George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General Discussion Thread #8

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Nope there is not law against following someone, but looked what happened to that person who was being followed. I'm sure there is no law about jumping in a lions cage, but you are taking a big risk if you do. :twocents:

Neighborhood watch isn't suppose to confront anyone, simply call it in. I would wonder why a neighborhood watch would confront me, who is he to do that?

That sums it up very well .IMO
TM was on the soil where members of his family lived. there was no explanation as to why he was being followed. No wonder he was frighteted. He wasn't carrying a weapon like his assailant. IMO
IIRC, and this is still just an opinion of mine, because George said it, he wanted them to call him to find out exactly where he was, presumably because GZ was going back to his car, but wouldn't necessarily be there when the police arrived.

When you say "TM ran," that's one of the parts that makes me think that he then came back. In my opinion, Mr. Martin ran away, and then came back to let Zimmerman know - and this is pure speculation on my part - that he was not someone to be messed with. I believe that Trayvon felt that George was in his business - which he was, vis-a-vis watching TM's movements - and wanted to make sure that that didn't happen again.

GZ, IIRC said while in the car that he ran, then said after he was following him, he's running again. This is twice now that TM ran from GZ. Once when GZ was in the car, 2nd when GZ was following him. This is what I picked up when listening to the call. I don't want to go back and listen I've heard it so many times but I hope I'm correct :)
In my opinion, you have no idea whether or not George Zimmerman racially profiled Trayvon Martin. He just saw Mr. Martin, according to GZ's account, acting suspiciously in a neighborhood George had promised to protect, imo. He was then viciously attacked by TM, in my opinion, and had no choice but to be seriously injured or die, or protect himself. IMO.

Lets keep our heads!!

Remember to post it is MOO, JMO, Or IMO...

And remember that you don't have to reply to every post.. Sometimes it is just better to move on!

WE can do it!! Let's make the mods jobs easier!!

Thanks guys! I am loving going through the Trial with y'all!!!

They weren't attacking anyone, they were just being jerks, IMO.

They were, IMO, being more than jerks. They may have been attempting to obstruct a court proceeding. Each & every caller name that popped up on the screen should be investigated.

As far as I'm concerned, testimony by SKYPE should never have been allowed by this judge.

After this case, I have doubts that it will be allowed again any time soon.

IMO, if you're subpoenaed to testify in court, you should appear in person, unless you're living in Antarctica, on the Moon, or on a space station such as Mir.
Lets keep our heads!!

Remember to post it is MOO, JMO, Or IMO...

And remember that you don't have to reply to every post.. Sometimes it is just better to move on!

WE can do it!! Let's make the mods jobs easier!!

Thanks guys! I am loving going through the Trial with y'all!!!


Me too!!
And why was GZ carrying a loaded gun when he was simply going to the store? Yes, he has a right and a permit to carry one, but just because someone has the right etc. doesn't mean they are the "good guys".. :twocents:

I agree with that. Also, IMO It is only Zimmerman of everyone involved in this tragedy who has an incentive to lie about it.
No, If they do it will be because the STATE could not prove that GZ wanted TM dead. They have not proved that yet. IMO!

And please add IMO or JMO. I have that in my siggy also but we need to add the MOO so that we can keep the thread going !!

The state does not have the impossible job you assign them. Zimmerman killed Martin. GZ is claiming that he had the legal right to kill this young man because he had no choice. He has described a set of events leading to this decision.

It is the state's job to show that Zimmerman's story is questionable.

If, at any point, a member of the jury finds themselves doubting Zimmerman's version of events they should properly find him guilty. IMO
A regular teenager? Hope not!!!! None of my four kids were suspended three times. And his records are sealed? I think he was the aggressor and it is a shame the defense cannot bring out his history.

None of my 4 children were expelled 3 times either...not even for being tardy too often like TM was.IMOL

His past has nothing to do with his murder..ALL juvenile records are sealed but it has been established that he had no police record whatsoever and there is more good in his background than negative. His social networking accounts were broken into to try and help GZ walk...isn't going to work when officers like Chris Serino testify that GZ's NEN calls that night was " spiteful" and he was " profiling" TM as well as " exaggerating " his minor wounds. IMO
The state does not have the impossible job you assign them. Zimmerman killed Martin. GZ is claiming that he had the legal right to kill this young man because he had no choice. He has described a set of events leading to this decision.

It is the state's job to show that Zimmerman's story is questionable.

If, at any point, a member of the jury finds themselves doubting Zimmerman's version of events they should properly find him guilty. IMO

An that's The Law !!! Thank heavens!!
When did GZ confront TM - when his nose hit TM's fist? I do think he was probably trying to do what they are told to do - keep their eyes on the person so he could tell the police when they arrived.

GZ was following him. When the dispatcher said "let me know if he does anything else" the Dispatcher thought GZ was still in the car and was referring to GZ saying "he has his hands in his waistband". The dispatcher thought GZ was in the car, he didn't know until later that GZ was following him. He never told GZ to get out of the car and follow, he knows better than to say that. GZ knows to not pursue or confront the "suspect". So, I believe GZ was in pursuit of TM, not the other way around
Sorry - can someone bring me up to speed on "skype bombing?"

One of George's profs was testifying via Skype. On direct, a few people called the Skype number, which was conveniently broadcast via the live feed and the pop ups showed on the screen in court. Then, after the State was done and it was time for the defense's cross, people kept calling the witness on Skype over and over until the Court finally had to shut it down.
Wouldn't/couldn't GZ reasonably assume that his neighbor who yelled out was actually witnessing the fight? Would GZ shoot someone in front of this known witness if NOT in self defense? And...

When GZ gave his statement, it wouldn't be a far reach to think that he didn't have several witness' that saw the WHOLE encounter.
IMO, he's a joy to watch. I'm just in awe.

He (MO'M) may be a good lawyer, but I just can't get past the undertaker vibe he gives off :scared:
I feel like he wants to direct me to slumber room 3....

I also live in a townhouse community. I can guarantee you that if a tall male of any color was standing in a downpour of rain in the dark outside my home or my neighbor's home - whether wearing a hoodie or not - I would find it to be suspicious. Period.

This young man had a half hour of time between the video at the 7-11 and the end of the phone call with "Dee Dee" aka "Diamond Eugene" aka "Rachel".
He had PLENTY of time to have returned to the home where he was staying.
What was he doing during that time? Standing around outside in a neighborhood in the rain talking on a cell phone? Why?

Anyone who does NOT find this to be at least strange, if not suspicious, doesn't live in an area where break-ins are occurring and where a neighborhood Crime Watch has been established. You learn to keep your eye on strange-looking events and to report them. This would be one of them.

I think Rachel is STILL not telling the full story. And she likely never will. Plus, I would be appalled if I learned my 17 yr. old son was exchanging hundreds of texts and spending hours on the phone with this woman! And yes, she was and is a woman, not a girl.

Oh, and "creepy *advertiser censored* cracker" is NOT a racial slur? It was obvious to me that this obviously highly under-educated woman did NOT immediately understand the term "culture" when asked if the term "cracker" was used regularly within her culture. I then thought that she very well doesn't really know what is and is not a racial slur. Unless it is coming from white to black.

I think it is a shame someone died. But I do not believe George Zimmerman hunted him down and deliberately killed him. I think Trayvon did attack him. As he has done in the past - but the jury won't hear about that.

Also, there was one very important - to me - piece of evidence. That is that the location of the hole in Trayvon's shirt proves that the gun was NOT pressed against his chest when the gun was fired. The shirt was several inches away from his chest, indicating he was leaning OVER George at the moment of the shot.

RE: "Is there a link, please to Rachel Jeantel saying exactly " it was just a fight
", please?"

You can go to youtube and enter "George Zimmerman trial", then click onto and watch all of her testimony. She said this several times.

Amazingly well put. I totally agree. I still don't understand how Rachel's testimony was even allowed. And the letter her friend wrote? I don't understand why Rachel didn't write it, or why she signed it with a false many bizarre things from that witness it's just mind boggling imo.
we have a job starting in Miami on the sixteenth that last for six weeks and I have to say, I'm a little anxious about things I've seen on twitter and Facebook.
It really irks me to see people throwing around scenarios as if they are fact in this case because of all the tension that already exist. IMO it is reckless and dangerous.
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After having lived in Miami for 20 years (74-94) and having made a trip back when my father passed in 2008-2009 (ICR, we were not close) one thing that I know for sure after taking my son who was 4 when we moved on a "walk down Mom's memory lane" — things have drastically changed in A LOT of areas that I would've once felt safe in. That said, best wishes on your job and please, be aware and be safe.

Several things about the May riots of 1980 (the only riots that I've ever been directly involved near) that I never could understand (and still don't) is why respond to complaints of senseless violence with acts of senseless violence? In that sense people are asking for something that they themselves do not believe in nor practice. Why tear up/burn down your own neighborhood? What does that solve? Why hurt/kill others when fully aware of the feelings of what it feels like to have someone cared for hurt/killed?

It's a conundrum for me. I just hope that people act rationally, responsibly and with grace either way. Sigh...
IMO he was not in fear of GZ at all but was aware that GZ was checking him out so TM may have been playing a cat and mouse game with GZ.

I do not for one minute believe TM was playing cat and mouse, and he may not have been in fear for his life at the moment, but he may have if GZ was fiddling around in his pocket looking for his cell phone because he can't remember what pocket he put it in, TM may have thought he was reaching for a gun. Now, tell me, GZ just got off the phone with dispatcher and he can't remember where he put his cell?
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