Geraldo World Exclusive - PI Tape 1-10-09

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I wonder how much one is paid for stating on national television that the Anthony family knew where the body was hidden? I do believe payment would be based on the number of time you made the statement so if a person made the statement five times they would receive 5x$$$. I doubt one would be paid for saying Casey knew where the body was hidden.

I'm fairly new here. Will I be kicked off for that question?

Lololol, you are probably correct. And welcome to WS!
It seems they were not watching "the" tape?? What a fool GR is.

Ha! Didn't BC say he was confused about which tape they were watching? Then Geraldo quickly cut him off and never spoke to him again? Sure does make me wonder if they were watching a tape at all.
So, did BC basically say that his clients DID send the PIs there? That's how it sounds to me.

That's how it sounded to me. Chilly explained that GR cut him off and he didn't get a chance to explain everything.
Ha! Didn't BC say he was confused about which tape they were watching? Then Geraldo quickly cut him off and never spoke to him again? Sure does make me wonder if they were watching a tape at all.

And the fact he said Dec. wonder if Hoover played a joke on him.

While I'm thinking about BC, what really struck me as odd this week was when he said DC didn't need a lawyer. What a silly thing for a criminal defence lawyer to say about a guy who had told lies about a serious criminal case on tv at least twice! I think BC is acting more like an A than a lawyer lately.
I have said from the very beginning of this that Baez would use my "BUT GEORGE defense and he would be blamed for the murder and they would tie it into his abuse of KC. By his own admission he was the "last" one to see her and had keys to KC's car to put the body in it.

I just KNEW it and it seems as if this proves it is coming.

I had to quit watching......this was a travesty of justice trying to discredit that tape before trial.


Also some serious false advertising.
Originally Posted by TURBOTHINK
I have said from the very beginning of this that Baez would use my "BUT GEORGE defense and he would be blamed for the murder and they would tie it into his abuse of KC. By his own admission he was the "last" one to see her and had keys to KC's car to put the body in it

Ugh!! And she doesn't want to tell on her own daddy right? Hence her silence?
And the fact he said Dec. wonder if Hoover played a joke on him.

While I'm thinking about BC, what really struck me as odd this week was when he said DC didn't need a lawyer. What a silly thing for a criminal defence lawyer to say about a guy who had told lies about a serious criminal case on tv at least twice! I think BC is acting more like an A than a lawyer lately.

Lol, I'll never forget KathiB's "Are YOU sure???"
Forgive me if this has been mentioned early in this thread. I did not read all of the pages since it is late but I do have to wonder if GR though he was going to get a copy of this video, started the hype in promo's for his show and found out too late he was not.
What he stated the tape showed he could have learned by watching previous news report. Odd how if there was anything that would need a little detail explained or something that someone may question him about later not matching what the tape shows he is now covered because someone else, the other man Schaeffer, I believe is his name, said the same thing in his narrative of what was on it.

This is pure speculation on my part but I really do wonder if GR actually saw any of the tape?

His claim that the info came from the A’s as a banner on the ticky screen, IMO was way over the top. We have speculated about that ourselves many times but unless I missed something there has been nothing to substantiate that claim since JH has made the statement himself that he does not know how DC came about the information to go to that location to search or who he was speaking to on the cell phone while he was in the area.

Of course DC is saying it was from the info that came from one of Casey’s friends (sic meaning Kio C possibly) DC could have spoken to Kio himself or others for that matter but we do not know that either.
Brad C., being the A’s attorney would also want [hope] that is was based on information that came from anybody but his clients.

As far as Fair & Balanced… These are entertainment segments not the news although they may cover what is in the news. It is exactly the same thing as the Fox’s GVS show, the Bill O’Rielly show or the Nancy Grace show is on CNN. Each put their own point of view/slant on what, how and whom they talk about and pick their guest for the same reason.
How ya think things are on Hopesprings Dr. tonight? I bet CA is :furious: and GA is:doh: and LA is:viking:!!

LOL!!! LA is kinda inept! :crazy:
I can't believe I just watched a show on TV in which the people on the TV were watching a TV I couldn't see and describing what they were seeing on that TV.

That's like

I want my twenty minutes back.

ITA, and wasn't GR's narration of the video "eye-opening". *sarcasm intended* :rolleyes:

GR: "There's a bush, now it shows some dirt, he picks up a blanket, another bush, a tree trunk." :rolleyes:
ITA, and wasn't GR's narration of the video "eye-opening". *sarcasm intended* :rolleyes:

GR: "There's a bush, now it shows some dirt, he picks up a blanket, another bush, a tree trunk." :rolleyes:

The interview of the legal analyst from FOX 35 was sooo much better. GR looked like an idiot. And what's with LKB-she hasn't met KC, doesn't know anything really about the case. She contributed nothing to the show! A waste-a huge waste of time!!:bang:
The interview of the legal analyst from FOX 35 was sooo much better. GR looked like an idiot. And what's with LKB-she hasn't met KC, doesn't know anything really about the case. She contributed nothing to the show! A waste-a huge waste of time!!:bang:

That figures! She's just another big baffoon attaching her name to this case who just can't/won't make enough of her valuable time to get herself acquainted w/ the details.:rolleyes:
The interview of the legal analyst from FOX 35 was sooo much better. GR looked like an idiot. And what's with LKB-she hasn't met KC, doesn't know anything really about the case. She contributed nothing to the show! A waste-a huge waste of time!!:bang:

I wondered about her (LKB). She was so "silent" about the video, etc. Where was her normal defense mode, her bravado? Just was odd to me.
I wondered about her (LKB). She was so "silent" about the video, etc. Where was her normal defense mode, her bravado? Just was odd to me.

Don't let her fool you. She's saving her defense and bravado up for the trial.
I would be pretty confident that has happened! And it will be very hard for him to get another's out there that he went to TES and LE. It may be hard for people to trust him with sensitive cases now and this could cost him a lot.
But, does anybody know where this guy (Hoover) worked BEFORE he volunteered his services? These characters just seem to pop up out of nowhere and we really know very little about them.
I'm talking about Hoover's attorney...I thought he was the first one to come across as a true professional.
I didn't realize that he had hired an attorney. I only knew that the station's attorney was acting as a an intermediary of sorts as far as the tape was concerned. It wouldn't surprise me that Hoover has gone out and gotten an attorney of his own (are there any left btw in Orlando?), but I don't know his name.
But, does anybody know where this guy (Hoover) worked BEFORE he volunteered his services? These characters just seem to pop up out of nowhere and we really know very little about them.

So true! He seems like an opportunist. Shows up on the doorstep to help with the protesters. Yeah right! The A's seem like an extremely gullible clan. Easy to take advantage of people like that-KC sure did!!:bang:
GR needs to go under the "bottom left" tire of the bus, IMO, with a tall glass of shut the h*** up.
All I can say is that the Gulf of Texas {some say Mexico, but trust me, we Texans know better} tried to eat him, but gagged and spit him back out. We tried.
3 questions- I was trying to talk on the phone and listen to Geraldo at the same time. I did hear him say about the Anthonys knowing the body was there in Nov? Was this confirmed or is this just Geraldos opinion- I heard BC start to talk about it and then it went to commercial.
I also did hear him say the MR was there in Aug. and Dec. and then looking back at records, found out he was in that area in Nov.- How come he didnt go back to check the woods in Nov.?
LP mentioned the P.I. tried to sell the vdeo- heard Geraldo mention he tried to sell it to 3 different networks- is this correct?
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