George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #6

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I wish the audio of the interviews was a little better, straining to understand at times.

Which interviews are you wanting to hear better? I can find the youtubes of them and post so that you can listen to them with volume up and earbuds in if you like.
BBM, That bothers me the most. Why didn't anyone walk outside? Why didn't someone go and help? If they had, This may have not have happened at all.

If I heard fighting/scuffle near my home (and it's not condo or apt complex), I would probably just look out my window. Now, if I hear a scuffle and a child was screaming, I would probably be out the door while dialing 911!
Which interviews are you wanting to hear better? I can find the youtubes of them and post so that you can listen to them with volume up and earbuds in if you like.

Thanks. I am managing if I keep the focus.
ETA: going to use my stethoscope to the TV if it gets any worse.
If I heard fighting/scuffle near my home (and it's not condo or apt complex), I would probably just look out my window. Now, if I hear a scuffle and a child was screaming, I would probably be out the door while dialing 911!

Not me. I would go right out. IT is my neighborhood I am going to go out and see what is going on.. DH would most likely go out and break it up.
If my daughter was walking home at night and was being followed by another pistol carrying person and for some reason she felt threatened and tried to defend herself and was killed in the process. That gun carrying person would never live to see his next birthday IMO.

I am not entirely sure what you mean in reference to my post but your strong feelings are quite understandable. The fact that you have such strong feelings and they are in direct opposition to many others who have similar strength of feeling with a different opinion on what happened only solidifies to me that this case is extremely difficult to know what really occurred and the state of mind of the individuals involved, etc. I can honestly say that I understand both sides equally but I can't in good conscious find someone guilty of certain charges where there is doubt that the individual committed the crime as it is stated in the law.
Oh, it's not the interview itself that is hard to understand, it is the recording of the 911 call heart through the detective interview.
Concerning the injuries to Zimmerman and if LE allowed him to go to the hospital or not, I submit the following that can be found in the State V Zimmerman: Evidence Released by Prosecutor link that I am also including.

Page 15 from the link
Reporter: 525894 Smith, Timothy

This narrative is a supplemental to my original narrative on 2/27/2012. It should be noted that I was in contact with Zimmerman from the time that I secured him on scene, until the time that he was released from investigative detention.

Zimmerman was treated on scene by SFD for his injuries. Zimmerman was given the opportunity by SFD, while on scene at Retreat View Cir, to be transported to the hospital in order to be examined by a doctor for his injuries. Zimmerman declined.

While en route to the Sanford Police Department with Zimmerman, he complained that his head hurt and that he felt a little light headed. I asked Zimmerman if he would like to go to the hospital. Zimmerman stated that he wasn't sure what to do. I advised Zimmerman that it was his choice, and that I would drive him to the hospital. Zimmerman declined once again to be taken to Central Florida Regional.

Once I arrived at the Sanford Police Department with Zimmerman, he was placed in an interview room. Zimmerman was provided with tissues and a bottle of water. Zimmerman was asked once again if he felt the need to go to the hospital, or if he wanted SFD to come back to take another look at him. Zimmerman declined and stated "I think I'll be ok."

I kept a constant watch on Zimmerman through two way mirror glass. At no point did Zimmerman exhibit any behaviors that warrented my concern for immediate medical attention.

I also made contact with Zimmerman every 15 - 20 minutes (approximately) to check his status, or to see if he had any requests. During my contact with him, Zimmerman only requested for more tissues, more water, and to go to the bathroom. Zimmerman did not make any more complaints about feeling light headed.
Yes, and already testified to in court.
bbm - I think this case answers that question pretty well.

Yep....better to not get involved in the current society we have created. Might get sued. Or accused of being a want-to-be-cop and psychotic crazy person. Just hope it's not your house being robbed or you being much easier to just not get involved. Because you will be taking a chance if you do.

I am still amazed with all the public outcry that Goodman the witness that saw most of the incident, still came out of the darkness and told what he saw.

Like I previously said about Zimmerman, poor judgement does not equal evil or malicious intent, but now I am sure he will have second thoughts of ever attempting community involvement will many others. Just hide.
Wonder why the media is so hell-bent on making this about race? NG is raving, and, if her FB page is any indication, losing a massive amount of fans. It'll be interesting to see what she has to say tonight, in the face of today's state witness testimony.

I wondered that too- if she gave gz any credit at all for self defense she may lose her show and livelyhood? The media is very one sided and they walk on glass to protect their butts.

Wish there was more honesty but with the times we live in people are over protective with their words. MOO
Detective Chris Cerino: "At this point [TM] has to be hiding from you."


Dispatch had asked GZ something to the effect of "Can you tell us where he is now?" or "Can you tell us where he's heading?" That is why, I believe, George got out of his car - he was trying to find that out.


The fact that Zimmerman says he wants to meet right then with a police officer pretty much negates him wanting to confront Trayvon. :twocents:
BBM, That bothers me the most. Why didn't anyone walk outside? Why didn't someone go and help? If they had, This may have not have happened at all.

honestly i don't understand either it and it does make me sad - if the first thing i hear are gunshots then no i don't run out asap - i call 911 and don' come out till police arrive, but if it was fight and some screaming help the heck yes i would ave gone out immediatly - and have in similar events i front of my house - i don't jump in the middle, but if you yell at them and use a garden hose or fire extinguisher you can quickly diffse a situation w/ out putting yourself in danger like you would if you jumped in the middle and phsycally tried to stop it
What I don't understand is how many people here are able to reconcile that the victim in this situation somehow deserved their fate. I understand this to be a victim friendly forum, and I just can't seem to see how GZ is in any way a victim of anything at this point. He killed someone! The State has every right to prosecute IMO. If he can somehow convince the jury he feared for his life, then he will be found innocent. When the victim cannot speak the State has to speak for them. TM had no weapons, other than his fists. He wasn't breaking any laws such that immediate intervention on the part of Mr. Zimmerman was required. He ended up dead. He IS the victim.

The facts of this case need to come out. If the State's case is weak, then GZ will walk away a free man. So be it. But to keep portraying GZ as a victim before all the evidence has come out seems biased to me.

To me it's no different than the JA trial at this point. We have a victim who is dead, a defendant that has admitted to killing them, and a "self defense" theory. Everyone agreed that it was up to the defense to "prove" their self defense case in the JA trial, why is this case any different? MOO, JMHO and I respect everyone else's too.
BBM, That bothers me the most. Why didn't anyone walk outside? Why didn't someone go and help? If they had, This may have not have happened at all.

The neighbors saw what appeared to be fight or assault between two men. The neighbors didn't recognize EITHER man. It was dark. They (the neighbors hearing this) obviously did NOT have weapons.

What I don't get is.....Martin was a 17 year old football player....he was no doubt VERY fast and plenty strong.

Zimmerman is a 30 year old overweight and obviously not that athletic guy.

Martin was already near his own home. If Martin had wanted to AVOID a conflict with this "creepy ___ _____" that may be a rapist he could have simply sprinted and been gone. Either back to his house or somewhere else.

If Martin had NOT wanted to confront Zimmerman I just don't see how it could have happened. There is simply no way Zimmerman could have caught up to Martin especially since Martin was aware of him.
Florida Law protects TM's actions to defend himself and stand his ground from an unidentified stalker with a weapon. The mere act of stalking him at night in the rain would lead a reasonable 17 year old in today's society in FLORIDA that he could be in danger.

He did not have to retreat from what he perceived as a threat continuing to follow him towards his family's home. He didn't. Whether or not he tried to disable/disarm/or knock out the person stalking him without any provoking physical contact is irrelevant according the the law. Seeing the weapon or reasonably fearing a person means to harm you justifies force and stand your ground.

I read that simply showing or pointing an unloaded gun in Florida carries a mandatory 3 years. I will go back and find the link if necessary.

I live in a gated community. I have five adult sons, 2 over 6'. They enter my home through the back sliding glass door, from a similar dog area such as this subdivision. IF they come during the day, the gates are open. IF they come at night, after dark they are closed and need a pin number to drive in or a pool key/gate key to come in the walk in gate, the outside is completely surrounded by very high cement walls. IF TM was walking in the subdivision he had to have a pin code or key. GZ had to know this.

IF they came over to visit after dark and walked back to my house from the front open parking spaces and my 30 year old hispanic neighbor across from me who is unfamiliar with them- stalked them from the front, as they walked in the gate, followed them down my sidewalk, and then approached them to ask them why they were in this complex.... yes, complaints are getting filed if one of my boys or husband doesn't sock the guy first. I would think instant creep. Keep in mind, in Florida and here in Cali. With gang and racial tensions, A Hispanic looking male in GZ age range doesn't exactly look safe and authoritative to TM either. IMO

GZ intiiated the course of events, by his suspicious and paranoid stalking. It is reasonable to believe he made a young boy in a unfamiliar area feel physically threatened and in danger. He approached TM on purpose with a weapon close enough to verbally communicate to him. I believe he tried to detain him when he would not do as he was told or answer questions he was asked. IMO

I keep reading he was the Neighborhood Watch Captain. Did I miss where someone appointed him as such. I thought it was determined he appointed himself and refused an offer to join LE neighborhood patrols etc. He was just a regular neighbor with no authority, no identification, no right to follow TM or shoot him. TM had every right to sock him in the face, and render him unable to continue to follow him or shoot him. He failed. Sadly.

Also, I read ( I will find the link if you make me) that he took Adderall for ADD. I am betting his dr also prescribed anti anxiety. I know my brother on Adderall was very mild, non hyper, focused, and didn't feel anything. Not happy, not sad, not anxious. That could explain his very level and matter of fact behaviors.

I am late for an appointment but just caught up and now probably behind again...
honestly i don't understand either it and it does make me sad - if the first thing i hear are gunshots then no i don't run out asap - i call 911 and don' come out till police arrive, but if it was fight and some screaming help the heck yes i would ave gone out immediatly - and have in similar events i front of my house - i don't jump in the middle, but if you yell at them and use a garden hose or fire extinguisher you can quickly diffse a situation w/ out putting yourself in danger like you would if you jumped in the middle and phsycally tried to stop it

I get not going out after the gunshot but before??? When someone is yelling for help??? And here is something else that I think goes for George.. If indeed that sounded like a young kid for help?.. You bet your keister someone would have gone out there..... JMO
Listening to this officer and watching him is so distracting - all I can think are those awful scenes from Les Miserables where Hugh Jackman looks so similar to this cop.
I am not entirely sure what you mean in reference to my post but your strong feelings are quite understandable. The fact that you have such strong feelings and they are in direct opposition to many others who have similar strength of feeling with a different opinion on what happened only solidifies to me that this case is extremely difficult to know what really occurred and the state of mind of the individuals involved, etc. I can honestly say that I understand both sides equally but I can't in good conscious find someone guilty of certain charges where there is doubt that the individual committed the crime as it is stated in the law.

I believe no one has the right except law enforcement, home owners and the military, to end someone's life with a bullet. The stakes are too high to allow these semi-trained people to walk in public and in a seconds decide or panic to end someone's life.
Police are trained. This <modsnip> didn't even know the name of the streets or attempt to follow instructions. We can't continue on this path.
If you think of the big picture here, there should be no doubts as to something is wrong and GZ is guilty.
On cross, Serino admitting that there were no clear inconsistencies in GZ's interviews. JMO. OMO. MOO.
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