George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #13 Thursday July 11

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somebody pinch me, did she say she agreed with the defense?

Did you mean about following, if so I agree. If there is no law against following someone then it isn't illegal.

Or must you keep a car length for every 10 mph someone walks? ;)
That is not what the evidence shows.

There was testimony by RJ, where she says TM said something to the effect of "get off, get off". What does this mean? We have no eyewitnesses to the start of the confrontation, we only have GZ's statements. Who would admit to starting the confrontation if they had just killed someone? GZ had everything to gain by making this statement. This is a one sided, skewed trial because one of the two involved is not present to give a statement. GZ and TM are the only ones who truly know what happened and only one of them has anything to gain or lose at this time. IMO
Manslaughter is on the table...Third Degree still pending....court resumes at 1 o'clock this afternoon. IMO
What evidence, beyond reasonable doubt proves that Trayvon started the confrontation? IMO

ETA: if I were a juror, I would probably be responsible for hanging the jury. I would have reasonable doubt both ways. IMO
I think the type of gun he had, you had to have a round in the chamber. What's the point of carrying around an unloaded gun. He was within his rights, people carry loaded guns all the time.

The weapon was loaded with a magazine of bullets. It requires two hands, forethought, and a sliding motion on his gun to load a bullet into firing position. He couldn't have pinned to the ground.
I believe the fight was to gain control of the gun.
Screaming from both men.
Recoil broke Zimmerman's nose and his head hit the water cover.
Trayvon dies.

The Judge hasn't yet ruled....To me, it's absolutely unforgivable that GZ was originally allowed to keep walking free after what he did to a 17 year old boy. And that the public had to make the DA feel ashamed to even get any attempt at seeking justice. What's cruel to me is the brutal unjustified killing of a child, child in the eyes of the law. IMO

How old does an assailant have to be before one is allowed to defend one's self? And how exactly is the person being assaulted supposed to ascertain the assailant's age… ask for ID? JMO. OMO. MOO.
The Judge hasn't yet ruled....To me, it's absolutely unforgivable that GZ was originally allowed to keep walking free after what he did to a 17 year old boy. And that the public had to make the DA feel ashamed to even get any attempt at seeking justice. What's cruel to me is the brutal unjustified killing of a child, child in the eyes of the law. IMO

I'll just say, NBC (and the other media) did their job well when this case started last year.
Did I hear this correctly, manslaughter will be considered?

Yes, it will be considered. I had always thought it was on the table to begin with, since 2nd degree was never a solitary charge (they can consider anything up to and including that). Imo, that's probably why the used such a heavy charge in the first place.
Yes. Have the good people of Florida gone nuts having a prosecutor who is so overly zealous he would do this?

I hope the six jurors, although they are from Florida, use reason and acquit Mr. Zimmerman. Then I hope he goes after the state of Florida for wrongful prosecution. I am sure he won't but that would make my day.

I'd bet on it. jmo
My entire family lives in MAJOR metropolitan areas. None of us has ever needed to carry a loaded gun. Where I live, used to be called "the murder capital of the world." The only thing I ever carried was a knife...and two times...displaying those knives caused a possible attacker to back away and look for another victim. (Fact not opinion)

IMO, You can't kill someone because they rob you, rape you, or kidnap you, even in Florida, unless "you say" were in fear of great bodily harm.

Then your family is lucky. There are many families that can't say the same and it may have turned out differently if they would have had a weapon. Just because you don't get it doesn't mean others should do what you think. Some people aren't strong enough to fight an attacker with a knife. Gun puts smaller women, people handicaps etc on a equal ground.

And I seriously can't imagine you being raped or kidnapped and not fear for your life much less say you feared for you life. If you didn't in those situations then you probably have a mental disorder.

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I dont' think that GZ is awesome either... :)

I do think he acted in selfdefense. To me that TM does not have injuries just shows me how overpowered GZ was. That he was indeed in fear of great bodily harm and death.
Remember the law is that he only had to have REASONABLE FEAR OF... Not actual injuries or life threatening injuries.

It is horrible no matter what. Tragic.

Glad you posted!

I would have to consider the testimony of the gym owner, who implied if not directly stated that GZ could not throw a punch. IMO
All I can say about this mornings proceedings is that I find it very disconcerting how hard the state is trying to mislead the jury with these jury instructions. MOO.
Perfectly said. I find it to be willfully obtuse for people to claim following someone isn't threatening. The legality of it isn't the point; it's provocative. If I stand in your face with my finger an inch from your eye and say "I'm not touching you" repeatedly, am I doing anything illegal? Of course not. And if you try to walk away, and I keep following you doing it, am I still acting legally? Sure. But do you want to punch my lights out? Of course you do. Again, it's provocative, just as repeatedly following someone in the dark is frightening and provocative.

Can you link the case law where assaulting/throwing a punch at someone is legal in the cases you stated?
Agree about being livid. I just took another blood pressure pill.

Guess we both need to relax since we are not on the jury. It is so scary to know trumped up charges could be brought against any one of us. Let's pray the jury sees this for what it is and acquits Mr. Zimmerman.
One very honest question:
I know that all law abiding, mentally sound adults have a right to carry a concealed weapon, in Florida but I must ask...
What is the motivation...why do people feel the need to arm themselves with a CONCEALED weapon (to the grocery store, to the car wash, to the dog park, to the whatever)....What the heck do they fear so much that they need to carry a weapon everywhere except the bar, court rooms, police departments, banks, etc?

I ask WHY?

This testimony at a congressional hearing is why... "IT TAKES ONE SECOND" you never know when the "need" may arise....MOO
[ame=""]Dr. Suzanna Hupp Testimony Before Congress on the 2nd Amendment - YouTube[/ame]
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