Geraldo At Large 8.30.08

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But didn't Baez break his promise, too, by saying Mr. P could talk to Casey? I'm sure he told Casey not to talk to anybody... So in his way, Baez used Mr. P. to get Casey out of jail when he knew full well she wouldn't talk to anyone but him. So in return, I think Baez is getting some much deserved payback...

Here's a thought ... does it seem that perhaps Baez and Casey are two of a kind, ie, using others, lying to get what they want, being unduly nasty (why diss LP when he was trying to help, and ended up obviously being USED? doesn't Baez realize how BAD this makes him (Baez) look??) ... and that's part of the special bond they ended up having? Just wondering.

On another "how to" topic: how can I search for posts by someone else (in this case, Renea; I wanted to see what posts were being referred to above). I can find all posts from someone when I can click on their name in a post, but could not figure how to do it without having their name (I tried different things). TIA for technical help as I learn how to use this website.
thank you so much pattyg...I really stepson, son and husband are watching 10,000 BC so i have to wait to watch geraldo, I tivo'd it though...
Here's a thought ... does it seem that perhaps Baez and Casey are two of a kind, ie, using others, lying to get what they want, being unduly nasty (why diss LP when he was trying to help, and ended up obviously being USED? doesn't Baez realize how BAD this makes him (Baez) look??) ... and that's part of the special bond they ended up having? Just wondering.

On another "how to" topic: how can I search for posts by someone else (in this case, Renea; I wanted to see what posts were being referred to above). I can find all posts from someone when I can click on their name in a post, but could not figure how to do it without having their name (I tried different things). TIA for technical help as I learn how to use this website.

In a funny kind of way, Casey and Baez are two of a kind, but with one exception: Baez lies consciously but Casey lacks a conscious.

Attorneys have bad reps because they’re known for telling fantastic lies while draining your bank account. Sound familiar?

I would not be a good defense attorney for a rapist or child murderer. There's no way I could defend someone like O.J., especially after all the evidence was revealed. If I had to defend a rapist or murderer, it would go something like this: (Al Pacino rocks in this clip!)

And Justice For All - Ending Scene
Any discussion about Casey taking a shower at JG's? Did he notice anything strange about her appearance? Did she smell like a dead body? Did she wash any clothes? He said he got 2 "odd" calls from CA. One to take the shower - the other a text telling him not to talk to her parents if they called.
Richard G.
Defending JG, because the Anthony's are going to try to say that JG did it......that he planted evidence.

Was Caylee unwanted? RG says she was wanted.

Casey complained to JG about her mother not giving her the house

Casey told RG that her mother controlled her, and she wanted out of that house.

RG is emotional about Caylee......holding back tears.

what is up with her telling people that her parents were going to give her the house?
what is up with her telling people that her parents were going to give her the house?

Casey told Amy that here parents were fighting and that's one reason why she didn't want to be there right then and didn't want Caylee exposed to their fighting (she said Caylee was with the nanny). She told Amy that she was going to take over the house payments (I guess after her parents split up) and that Amy could move in with her.
On another "how to" topic: how can I search for posts by someone else (in this case, Renea; I wanted to see what posts were being referred to above). I can find all posts from someone when I can click on their name in a post, but could not figure how to do it without having their name (I tried different things). TIA for technical help as I learn how to use this website.

Go to the Search this Forum link at the top of the main Caylee forum and click advanced search. There is a box to search by user names, posts and threads started. It looks like that thread may be gone though...
I don't know if you guys heard it but during the promo for the Casey Anthony segment on Geraldo he said that there were a lot of accusations on the "INTERNET" that JG killed Caylee...I don't think JG is suspected by LE or the Anthonys I think is father just wanted to respond to the Internet Rumors"

sigh.........there is no way casey was going to be taking over the payments on this house,its just another LIE, LIE , LIE of hers.

As for the BH, wth? He signed a contract with the attorney saying he was not going to revoke the bond? And now he is going to try and clear all of this up? As for them saying nothing has changed, and the bond should not have been revoked..........uh........yea, something has changed, Casey is NOW being charged with these crimes. Prior to the arrest, she was not charged with any of this. So the attorney and the BH are WRONG. as of now, I am putting the BH in the same boat as the anthony family. He goes back and forth on his story just as much as Casey does.
I forgot........JG family is just another in a LONG LINE of people she used. when this case goes to trial, the public will be shocked at the lengths this girl would go thou to use anyone that came in her path.

I doubt very seriously that she did not know he was not the father, people like her pick there marks very carefully.
Leonard said he did not revoke the bond and that he was surprised on it. It was the surety company that revoked the bond. Baez is claiming he is calling the surety company to see if thats true. Also he claims the surety company had no right to revoke the bond as Casey did nothing wrong while out on bail.

Geraldo always waits way too long on this story where he is cutting everyone off. Ticks me off!

Casey violated the conditions of her bond by being arrested on new charges. Perhaps Baez needs to learn to read (see 2.d.) since Financial Casualty and Surety clearly states in their Agreement for Surety Bail Bond the following:

2. It is understood and agreed that any one of the following actions by me shall constitute a breach of my obligations to
FC&S, and that FC&S and/or its Agent shall have the right to forthwith apprehend and surrender me in exoneration of my bail bond(s):
a. If I depart the jurisdiction of the Court without the written consent of the Court and FC&S, or its Agent.
b. If I shall move from one address to another or change my phone number without notifying FC&S, and/or its Agent.
c. If I commit any act, which shall constitute reasonable evidence of my intention to cause a forfeiture of my bail bond(s).
d. If I am arrested and incarcerated for any offense other than a minor traffic violation.
e. If I make any material false statement in my Bail Bond Application and Contract with FC&S.

Any discussion about Casey taking a shower at JG's? Did he notice anything strange about her appearance? Did she smell like a dead body? Did she wash any clothes? He said he got 2 "odd" calls from CA. One to take the shower - the other a text telling him not to talk to her parents if they called.

I think the same statment says that she was not dissheveled or dirty. The neighbor with the shovel said the same thing about her appearance when she returned the shovel. I think the shower is the weekend Tony is gone and she has nowhere to stay (probably trying to land herself there longer than a shower).
Does anyone know when Casey and Jesse met?

I am curious because there is a point in her questioning by the police at Universal where they ask her if the father's parents have Caylee. This is during several tough questions and she is talking at the same time they are and says "no, I haven't even seen or spoken to them since we were 5 or 6". Of course I know everything out of her mouth is probably a lie but that answer didn't seem thoughout, wondered if it was an unintentional moment of honesty.

Of course we know she has spoken to and see Jesse's parents since she was 5 or 6, so she wasn't referring to him (if actually referring to someone).

I don't get the feeling she knew JO at that age.

We have the supposed guy from out of state that started a family and then died in a car accident on the way to Caylee's first birthday or was that another guy? BTW Jesse thought he was the dad until 10 months old, so the real dad was contacted at 10 months and died 8 weeks later?

Ryan says the dad was a transient (LOL), which I thought was a very odd word choice. She has known him since she was a little kid right?
I think the same statment says that she was not dissheveled or dirty. The neighbor with the shovel said the same thing about her appearance when she returned the shovel. I think the shower is the weekend Tony is gone and she has nowhere to stay (probably trying to land herself there longer than a shower).

Yes, and just to add if you review her phone records for 6/16, he is, IIRC, 3rd or 4th inline in the flurry of activity, "cheering him up" over a job loss 6/24 (which it was then proven he did not actually lose until 6/25) and the weekend beach invite, he is alot less of an x than the current BF?
What a strange show. Was it ever confirmed that it was GR who put together this whole Baez/BHs/spokesperson thing? It seems clear that Baez is trying to guilt the Padillas into bailing his client out again, accusing them of breaking a promise they made to him NOT to revoke the bond. I sort of defended him before for lawyering, but he's getting kind of whiney and unpersuasive, which is not good for his client. He can be emotionally involved if he wants to be, but he needs to restrain himself and act in a professional manner. Too hysterical.

As to JG, I think his name has been injected into this case so often, and more accusations may be coming from the defense, that LE has to look into any allegations, if only to eliminate him as a POI. I still think he was another CA victim, despite all the speculation. I think she may have had a purpose or agenda in reinvolving him in her life after Caylee "went missing," maybe to cast suspicion. I feel badly for him and his family. So glad CA wasn't my friend.

I do agree he was a victim of Casey's for sure, I also believe he has involvement in this case, after the fact.
Did he or did he mean what he said (bold above)?

If LE is suspecting someone else - I really don't think they call them and say "hey - ya know -- we kinda think you had something to do with it - so whatcha think about that?"

They do if they have evidence to the possibility, and then sometimes to control the spin, people go on shows and bring it up first, kinda pre-emptively if you will.
What a strange show.... but he's getting kind of whiney and unpersuasive, which is not good for his client. He can be emotionally involved if he wants to be, but he needs to restrain himself and act in a professional manner. Too hysterical.
As to JG, ... I feel badly for him and his family. So glad CA wasn't my friend.
I so agree. He's starting to sound like a little kid who feels he's being bullied by the big kids. I think he's getting too emotionally involved in this case. 6-8 hours a day at his office? He, himself, has said she's only charged with child neglect. Too many hours for that. The Brittany Spears scenes every time she goes back and forth to the office, chatting on the Internet, Brownies--who takes brownies to their lawyer???? High Five to LE for "Grandstanding!" I think Casey, the Anthonys and Baez needed to be reminded a 3 year old is missing and that is very serious. I think they were grandstanding for their benefit.
I do agree he was a victim of Casey's for sure, I also believe he has involvement in this case, after the fact.
Curious, Blink, why you feel this way.
I do not think the arrest on the new lessor charges would violate the Big Bond. The behaviors that lead to the arrest occured prior to the bond. They were also generally known. It would be a different matter if the charges and behavior happened during the bond.

Lots of screwy info about this bond. Now they are mentioning a Texas co. involved in the revocation. Before in news reports they mentioned a Tampa bond co. and earlier mentioned another Florida city bond co. How many bond surety cos. are involved?
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