George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General Discussion Thread 9 (For Friday)

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My guess is, the prosecution had to swear this ME didn't tell him his opinion of Trayvon's death time went from 1-3 to 1-10 yesterday.
Well it appears that not only can he not remember something from two years ago but also yesterday as well. IMO

Sheesh and wow.
WELL....NEVER HAVE I TESTIFIED in this manner!

That said.....any and all notes that one is reading from "on the stand" must be admitted into evidence, i.e. the photos, autopsy report, accompaning documents as turned over to the defense/prosecution.

I believe that he wanted to be prepared but WOW, totally blew it! And he wanted to give a lecture to the jury regarding "real memory" regarding his depo answers 9 months AFTER the post.
IMO, the prosecution should have had one of his assistants testify. This guy is useless at this point. Its all about him, not the autopsy.
Wow...the prosecutor "is not my lawyer".
It appears that Jodi Arias' "fog" has hit Dr. Bao (IMO)

West is really trying to be patient here, he is being interrupted left/right with Bao using the word opinion the way JA used edify
Technically, he's not testifying as an expert right now. He's a fact witness who performed the actual autopsy. jmo

Based on Dr. Bao's testimony, he's testifying as an "opinion" witness lol. He even takes it upon himself to educate the Court as to the definition of 'opinion'. He seems to want to avoid the word 'fact'.
Wow.. Out of the pool and came in and we are talking about the THC and ME is saying it could have been an issue that day??!

That is big... OMO

Sorry for posting and running! Making sandwiches and back to the sun!
IMO, if given the choice to walk on a rain soaked lawn (especially wearing new birthday tennis shoes -- teens are, IMO and personal experience (my son who is a tennis shoe freak), VERY particular about their tennis shoes) and a wet sidewalk, taking a teen's care for their shoes into consideration, they'd choose the sidewalk. IMO, that's very suspicious.

You didn't know there were NO sidewalks at all in the area where GZ reported him walking on the lawns? None. The sidewalks came later, after GZ pursued him.
So- nothing odd there- I agree!
I was describing whether his behavior would be eye-catching to me.

When I look at him, he appears to be an adult. If I saw him wandering through other people's properties, approaching their buildings, he would look suspicious.

If I saw an 8 year old doing that, I wouldn't think he was suspicious.

And that's the "fact" I'm referring to - the fact that if I witnessed TM doing that, I would have been suspicious.

Heck...I use shortcuts and I'm nearing...well nevermind. :)

PS- I'm known to wear a hoodie in the rain as well.
Exactly- the first thing they did was pay off a huge load of credit card debt- and yes- GZ clearly told Shellie he did not want it to go to bail. After that they splurged on a 5 BR beach house rental, cars, lots of electronics and toys. His expenses were ridiculous, and MOM was gobsmacked. IMHO.

That was my impression, too :) GZ didn't want to have that judge any longer because he felt the judge wouldn't give him a fair trial. If I'm reading the transcript correctly, it would sound like GZ and Shelly were wanting to flee. I could be misreading that of course because I do now they were being threatened, but still, sorry, I don't trust someone who starts a FUND for money to help them in a case like this. We all have a right to ask for money and people have a right to give, but really? For GZ defense? lol...
What this ME doesn't seem to understand is, his opinion is what's being asked here. His expert "opinion" is what they're after.

If he were to change his opinion after the deposition, and plans to testify differently than his deposition, he owes it to the prosecution to tell them.

And in turn, they owe it to the defense.

I firmly believe, though, the prosecution isn't at fault here. I don't think he told anyone he was planning to switch his opinion statements. Medical Examiner says he didn't change his MIND he changed his OPINION.....glad he clarified that (imo)!!!
Okay, I have a question - so it's just my seeking information based on my own opinion - If the police arrived on scene, had checked TM for a pulse, as I believe I heard - is it even important how long the ME hypothesizes he could have lived? They know when they found no pulse or breathing - in my opinion.

I have a question about "notes".

I see that all the time, witnesses say "may I refer to my notes"? Then they're allowed to, and they answer a question.

I've never seen a witness asked for their notes, and never seen them refuse (because I've never seen them asked).

But if I were a witness, even a nonexpert one, i think I'd write down timelines, dates, impressions, quotes from my memory, etc.

I believe I've seen witnesses doing that - is that not pretty typical witness behavior?

I think....I think.... the witness was supposed to have given any and all notes to both sides before he could use them. Not really supposed to be any surprises for either side. If he has any info that wasn't in discovery, the judge can stop it from coming in. Nothing wrong with having notes, it just can't be kept a secret until he's on the stand. That's what I think, anyway.
Oh! This is a hearing.

These seem to be significant changes in his testimony.

Does the ME usually testify about effects of drugs in victims? Shouldn't this be evaluated/reported/testified to by a toxicologist (if there is such a thing!).

Anyone know what a Richardson hearing is?
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