George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General Discussion Thread 9 (For Friday)

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I have a question about "notes".

I see that all the time, witnesses say "may I refer to my notes"? Then they're allowed to, and they answer a question.

I've never seen a witness asked for their notes, and never seen them refuse (because I've never seen them asked).

But if I were a witness, even a nonexpert one, i think I'd write down timelines, dates, impressions, quotes from my memory, etc.

I believe I've seen witnesses doing that - is that not pretty typical witness behavior?

They can look at their contemporaneous notes. Not notes specifically about their testimony prepared after the fact for that purpose. jmo
I don't believe a word of what GZ said about lawn walking between houses, suspicious, up to no the nasty obscene profiling language he testified to by Chris Serino.....We saw a video of the reenactment where GZ said he couldn't find the house number from where he stood and the camera showed the number was right in front of where he said he was ( and demonstrated ) , where he was standing...and 3 street names in the entire complex and he had reported over 40 " suspicious" incidents..including a pot hole...and names the street, and yet suddenly he didn't know his own turf...No one asked him for an address either....He is fabrication personified IMO

Did you ever address my question when you profiled John Goodman being a racist and good friend of Zimmerman?
No mention of Shellie witnessing the break in- I guess he thought the police wouldn;t catch that lie, IMHO.

I don't know exactly what you're talking about wrt her witnessing it. But the fact that such a detail wouldn't be in an article interviewing the victim is meaningless one way or the other and certainly not evidence of a "lie." jmo
Trayvon is shown on the convenience store video footage pulling up his pants a few times as they seemed to be falling down. I believe this is what GZ saw when he said Trayvon was reaching into his waistband.

I wonder why it took TM so long to walk home from the store? It took 45min to walk 1 mile??? There is also footage outside of the store which is interesting.


First I've heard of footage from outside the store. Can you elaborate or provide a link? I'd like to see or know what it is you refer to. Thanks
JMO but I would've called TM mom last if I was the State. End on an emotional note and not with a combative ME who the defense will challenge aggressively. IMO

I did not see much emotion from this woman. Maybe I wasn't watching close enough?

I have a question about "notes".

I see that all the time, witnesses say "may I refer to my notes"? Then they're allowed to, and they answer a question.

I've never seen a witness asked for their notes, and never seen them refuse (because I've never seen them asked).

But if I were a witness, even a nonexpert one, i think I'd write down timelines, dates, impressions, quotes from my memory, etc.

I believe I've seen witnesses doing that - is that not pretty typical witness behavior?

JennaT that's because those are notes whose copies were given to both sides in discovery.
I don't understand the ear buds, did they have a mike that extends out so that it could be seen outside the hood of the sweatshirt? imo
Whoa! Prosecutor had to swear testimony to judge (raised his right head at the bench during sidebar). Judge also raised her right hand.
Did you ever address my question when you profiled John Goodman being a racist and good friend of Zimmerman?

Isn't John Good the one on the 911 call saying that the people outside his house were wrestling? No talk of one person beating the bezeesus out of the other? I'm not sure. Anybody remember?

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Yes, and he was also walking around on other people's property and getting right up close to other people's units. The thought is, he wanted to get out of the rain but didn't want to go home.

It does make sense that way, he was trying to use other people's porches but if I were witnessing that, it would catch my eye and I'd find it very suspicious. I think I'd sit and watch if I could.


A couple of days ago I observed a strange person in my yard from my upstairs window. The person appeared to be crouching and walking as if to go undetected by anyone that may have been in my home. I thought the person appeared very suspicious. Did I call the police, no. I immediately opened the window and asked them could I help them with something. Turns out they were trying to corner there dog which had made it's way into my yard. All suspicion or doubt was removed by me simply asking that question. I can relate to GZ's heightened suspicion given what the neighborhood had been through. I can not relate to his actions after.

That story was just for reference not to dispute anything you have said.
Commentators are saying they have *never* seen this happen before - judge just had prosecutor raise his hand and swear to something at sidebar! .........interesting.........
It may be something as obvious that this ME does autopsies on a daily basis due to crimes within the city and at the time he did this autopsy it was unremarkable to him because the case had not yet become a media event. Sad to think to him it may have just been another shooting of a young male at the time. Nothing stood out to him as significant. jmo


That is impossible if only referring to Sanford, Sanford only has about 3-8 murders a year over the past decade. There were four in 2011.

I think something happening only once every 2-3 months would be memorable.
Whoa! Prosecutor had to swear testimony to judge (raised his right head at the bench during sidebar).

Really?! I missed that! Maybe he's having to swear that he had no prior knowledge of Dr. Bao's .... whatever it is Dr. Bao is up to.
JennaT that's because those are notes whose copies were given to both sides in discovery.

That's true, as well. But in this instance, I think there's more to it. These are not the ME's contemporaneous notes from the autopsy. They are notes for testifying. It was clear from West's initial questioning that he thought they were the ME's contemporaneous notes - which were produced to the defense. They were not. jmo
I thought at first that I forgot to hit the unmute button on my computer... this is taking a loonnnng time
If I killed someone because I thought I was in danger of death or serious bodily injury, and found myself charged with Murder 2, I would have to raise funds for a good lawyer because I don't have the disposable income to hire an expensive (good) lawyer. Does this make me more or less guilty, or at the very least self-serving? Finding legal ways to hire a good attorney is a legal right, not self-serving. Would you think GZ looked better if he went with a public attorney?

I not once said it wasn't GZ right, not once. IMO, and that is my right, GZ lost any character creditability with me for doing that. Sorry, I have a right to feel that way. I get what you are saying here, I really do, but I'm not impressed with GZ doing that, nor am I saying this is cause for guilty or not guilty. Plus, if you read the transcript from his jailhouse call to his wife, those funds that were suppose to go bail, he didn't want it going to bail, not all of it at least and his wife said "but isn't that what it's for?" GZ seems to be paying personal bills as well with these funds from what I'm understanding, and I may have misunderstood some of it and I apologize if I did. :)
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