George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #6

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Depends are your intent.
If you are trying to kill someone or stop someone.
If you shot them in a limb is one thing but point blank into the heart area is another.
I think you would be curious after you just shot a young man as to his well being or at least his condition. This is a human being laying lifeless in the grass while the only thing GZ was concerned about was calling his wife.

JMO If someone attacked me and I feared for my life and shot them,First I would aim for the chest ,only because the head while usually fatal is a smaller target.Second Once I stopped the threat to me my next thought would be of my husband and I would want to hear his voice it would comfort me. If I see someone as a threat to either myself of a loved one, I would feel that the dead person was only dead because of their OWN action by attacking ME in the first place!
In this video showing Zimmerman's interview and tour of the crime scene, GZ comes across as credible IMO. He is beginning to change my opinion of him. I continue to be neutral.

'Im only squarely in GZ's camp now because To me he is innocent until proven guilty. I just don't see the proof yet of anything that makes him guilty of anything except self defense.

This is the one case in a long time I went into without any judgment and wanted to see the case fact by fact.

Im waiting for the prosecution to prove their case to me. They have not yet.

All my opinion.
Speaking for myself (and who else WOULD I speak on behalf of?) -- I have not yet decided what happened in this case -- whether it was self-defense or an intentional act (2nd degree murder or manslaughter). IMHO I don't have enough information to make that "call" -- and perhaps never will.

One thing that does puzzle me -- let's assume that everything GZ says is true and that from his perspective he feared for his life. Why -- even if TM began to beat him up -- why didn't he then identify himself either a policeman or some other sort of "authority" figure? If GZ had yelled out "Stop! I'm just the security guard!" or some such wouldn't that have motivated TM to stop hitting him?

In other words, GZ actions do seem odd to me. He never identified himself to TM so far as I can tell.

Why not?


IMO the reason is there was no time. GZ gets jumped, sucker punched, thrown down and is fighting for his life IMO
IMO I hope Zimmerman is found guilty - I agree this is a tragedy, but I cannot agree with the state law. I do not find it acceptable to shoot under circumstances where common sense should have prevailed. IMO There were too many missed opportunities for Mr. zimmerman to retreat, and to keep himself away from his perceived eminent threat.

Trained gun owners, especially those carrying permits to conceal weapons should know the laws. Mr. Zimmerman has said in a TV interview that he knew nothing about SYG, which if it is true, he should never have passed any gun safety or training course, or should have been granted a concealed weapons permit.

MY OPINION Always, My Interest is always gun safety first!
Maybe TM did not give him the chance to, plus GZ was not on watch that night or any night.

But also, TM could have told him i'm visiting my dad and he lives in this complex or something to that affect .


If they were suspicious of each other, then neither would disclose their identity. Why tell an abductor/creep/whatever you live and belong there? Why tell a burglar that you are neighborhood watch? It wouldn't matter.
Wouldn't we hear "You got me" on the 911 call?
IMO I hope Zimmerman is found guilty - I agree this is a tragedy, but I cannot agree with the state law. I do not find it acceptible to shoot under circumstances where common sense should have prevailed. IMO There were too many missed opportunities for Mr. zimmerman to retreat, and to keep himself away from his perceived eminent threat.

Trained gun owners, especially those carrying permits to conceal weapons should know the laws. Mr. Zimmerman has said in a TV interview that he knew nothing about SYG, which if it is true, he should never have passed any gun safety or training course, or should have been granted a concealed weapons permit.

MY OPINION Always, My Interest is always gun safety first!

You may not agree with the law but it is the law. So you need to change the laws if you want to find him guilty of murder. That is a whole other issue. We need to look at this case based on the law... JMO
According to GZ, Trayvon was smoking. No evidence to suggest this at all. Adding to his story...IMO. Does a smoker make you more suspicious? Geez..
I'd like to see that protocol if you have a link.

IF I had a gun, and had just shot someone, I would either holster it or lie it on the ground. You might not want to be seen waving a gun around when the police show up.
That is my personal protocol.
The crime scene photos and evidence, IMO, show that the claims made by Zimmerman during the walk through with LE the day after the shooting are not true and accurate. Zimmerman claims that Trayvon came up behind him at the "T" walkway and punched him in the nose causing Zimmerman to fall down. The spot that Zimmerman's keys and flashlight were found are further back and closer to the "T" walkway than he claims the struggle began at. Zimmerman also claims that somehow, he is not sure how, he and Trayvon moved from the "T" down the walkway however he claims that Trayvon was "bashing his head into the edge of the sidewalk" in a spot closer to the "T" than where Trayvon was shot and killed at. The photo taken of Trayvon after he was shot and killed, after he was rolled onto his back, shows Trayvon's earbuds next to his head on the left side beside his body. The Arizona watermelon flavored drink was also still inside Trayvon's front hoodie pocket. It seems to me that if there had been a serious fight in which Trayvon was repeatedly bashing Zimmerman's head into the sidewalk, punching Zimmerman in the face, while Zimmerman was "squirming" around to get off of the sidewalk and trying to stop Trayvon from attacking him that the earbuds would have fallen off before he was shot and killed and not been found directly beside his head.


walk through with LE day after shooting
[ame=""]George Zimmerman Walks Through Trayvon Martin Killing In Gated Community - YouTube[/ame]

over head view of crime scene
Oh poo! If you have young black friends on Facebook, you'll see "homey" and tons of other expressions used every day.

Bawahahahaha!!!! Exactly! But they are referring to their "Homeboys", ie friends/acquaintances, people from their neighborhood, NOT one they're visiting. Is TM is going to address GZ as "homey"? NO. JMO
I see no inconsistencies. I see mostly the same words and answers..

Oh a side note, I have no doubt that if he gave the exact answers over and over people would say it was practiced and made up.. IMO
Funny how GZ can't recall how his head was grabbed when being called out by Serino. JMO
From photos of GZ's face and head 3 days after getting his head bashed into concrete walkway things just don't add up. I see no life threatening injuries on this person.
GZ is full of hot air IMO.
IMO - GZ claims TM threw 25-30 punches, yet nothing in the autopsy report of TM that would confirm this claim.
#Zimmerman didn't think that the bullet hit #Trayvon when he said "you got me". He got Travyon face down and spread his arms to the side.

So, who put TM's hands under him as everyone has testified to seeing him that way? What did I miss?
Interview: Never occurred to Zimmerman to simply ask Trayvon why he was there. Some neighborhood watch captain. JMO
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