Germany - Multiple Injuries in train axe attack 18 July 2016

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It is amazing there are not more. Think about living in a place where planes fly overhead and bombs fall from the sky. Parents, relatves are killed. People are missing limbs or eyes. The horror of it all, year after year. That has to make people have breakdowns mentally. Unreal situations.

Here are pics of Sytria. How would you survive this insanity?

Isn't he from afghanistan.? Nothing to do with syria.
I hope (really hope) that he was radicalized by a terror organization and did not "self radicalize"...God help us if this is the case.

Also, there are generations upon generations that were victimized by wars. That are traumatized. That were persecuted. Yet, they do not commit acts of terror.
I hope (really hope) that he was radicalized by a terror organization and did not "self radicalize"...God help us if this is the case.

Also, there are generations upon generations that were victimized by wars. That are traumatized. That were persecuted. Yet, they do not commit acts of terror.

The self radicalize is terrifying to me. All anyone needs is an internet connection. They could be anywhere.
I would have to think that he is older then 17, jmo idk.

I have been trying to get a confirmation that he was indeed 17. Nothing yet.
Perhaps they can find this out during the autopsy. If they want to know this at all.

One of the reporters tells me that German bureaucrats do not have the time to check the age of immigrants, they are too busy writing down their names.

Allegedly, Germany is actually missing 9000 minors, but there is no way knowing if they are indeed minors or were minors at the time of registration because a) they are missing, b) they were ondocumented or c) documents weren't verified and d) tests for age and background were not done.

It seems that governments never learn anything from the experience of others.

This is Sweden's fastest 14 year old, and the guy on the right is oficially 16. You may have seen the picture before. They finally talk about introducing age-testing, but before that, if someone did not look over 40, he was a minor in Sweden.

ISIS has released a chilling video of the Afghan refugee who went on an axe rampage on a German train where he says he will attack the country in revenge for airstrikes against the terror group.

The attacker, who is named in the footage as Muhammad Riyad, was gunned down by armed police after fleeing the scene near the city of Wurzburg, 70 miles north of Nuremberg last night.

In the video released by ISIS and filmed before the stabbing, the teenager says he will carry out the attack and threatens 'infidel' countries.

Knife in hand, he then announces in Pashto, an Afghan language, he would carry out an 'operation' in Germany, and presents himself as a 'soldier of the caliphate'.
Berliner Zeitung


+++ EIL +++ Bayerisches Innenministerium bestätigt: Bekenner-Video zum Attentat von #Würzburg echt. Der Mann auf dem Video ist der Täter

Bavarian Interior Ministry confirms: Confessor video of the attack in #Würzburg is genuine. The man in the video is the perpetrator


Article from late last year:

Until last year, Afghans were the largest global refugee population at 2.6 million people - almost 10 percent of the country's entire population. Today, estimated at 12 percent, they are ranked as the second largest group (after Syrians) to have reached European shores and borders.

According to the United Nations' refugee agency, UNHCR, more than 40,000 Afghans have sought asylum in Europe from January until August this year.


German investigators doubt, according to a media report, that the perpetrator of Würzburg really comes from Afghanistan.
Especially the Confessor video of the allegedly 17-year old is nurturing these doubts, the ZDF "heute-journal" reported on Tuesday night, citing sources from the Security Services.

The man is speaking in Pashto, a language that is used in the Hindu Kush, but having distinct differences in the Afghan and Pakistani expressions. For terms such as "suicide", "governments", "military", "body" and "Muslims" the perpetrator makes use of the Pakistani variant.

Did theman only pose as Afghan?

His speech was clearly Pakistani according to assessments by language experts. The name of the man specified by IS also does not agree with the name by which he was registered in Germany.

According to investigators, there is evidence that the offender pretended to be Afghan at his registration, in order to increase his chances of being accepted as a refugee in Germany, ZDF further reported. In his room, the police apparently has found a Pakistani document.


"allegedly 17-year old ..... " :facepalm:
Sadly ironic somehow, the picture of horror on a train in Germany...
I don't understand. What is ironic?

Already wishing that i had removed that post, but had been thinking about the Holocaust and the image of crowds of people suffering and dying on the trains.

On the positive note - if there is one - an impossible, horrible situation was turned around and Germany has since opened arms/ not guns, and seems to have tried very hard to change those ways.
Although beginning to wonder how long that might last given recent events.
imo, speculation.
OMG how terrible! These kind of attacks are getting frighteningly frequent now. Hardly a days goes by without another incident somewhere in Europe.

I was just looking at German news reports to see if it was indeed a refugee, but I see now that greg already found confirmation. I wonder when he immigrated to Germany.

Prayers that all victims pull through!

ETA: just saw ZaZara's post, that he was in Germany for only two weeks. Wow, something is terribly wrong there - are immigrants not extensively checked first?


The world is a Terrible place these days.............and WE are not being told the Truth as to what is happening with these Muslims Refugees. I go to this site everyday to see the news that I do not hear on regular Media news. It is shocking!!!
German authorities have cast doubt on whether a teenager who went on an axe rampage on a Bavarian train was really an Afghan refugee, saying Wednesday he might have been from Pakistan.

In the IS video the youth uses phrases of a dialect of Pashto spoken in Pakistan and not Afghanistan and experts have indicated that his accent is also clearly Pakistani, ZDF said. A Pakistani document was also found in his room.

The name he used in the video, &#8220;Mohammed Riyadh&#8221;, does not match the name under which he registered in Germany, Riaz Kahn, the station added.

German authorities said they had authenticated the video.

After the terrorist attack of 17-year-old refugee in Würzburg federal politicians are arguing again about the asylum policy in Germany. Chancellery Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) contradicted on the ZDF broadcast the suspicion that there was an increased risk of terrorist attacks by asylum seekers.
If very many refugees arrive, then it is of course conceivable, "that one or the other of them is also prone to such ideologies," Altmaier said.

The head of the chancellery pointed to the profiles of perpetrators of past attacks : "Most terrorists who have committed atrocities in recent months in Europe, were not refugees, but people who were born and raised here." All findings from the past twelve months indicated that the threat of terrorism with refugees is "not greater and not less than in the rest of the population".

The perp who had attacked passengers with an axe and and a knife on a local train near Würzburg on Monday evening, was according to recent findings a 17-year-old from Afghanistan. In a video message, he described himself as a fighter of the terrorist militia "Islamic State". Based on the video he should be classified due to linguistic details as Pakistani. Federal Constitutional Protection President Hans-Georg Maassen said much is pointing to that "he has registered under a false identity." This practice is widespread but not necessarily an indication of a terrorist background, Maassen told ZDF television. Many refugees have none or forged papers on arrival.

In the attack five people were injured, two of them are still in critical condition. The assassin was shot dead when he fleed and attacked the police.
When the young man radicalized and whether he was in fact linked to the IS, is still unclear. He was never noticed by security authorities.

More control over the influx

Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann affirmed in the face of attack the demand of the CSU to limit the influx of refugees. "The key is: We have to recover more control over anything that comes into our country," he said to the ARD. "We must also limit the influx and thus be able to concern us about those who are here, those who are truly entitled the the status of refugee, then to deal with them intensively and to do everything to ensure that they do not rum out of control in a similar way."

Altmaier announced a stronger fight against Islamist propaganda on the Internet. We must prevent, "that young people in particular need seek refuge with agitators and terrorists," he said. For this he was already talking to the president of the Bundeskriminalamt, Holger Münch.

Green Party leader Cem Özdemir urged to seek the ideological struggle with the radical Islam. "It is particularly insidious that the IS deliberately tries to sow uncertainty into German society - with the aim to recruit the young," he said in the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung from Halle.


They let in over a million immigrants and they are totally clueless about who is among them, let alone if these immigrants are indeed entitled to the refugee status.

These statements beggar blief. I'm translating this from German and I wipe my eyes because I have trouble believing this is real.
If a German born and bred Hansl attacks foreigners on a train, does the highest official - not - on - holiday state that Germans are no more prone to commit crimes than immigrants?

No he does not, but the German Hansl would be shitstormed for being racist, xenophobic, hate crime, you name it all.
Now that the attacker in Würzburg happens to be someone who by all indications lied about his background, his origin and his age, and who committed a hate crime with an obvious religious background, it is all a matter of bland statistics, and his actions remain within the margins of error. How bloody fortunate.


A horrifying act

Four of the injured victims were a family of tourists from Hong Kong. The 62-year-old father, his 58-year-old wife, their daughter, 26, and her boyfriend, 30, were seriously injured, while the couple's 17-year-old son escaped unscathed.

Authorities in the Chinese special administrative region have denounced the assault. The city's top official, Chief Executive Leung Chun-Ying (main picture), condemned the attack and extended his condolences to the victims and their families.

"The authorities are in constant contact with both the Chinese foreign ministry and consulates in Germany as well as the German Embassy in Beijing, to continue to monitor the situation," reads a press release from the city government.

It also said that representatives from Hong Kong's office in Berlin were visiting the injured Hong Kong residents. But they have refused to divulge information to DW on the current state of health of the victims.

As this is a period of holidays for schools in Hong Kong, many families from the city are currently on vacation in Europe.

As recently as last Friday, July 15 - at the start of the holiday season - China's foreign ministry issued a travel advisory asking Chinese tourists to remain cautious in light of the recent terror attacks worldwide. It called on travelers to check the security situation in the country they want to travel to. Germany is designated as a "safe country" and "at the moment, there are no travel warnings or special instructions with regard to Germany," Su Meng, a Beijing-based tour operator, told DW.

The Hong Kong government has also not issued a travel warning, and the immigration department has only stated that Hong Kong travelers should remain cautious and avoid large public gatherings.

Media reports suggest that Hong Kong's immigration authorities would send a team to Germany as early as Tuesday, July 19. Relatives of the victims have also been informed about the incident and they too might come to Germany.

The attacker was a 17-year-old asylum seeker from Afghanistan. He "brutally went after other passengers on the train," said Interior Minister Herrmann. When police searched his room following the attack, they found a hand-painted "Islamic State" (IS) flag.

The initial reactions of Internet users in China after the attack were one of incomprehension about the German refugee policy.


Relatives of a Hong Kong family injured in a brutal axe attack by an Afghan refugee on a German train have revealed details of the assault.

The elder daughter of the Yau family told local media that her parents tried to defend her sister's boyfriend when the axe-wielding teenager went for him.

"Originally the assailant was attacking my sister's boyfriend and when my mother and father saw, they went up to get in the way and then they got injured," Sylvia, 30, told the Hong Kong-based Apple Daily newspaper Tuesday night.

Both the boyfriend Edmund Au-yeung, 30, and Sylvia's 62-year-old father are in intensive care with serious head injuries, the paper reported.

Her sister Tracy, 26, and mother, 58, were also injured, while Sylvia's 17-year-old brother was unharmed.


After the terrorist attack of 17-year-old refugee in Würzburg federal politicians are arguing again about the asylum policy in Germany. Chancellery Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) contradicted on the ZDF broadcast the suspicion that there was an increased risk of terrorist attacks by asylum seekers.
If very many refugees arrive, then it is of course conceivable, "that one or the other of them is also prone to such ideologies," Altmaier said.

The head of the chancellery pointed to the profiles of perpetrators of past attacks : "Most terrorists who have committed atrocities in recent months in Europe, were not refugees, but people who were born and raised here." All findings from the past twelve months indicated that the threat of terrorism with refugees is "not greater and not less than in the rest of the population".

The perp who had attacked passengers with an axe and and a knife on a local train near Würzburg on Monday evening, was according to recent findings a 17-year-old from Afghanistan. In a video message, he described himself as a fighter of the terrorist militia "Islamic State". Based on the video he should be classified due to linguistic details as Pakistani. Federal Constitutional Protection President Hans-Georg Maassen said much is pointing to that "he has registered under a false identity." This practice is widespread but not necessarily an indication of a terrorist background, Maassen told ZDF television. Many refugees have none or forged papers on arrival.

In the attack five people were injured, two of them are still in critical condition. The assassin was shot dead when he fleed and attacked the police.
When the young man radicalized and whether he was in fact linked to the IS, is still unclear. He was never noticed by security authorities.

More control over the influx

Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann affirmed in the face of attack the demand of the CSU to limit the influx of refugees. "The key is: We have to recover more control over anything that comes into our country," he said to the ARD. "We must also limit the influx and thus be able to concern us about those who are here, those who are truly entitled the the status of refugee, then to deal with them intensively and to do everything to ensure that they do not rum out of control in a similar way."

Altmaier announced a stronger fight against Islamist propaganda on the Internet. We must prevent, "that young people in particular need seek refuge with agitators and terrorists," he said. For this he was already talking to the president of the Bundeskriminalamt, Holger Münch.

Green Party leader Cem Özdemir urged to seek the ideological struggle with the radical Islam. "It is particularly insidious that the IS deliberately tries to sow uncertainty into German society - with the aim to recruit the young," he said in the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung from Halle.


They let in over a million immigrants and they are totally clueless about who is among them, let alone if these immigrants are indeed entitled to the refugee status.

These statements beggar blief. I'm translating this from German and I wipe my eyes because I have trouble believing this is real.
If a German born and bred Hansl attacks foreigners on a train, does the highest official - not - on - holiday state that Germans are no more prone to commit crimes than immigrants?

No he does not, but the German Hansl would be shitstormed for being racist, xenophobic, hate crime, you name it all.
Now that the attacker in Würzburg happens to be someone who by all indications lied about his background, his origin and his age, and who committed a hate crime with an obvious religious background, it is all a matter of bland statistics, and his actions remain within the margins of error. How bloody fortunate.


Where would 1,000,000 refugees be waiting while paperwork is vetted? Many probably fled with clothes on their backs. I only got certified birth certificates for my children in the US because they were needed for some official paperwork I needed.

How many people have their own birth certificates and marriage certificates at home? And I mean the official certified by the govt.

I cannot even fathom one million people arriving for any reason much less having to put them somewhere.
South China Morning Post

Two Hong Kong men who suffered horrific injuries trying to stop an axe-wielding terrorist in an attack on a German train were still fighting for their lives on Wednesday night as anxious relatives arrived in the *Bavarian city of Wuerzburg.

Doctors said Yau Shu-ping, 62, and Edmund Au Yeung Chi-kin, 31, were in a “critical” condition due to the “life-threatening” wounds they suffered trying to protect Yau’s wife, Wong Pui-king, 58, and their 26-year-old daughter, Tracy Yau Hiu-tung, who were also injured in the attack.

Dr Ertl, who described the attack as “shocking and “rare”, said the men could be in hospital for “weeks or even months” due to the extent of their injuries. There was a real risk of complications, he said.

One of them suffered a severe head injury, while the other had serious injuries to his abdomen. Both showed no signs of improvement on Wednesday.

The two Hong Kong women suffered less serious injuries and were said to be in stable condition.


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