George's testimony at trial

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God! Simple answer about why he called the police about the gas cans THIS time, compared to other times the inmate stole them: She broke the locks on the shed door! D-uh!

Previously when she took them from the shed, she was *living at home*, so she would have used a KEY to open the door, no?

In one of the Anthony's depo's, I think it was George's, he says that he had one, and the other one was hidden.
On Wednesday Baez states to GA, "So Caylee didn't drown in the pool."

GA replied, "That's correct." GA's body language -
he closed his eyes (much longer than a blink) and frowned tightening his lower lip almost as if he was drawing into himself or blocking out what he just said.

After watching this ten times I'm not reassured that he's telling the truth. Why? Because how would he know if Caylee drowned or not?
If he knows for certain Caylee didn't drown then how did she die? The normal response, I would think, would be 'I don't know how Caylee died.'
Maybe adding that he's still hoping that KC will tell the truth. :waitasec:
Baez asked GA do you know the significance of gas cans in the death of Caylee and he answered he does now.
What's the significance of the gas cans?
IMO, George seemed more in control than Baez did. He gets flustered and annoyed, but it's restrained, and has the feel of *perfectly understandable under the circumstances*. IMO, Baez seems like he is the one on the edge and is the combative one. I don't think that will appear well to the jury. It looks like he is "persecuting" the witness, who is Caylee's grandfather, a witness who has been allowed to remain in the courtroom during the trial, although he is a witness, b/c he's a family member of the victim. IMO, that makes George a more sympathetic figure, and the jury won't like Baez or his client b/c of it. IMO
BBM. IIRC, George said during his first testimony this week that "(he) didn't know until today how (his) granddaughter died". I was led to believe that George had no idea how Caylee died until that day when JB told the court that Caylee drowned in the Anthony's swimming pool.

What do you mean?
What I wrote above, is what I heard Baez ask and GA answered basically saying Caylee didn't drown. How would he know that?
He could say he wasn't there when Caylee died so how would he know the manner of death at all? If he does, why not tell the world?
The other day when George testified I was left with a good feeling.. I felt he was being honest and direct. I just got finished watching his testimony today and I am not feeling the same way today.. he was so squirrely and argumentative about the very same things he was squirrely and argumentative about in the deposition. The darn gas cans again. What is with those cans.. why does he fight so hard each time he is questioned about them?
Well I hope the chuckle GA and CA had over calling LE about the cans was a good one. Those cans sure are causing probs for him now.
The gas cans tie him and/or the house to the duct tape?

yeah i think it's the duct tape that matched the roll they had. Remember at the depo he was all "I didn't put that tape on that can, I wouldn't put it on there so messy" ? He was trying to separate himself from the can with the duct tape. Today, the whole reason JoseB's questioning took so darn long was because of arguing over the can.
May favorite part was when George says to Jose...I'm gonna get real technical with you and then proceeds to explain how the gas could explode. :floorlaugh:

GA showing his temper like that is not a good thing. He will tell JB who's the boss!

Which reminds me, when is GA going to tell us what it was that KC could or couldn't tell us? He allowed her to be the boss or so he said. What was that about?
Remember CA and GA assured KC they'd understand if she told and that she was the boss. Curiouser and curiouser.
What do you mean?
What I wrote above, is what I heard Baez ask and GA answered basically saying Caylee didn't drown. How would he know that?
He could say he wasn't there when Caylee died so how would he know the manner of death at all? If he does, why not tell the world?

Maybe I am alone on this, but I took his comment to mean "the story JB said, was false" So he was saying, "that is correct, what you said is not true, I did not come out and see KC drowning" :waitasec: wonder how the jury heard it.

WHAT I did find telling was, JB spent all this time talking about GA calling the police to report the gas cans missing, and GA making such a big deal about the gas cans,etc. In all honesty, I was thinking, who really calls the police o report missing gas cans? Then it dawned on me. Someone that would call to report a petty theft, WOULD definately call 9-1-1 if his grand daughter had drowned.

JB would have been better off indicating CA behind all of this. Seems like she was the one that covered up for KC. I could see her covering up Caylee's death. Seems like GA and LA were the ones to call KC out on all of her BS over the years. Whenever GA tried to catch KC in something, CA would tell him to stay out of her business. Interesting....
yeah i think it's the duct tape that matched the roll they had. Remember at the depo he was all "I didn't put that tape on that can, I wouldn't put it on there so messy" ? He was trying to separate himself from the can with the duct tape. Today, the whole reason JoseB's questioning took so darn long was because of arguing over the can.

The tape was what the tense conflict was about today. JB was quizzing GA about the tape and GA's reply didn't match previous accounts.
GA told JB to stop trying to confuse him.

So how many of you think Baez is trying to get GA to lose his temper so he looks evil in front of the jury?

Will Baez succeed?

i really don't think JB is doing that on purpose. GA is quick to flash, and JB is obtuse and murky and clearly befuddled himself.

so its a volatile mixture. but, I could be wrong. i have been in the past.
Not the small duct tape that GA placed on the hole of gas can but the long duct tape that baez was trying to address. Right?

The small duct tape on the gas can matches the duct tape found on Caylee. It also matches the tape GA used to hang up the posters.
GA showing his temper like that is not a good thing. He will tell JB who's the boss!

Which reminds me, when is GA going to tell us what it was that KC could or couldn't tell us? He allowed her to be the boss or so he said. What was that about?
Remember CA and GA assured KC they'd understand if she told and that she was the boss. Curiouser and curiouser.

Woe, he almost had me the other day.. Really, my doubts about him were totally fading away (and you know I share your doubts about CA and GA). Scary- I almost got tricked! I'm glad I decided to watch his questioning today.
The tape was what the tense conflict was about today. JB was quizzing GA about the tape and GA's reply didn't match previous accounts.
GA told JB to stop trying to confuse him.

I know.. same thing- same reactions he had in the depo with the SA. WTF is with those cans and that tape?
Good evening.

I am of the opinion it's not about the cans-- more about JB trying to catch GA in ANY inconsistent statements in depos and testimonies on any issues, to lay out in front of jurors and attempt to establish GA as untrustworthy.
Considering JB is trying to build his defense on the fact that GA is the evil mastermind in this sad case, he will try many tactics to get GA to appear untrustworthy at any slight chance he gets.

As for GA appearing very uncomfortable and twitchy: he is being questioned by the man who, for the moment unsubstantiated, accused GA of sending his daughter to school after first having her perform fellatio on him. In front of all the world to see and possibly doubt GA for the rest of his life.

Maybe I am alone on this, but I took his comment to mean "the story JB said, was false" So he was saying, "that is correct, what you said is not true, I did not come out and see KC drowning" :waitasec: wonder how the jury heard it.

WHAT I did find telling was, JB spent all this time talking about GA calling the police to report the gas cans missing, and GA making such a big deal about the gas cans,etc. In all honesty, I was thinking, who really calls the police o report missing gas cans? Then it dawned on me. Someone that would call to report a petty theft, WOULD definately call 9-1-1 if his grand daughter had drowned.

JB would have been better off indicating CA behind all of this. Seems like she was the one that covered up for KC. I could see her covering up Caylee's death. Seems like GA and LA were the ones to call KC out on all of her BS over the years. Whenever GA tried to catch KC in something, CA would tell him to stay out of her business. Interesting....

I still wonder about the role CA plays here as JB casually slipped in that the ladder may have been left up by CA because she and Caylee got out of the pool right when KC came home. (Don't ask me about the vision I once had.)

Regarding GA, I'll have to go back tomorrow and listen to the whole exchange that took place between JB and GA on Weds.

So how many of you think Baez is trying to get GA to lose his temper so he looks evil in front of the jury?

Will Baez succeed?

He succeeded in getting me to lose MY temper but I'm not in front of the jury! :banghead: :maddening: :banghead:

Yes I think he is trying to do that, no I don't think he will succeed.

I would be more than happy to stand next to Baez and write relevant dates on the calendar. Though I would surely need some bail money... :banghead:

I am shocked at the lack of human decency.

I bet that the state will treat CASEY better than Baez is treating George.

If you are going to be a classless jerk at least save it for when you are accusing the guy of something. When questioning him about gas cans, be decent. He might just be more cooperative. :banghead:

What part of DO NOT GO THERE does Baez NOT understand?

If he can't say that George specifically asked his attorney... why does he think he can say he was excluded from the rule of not being in the courtroom???? :banghead:

My brother comes in and tells me "Jose cannot hear you cussing him out, he lives in a land called internet..."

No actually he lives in a land called something else... but I'm too angry to come up with it right now!

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