems possible that TM just asked why once they were aware of one another and that he may not have approached/walked up to GZ at all.
What should TM have done vs asking GZ a question?


TM had made it to his father's girlfriend's home. He should have gone inside and not doubled back to confront GZ. JMO. OMO. MOO.
IMO if George Zimmerman had "fight" training three times a week for over a year, he should have been able to withstand an "*advertiser censored* whooping" by TM for the 10 minutes or less that it took the police to get there without pulling his gun out from the holster, in back of him, "while laying on his back" and shooting.

IMO He could have just punched back and held on. No, he wanted to be the "police" in this situation and take care of a "F..... A...." himself.

He was a 30+ yr. old man against a 17 yr. old kid, he had training, he was the aggressor, IMO.

So he should have just lain there and get the crap beat out of him and/or possibly suffer brain damage? Personally, I admire his restraint...if I were in that position, I would have unloaded the gun. Sorry, my life comes first.

All IMO, so no nasty grams please.
I don't think there was any reason for George to detain Trayvon so why would he attack him? What would George say to the police when they arrived "i beat him up so you (police) could ask him why he's around here." George had absolutely no reason to enter in a physical confrontation with Trayvon. He would have looked like a jerk in front of the officers had it happened that way. IMO
Wow! I'm in NJ, and I literally only know 2 people who own a gun (husband and wife). I had toyed with getting one, but he paperwork and wait times were insane, so I decided to use other means of defense should I ever need to.

Hi missmazzy, I'm from NJ too and I know quite a few people who have guns.
Please understand the posts that require you to use "in my opinion " are posts that are not considered absolute fact or are not backed up by a link. If someone asks a question they DO NOT need to put "in my opinion " since it is a question. THERE IS NO NEED TO ALERT IF A PERSON ASKS A QUESTION AND DOES NOT PUT IMO!
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If both of these individuals were fearful of each other and it appears so from the testimonies so far and the fight GZ claims started at the T of the sidewalk while GZ was trying to get to his car why would TM's body end up further down the walkway closer to his destination. It just appears if in the "flight mode" it's a possibility that TM just may have been trying to get away from GZ and get home.

This is very sad for both GZ and TM's family. jmo

As I have pointed out over and over, IMO if an athletic teenager like TM was trying to "get away" from GZ he would have succeeded in doing so.
Can they impeach his testimony? This is absurd imo.

I agree - I don't understand why the Defense has called Tracy Martin as a witness. He recalls that he may have said one thing when he heard the 911 tape, and the officers recall hearing something else. Unless that meeting was videotaped, neither person's accounting can be considered completely accurate (regarding any statements that were allegedly made), IMO.
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