George's Possible "Suicide" Letter

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I heard something about that, though not the adjective "really", just that CA was angry. I think it was on NG, because when it was said, I remarked on it to the person watching with me, so it had to NG or GVS. I think it was a video roll of a local interview with the Anthony attorney and he said it, wasn't it?

Yes, I heard she was angry about it.
Did something in this latest doc dump put him over the edge? I would assume that they get some details along with the rest of us. I think the whole heart-shaped sticker thing might have been a trigger for me, if I was in those shoes.

Not that I ever would, but you know.
I am interested in the "dark veiled references" to Casey's friends. I hear a bus coming down the road.

That bus has rolled.

When LP bailed Casey out LP made references to Casey's friends that WEREN'T veiled. He especially went after Tony.

That is why I know Casey isn't covering up for her friends. Casey turned on her friends right off the bat. When that didn't pan out she went back to ZFG.
If JB requests a copy of the letter as discovery of the case against his client then the letter will be released under the sunshine law...Should this be the case, I dont think so since it apparently as far as has been stated does not say anthing about the crime itself...But the fact that it could have something about KC friends I would imagine that JB will want a copy of it...

I cannot not would I want to even imagine what this family is going thru, and hopefully with some pychiatric help George will be able to get healthy..

The crux of the matter is the Baker Act. The note is alledged evidence of his mental decompensation or intent to do harm to himself. So if it's part of a hearing, then it's public record. In some states you can request the judge to seal such documents, however. If you want to have a private mental breakdown, then don't get the police involved.

I do find it telling that Conway calls 911 and says that he's calling on the advice of John Allen of the OCSO. Conway knows this call and any actions of a Baker Act of GA all become public record. Either he consided the risk to the life of his client too great, or something else could be behind this.

On the other hand, if I were cooped up in a house with CA with the media swarming around me-- I know I'd want to get away if I could. I hope he finds the help that he needs.
George most likely wrote the note KNOWING it would be published. Otherwise why would he make references to Casey and the veiled references to her friends?

He wrote it to be READ, imo. We don't know to whom it was addressed but as I said, considering how everything else in this case has been revealed, and George was well aware of that, he knew that his letter would be revealed to the public.

He wrote it to be read after he was dead.
While Cindy is NOT my favorite person, anger is a very normal reaction to a suicide and has nothing to do with her being "cold" or unfeeling.

Being able to admit that she's angry tells me that her denial is not as strong as some of her supporters would believe.

The two women I know whose husband/SO took their own lives had to deal with extreme anger and abandonment issues, but it was hard for them to admit b/c they felt so guilty about it. It took a lot for them to be able to say out loud that they were really PO'ed.

The fact that GA didn't succeed and is fine would make it easier to be mad as well. Kind of like that frantic feeling you get when you lose sight of your child, and then the anger that comes out when you find them safe and just off with their friends or ignoring your rules with no regard for your feelings. You want to hug them and then shake them silly! I'm sure that's how Cindy feels right, "On top of everything else, how could you do this?"

I can't hold that against her. As much as I feel for GA and his broken heart, Cindy has got to be feeling very alone right now. She brought a lot of it on herself, I know, but it must be a horrible dark place.
Did something in this latest doc dump put him over the edge? I would assume that they get some details along with the rest of us. I think the whole heart-shaped sticker thing might have been a trigger for me, if I was in those shoes.

Not that I ever would, but you know.

i wrote a response and before posting got called away so when i came back i checked to see where the conevrsation had gone before posting.
here's the post MomofBoys-

i think something that came out this week was a wake up call for george. somewhere in that docu-dump is something that left him w/ no doubt that casey killed his grandbaby. if he really meant what he said (don't believe she did it) to be taken as a proclamation of innocence rather than that he simply can't believe it, then he wouldn't be dragging her friends into it. if she did no wrong what is there to blame them for?
True, but maybe like Clara Harris, it's coming around again for another pass.

This made me chuckle. I know.... I'm bad. :)

I didn't think this case could get more bizarre...
Did something in this latest doc dump put him over the edge? I would assume that they get some details along with the rest of us. I think the whole heart-shaped sticker thing might have been a trigger for me, if I was in those shoes.

Not that I ever would, but you know.

It's been reported by Orlando media (sorry no specific source, they all seem about the same to me) that he hadn't viewed the doc dump, and it's unrelated to it.
I agree that anger is a very normal response to a loved one doing something that risked their life. But you have to think, sadly, that it is just business as usual in the Anthony household... everybody ticked off at George because he screwed up again.

I say that because I am certain that anger is also Casey's reaction to George's activities. i.e. "how dare he try to get sympathy? I AM THE ONE IN JAIL! Don't you people ever think about how I feel?"
Yes, I heard she was angry about it.

I don't how I feel about CA being mad. I alway thought that she push Ga to see her way.(like when he changed his mind about the smell) I felt that was Cindy doing. I think Ga will be one that tell truth.
This has become the biggest problem in our country. Parents are blaming other kids for something their child has done. Casey's friends did not kill Caylee---Casey did! If they did, they would be in jail right now, and not Casey.

Up until today, I have felt sorry for GA. After reading and having some insight on suicide, I have changed my thoughts somewhat. People who are seriously planning suicide, actually follow through with it. They do not usually text people or write letters to give them a headsup. Sounds cold, but true. As much as I feel sorry for the A's, some of this "attention" has been brought on by themselves. It's only recently that they have kept their opinions and thoughts to themselves-until yesterday.

And, I agree with the posting stating that once you break the law your privacy is gone. This is a public forum where opinions are expressed (not as fact). So for those people who feel their should be privacy during this time-feel free not to post.
i have every right to express my opinion too :)
I'm not surprised in the least that this was Cindy's reaction to George's pain and distress. She's obviously an extremely cold, and calculating woman (I'm still waiting to see her shed some real tears over Caylee). I think having to live with her could lead anyone to take desperate measures to get themselves away.

George's only hope to get through this, come to terms with what has REALLY happened in his family, and start to heal is to LEAVE CINDY.

Anger is a totally normal reaction when someone close to you attempts suicide. I don't feel like it makes CA cold or calculating. I think it makes her human. And all you need to do to see CA cry over Caylee is pull up one of the jailhouse videos. I think the mean comments against Cindy and George need to stop. It isn't helping anyone find out what happened to Caylee. JMO
Did anyone else hear (on NG I) think that CA was really angry at GA about this? Good grief!

Their (the A's) whole world has been taken away from them and not by their choosing. Casey made the choice to take away her whole world.

Of course Cindy was angry! It's a perfectly normal and expected response, once you get past relief that the suicide was unsuccessful. In fact, if he had been successful, anger would be perfectly normal and expected.

Let's cut Cindy a break here. Her whole life has imploded, and she did not cause it.
This note should have been private, but it's not, and if it's true that George thinks the little double bagged body thrown away like trash just seconds from his home wrapped in her own bedding and the decomposition in his daughter's trunk don't have anything to do with his daughter, he's bat poop crazy. This whole family just seems hopelessly blind to reality. It's really kind of scary, and very sad. My heart goes out to George. Underneath it all, he seems like a decent guy. Even though things will never be the same for him as they were, I think he still has much to offer, so I wish the truth could set him free to move forward in life. Hopefully, someday it will when, and if, he can finally face it.

Well, it's his opinion and he's entitled to it. IMO Denial is the only way this family has survived to date. Casey's fate doesn't depend on what George or Cindy believe.

Honestly, I don't understand why so many care what they think. They've been through more than any human should EVER be forced to endure. If they weren't as full of grace as other's think they should what?

So What?????????
Of course Cindy was angry! It's a perfectly normal and expected response, once you get past relief that the suicide was unsuccessful. In fact, if he had been successful, anger would be perfectly normal and expected.

Let's cut Cindy a break here. Her whole life has imploded, and she did not cause it.

Totally agree.

My heart breaks for them both
The topic is the possible suicide letter. If we get off topic, and I am guilty, the thread will go poof.

The topic is the possible suicide letter and what is in it, as reported so far.

Not Cindy and her anger.
If a loved one of mine did what George did, my first reaction would be concern that they hadn't done any permanent damage to themselves, and to get them help and make sure they were OK. Maybe then the anger would come later, long after I knew they were ok, but it certainly wouldn't be the first reaction I had. I would do everything I could to make sure they knew they were loved and that I was there for them 100%. Certainly not to dump anger on top of them at a time where they are hurting, vulnerable and very desperate.
It's been reported by Orlando media (sorry no specific source, they all seem about the same to me) that he hadn't viewed the doc dump, and it's unrelated to it.

i'm not arguing w/ you, but how would orlando media know? and the news of the tape and heart shaped sticker at least must've made every news station he turned to be it TV or radio plus talk shows etc.
unless george had himself hermetically sealed in a vacuum these past few days, i think he couldn't avoid but know what was in those documents.
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