George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #11 Tues. July 9

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GZ stated he was punched 20-30 times. There is zero evidence that GZ was punched 20-30 times. Trayvon's hands had one abrasion to his non-dominate hand. IF Trayvon punched GZ 20-30 times, there would have been more abrasions and cuts to Trayvon's hands. I believe it's grossly exaggerated and not believable. MOO

Angel, GZ knows how to twist words. In his interview with Hannisty(sp?) he said several more than 12.

You have to listen to the key words.
I'm thinking it may be a wittness that wishes to remain anonymous?

Oh really? Is that possible? What happened to the animation guy that appeared briefly this morning then judge decided to use him after lunch?
Put GZ on the stand. All the rest of this stuff means nothing, nada. Garbage in garbage out. Let the responsible person be responsible for once. IMO

GZ doesn't need to take the stand thanks to the prosecution admitting into evidence all of his statements and video re enactments. The jury also cannot hold it against him for not taking the stand. Not sure what "garbage in, garbage out" is supposed to mean or what facts it's based on. Who the responsible party is will be decided by the jury.
Does it surprise anyone else how technologically inept BOTH sides appear to be?
As I'm sure we are all aware, there is no requirement for GZ to testify and the jury will be instructed that they may not use the fact that he does not to infer anything about his guilt or innocence.

There should be. Make up a bunch of stuff and not be questioned for it makes no sense to me. Why have a trial of lies and stories? Waste of everyone's time. IMO
She never said "went up to..."

No. She said he was home at the back of his house. Her words.

HE said " HE WAS AT his Daddy's house in the back"

Well if he was there, And then the phone hangs up. Then when she calls him back, She said he was breathing hard... like he was running.

Then he tells her he sees GZ and TM says to GZ " Why are you following me?"

Those are all actions taken by TM.

IF he sees GZ he could have turned around again and run away and GZ never would have caught him... But he didn't. He confronted GZ. It makes sense with where the fight happened and what GZ says happened.
You're in federal law enforcement - did your ex-husband live afterwards? I am sorry you had that in your life. Peace.

This was approximately 3 years before I began my law enforcement career.

But I can tell you that after I started my career (we were divorced by then) he became EXTREMELY paranoid about conspiracy theories. I think he thought I would go rogue and set him up. LOL

Success is my revenge ;)
Respectfully, I have absolutely no problem with guns being legal...........I am from Texas so that should say something regarding my attitude toward the legality of guns. I only question the wisdom of carrying one down to the local Target. 99% of my friends have concealed carry permits but they don't tote them every time they step out of their houses. This all IMO.

But then again, if there have been numerous break ins in the community, it seems a wise decision, IMOO.
"Put GZ on the stand"???

Please link to US law where this is possible?

Why wouldn't it be possible? Very confused, as he can absolutely take the stand if he chooses to, legally. I wish that he *would* take the stand, personally, but I highly doubt that he will. IMO.
Does it surprise anyone else how technologically inept BOTH sides appear to be?

As a middle aged gadget freak, I can't understand how my contemporaries are unable to do "stuff".
Does it surprise anyone else how technologically inept BOTH sides appear to be?

My father when to Wharton.. Don't ask him to set the DVR... ;)

Smart and technology savvy is not the same thing... :)
There should be. Make up a bunch of stuff and not be questioned for it makes no sense to me. Why have a trial of lies and stories? Waste of everyone's time. IMO

call up/write to your local politician and propose an amendment to the constitution ;).
That was 20 years ago. I was also holding my son who was 13 months old during the incident. I was more worried about the baby during the entire time.

It was a long time ago, and I'm pretty well over the emotional trauma, but don't raise your hand around me!

That's just to say, I was pummeled pretty badly - but he was completely unscathed and not bruised. I don't know if bruises appeared days later, I didn't stick around to see.

But, no need to apologize - you didn't do it!
I'm so sorry for what you endured! So glad you got out! :cry:

Every situation is different. As I stated before, my friends head was pounded on the concrete a few times during a DV situation and she has gashes to her head, she bled for a long time and had a major concussion. This is why I don't believe GZ at all. His injuries are nothing and were all but gone within hours. Furthermore, my kids have had many nose and head injuries, they do not heal in 4 hours. Bleeding from the head from significant injuries does not stop in a few minutes. All MOO, IMO and JMO. (from experience too)
There should be. Make up a bunch of stuff and not be questioned for it makes no sense to me. Why have a trial of lies and stories? Waste of everyone's time. IMO

Fortunately for our justice system, IMO, the Constitution of the United States disagrees with you and defendants cannot be "forced" to take the stand if they and their attorneys do not feel it is in their best interests.
Another Skype witness. I suppose someday no one will come to court. Trials will all take place online GROAN!
I was going to stay out of this but after seeing the reenactment I could not believe all the inconsistencies. With that I started looking into it and too much of it did not make sense. One loose thread can unravel a whole sweater.

Here is the thread that got me going.

If you listen to the reenactment video at the 2:41 mark of that video

Thank you for linking to this reenactment. That is a very interesting theory, and explains a lot of the pieces that don't fit GZ story, IMO.

GZ says:

"Like I said, ahh my wife is I left for the grocery store and I felt like something is off..."

This is an example of a statement that IMO is riddled with problems and indicates dishonesty, hence my question about statement analysis.

"Like I said" is bolstering.

"ahh my wife is" fragment that is changing direction of the 'story'

"I felt like something is off" mixes verb tenses. If going from memory, tense should always be past.

All JMO.
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