George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #11 Tues. July 9

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No the defense has not rested.. This is a hearing about the animation testimony.

Kathy Belich, in a tweet said that the Defense had called it's final witness:
Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV

O'Mara has called his final witness - it's Eloise Dilligard. She is testifying via Skype. #Zimmermanon9

and then this:
WFTV Eyewitness News ✔ @WFTV

BREAKING: Defense is calling its final witness and says they'll likely rest tomorrow. #Zimmermanon9 #Zimmermantrial
Retweeted by Kathi Belich, WFTV
Okay so the house he is visiting is a different lady than the stepmom, correct?

That is what had me confused. I was thinking we were discussing the same lady.

Thanks a bunch.:seeya:

Right. There is Trayvon Martin mother, Sybrina. There is Tracy Martin's second wife Alicia Stanley (who raised TM from age 3 to 17) and they lived during their marriage in Miami, FL. Then there is Tracy Martin's new girlfriend who was the resident of the condo TM was vising when he was killed. Tracy Martin had just recently moved in with her and TM joined them a week prior to his death.
Reknowned forensic pathologist (hope I got that right!) Dr. Di Maio testified that, in his opinion:

George Zimmerman's nose had a displaced fracture.

There are at least two blows to the face in addition to the punch in the nose by Trayvon Martin.

In total, there are six identifiable blows, and there may be more where there's no visible damage.

The bullet wound is consistent with George Zimmerman's version of events.

It cracked me up that Dr. Di Maio laughed at the flashlight!

Dr. DM said that this is NOT a complicated case.

TM on top of GZ is consistent with forensic evidence.

The two lacerations on the back of the head are so different that they couldn't have happened at the same time.

All this is Dr. Di Maio's opinion.
According to Daniel's Shoemaker's testimony during this current hearing, he said that Ms. Lauer's 911 call was used as a reference point in creating the animation.

IMO, since Ms. Lauer was a state's witness, and since the state used her 911 call to try to prove their charge of 2nd degree murder, they have no basis for objecting to the defense using that same 911 call in creating the animation.

They used something she said she heard, and turned it into something she saw- she did not. It's bogus if it's not taken from sworn testimony taken from trial. Goode had a different version before trial - and swore to something else. You want the defense to pick and choose whatever they believe from different stories? I don;t think that will be allowed. No way it should, IMHO.
GZ is at liberty - for now, LOL- to tell his story. Let him explain it to us.
It stinks because trying to give directions you end up sounding all Country.." Go to Smith street..go straight on Smith, Then look for the big barn, Maybe a horse or two.. After you pass the blue truck you are not on Brown st..
LOL, yer talkin' to the choir! I'm out in rural Texas ... just past the grain silo, 300ft or so, then head straight till you see the barn with the big sweet potato on it, turn right, pass the cows ..... LOL
I'm not sure dad and step mom lived in Sanford. I think when dad left step mom, he sent TM back to live with his mother. Maybe he only went to school in Miami for that one school term? He was suspended from school there and went to be with his dad at his dad's girlfriend's house in Sanford. MOO

I think that following Tracy Martin's separation from Alicia Stanley, TM had been sent to live with his mother, Sybrina, for a short period of time. Apparently there were behavioral issues and Sybrina then sent TM to live with Tracy Martin and his new girlfriend in Sanford. I'll slap an IMO on this until I can find verifying links. IMO!
Good lord, why would anyone want to testify in a court of law?

This is excruciating!

Wouldn't it be easier to make a living just working for Hollywood or something.

j/k, kind of
Wait a minute, we have people on this forum that think GZ was going back to his truck, not confronting TM on the sidewalk? IMO
The bullet casing was actually found right under TM's body.

The animations, IMO, without the gun, without the right lighting and weather conditions is just, IMO pure fiction.

Without the gun it's just a white wash. What happened with that gun is the single most important part of the story, and how he ended up pulling it is what we want to know. Anything else is bull, IMHO.
I missed the entire tesimony after lunch recess:

So, the Defense rested without bringing in TM's toxicology?

And, they rested without further evidence of how the altercation began?

In Summary, they had only witnesses to say it was GZ they heard screaming, a few who said that Tracy M said it wasn't his son, the MMA guy and the paid ME?

Did I miss something?

I didn't know the defense rested. I was watching it online live stream when the judge dismissed court for today, sent the jury home, and took up the matter of the recreation video. Did court reconvene and the defense rested after I quit watching?
Did the State bring in to evidence the neighborhood watch booklet that was provided to Zimmerman and other volunteers during their "training" meeting? I know that the City of Sanford has removed this booklet from their website before the trial began. TIA
How on earth can someone recreate this confrontation when there is no testimony in court or eye witnesses that saw the complete event? IMO
Did the State bring in to evidence the neighborhood watch booklet that was provided to Zimmerman and other volunteers during their "training" meeting? I know that the City of Sanford has removed this booklet from their website before the trial began. TIA

It doesn't matter since it has no legal effect. The 'NW handbook' is not legally binding on anyone.
I'm not sure dad and step mom lived in Sanford. I think when dad left step mom, he sent TM back to live with his mother. Maybe he only went to school in Miami for that one school term? He was suspended from school there and went to be with his dad at his dad's girlfriend's house in Sanford. MOO

IMO I think tm was raised by Alicia Stanley Martin since he was like 3 or 4. Shes the stepmother- She was on Anderson Cooper a while back.
Yes and he lived with his DAD....
Aw heck, let's see if we can figure this out cause now I'm lost.

I'll start, you correct.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin, marry, have Trayvon.

When Trayvon is 5, Mr. and Mrs. Martin separate but do not divorce.

Mr. Martin has custody of Trayvon?

At some time ? Trayvon moves back to live with his Mom?

After last suspension from high school, Trayvon moves back to live with Mr. Martin and his fiance at Twin Oaks? (Even tho Mr. and Mrs. Martin are still married?)
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