George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General discussion #5

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IMO GZ won't be going out again packing heat for a very long time.

but if no charges had been filed - imo he would have been right out there doing the same thing, and it would have been a matter of time till there was another incedent
I can't wait until MOM or West get to cross examine Tracy, Sybrina and Mr. Crump.


Sounds like you enjoy seeing the parents in extreme emotional pain. It doesn't matter what the verdict is, these parents lost their CHILD! I think a little compassion should be shown for the deceased child's parents. JMO
Including TM, after being shot in the heart, lifting his arms and saying, "You got me?" Just asking.

You're quoting GZ's version of events; i.e., a TM quote via GZ -- but you omitted the quotes immediately before it.

They went like this:

"You got a problem?"

"You do now."

“You’re gonna die tonight, motherf****r.”

I guess if we're going to believe GZ quoting TM one time, we may as well believe the other quotes GZ attributes to TM.
no its not just sad, its called murder - even if it is by only fists, its called 1 punch homicide - imo

Hi Polley,
It IS sad when a person dies but that didn't make it murder if one believes it was self defense. I think that is where you and I disagree. I believe it was self defense. So far the evidence goes to self defense. I hope the jurors base their decision on evidence and lack thereof.
And 'Miss Diamond' indicated that she was not offended by TM's use of the 'N' word. That opinion (and yours) doesn't mean that the use if those terms are not offensive and racially hostile and provocative.

Even though I said someone using slang words for white people ABOUT ME are not offensive to ME, I do not use racial terms when referring to others because I realize it may be offensive to them.

If I run around with a chip on my shoulder, eventually I will probably come in contact with someone who will try to remove it.
No, I don't think they were self-inflicted nor do I think they were sustained in the way which GZ claims. IMO most likely the small scratches on the back of his head were from either hiding in or falling into shrubs and his nose injury a result of running into something, i.e. a tree in the dark. The definitive evidence for me is that TM's body shows no sign of a fight, only a gunshot to the heart. Had he struck GZ repeatedly, as GZ claims, there would be evidence on his hands of such. There is not. A picture of one's injuries does not show how they were sustained. IMO they don't even match GZ's description of what happened.

Too true, not by a long chalk, not even close. When one of our children fell into a prickly bush, they had almost identical scratches on the back of their head . I truly believe that IF GZ thought he had been severely injured he would have jumped at the request to go to the ER, fearing for lethal injuries. He lost the thread he had so deperately tried to construct.:moo:
For those with questions or qualms about his gun visibility and his holster, I took a couple of quick pictures to illustrate. I apologize in advance for the lack of color-coordination. I just grabbed my jacket really quick to take the picture. I also apologize for the pastiness of my stomach!

In any case, this is what Zimmerman would have pretty much looked like when he was walking around:


And this is how Zimmerman would have had to have been "flashing it". I would feel silly walking around like this, but that may just be me. This is also the extent the clothing would have to be adjusted for the weapon to be visible and recognizable. It's not just a matter of "Maybe his jacket got pushed back".


so would it be normal to carry your gun like this w/ one in the chamber and no safety on??
GZ is the only person who says this. Even the previous witness didn't say he saw this.

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Where did Zimmerman get the wounds on the back of his head as shown in photographs? A witness said today that Martin was on top of Zimmerman.
Visual evidence:
Victim of Assault

Were these the exact photos used in court today? They look a little different here.

ETA: They were confirmed in court today, after my post.
Sounds like you enjoy seeing the parents in extreme emotional pain. It doesn't matter what the verdict is, these parents lost their CHILD! I think a little compassion should be shown for the deceased child's parents. JMO

I'm sorry they lost their son but I have a hard time feeling sorry for someone who is trying to get an innocent man convicted.


Why do you think they gave the media the photos of Trayvon when he was 12-14? To give the impression that he was just a little kid going to the store and buying Arizona Iced Tea & Skittles when some guy (George Zimmerman) killed him because of his skin color.

“(Zimmerman) was reacting to the color of his skin,’’ Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, told Matt Lauer on Monday. “He committed no crime. My son wasn’t doing anything but walking on the sidewalk, and I just don’t understand why this situation got out of control.’’

Updated at 1:15 p.m. ET: Trayvon Martin's mother retracted her comments that she believes her son's fatal shooting by George Zimmerman was an accident, telling MSNBC-TV on Thursday afternoon that she actually believes "George Zimmerman stalked my son and murdered him in cold blood."

In an interview Thursday morning on NBC's TODAY show, Sybrina Fulton had said: "I believe it was an accident. I believe that it just got out of control and he couldn't turn the clock back."
After Fulton's remarks drew widespread media attention, Ryan Julison, a spokesman for the Martin family, emailed a statement to MSNBC TV saying her comments had been "mischaracterized."

Here's the full statement:
Earlier today, I made a comment to the media that was later mischaracterized. When I referenced the word 'accident' today with regard to Trayvon's death, in NO way did I mean the shooting was an accident.
We believe that George Zimmerman stalked my son and murdered him in cold blood. The 'accident' I was referring to was the fact that George Zimmerman and my son ever crossed paths. It was an accidental encounter. If George Zimmerman hadn't gotten out of his vehicle, this entire incident would have been avoided.
My son was profiled, followed and murdered by George Zimmerman, and there was nothing accidental about that.

Overwhelming fear. Maybe GZ should think ahead next time he goes out of his way to approach someone at night even with 911 telling him not to.
I don't feel sorry for him.

Incorrect. They didn't tell him not to follow him. This was covered in testimony by the non emergency 9-11 operator. They do not give instructions.
Where did Zimmerman get the wounds on the back of his head as shown in photographs? A witness said today that Martin was on top of Zimmerman.

But the witness doesn't say he was repeatedly banging his head into the sidewalk. Have you ever seen that happen? The pounding of someone's head into cement? I have, in high school. The victim was asleep when the police got there, received several stitches, and a lengthy stay in the hospital.

They certainly didn't carry in conversations with witnesses are drive to work the next day.

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Just been reading this discussion after watching this trial these past few days.

I have to say it will be hard for GZ to claim he was detaining TM after he had shot his gun. Even in the walk-through GZ says he detained TM being on top of him with TM arms out horizontally.

But pictures show his arms are under him and witnesses agree to that.
Trying to quote MissMazzy (I hope I spelled that right) but it won't let me!

Quote: "Let me get this would have lain there and let the beating continue and not defend yourself? You're a better person than I am."

I never said that. I would have continued to defend myself with the same force that was being used against me... it was a fist fight. There wasn't a need for a gun at that point. George knew the neighbors were responding. He knew 911 was quickly on their way. I would have done my best to not pulled my weapon until I knew there was literally no other option. He shot TM within 3 minutes of hanging up w/ the police. ANd part of that time he needed to catch up w/ Trayvon. I carry my weapon on me and would absolutely use it if the situation warranted it. The injuries GZ sustained did not warrant the use of deadly force, IMO.

But GZ brought a gun to a fist fight that he caused. When you carry a loaded weapon, it is your responsibility to avoid causing confrontations, because that leads to the possibility of using that weapon. You aren't supposed to get more ballsy because you are armed. GZ caused that confrontation, and then when he was at the disadvantage, he used his weapon. He went after TM instead of remaining in his vehicle. He didn't have to do that. He did not have to approach TM, which I believe he did.
So everywhere this offer shines his flashlight, he points the barrel of his gun.

That sounds safe.
Too true, not by a long chalk, not even close. When one of our children fell into a prickly bush, they had almost identical scratches on the back of their head . I truly believe that IF GZ thought he had been severely injured he would have jumped at the request to go to the ER, fearing for lethal injuries. He lost the thread he had so deperately tried to construct.:moo:

IMO there is no way a scratch from a bush would still be bleeding several hours later at the police station when he was photographed. JMOO

I also wonder with all the talk of how GZ didn't go to the ER and didn't seek the xrays, what was the status of his health insurance? Did he have any? I can tell you that we have insurance but our copays and deductibles are so high we do our best not to use it. My hubby using an airgun shot a long fence nail through his hand and refused to go to the ER. Still deals with issues in that hand due to that decision but I can understand why someone especially a "stubborn" male wouldn't seek additional help. JMOO
But the witness doesn't say he was repeatedly banging his head into the sidewalk. Have you ever seen that happen? The pounding of someone's head into cement? I have, in high school. The victim was asleep when the police got there, received several stitches, and a lengthy stay in the hospital.

They certainly didn't carry in conversations with witnesses are drive to work the next day.

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I always wondered how Trayvon ended up so far over on the grass, when this all went down on the concrete? From the photos taken by the forensics person, it appeared that his body wasn't near the concrete at all.
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