George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #12 Wed July 10

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Wow! West is SO disrespectful!

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I came into this trial thinking manslaughter. I didn't know any of the things in your second paragraph, because I refused to read or listen to it. I have only watched actual testimoney, and no TH about this case, and now my opinion is GZ is innocent.
I'm usually with the proscution in every case, but this is the least amount of evidence against a person I have ever seen. And this judge seems to not want to let anything in. Every other case, they let in stuff that I can't believe, about the victim and then nothing about the accused. PO's me everytime. But here it is the opposite.
I also wonder if for a lot of people, this is the first trial they have followed, and have a lot personally invested in it. They are not open to hearing the evidence, their opinion has already been formed. I went into Jodi A and Casey A that way, and the evidence only reinforced my beliefs.

Rob, thank you. A lot of us feel the same way. We were waiting for trial, wanting to hear all the evidence. Most web sleuthers are pro-prosecution but in this case most of us wanted to wait and see. We wanted to be fair, to be sure. I also believe GZ is innocent but further, I believe the charge was politically motivated which is a crime in my opinion.
Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
I have never seen that in more than 30 years of court reporting. #Zimmermanon9

That, in and of itself, tells those who aren't familiar with the court process up close and personal exactly how 'out of order' what we just viewed was.
I think this Judge just doesn't like Don West. He is the only one I have seen her really get annoyed with. Maybe there is some sort of history between the two on another case?

This is IMO because I can't remember where the site was, but imo it was Mr West who went to the appeals court, when denied initially by Judge N, to do Crump depo, and to have Tox report in, and won those...That may be the tension...IDK JMO
Yes we do. We know that he did not have them before the fight and had them after .HE did not do it to himself that leaves TM.

TM does not know the police are coming. GZ does. TM thinks he has all the time in the world to do what he wants.. GZ knows the police could be there right now. It does not stand to reason along with the information from RJ that GZ was going after TM at that point.

You are assuming that *nothing* else except a fight with TM could have caused those small injuries, i.e. you're excluding accidents, GZ falling by himself, etc.

Yet TM did not have any DNA of GZ on him, a fact that would contradict your contention. IMO.
No. The state has to prove that he willfully with ill will went after TM and killed him. That is what Murder 2 is. Maybe if it was just manslaughter and willful disregard for human life, But with MURDER 2 that state has to prove that.

The last paragraph in my post reflects what you are saying. Do you have some other info on an affirmative defense? I am talking about manslaughter not murder 2.

One however could say that if he wasn't defending his life, he shot TM because he wanted to and not because he had to. Which possibly could lead to a depraved mind.

Not saying I believe that. Just sayin'


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But it does matter. And it shows that he was on the phone with authorities. He was not taking it under his own power to do anything.

It is not a crime to ask the question but it is a crime to punch someone in the face. It is obvious that GZ got hit in the face. AT least once.

His injuries show he was under attack at some point.

But you don't know who attacked first. IMO.
poor george, he doesn't know what he suppose to do, he was asleep thru most of the trial. imo
<mod snip> Words often do not have just one meaning: confront can also mean brought face to face with. That's exactly how I interpret that word in this report. Not going to put words in your mouth, please tell us how you interpret the word confront as it is used in the context of this report? TIA MOO

Confronted, walked up to...initiated contact.
Wow! West is SO disrespectful!

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Honestly, The judge is the one out of line. She has shown that she does not like him from the beginning, talks over him and overrules him without thinking about the objection.

If you noticed in many cases the Judge does pause a second and then rules. It does not come out like an automatic response.
IANAL, but even I know that a defendant has the right to wait until the very last minute (before the defense has concluded) to decide whether or not he/she chooses to testify.

IMO, this judge was completely out of line in demanding an answer at that moment.

If a verified attorney wishes to inform me otherwise, I welcome any information.

Having watched many trials, I've NEVER seen a judge do what Judge Nelson just did.

I have so many questions about this judge. And whatever happened to presumed innocent?
In my opinion, this "judge" should turn in her black cape 'cause she sure does not "appear" to be on the side of truth, justice, and the American way.

My opinion only
Yes we do. We know that he did not have them before the fight and had them after .HE did not do it to himself that leaves TM.

TM does not know the police are coming. GZ does. TM thinks he has all the time in the world to do what he wants.. GZ knows the police could be there right now. It does not stand to reason along with the information from RJ that GZ was going after TM at that point.

I didn't say that he had caused his own injuries.I said we don't know how he incurred the injuries.
Witness later changed his account to say he couldn't see actual blows being struck by either party.
I can see other ways that they may have happened,during chase as an example.Or as mentioned by me...TM had had enough and shoved GZ away from him as would be his right.IMO
I just can't accept the word of a person that has shown a tendency to lie to protect his interests.IMO
Maybe I'm over reacting, but what Judge Nelson just did has created a ton of stress in the court room. They just got back from lunch but I they would take a recess so everyone could regroup and start again on the right foot. JMO
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