George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General Discussion Thread 9 (For Friday)

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This is the ME who actually did Autopsy?

I am not sure how this helps the state.

Skin color of what- their hands- which he could only see vague movement he described incorrectly? Their faces? So little skin showing, with all that movement- and yet he saw it? I don't buy it.
And he said that the garment could have been red or white- but they look nothing alike in the dark- nothing. Sorry. Bad testimony, IMHO.

Yes, their faces. I believe him and I think the jury will, too. jmo
Bumping the post above... in fact it might be a good idea to add it to your signature if you tend to forget... Also please remember that two people can look at the same thing and have opposing opinions and perceptions... everyone is entitled to voice their opinion but it must be expressed within our TOS... thanks

I have it in my siggy but was told I had to add it to EVERY post in this thread also. Can you please clarify this? I don't want to break the rules and I want to be compliant in this thread.. Thanks!
He talks like a computer or that thing from Land of the Lost. imo
Is he reading this? I remember Juan going off on a witness for reading off a sheet of paper.
If GZ was taking his prescription meds he'd be a lot more jacked up than Trayvon. MJ, on the other hand- makes people more mellow- less violent.
Mixing scripts is a bad idea. IMHO.

Illegal street drugs are unreliable/dangerous imo.
It is not lawful for anyone to start a fight just because he/she is being followed. IMO

My daughter is prepared to handle anyone following her. This is the first step of potential trouble and should be respected to the full degree. IMO

By the way GZ said he was not following TM, he was just going the same direction. Sure GZ. IMO
IMO you are absolutely correct. There is only one person who benefits by GZ's story, no matter what he says. And I personally believe he made the whole thing up and that he did decide to detain TM from the moment he saw him, whatever it took. Knowing about the SYG law (Although he said he didn't to Hannity, again to make himself look innocent, IMO) he worked it out in his mind how he could get away with it. IMO

Yep, I grew up with cops, and some wannabes- and there are quite a few who want the power- and not the responsibility. They are always studying the angles and know what to do or say to keep them selves out of trouble when they overstep their bounds. They know what official story they need to go with. GZ claiming to be in fear for his life four different ways was him going overboard with the story. IMHO
Dude.. Answer the questions!

This should not be allowed.. Non responsive..

My brother immediately pointed out this is what cops say when they screw up with a perp- I thought I saw a weapon- they were erratic- possibly on drugs. That is how cops get away with improperly discharging their weapons. Anyone familiar with LE knows this. GZ had that in mind before the shooting. Demonizing his victim so he could do whatever he felt like.
This goes to why GZ not wanting to recruit block captains as requested or enroll in any formal program as offered- he had a problem with authority and didn't want anyone who might audit his behavior or see what a loose cannon he was.

Excellent summation. Zimmerman has resisted and struck a police officer because he can't handle authority IMO
Because of his record and ad nauseum calls to NEN or 911 which were pointless as they led no where, from what I read, I see George Zimmerman as not only infammatory, but thuggish in his actions and words. IMO
IMO, if Zimmerman had planned this, he surely would not have called the police non- emergency line. He would have shot Trayvon before Trayvon could have attacked him and played the Jodi Arias card--"I WASN'T THERE!" IMO, some of you are acting as if George Zimmerman is stupid because he hasn't gotten his degree yet, but he is a genius at concocting up a quick story about the screams, what both he and Trayvon said, etc. Most, if not all, of us don't know what exact courses Trayvon and George have taken, whether they are basic courses or advanced courses, what grades they made, etc. We do know that George was working also. We don't know how many hours a week he worked, whether he had a full-time or part-time job, etc. IMO, from what most of us have heard or read, neither was a perfect angel. The only way justice can be served is for the jury to go by the FACTS of the case.
Illegal street drugs are unreliable/dangerous imo.

IMO - Woah, better look out for the guy on weed!

Pot stays in your system for ~30 days, so there isn't any way that it can be proven that he was actually stoned the night he was murdered.
Is the ME giving his autopsy report to the question "what was TM's height?" What?
You are correct. It was established right away when JF took the stand. He said Tracy Martin is his stepfather but he's his "dad". If anything, it showed that Tracy is a decent man and JF loves and respects him a lot.

Just how do you know that? Is there a link, or something that says TM loves and respects him a lot? I really don't know, that's why I'm asking.
I have it in my siggy but was told I had to add it to EVERY post in this thread also. Can you please clarify this? I don't want to break the rules and I want to be compliant in this thread.. Thanks!

If it is in your signature then it is a general stipulation to all your posts. If not there then I suggest adding to the post or to link it to back up your information.
IMO, if Zimmerman had planned this, he surely would not have called the police non- emergency line. He would have shot Trayvon before Trayvon could have attacked him and played the Jodi Arias card--"I WASN'T THERE!" IMO, some of you are acting as if George Zimmerman is stupid because he hasn't gotten his degree yet, but he is a genius at concocting up a quick story about the screams, what both he and Trayvon said, etc. Most, if not all, of us don't know what exact courses Trayvon and George have taken, whether they are basic courses or advanced courses, what grades they made, etc. We do know that George was working also. We don't know how many hours a week he worked, whether he had a full-time or part-time job, etc. IMO, from what most of us have heard or read, neither was a perfect angel. The only way justice can be served is for the jury to go by the FACTS of the case.

And GZ is supplying all the facts? IMO
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