George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #14 Friday July 12

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I just can't believe Zimmerman was in fear of his life. That's my problem with accepting self-defense, and that for me is beyond a reasonable doubt. The bumps could have partly the shape of his head and there was still no bruising (interesting he has grown his hair now!), head wounds are vascualar so they bleed easily and yes he had a broken nose but that's it. He had no other bruises or injuries. That just can't constitute someone being in fear of his life.

Maybe in some ways my thinking is leftover from the JA case. However yes her case for self-defense was ridiculous, we (almost) all know that. And yes Zimmerman had *some* injuries but that's it....

I can't buy the self-defense and that's beyond a reasonable doubt for me which is why I think Zimmerman has to be guilty of something. Zimmerman was out to find Trayvon - he wasn't going to let this one get away IMO.

Btw, MOM's argument is better than the Bernie's IMO. Bernie was just too aggressive. I want Mantei to do rebuttal.

In any event, RIP Trayvon.

I couldn't agree more, except with regard to the Prosecution's closing argument. Bernie's folksy tone/attitude makes me far more comfortable than the Defense's entitled attitude.

To me, the notion that Trayvon was the "aggressor" in this situation is beyond unreasonable, and has certainly NOT been demonstrated by this Defense. In fact, the exact opposite has been proven well beyond any reasonable doubt, in my opinion.

I do hope and pray members of the Jury are not the utter fools the Defendant and his fancy Defense team seem to think they are, and will deliver the appropriate verdict of Murder 2, followed by the maximum sentence. This would, in my view, send the right message to folks out there that one cannot kill someone, a teenager at that for no reason, then cowardly lie about "self-defense". Enough with this garbage.

Justice for Trayvon, and may he indeed RIP. Hugs, prayers and support to the stoic Martin Family.
I'm late today, but yesterday it we were having a discussion about what RJ said in court about Trayvon being near his father's home.

She testified that Trayvon said he was ALMOST by his Daddy's house when Bernie was questioning her. It was right before she testified that Trayvon said "Get Off, Get Off". She never said Trayvon was at his Dad's house.

Also, it was all over the news last night that GZ stated that HE was the one going back, then changed his words. A little too late. IMO

No she says AT. Go back and watch.. then she corrects herself.

She says AT.
And in response to a previous post about JA's self-defense claims... 28 stab wounds, cutting the throat and shot in the head does not = self-defense.

A single gun-shot as in this case along with all the other evidence proves Zimmerman was acting in self-defense.

I have shot rifles, two handed, and pistols, one handed and two handed, hundreds, no maybe thousands, and I have never been hit in the face (or anywhere else) by the recoil. Just my observation.

The idea that GZ facial injuries were caused by the recoil of his gun is not plausible in my opinion. If it was, the state would have put that in their case.

:twocents: IF I see someone suspicious on "my turf" I'm going to investigate immediately ...

I strongly support the RIGHT to defend myself ... and usually, when "something happens," LE is usually not around to see it ...

JMO but IF I'm in danger, I'm going to do what I have to do to defend myself AND defend myself with a weapon of MY choice ... I'm not going to wait for LE to show up because I could be "gone" by that time ...



Your turf?

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV

Sybrina Fulton walked out when the defense showed how the state showed them Martin's autopsy photos to elicit sympathy


um, don't they usually show the autopsy photos in a murder trial? They did in the Travis Alexander trial. I don't think Juan Martinez was out for sympathy, just justice. :moo:
And the facts do not support GZ's statements....regarding the "attack" - MOM is doing a guessing game.


GZ was injured. He was not injured before encountering TM. Neighbor saw TM on top of GZ with Actions that lead to injury.
As crazy as it is, I would investigate too. I can't go back to sleep after I've heard a noise in my house. I may die facing down an intruder, but I won't die in my sleep.

We came home from a vacation to find our back door wide open and the glass from the door broken out. I backed up and refused to go inside because I feared the intruder was still there. My husband just marched in and searched the entire house. I still wouldn't go inside till the police arrived, and searched it. Men either don't have the same fear, or they are not as smart as women. I know without a doubt, if I feel threatened in anyway, I'll shoot! I'm not going to give anyone an advantage over me. Maybe they weren't going to do me harm, but maybe they were. The fact is, it's what I feel that's important.

I am sincerely sad for you that you feel you have to live in the manner. It is inconceivable to me.

Wonder why GZ didn't stay with the SYG and let that go before the court? IMO
That wasn't the question. No logical way for recoil to hit GZ in the nose. Not in the position they were in.

He was on the ground. The blood in his nose at that point would have ran down his throat until he stood up.

Lind to all the punches being to the nose?

Right, I'm actually not saying the gun recoiled, I'm simply looking at the pic and not seeing much injury to his nose. I get what you are saying about blood, but again, his eyes are not black and blue and the swelling isn't all there. This is just my opinion on how I view his injuries because I've seen much much worse by a lot less "blows" to someone's nose.
Yes, GZ went after, behind, chased TM.
He didn't have to touch Trayvon but simply point his gun to predicate a fight for the gun and cause Trayvon fear for his life.

No evidence at all that this happened. Not even close. Not even from Rachel.
My husband and I heard a house alarm go off. We called the police and stayed inside. It was a dark night not raining though. We didn't want to grab a weapon and possibly go up against someone else with a weapon.


I would not take a firearm outside my house either but I can't imagine not coming to the aid of a neighbor if I heard them screaming. It has always bothered me that not one of his neighbors came to aid GZ.
I'm late today, but yesterday it we were having a discussion about what RJ said in court about Trayvon being near his father's home.

She testified that Trayvon said he was ALMOST by his Daddy's house when Bernie was questioning her. It was right before she testified that Trayvon said "Get Off, Get Off". She never said Trayvon was at his Dad's house.

Also, it was all over the news last night that GZ stated that HE was the one going back, then changed his words. A little too late. IMO

RJ did say that TM told her he was 'behind' the house. She also responded to West that he didn't need to run back to his house because he was already there 'I just told you'.
The argument that Trayvon was standing his own ground is specious. Totally irrelevant to the trial because he is dead and not charged with a crime. SYG and self defense are legal defenses to criminal charges. They are not concepts that somehow apply philosophically, or whatever, to a dead person or a person not charged with a crime.


And if he did kill Zimmerman, he could have argued that he was standing his ground. FL laws seem to work that way. Whoever wins a fight could argue self-defense.
Creepy would indicate to me a level of fear or an uneasy feeling.

I don't know how old you are or whether you have kids, but creepy, creeper, creepin' have a totally different usage these days. It's much more casual. "He was creepin' my facebook" means he was looking at my facebook to see what I was up to.
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