George's Possible "Suicide" Letter

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now, this is what I don't like. That note and the texts are private and personal and should stay that way! so unfair to GA. my heart breaks for him.

I couldn't agree more. The Chief of Police who actually found George and read his letter that was found in the car said something totally different then the SOURCES said. Why not leave this man...George..with some privacy in his pain and stop this!!!
I think it's a shame the way all of this is shown over and over again on Nancy Grace every single night. I wonder how it makes George and Cindy Anthony feel to see Caylee's pictures posted everywhere and have Nancy Grace blasting them repeatedly ever since this sad situation happened.

scrabble, I watch NG every night and I have yet to hear her blast the Anthony's.
George most likely wrote the note KNOWING it would be published. Otherwise why would he make references to Casey and the veiled references to her friends?

He wrote it to be READ, imo. We don't know to whom it was addressed but as I said, considering how everything else in this case has been revealed, and George was well aware of that, he knew that his letter would be revealed to the public.

If George was that far down into the black pit of depression I doubt that he was thinking about who would read his note. I doubt that he gave the vultures in the media a thought. His focus was getting relief from the pain that he was in and going to be with his little Caylee. I would imagine that he left the suicide letter to his family as that is usually who people leave a letter for. It's a shame that a person can't write their feelings out when they plan to take their life without the whole world knowing what they were. I won't be a bit surprised if George doesn't try this again at some point and succeed.
If George was that far down into the black pit of depression I doubt that he was thinking about who would read his note. I doubt that he gave the vultures in the media a thought. His focus was getting relief from the pain that he was in and going to be with his little Caylee. I would imagine that he left the suicide letter to his family as that is usually who people leave a letter for. It's a shame that a person can't write their feelings out when they plan to take their life without the whole world knowing what they were. I won't be a bit surprised if George doesn't try this again at some point and succeed.

Bolded by moi

If GA was in a pit of depression then he would have actually attempted suicide.
The Chief of Police who found George and read the suicide letter left in Georges's car said that he had no doubt that George intended to commit suicide because he wanted to go be with Caylee to make sure that she was protected. I think the Chief of Police would know better then some sources what was in the letter in the car and what George's intentions actually were.

The Chief of Police was talking to Nancy Grace.

See, I find that statement ironic because Caylee is well protected now that she's away from Casey.
(bold above by me)

I've been having a little trouble keeping up with the multitude of reports. Is it certain that GA was taken into custody under the Baker Act?

I seem to recall the sheriff saying in his interview that he gave GA a choice, pretty much ... come voluntarily or else.

Does anyone know which it was?

You are right because I heard the Chief of Police say the same thing...he then said that George said he would go voluntarily.
I will ask again: If George had been successful, it would not be a private matter and would be quite relevant to the case against Casey, since he holds a very material role in that case. George may in fact be in pain, but he had other avenues through which to get help. He has at his fingertips more people than the average man going through a stressful situation to reach out to and say 'look. I'm not handling this. I need help. I want to end my life. I can't bear it any longer."

He chose a very dramatic, guaranteed to make the headlines to call attention to himself way of going about it. No one here reading WS put George into the spotlight in this way. George Anthony did that.
All I can say is that I know of someone who took too many ibuprofen, and I mean a bunch, intentional and the hospital did not pump the stomach. Maybe because this person was puking??? Gave something thru an iv to settle the stomach who knows.

I go so back and forth on this. I didn't know he was going for a job interview, or job fair, whatever, he was trying. I will say this though....72 hours away from Cindy would do wonders. I think he just wanted some time alone and she started harping in. Will be interesting to read the texts and notes, personal they may be...but someone's going to put them out there and read them so I might as well.

Although I too deep down am leary about the actions/happenings of the Anthonys whenever there is a doc dump. No hard or bad feelings towards George at all. I am glad he didn't do anything. But this whole family makes you go hmmmm.

I remember the Chief of Police saying that George didn't want to go to the hospital. He said "I want to be alone and try and work this out." It sounded to me that he just wanted to be alone and have some peace and quiet to think in. I remember that picture of George sitting in the driveway in his car with his head down on the steering wheel crying. That was so sad and it made me feel like his car was the only place he could have any privacy to let his feelings go...but of course the vultures got a picture of that.

Maybe George did want some peace and quiet and a place to get his thoughts together. To figure out what his true thoughts were and what were Cindys that he had just been repeating in order to satisfy her. Maybe George wanted the time to make things right with his maker before he took that final step into eternity. I do believe that he was severly depressed with suicidal thoughts on his mind. I hope his letter is never made available for the world to read.
What baffles me...over and over again, is the amount of bleeding hearts who would have everyone crucified for wanting to know the contents of these communications. So far, all we know is hearsay. What IF these texts and the letter has major evidential value? What IF some people are correct in the feeling this was all one big dramatic smokescreen, and perhaps that would be proved by going over these texts and the letter with a fine toothed comb? People can scream shame on you all they like- fact is, if it is applicable, it will be shown. If not, the conversation is a bit moot, no? Thank you all for doing your best to save our souls, but really, is this the place to do that?

Bleeding Hearts????? Better said would be "COMPASSIONATE HEARTS!"
The Chief of Police who found George and read the suicide letter left in Georges's car said that he had no doubt that George intended to commit suicide because he wanted to go be with Caylee to make sure that she was protected. I think the Chief of Police would know better then some sources what was in the letter in the car and what George's intentions actually were.

The Chief of Police was talking to Nancy Grace.

I don't mean any disrespect to the Chief, but, I don't think anyone knows what George's real intentions were except George. IMO
George most likely wrote the note KNOWING it would be published. Otherwise why would he make references to Casey and the veiled references to her friends?

He wrote it to be READ, imo. We don't know to whom it was addressed but as I said, considering how everything else in this case has been revealed, and George was well aware of that, he knew that his letter would be revealed to the public.

I gotta say...I'm wonderin'...
You are exactly right MC. I have an inlaw who quite often uses this ploy for attn. or to get his way.

I agree the A's are under a tremendous strain, but I have not heard or read anything that would led me to believe without a doubt that GA was seriously considering taking his life.

Due to his past behavior, I think it is reasonable to question this.

Would you expect George to take out a full page ad in the town newspaper to let everyone know that he was going to leave this world? Most people don't announce it to the world. If I was going to commit suicide I would leave notes for my kids and grandkids and then I would go do it. It wouldn't be anyone elses business.
Bolded by moi

If GA was in a pit of depression then he would have actually attempted suicide.

The night wasn't over yet...if LE hadn't found him who is to say what he would have done. I guess we will never know...right?
Chanting, jump, jump???
Are you for real???

Compasion is one thing, realism is quite another ..

Exactly...and most of this situation built up and got out of control by the players...George, Lee and Cindy.

Stepping away and telling the truth, not hedging around it trying to appease everyone...would have done more for George's heart and state of mind than allowing himself to be beat down further.

All the compassion in the world will not give George back his dignity, he has to reclaim it. He has it in him to do it...I really think LE thinks he will do it FULLY...and hopefully soon.

If I see George driving drunk down the street on bad tires, swerving and running I bad for pointing that out? Should I show compassion and give him privacy? Or wait til he wrecks...then coddle him? No...thats how this family got ignoring the truth until a little baby was dead.

Marla, I agree with you...and this suicide attempt/cry for help does not change anything...and I for one will not be caught up in being so politically correct-touchy feely that I become an enabler.

Somtimes the truth is not pretty, it can hurt...but it is the only thing that can give George back his life.

He is doing himself and his family no favors by letting this continue. He is NOT protecting them or helping Casey or protecting his grieving wife..if she is so mentally unhinged that she cannot accept any of this, than she needs serious mental help.

I doubt that she is...Cindy has shown herself to be ready and willing to fight and manipulate.

That note was written for outside consumption...not his family...
See, I find that statement ironic because Caylee is well protected now that she's away from Casey.

I would guess that George is having a lot of guilt feelings because he didn't protect Caylee and now she is dead. In his mind now...he wanted to be with her now to make sure that she was protected. Remember, he wasn't thinking rationally but I'm sure it made sense to him.
The thread is about the note, not the ethics of reading it, not whether he really wanted to die and not about stomach pumping.

There are scant details about the note and there may never be any further details. Until then, can this thread be salvaged and redirected back to the details that we do have? If you are not interested in those details and object to them being revealed, that is respected as a difference of opinion.

Just leave this thread to those who are interested in the details of the note. Or else just let it die since it is mired down in arguments that will never be resolved.
The "suicide" note was found and taken by police and is therefore part of public record. Media can file to see it and report on it. I created the thread to talk about the contents of the note, as reported.

Any other debate, imo, is personal ethics. Debating ethics is very interesting to some but after a few posts it's redundant.

Since the FACTUAL contents of this note have not been released (and hopefully won't) there's nothing to do but speculate on this topic. Unless he stated something incriminating regarding Caylee's death or knowledge about the crime itself, IMO the note should remain private.
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