George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #6

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I know someone who had their head pounded into a hardwood floor, fighting for their life and their injuries were horrible. Marks all over. Abrasions all over their neck, head, cheeks from the hands of their attacker. Immediate bruising that lasted for a couple of weeks. Stitches needed in the head, concussion. Black eyes. IMO - GZ did not ever have his head pounded on anything! I haven't believed it from day one.

Everyone has different injuries and it would have to be a direct comparison to know if he would have been injured the same.

NEVER THE LESS, It does not have to be horrible bruising to be self defense, Especially if TM went for the gun. AT that point he knows it is him or me.
I agree with you, but I don't think we're supposed to give our opinion on that on this board since there was no pot found at the scene -- just in his body, which may have been old. Per Tricia, above.
I think we can discuss it once the prosecution calls the coroner and we hear testimony of his findings.
After listening to the various interviews, some more than once, I'd be interested to know which specific "lies" you're talking about. I haven't heard one. There are, as the female police officer pointed out, differences that are to be expected in a recounting of a crime.

These are the lies the detectives pointed out between his statement and his call to non-emercency which is on tape.

He stuck with the same story throughout his interviews, but the discrepancies come out in comparison to the the recorded non-emergency call.

Those watching live steam have heard that.
Why didn't even one neighbor come out and actually help Zimmerman? If someone had jumped on Trayvon, or if Trayvon had stopped when Goodman came out, maybe there would not have been a death.

But, now-days people are afraid to "get involved", and with this case you can see why. So much easier to keep your head down, and just keep doors locked even when there are 5 home break-ins in 3 months, including one when a woman was alone with her child. Several wives even told their husbands..."Don't go out there!"....not "our" problem.

Did Trayvon's dad tell him that there was a neighborhood watch in their community because of the rash of break-ins? It was a gated an attempt to have better security and safety for the residents. BUT, obviously that was not working.

Zimmerman should have been more concerned for his own safety and not gotten out of his car, maybe the carry permit gave him a false sense of security. But, lack of good sense does NOT EQUAL EVIL, nor malicious intent. And if he did not have a gun...would Trayvon have stopped? 10-15 minutes later when the police got there? What would Zimmerman's condition have been then?

And Trayvon, could have simply ran home, with no confrontation, or opened a non-confrontation communication with Zimmerman, as "Do you work here", and not run.

Zimmerman had a history of non-confrontation and letting the police apprehend the people he had called on before (one being a person that WAS arrested for theft). That's probably why he did not verbally attempt to question Trayvon when he first saw him.

And what is DeeDee hiding? Some guilt? I am sure she knows exactly what happened, and that is why she ran and hid. Her "tell" is swinging her chest back and forth...rocking motion. She knew Trayvon was going to confront Zimmerman. And wanted no part of involvement knowing she would have to answer questions. Her "mumbling" on the stand speaks volumes.

A tragedy that transcends Zimmerman and Trayvon. With no easy answers.

Just one person's opinion.
I know someone who had their head pounded into a hardwood floor, fighting for their life and their injuries were horrible. Marks all over. Abrasions all over their neck, head, cheeks from the hands of their attacker. Immediate bruising that lasted for a couple of weeks. Stitches needed in the head, concussion. Black eyes. IMO - GZ did not ever have his head pounded on anything! I haven't believed it from day one.

My bruising lasted for over a month but I ascribe that to GZ being better at deflecting the blows. I didn't require stitches, so the lack of stitches doesn't change my opinion of the veracity of GZ's story. The point I'm trying to make is that when one's head is beaten into a hard surface, it is terrifying. GZ's fear of serious injury or death would have been both real and overwhelming. GZ was armed and was able to end the attack quickly. Apparently, the person you know was not able to end the attack quickly and sustained more extreme injuries. JMO. OMO. MOO.
I know someone who had their head pounded into a hardwood floor, fighting for their life and their injuries were horrible. Marks all over. Abrasions all over their neck, head, cheeks from the hands of their attacker. Immediate bruising that lasted for a couple of weeks. Stitches needed in the head, concussion. Black eyes. IMO - GZ did not ever have his head pounded on anything! I haven't believed it from day one.

That's a terrible story. I truly believe GZ was in fear for his life. At what point would he have been unable to defend himself? Just the fact that he was in that position would seem to give him the right to defend himself, in any way possible.(JMO).
Why didn't even one neighbor come out and actually help Zimmerman? If someone had jumped on Trayvon, or if Trayvon had stopped when Goodman came out, maybe there would not have been a death.

But, now-days people are afraid to "get involved", and with this case you can see why. So much easier to keep your head down, and just keep doors locked even when there are 5 home break-ins in 3 months, including one when a woman was alone with her child. Several wives even told their husbands..."Don't go out there!"....not "our" problem.

Did Trayvon's dad tell him that there was a neighborhood watch in their community because of the rash of break-ins? It was a gated an attempt to have better security and safety for the residents. BUT, obviously that was not working.

Zimmerman should have been more concerned for his own safety and not gotten out of his car, maybe the carry permit gave him a false sense of security. But, lack of good sense does NOT EQUAL EVIL, nor malicious intent. And if he did not have a gun...would Trayvon have stopped? 10-15 minutes later when the police got there? What would Zimmerman's condition have been then?

And Trayvon, could have simply ran home, with no confrontation, or opened a non-confrontation communication with Zimmerman, as "Do you work here", and not run.

Zimmerman had a history of non-confrontation and letting the police apprehend the people he had called on before (one being a person that WAS arrested for theft). That's probably why he did not verbally attempt to question Trayvon when he first saw him.

And what is DeeDee hiding? Some guilt? I am sure she knows exactly what happened, and that is why she ran and hid. Her "tell" is swinging her chest back and forth...rocking motion. She knew Trayvon was going to confront Zimmerman. And wanted no part of involvement knowing she would have to answer questions. Her "mumbling" on the stand speaks volumes.

A tragedy that transcends Zimmerman and Trayvon. With no easy answers.

Just one person's opinion.

BBM, That bothers me the most. Why didn't anyone walk outside? Why didn't someone go and help? If they had, This may have not have happened at all.
It seems to me just by sheer virtue of the fact that a lot of the posts as well as the testimony is speculation and opinion indicates that there is reasonable doubt. We have a lot of opinion here and in the media and from the public but even when I read those who are saying he committed M2 or those who say this was self defense, in the reasoning, I still see a lot of what ifs

I am saddened that TM was killed but my confusion as to what really happened (based on GZ, all witnesses, forensics, etc.) only makes me sure of one thing and that is I don't know what really happened and there isn't enough for me to determine beyond a reasonable doubt that the crime GZ is charged with was actually committed.

Whether or not by the end of the trial that changes remains to be seen but as a citizen of the United States where we MUST abide by the laws surrounding those who are accused with crimes, I honestly could not say at this time that he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. IMO.

If my daughter was walking home at night and was being followed by another pistol carrying person and for some reason she felt threatened and tried to defend herself and was killed in the process. That gun carrying person would never live to see his next birthday IMO.
Hypnosis! Well, "assisted memory recall," being used during interview.
I don't see that yet either. So far all I see is a man who was beaten and defended his person. I see nothing that says anything other than these two people ran into each other and a fight ensued and TM was shot.

IMO, I believe the evidence shows that TM beat up on GZ and GZ pulled his gun in self defense.

While people may have theories about other events happening it is all speculation and there is NO proof of any other scenario IMO.

If Trayvon had survived, maybe we would have more evidence.
Wonder why the media is so hell-bent on making this about race? NG is raving, and, if her FB page is any indication, losing a massive amount of fans. It'll be interesting to see what she has to say tonight, in the face of today's state witness testimony.

And in the face of the family and their attorneys back pedaling as fast as they can on that subject, imo. Reference the press conference and interviews given by Crump's partner, Parks, recently.
If my daughter was walking home at night and was being followed by another pistol carrying person and for some reason she felt threatened and tried to defend herself and was killed in the process. That gun carrying person would never live to see his next birthday IMO.

I would be right there supporting you!
So now Trayvon was looking in the houses and behind them, per audio in Serino's interview of GZ. How much time did Treyvon have to do all of this looking? I don't think Serino bought GZ's story (MO).
Hypnosis! Well, "assisted memory recall," being used during interview.

If you just heard that, you must be watching on HLN instead of live streaming. If HLN is the case, the lies are about to be pointed out by Dets. comparing his interview vs the recorded non-emegerency call GM made.
Concerning the injuries to Zimmerman and if LE allowed him to go to the hospital or not, I submit the following that can be found in the State V Zimmerman: Evidence Released by Prosecutor link that I am also including.

Page 15 from the link
Reporter: 525894 Smith, Timothy

This narrative is a supplemental to my original narrative on 2/27/2012. It should be noted that I was in contact with Zimmerman from the time that I secured him on scene, until the time that he was released from investigative detention.

Zimmerman was treated on scene by SFD for his injuries. Zimmerman was given the opportunity by SFD, while on scene at Retreat View Cir, to be transported to the hospital in order to be examined by a doctor for his injuries. Zimmerman declined.

While en route to the Sanford Police Department with Zimmerman, he complained that his head hurt and that he felt a little light headed. I asked Zimmerman if he would like to go to the hospital. Zimmerman stated that he wasn't sure what to do. I advised Zimmerman that it was his choice, and that I would drive him to the hospital. Zimmerman declined once again to be taken to Central Florida Regional.

Once I arrived at the Sanford Police Department with Zimmerman, he was placed in an interview room. Zimmerman was provided with tissues and a bottle of water. Zimmerman was asked once again if he felt the need to go to the hospital, or if he wanted SFD to come back to take another look at him. Zimmerman declined and stated "I think I'll be ok."

I kept a constant watch on Zimmerman through two way mirror glass. At no point did Zimmerman exhibit any behaviors that warrented my concern for immediate medical attention.

I also made contact with Zimmerman every 15 - 20 minutes (approximately) to check his status, or to see if he had any requests. During my contact with him, Zimmerman only requested for more tissues, more water, and to go to the bathroom. Zimmerman did not make any more complaints about feeling light headed.
Interview: Never occurred to Zimmerman to simply ask Trayvon why he was there. Some neighborhood watch captain. JMO

I would certainly hope that as a home health nurse, walking through certain housing/apartment complexes that I would be asked if I needed help to find a home, rather than feel that someone is following/watching me. I have a kubaton, but it is not faster than a bullet.
I am really wondering how this got prosecuted...(the following is a strong opinion, bear in mind I like you guys, so don't freak out on me...LOL).

I believe that GZ felt in fear for his life. I believe GZ shot and killed TM because GZ thought it was either TM or himself. I believe that this case is politically motivated, and that the old "let a jury decide" was a way to brush off the negative publicity by a lot of high-handed, arrogant folk who think that any inter-racial killing is racially motivated.

I believe that GZ should not have been prosecuted, and that this case has very little evidence to support murder 2, or any murder. Under state law, GZ did what he was allowed to do.

If there is an issue with the law, then Floridians need to change it. But it's not up to us to make that determination; and I can only pray that the jury doesn't nullify the law and find GZ guilty.

*This is will be my only post on the subject, but I'll keep reading and listening to yours. I may come and comment about the proceedings, though*

Herding Cats

All of this is MOO, JMO, OMO, and all that jazz.

Well said. I totally agree.
I wish the audio of the interviews was a little better, straining to understand at times.
Wonder why the media is so hell-bent on making this about race? NG is raving, and, if her FB page is any indication, losing a massive amount of fans. It'll be interesting to see what she has to say tonight, in the face of today's state witness testimony.

IMO, her bias reporting on this case is shameful. I use to be a NG fan. NOT ANYMORE.
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