George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #11 Tues. July 9

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Actually, TM did live with his father most of his life. He was raised by his dad and his dad's ex-girlfriend. JMO. OMO. MOO.

Is that same for the older half brother? IMO
I'm lost with all of this animation thing. I think the defense wasted a lot of money and time going down this path. The State for the first time IMO has done a good job of discrediting the validity of a witness. During this cross I've come to think the animation shouldn't be allowed, there's just too many unknowns. JMO
Exactly and he had only been with him in Sanford a day or two.IMO

That is exactly what I have been trying to find out. Proves to me that at dusk/darkness, all the apartments in the complex looked the same and Trayvon was looking for a landmark trying to find his way back to his dad's. IMO
But don't you also believe TM was alive after and GZ thought he could still be a threat (why he said he placed his hands out to the side)? If he thought that why not continue to scream for help?

In one of his versions, George claimed he continued to yell for help after the gunshot.
There is no one who corroborates that story, nor is it heard on any of the NEN calls. I guess that is why the story changed..... MOO.
Actually, TM did live with his father most of his life. He was raised by his dad and his dad's ex-girlfriend. JMO. OMO. MOO.

I think she was actually his second wife. She said in her interview with AC that she had raised TM from the time he was three years old until she and Tracy Martin divorced - which I think was a fairly recent development. She also had two daughters being raised in their home, IIRC.
I am not convinced the screaming was TM or GZ. Obviously, it was one or the other (perhaps even both).

So GZ was screaming for help while grabbing his gun out of his holster, tries to clear his hand (in his statement to the police) as he pulled the trigger? Also said TM slammed his head into the pavement and that was when he shot him. Then in another statement he said he was being smothered, couldn't breathe, then TM saw the gun, started to go for it but GZ was able to stop him from doing so. I'm confused by GZ statement here along with the screaming through all this. :twocents:

I am not even sure that is an accurate representation of the facts of GZ's testimony, but I'll grant that is how you process it.

X, Y, and Z happen during a traumatic event. If I state that it was Y, X, Z one time and X, Z, Y another it does not mean I am lying. My memory is doing the best it can to handle something it is not used to processing.

I have been a witness to crimes and I had no reason to lie, but my memory of the events changed as I retold the event numerous times. Unless you have a videotape of the event there will be inconsistencies no matter how honest and relatively infallible the person retelling the account may be. IMO
I'm heading out. Everyone have a good night. See you tomorrow!
I'm lost with all of this animation thing. I think the defense wasted a lot of money and time going down this path. The State for the first time IMO has done a good job of discrediting the validity of a witness. During this cross I've come to think the animation shouldn't be allowed, there's just too many unknowns. JMO

Im following but it is complicated and with all the objections it is driving me nuts.
That is exactly what I have been trying to find out. Proves to me that at dusk/darkness, all the apartments in the complex looked the same and Trayvon was looking for a landmark trying to find his way back to his dad's. IMO

I agree. Step-mom said Trayvon WANTED to live with his dad, not that he did.
Lauer's 911 call was used to help create the animation. The state was more than happy to use that recording, as well as Lauer's testimony, to try to prove their charge of 2nd degree murder.

Now that the defense is trying to use that same 911 call, the state objects.
IMO rumor has it maybe the defense only has one more witness. Sheesh after the great DeMaio testimony this is a disaster. They better have two more great witnesses before closing so the Jury forgets this mess.


What mess?
OT but not OT - TH's on The Five stated there is a public service announcement regarding this trial re: avoiding reactive behavior after the verdict. It's a mini commerical from Broward County Sheriff Office.
Just to be clear -- ex-wife, to whom he was still married at the time of Trayvon's death.
I am confused on this issue. I've googled the family situation, but all that comes up is the trial.
Happen to have a link I can read?
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