I absolutely agree with you.
However, GZ at the time was basically bald. So we are talking about bare skin on concrete. Repeatedly according to him.
That just doesn't sit right in my head, even knowing we all experience things differently.
And of course, in your example, someone with their head repeatedly banged against a concrete wall had a skull fracture.
Yet GZ didn't even get medical assistance or any further examination at a hospital.
Knowing what we know about head injuries now, I do find it hard to believe that the EMT wouldn't demand some sort of follow up (ride in the ambulance) to make sure they weren't held liable.
I mean, if an EMT sees someone that complained of what GZ did, and let's them walk away (with the police or not) and that person has a skull fracture or like Natasha Richardson who died hours later...is that EMT responsible? Did he sign a waiver?
I mean, these types of things are so litigious these days, it would just surprise me.