George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin Discussion Thread #10 Mon. July 8

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Prosecutors look bizarre with the hostile approach to these witnesses, as if they're all lying?

Isn't his job to make it seem to the jury like there is a chance they are lying? And honestly, how do we know they are not lying? I would not testify to something if I wasn't absolutely sure it was fact, and so how can these people be so sure when it can't be proven as GZ's voice? This is so odd.
With all due respect, there's a huge difference since a life was taken and TM committed no crime whatsoever according to the lead detective.IMO|head

Sorry if I offened anyone here but I was referring to the fact that many people in the neighborhood were being robbed and a suspious person was spotted by gz. He was name calling in reference to the fact that they always get away with it because he lost sight of tm and thought that he could have been up to no good. I was referring to name calling.

People use this sort of lanuage all the time. I'm sure he never knew that tm would end up dead. moo
I don't know much about these sorts of things, but doesn't the defense have to prove that he acted in self defense? I know in most cases the prosecution has to prove their case, but I thought in self defense cases the defense has the burden of proof? Is that why they are asking everyone if the screams are GZ? Since nobody can prove it is GZ does that count (assuming that is all they have to prove their case with)?

a case for self defense can be made when one party to a fight is injured, and there is photographic evidence, and eyeewitness evidence to support that assertion, as in this case.

despite the assertions by a weak state "expert" that the injuries aren't significant. cant wait for the defense medical expert to destory that "opinion".

Just wondering how many are going through this trial as I am. Listening to the case only and testimony and not the shows and TH and waiting for the trial to lead them to a verdict?

I am. I avoided all the pre-trial commentary because I wanted to watch the trial as it happened, with no pre-conceptions about it. I haven't even talked to my grown kid about it - he is in criminal law and has been a prosecutor and a public defender and we have always discussed cases and trials. But I didn't want his opinions on this one. I wanted to come into it like a juror would.

I was not impressed by the prosecution's case.
That is what I'm doing. Again, I dedicated 90% of my time to the Arias trial, all of the talking head shows, all of the testimony, then when the trickery of the defense would come along and we'd surprisingly have a day off of court, I'd be watching more talking heads talking about what the talking heads were talking about the day before and how the talking heads were going to talk more about anything there was to talk about....ugh.

Not this time. The case, the whole case, and nothing but the case. I still haven't formed a firm opinion about Zimmerman's guilt or innocence...I'm going to make a determination of whether or not the state proves upon their burden that Zimmerman is guilty.


The state has rested.
I think most people have had the experience of hearing their own voice on a recording and thinking "is that really me?". That is how I took his statement - and honest one - that it didn't sound like he perceived himself to sound.

Exactly my point and if you know what the difference, on tape, sounds like, then you would know the next time you hear it on tape that it still sounds different but you would know that was how you sound on tape.

So, my point:
GZ, IMO, would know both how he sounds to his naked ear and how he sounds when recorded.
Who is this witness -- a friend of GZ's?
Isn't his job to make it seem to the jury like there is a chance they are lying? And honestly, how do we know they are not lying? I would not testify to something if I wasn't absolutely sure it was fact, and so how can these people be so sure when it can't be proven as GZ's voice? This is so odd.

the voice expert said there was no way to scientifically prove whose voice it was. he did not say that someone who was familiar with a persons voice would be unable to identify that voice. in fact the lawyers made a point that a familarity with the voice would make it possible and both introduced witnesses to do so.
Sorry if I offened anyone here but I was referring to the fact that many people in the neighborhood were being robbed and a suspious person was spotted by gz. He was name calling in reference to the fact that they always get away with it because he lost sight of tm and thought that he could have been up to no good. I was referring to name calling.

People use this sort of lanuage all the time. I'm sure he never knew that tm would end up dead. moo

He wasn't suspicious. He was doing nothing wrong. Not being known personally by GZ does not make Trayvon Martin suspicious. IMO
I'm sure it's off topic because I'm just now watching opening statements but I don't know if I like the approach/delivery of the Defense Attorney (sorry, don't know his name, the bald one)'s almost condescending. JMO
Don West.

Have you gotten to the knock knock joke? :drumroll:
Sounds like Serino was trying to convince GZ that the voice screaming was his, almost as if he is steering GZ in that direction. If the transcription is correct and the "that's you" is a direct statement and not a question, it's pretty clear what Serino may have been trying to do. MO!

Yes, it sounds like he is trying to convince him it's his voice and yet GZ should know if it was or not.

The state has rested.

Yeah, I know. I really tried...really really stay away from this case. So, until this morning, I hadn't watched. I have now started with opening statements so I'm WAY behind everyone else. :)

Going to try to catch up, I don't know if that is possible but I'll give it the old college try!
Positively!! Plus the idea a Victim whose shooter is on trial for murder, has to be berated and accused , falsely or otherwise, is not reasonable...There is no doubt TM was shot dead by the that TM's hacked social accounts are totally he is not on trial. IMO
A victim's character - at least one who has been accused of attacking the defendant in a self defense trial - should be open to reasonable examination, IMO. With accurate and verified accounts or records, certainly - only those should be allowed as evidence and if they are not verifiable the other side can object and say why it is suspect, just as done with all evidence submitted in court for every trial. Some of TM's records go directly to GZ's impressions of how he was acting that night - the jury should be able to weigh that evidence against GZ's story. IMO.

Try telling Travis Alexander's family that his character wasn't relevant in that self defense trial, btw...
This witness is now referring to GZ "Tutoring" as opposed to "mentoring." It is IMO that this is a strategy since when one volunteers for a reputable non-profit as a mentor, that person is meant to follow the non-profit's protocol for terminating with the client...when the program ends.

IMO, GZ broke standard social work protocol by continuing on his own with a previous client. In a social work environment that it a huge no-no and can prevent the volunteer from being hired in the future...for a similar voluntary position.

All based on my previous social work experience and all in my OPINION.
He wasn't suspicious. He was doing nothing wrong. Not being known personally by GZ does not make Trayvon Martin suspicious.

Walking around in a neighborhood in which he didn't live, in a hoodie, in the rain would be suspicious to anyone imo.
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