George's Possible "Suicide" Letter

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I'm in no way suggesting that his actions were 'staged' or 'not what it appears to be', only that the note he composed may, in George's mind, have been his one last shot at helping his daughter.
One more thing...George knows full good and well that his family is under INTENSE scrutiny and that ANYTHING that they do, say OR write has the potential to wind up on national television. KNOWING this he is well aware that IF he did something like this is was going to be blasted across front page news in a matter of hours-whether he was successful or not. He KNEW this and that is why I think it was simply a ploy for attention, or a diversion...I do not believe he was ACTUALLY going to kill himself.

I think he would have killed himself if not found in time. If he killed himself he wouldn't care if it created a media frenzy.
Has it been discussed anywhere if there have been any suicides in GA's family? I'm just asking because they say it happens more often if there's already a family history.

I hope the man can do some serious soul-searching in peace and that the staff is able to deprogram him from all the lies.
I'm in no way suggesting that his actions were 'staged' or 'not what it appears to be', only that the note he composed may, in George's mind, have been his one last shot at helping his daughter.
It was just a general notice Diane. i would have quoted you or pm'ed you or deleted your post if I was directing it at you. I am not that subtle LOL.
The fact is, if George HAD committed suicide, then there would be no question if we would see the note or not: it would become a matter of public record in the due course of time, because suicide is a criminal offense. An ATTEMPTED crime, to me, is still a criminal act, and especially if done by someone who is already in the public eye, then subject to any and all scrutiny that any other attempted or completed crime would be subjected unto. I am not one of those who follows the "oh poor him" philosophy. I see suicide as the ultimate weakness and cowardice, and that the person committing the act does not have a feeling in their heart for the pain that will be left for OTHERS who live on after their act of self destruction. It is a heartless and cruel thing to do to your family and all who care for you, and leaves THEM to suffer while he who dies escapes ALL feeling. It is an unjust way to punish those who remain and do not see suicide as an option. I am sorry, but I have no sympathy for it whatsoever and see it as a HUGE slap in the face to those that love you.
sometimes that is a response from someone you love doing that .. my friend killed himself i was sooo mad at him .. it took me months to get past the anger and let the sadness hit me .. he blew his head off with a gun he was someone i dated while i was a teen and i loved him .no letter no nothing just gone

I agree. A clsoe friend of mine did the very same thing. Both his wife and are are both grieved abd furious. I told her that if I see him in any kind of afterlife, I'm going to hug the stuffing out of him. Then, I'm going to slap him senseless.
I don't how I feel about CA being mad. I alway thought that she push Ga to see her way.(like when he changed his mind about the smell) I felt that was Cindy doing. I think Ga will be one that tell truth.

I think GA is losing his fight to rationalize and defend KC.
I think George really did not want to kill himself.He could have did it in many ways and many times as he was missing all day.
I actually feel bad for CA and what she must have went through that day.
With that being said I feel it was a cry for help.Maybe for the whole family. I personally did the same thing many years ago. It is a state of utter despair.i took some pills and wrote a note. I think sub conciously I did not take enough pills to cause death but the main thing was for someone to read the letter.
In his case it is so much worse. This man has lost everything and has been embarrased on national tv,had his life story analyzed,and underneath it all he knows KC is guilty no matter what he says.
Watch the LKL interview and you can see physical pain on his face .Watch his expression when he says the smell in the car is pizza. He looks like he is ready to vomit.
I dont walk in his shoes so I can not answer why he denies all the evidence.
But I do know this is a soul in deep pain the likes of which I can not imagine.
I hope his cry for help is answered, not only for him but Lee and Cindy and the poor unborn baby coming into their family.
My prayers are with him.

I think he's torn. He did and didn't want to do it. That's a bad position to be in.

I think he might have done it, had LE not quickly tracked him. Ay dusk, and in the hotel room.
I think if he REALLY was planning on dying he would have made an attempt to take the guilt off of KC and put some of it on himself (ie, accident, and I hid the body). The final sacrafice. He would be gone and maybe it would help KC. I do NOT think he really meant to die. He is just in so much pain, he needed a break, even if it was in a psych ward.
Actually it isn't a crime any longer.

Regardless, frankly, I don't think it isn't ANY of our business.

I don't think it's our business, either. George didn't do it.

We know who did it, and we know why. What more IS there?

If George felt any guilt, at all, it's the normal guilt that any parent feels when a kid goes bad-- warranted or not.
I disagree, I think it was the culmination of everything that he has gone through these past 7 months... and finding out for sure that it was Caylee's remains in those woods. He has tried so hard to be strong, but he probably came to the realization that he could not be so strong anymore.
From the news accounts, I don't think he had actually made the attempt to take his life yet. He had probably swallowed a few pills, which would have put him to sleep, but he had purposely not taken enough to kill him.
I am sure that the actual note will be made public at some point in time.
What distresses me most of all is the fact that some seem to think that we have to read and study every little detail, every thought that goes through their minds and pick it to pieces. What kind of ghoulish attitude is this? Sitting around waiting and praying for another doc dump... so that we can get inside their minds and judge them for their sins? That's just wrong.
None of us are without sin.... we need to stop throwing stones!

Well, none of us killed our kid. So, we're ahead of KC.

But, George didn't kill anyone, either. And, I strongly doubt that he was involved.
Suicide might be a crime, but it is also a deeply personal expression of heart-wrenching pain. When it has come to the public's attention that someone is feeling such pain, does the public really have a right to know all the gory details of such pain? I think not. We already know more about GA's pain then we have a right too.

Not everything is kept private. We have court documents, ping maps, alleged perps, etc. which gives us plenty to sleuth from. What sleuthing will we do from a very personal suicide note when it is not written by the suspected perp and contains no references to the crime? And does the little we might be able to glean from it really override the person's need for privacy, compassion and understanding? Why would our morbid curiosity be of higher priority than GA's mental health and well-being?


That's just it. Curiosity about anything that personal seems unseemly.
I would be extremely shocked if George's stomach was NOT pumped. It would seem to me that the hospital would be derelict in their duties if they did not pump his stomach! After all, this was presented as a suicide attempt.

And yes, I think that LE would definately be able to get the blood alcohol results as well as the drug content!

Depends on what is ingested, and how much. for instance, one would NOT pump certain corrosives.
I'm sorry if it sounded like I was involving George, not my intention. I was simply saying that if he truly planned to die, I think as KC's father, George would have thought it an idea to try to remove some of the blame from KC. Trying to make her look less guilty. I have NEVER thought George was involved. Cindy maybe in covering it up. But never George. Sorry.
Unfortunately, I had some experience with this sort of thing the night before George did this when a relative took too many tylenol claiming it was accidental. The ambulance crew gave a slurry of activated charcoal and I believe Ipecac. Blood levels drawn immediately and every hour showed the amount that got into the system. They didn't do any stomach pumping. And BTW, I think George is lucky that he was hospitalized and will be able to get help. My relative, of course, was sent home with no hospitalization or psych evaluation.

Charcoal slurry is all that's needed in a LOT of cases.
That's just it. Curiosity about anything that personal seems unseemly.

It puzzles me that as unseemly as it would seem to most people, that his own attorney would speak of it quite publicly. While BC did what he could initially to keep it off the 911 tapes by calling Sgt. Allen personally, he then made the decision to speak to the media about it. As "unseemly" as suicide attempts being made public seems to be, surely it should start with privacy from the man's own attorney.
What baffles me...over and over again, is the amount of bleeding hearts who would have everyone crucified for wanting to know the contents of these communications. So far, all we know is hearsay. What IF these texts and the letter has major evidential value? What IF some people are correct in the feeling this was all one big dramatic smokescreen, and perhaps that would be proved by going over these texts and the letter with a fine toothed comb? People can scream shame on you all they like- fact is, if it is applicable, it will be shown. If not, the conversation is a bit moot, no? Thank you all for doing your best to save our souls, but really, is this the place to do that?

bleeding hearts? my husband thinks so too. I have been called worse ;)

I wouldn't wish to "crucify" anyone for wanting to know - curiosity is not a bad thing. I just question whether it's morally right to be releasing tidbits of personal agony especially while said person is still in agony. That is not fair.

If it is of evidentiary value that will come up in the trial, I am sure.

and, everywhere is a good place to save a soul ;)

I know you werent directing that at me or anyone specifically. Just puttin' my 2 pennies in.
Same here. All it probably gives clues to though is who they want to throw under the bus. Clearly they all wanted to throw JG, but I wondered why they (GA, CA,LA) didn't also cast suspicion strongly on AL the last boyfriend and his male roomies and any other men she slept with. If I didn't think Casey did it, as they insist they do not, then that line up of sex partners who had easy access to Caylee would be the first people I'd suspect.

How many of them drove around with a decomposing corpse in the trunk?

beaised, JG was pretty much the only one who seemed to be deeply involved with her, and he's clear.
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