George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #13 Thursday July 11

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Nope. Not so much.



Trayvon's body was not by his "daddy's" house. It was a few feet away from the "T". BTW, it was not his daddy's house, it was the girlfriend of his daddy's house that he was visiting. Look at an overview map of the area. Her house is all the way at the other end! The red circle represents where the fight occurred. She lives at the far right bottom of the pic.



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Yes, he did have that right but again, why did he, GZ, get out of his car in the rain and yet thought it was "suspicious" that TM wasn't trying to get out of the rain. So, it's ok for GZ to do it but looks suspicious if TM did it. :twocents:

It's suspicious because the same people say TM was afraid when the evidence does not bear that out. Not one pro-supported can explain how it's possible that TM could be in the back of his fathers house, talking to RJ and then wind up near the T. RJ never testified she heard running away or anything like that, she heard a scuffle. There is a 2 minute gap in RJ's testimony, what was TM doing during all that time if he was scared? Walking in a circle? Not according to RJ, he was in the back of his fathers house.
Are there any legal professionals who can explain how the pros. could add a charge now? Wouldn't this potentially have changed the defense's arguments, etc? How do you defend/have a fair trial against a charge added at the last minute?

Can't wait for a break to hear what Schaffer has to say about this.
Well after this sham of a trial I am pretty sure most gun owners know what to say now!

"I was in fear for my life and I want an attorney" and not one word more!

IMO. Forget about being honest and helpful!

Absolutely...more and more innocent bystanders will be found dead..and the shooter will walk..if this case sets that prescedent. IMO

I cannot believe how anyone could swallow the <modsnip> West is trying to ram down the Judge's throat. He misrepresented Rachel Jeantel's testimony and even in all his arrogance, I don't see how he thinks anyone in the Court will fall for it. IMO
Not if he was assaulted first. GZ didn't need to answer TM when they came face to face. GZ could have simply walked away or said he was looking for a address, like he claimed he was.

Or gosh - identified himself as being a Neighborhood Watch captain - in a friendly tone. Clearly he didn't do that.
Not if he was assaulted first. GZ didn't need to answer TM when they came face to face. GZ could have simply walked away or said he was looking for a address, like he claimed he was.

But there is nothing to indicate that TM was assaulted first; that is opinion (which you are entitled) but not backed up by any evidence. The evidence shows that GZ was beaten by TM.

This is a tragedy and our opinions are just that. I have certain opinions about this matter myself but they are simply that. I've actually tried VERY HARD to go ONLY by what the law indicates and the evidence proving what GZ is accused of and it's just not there. What if's on both sides could have changed everything but it is past that and based on what has been shown during this trial, he did not commit the crime he is being charged with.
A comma caused a reversal?
Some of you seem to have an issue with CCW laws which is an entirely seperate debate. The fact of the matter is it's legal today and should have no bearing on this case. He was allowed to carry his gun, loaded. That's the point of the permit.

I never said he didn't have the right to carry, and yes, it would bother me if someone was carrying a gun in the store just because he can, concealed or not.
No worries, every possible penalty is written out in minute detail on a set of Jury Instructions the Judge gives the Jury when they convene to deliberate. Sometimes there is up to 30 pages of explanations for the Jury.
I'm confident that at least some of the Jury will realize who is at fault.IMO

This is false. The jury has no idea what the penalties are, for good reason so they don't base their judgements off a 'sentence'.
There is a HUGE difference between CA and FL. The citizens in California are forced to be unarmed. In a riot type situation any decent non-criminal person found in a car or on the street is assumed to be completely defenseless.

In the South many are armed, attacking people in random vehicles would be suicide as at least around here most all drivers have a loaded gun within easy reach. If rioters started trying to pull people out of their vehicles they would get shot and they know it.


BBM. Unfortunately, the communities that could possibly/will riot, aren't well known for "decent, non-criminal persons".

I base my opinion on nearly 20yrs. of personal knowledge, experience and familiarity with the city of Sanford and its surrounding communities.
Absolutely...more and more innocent bystanders will be found dead..and the shooter will walk..if this case sets that prescedent. IMO

I cannot believe how anyone could swallow the codswallop West is trying to ram down the Judge's throat. He misrepresented Rachel Jeantel's testimony and even in all his arrogance, I don't see how he thinks anyone in the Court will fall for it. IMO

Thank you and agree. I think West was feeling so confident he forgot to do his homework about the laws and how this could be charged. Particularly the law of TM being a child under 18.
The diagrams are accurate. There is no way Trayvon drags his body half way down the dog path..


Wait a second, according to the yellow path on your diagram, I thought he was behind his fathers house (RJ's testimony). TM's path on your diagram never goes that far.
I agree with WEST if it is not against the law for GZ to follow TM, Then it should be in the instruction as matter of law because The jury is told that the closing and opening is NOT EVIDENCE.

I believe if she does not let that in, And makes them argue it, again, Reversible error.
If the judge allows the state to mislead the jury I see a reversal of any guilty verdict. MOO.
Doesn't matter, he was doing nothing wrong and simply walking through the neighborhood, isn't just hanging out, then he ran, twice. Doesn't matter what TM was doing, this is all GZ's assumptions based on his OWN feelings, again, feelings are a emotion and emotions are hard to keep out of a trial. :twocents:

It didn't matter what either was doing until the first physical assault occurred. IMO
Another thought....lately people seem to be grasping at straws when trying to find GZ guilty of something and the latest thing is just "Well he got out of the car!!!".

After watching GZ and hearing from his neighbors I think it is obvious WHY he got out of the car. He is a classic quiet "pleaser" personality. He was buying a lock for his neighbor, offering to let her come over and saying his wife would go shopping with her, volunteering to help out the neighbors with the watch program etc....

The 911 operator kept asking him to "just let me know if he does anything" which put George into the "pleaser" mode, he wanted to provide answers and help in any way he could. The operator was ASKING for his assistance. IMO.

Dispatcher: Just let me know if he does anything ok
Zimmerman: How long until you get an officer over here?
Dispatcher: Yeah we've got someone on the way, just let me know if this guy does anything else.
Zimmerman: Okay.

It's something I've noticed every time GZ is vindicated in any way, the goalposts suddenly move. imo
It's suspicious because the same people say TM was afraid when the evidence does not bear that out. Not one pro-supported can explain how it's possible that TM could be in the back of his fathers house, talking to RJ and then wind up near the T. RJ never testified she heard running away or anything like that, she heard a scuffle. There is a 2 minute gap in RJ's testimony, what was TM doing during all that time if he was scared? Walking in a circle? Not according to RJ, he was in the back of his fathers house.

I wasn't talking about TM being afraid, I was talking about GZ's call to NE about why TM looked suspicious because he's not getting out of the rain and yet GZ got out of his car IN THE RAIN to follow TM. Hope that makes sense :blushing:
This is false. The jury has no idea what the penalties are, for good reason so they don't base their judgements off a 'sentence'.

Maybe Florida doesn't allow it, but other states do. IMO
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