Germany - Shooting at Munich shopping centre, 22 July 2016

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tranlation of some of the rooftop exchange

Murderer: "Becasue of you I have been bullied for 7 years"

Witness "You are a ah, that is what you are"

M: "And now I have to buy a gun"
[h=1]410 leads on possible terrorists among refugees: newspaper[/h]
that compared with 369 leads in mid-May since the beginning of the migrant crisis last year.
Investigations have been launched in 60 cases, the newspaper said. It cited federal BKA police as saying they did not currently have any concrete indications of attack plan

it is amazig ot me how much attn media gives to words from these folks. Their murderers. How much focus woud one give Homes, Batman dude? Lanza? Congresswoman shooter? Planned Parenthood.

America has been having mass shootings for decades. Terrorist is the buzz word in media today. Medonalds yesterday was not a terrorist. He was mentally ill.IMO. The one last night was not a terrorist. He was mentally ill.IMO. Batman was not a terrorist. He was mentally ill.IMO. PUlse was not a terrorist. He was mentally ill.IMO. The Dallas guy was not a terrorist He was mentally ill.IMO..

The longer we, as a society keep trying to blame everything in ISIS the longer we are not gonna address educating the public on signs and behaviors that should make one more aware, to help authorities. Do not be looking for Muslim folks, be aware of isolated, angry, domestic violent, criminal history, lack of social skills, numbed affect, odd thinking patterns--- way before ISIS was even present America has been shot up by mentally ill folks that fall through our cracks - our misunderstanding of what metnal illiness looks and sounds like. What it IS.

It is real illiness. It is identical to diabetes. Just like insulin - neurotranmitters are not being produced, or over produced, resulting in symtoms. It is like this country "stalled" in the 50's with insane asylums. Very few severly mentally ill folks are talking to the stars. Very few.

Mental illiness is like ice cream. Ice cream is ice cream , indeed, but there are many many flavors.....................

IMO our best bet would be to educate public on what severe metnal illiness looks like - that would go a long way to intervening beofre it ends on a WS thread!!!

All our ills are not ISIS mooo
It is not terrorism it is gun violence in Germany again gosh!

Berlin Police: Doctor critically injured in shooting incident at Benjamin Franklin Campus of Charite Hospital in Steglitz area of Berlin

end of alert


1hGerman police say shots were fired at the university clinic in Steglitz area of Berlin - Reuters

end of alert


1hPolice responding to reports of shots fired at a medical facility in Berlin - Berliner Morgenpost


The perpetrator of Munich, Ali David S., was a racist with a right-wing extremist worldview. He saw it as a "distinction" that his own birthday, 20 April 1998, fell on the birthday of Adolf Hitler. This the F.A.Z. has learned this from security sources. Corresponding statements about his enthusiasm for Hitler stem from the closest environment of S.
Ali David S. who comes from an Iranian family, was also proud as an Iranian to be an German "Aryan".
Originally Iran is considered the homeland of the Aryans. In contrast. S hated Turks and Arabs. He harbored feelings of superiority towards them.

Therefore, investigators are also looking at the hypothesis that S. killed in his act specifically people of foreign origin.
All of his nine victims had an immigrant background, six were young people between 14 and 17 years, two were young adults aged 19 to 20 years. Three teenagers were of Turkish origin, also a 45-year-old Turkish woman was killed. Three other teenagers - a boy and two girls - were Kosovo Albanians.

In favour of the assumption that S killed for racist motives, speaks that he could have killed more people - he had 300 rounds of ammunition with him. Until now, his act was described as a killing spree which stemmed from a mental illness and the experience of being bullied by peers. S. was not involved in networks of right-wing extremist scene in Munich .

The racist sentiment is supported by the exchange of words, that S had after the shootings with a resident of the Olympia shopping center, who berated him from his balcony. S. shouted among other things "**** Turks". He also insisted that he was born a German in Germany. S. committed his act consciously on the fifth anniversary of the devastating attack by the Norwegian right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik.

S. saw Breivik as a role model. Breivik killed 77 people in Oslo and on the island of Utøya on 22 July 2011th. His victims were mainly young participants of a tent camp. Breivik shot dead in cold blood then 69 people, nearly half were younger than 30 years.


Just when you think you have seen it all...... and wasn't poor David(*) bullied, no wonder he ....

(*) many soures do not mention his first name Ali, deliberately hiding his background.

Douglas Murray, The Spectator


The more complex story of the Munich shooter allowed everyone to double-down on their favourite explanations for violence.

Inadequate welfare provisions, unsuitable town-planning and bullying were all wheeled out to explain why Ali David Sonboly started shooting in a McDonalds. Others were a little too keen to claim him as an Isis warrior, when it seems he wasn’t.
The BBC got around the problem by excising the ‘Ali’ and all reports of his religion.
Instead, speculation about the shooting happening on the fifth anniversary of Anders Breivik’s terrorist assault in Norway meant that every-one could ignore the Muslim eyewitness who heard Sonboly shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ and headline on Breivik instead.

Meaning that in Europe in 2016 a child of Iranian parents can be portrayed as a white supremacist, while no amount of Mohameds shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ can be said to have any connection to Islam.


Snippet taken from a very interesting essay ---- thank you, Douglas Murray! recommended reading!
It is not terrorism it is gun violence in Germany again gosh!

Berlin Police: Doctor critically injured in shooting incident at Benjamin Franklin Campus of Charite Hospital in Steglitz area of Berlin

end of alert


1hGerman police say shots were fired at the university clinic in Steglitz area of Berlin - Reuters

end of alert


1hPolice responding to reports of shots fired at a medical facility in Berlin - Berliner Morgenpost

I thought Germany had strict gun laws. Where are these perps getting the guns?
This incident obviously could have been much worse, thank goodness it was "only " name calling.
The sight of people happily splashing away in a pool in the summer, should have inspired the grumpy group to shout out " Aloha atbar "

Nudist bathers threatened by gang of men who shouted 'Allahu akbar'
A group of six young Muslim men reportedly burst into a nudist swimming pool in Germany and threatened the patrons, spit on the children and called the women "*advertiser censored*."

The men were described as in their mid-20s, wearing full beards. The swimmers said they yelled "Allahu akbar," called them "infidels" and shouted insults.

One woman said she was told: "We (German) women are all *advertiser censored* and they would exterminate all of us," she told Junge Freiheit.
This incident obviously could have been much worse, thank goodness it was "only " name calling.
The sight of people happily splashing away in a pool in the summer, should have inspired the grumpy group to shout out " Aloha atbar "

Nudist bathers threatened by gang of men who shouted 'Allahu akbar'

Hi Dotr, a year ago attacks like these would have been posted under "Bizarre and off-beat news:

Now we see them for what they are and the future is not looking bright.

A map with recent "incidents" at swimming pools (rape, harassment) can be found here:

Welcome to the new Germany!
Ms Merkel has just announced that she will stick to the plan.
Hi Dotr, a year ago attacks like these would have been posted under "Bizarre and off-beat news:

Now we see them for what they are and the future is not looking bright.

A map with recent "incidents" at swimming pools (rape, harassment) can be found here:

Welcome to the new Germany!
Ms Merkel has just announced that she will stick to the plan.

If only the government in Germany would have a vote of no confidence in Merkel and force her out. The next German election should be in 2017.
......... Hold my beer while I update you on the latest news from the Real World of Grown Ups:


During the rampage in Munich there were many witnesses - including the excavator operator Thomas Salbey.
The 57-year-old saw the perpetrator on the parking deck from his balcony, he even tried to stop the shooter by throwing a beer bottle.

After the murder Salbey willingly gave some interviews to journalists, some of his statements were documented on video recordings. He insulted the gunman and called him names. Because of that, he has now been reported for defamation, the Munich newspaper "tz" reports on their online portal.

The legal proceeding has been confirmed by Florian Weinzierl, the spokesman for the Munich I Public Prosecutor. However, it still remains to be determined, by whom the report has been made. Since the expletives were uttered only after the fact, they had no influence on the course of events, Weinzierl explains.

The charge should terefore be regarded as "an insult to the detriment of a Dead person". A judicial investigation might therefore be concluded quickly.


......... Hold my beer while I update you on the latest news from the Real World of Grown Ups:


During the rampage in Munich there were many witnesses - including the excavator operator Thomas Salbey.
The 57-year-old saw the perpetrator on the parking deck from his balcony, he even tried to stop the shooter by throwing a beer bottle.

After the murder Salbey willingly gave some interviews to journalists, some of his statements were documented on video recordings. He insulted the gunman and called him names. Because of that, he has now been reported for defamation, the Munich newspaper "tz" reports on their online portal.

The legal proceeding has been confirmed by Florian Weinzierl, the spokesman for the Munich I Public Prosecutor. However, it still remains to be determined, by whom the report has been made. Since the expletives were uttered only after the fact, they had no influence on the course of events, Weinzierl explains.

The charge should terefore be regarded as "an insult to the detriment of a Dead person". A judicial investigation might therefore be concluded quickly.



If someone does what that terrorist perp did, one should be able to insult him any way they want to, and get a standing ovation, imo.
If someone does what that terrorist perp did, one should be able to insult him any way they want to, and get a standing ovation, imo.

Political Correctness may have something to do with it, and / or tunnel vision, blocking out the bigger, nastier picture.

Off Topic, but interesting if you want to know more about certain attitudes in Germany ...

Here is more Common German No~Sense:

It was only a matter of time before the German women who held signs saying "refugees welcome" got their "welcoming."

In these reports from German TV, multiple socialist, left-wing women tell of their being raped by so-called "refugees." Rather than report their crimes, they felt compelled to cover them up and lie and claim native Germans were involved too.

Their concern to this day is not that they've imported an actual rape culture, but that the rapists not tarnish the image of the rest of the wonderful refugees.

The videos were taken from the mainstram German TV channels and the English translation is correct.

Meanwhile, I will keep you posted about the developments, if indeed there be any, in the Shocking Case of the Ranting Balcony Man!
......... Hold my beer while I update you on the latest news from the Real World of Grown Ups:


During the rampage in Munich there were many witnesses - including the excavator operator Thomas Salbey.
The 57-year-old saw the perpetrator on the parking deck from his balcony, he even tried to stop the shooter by throwing a beer bottle.

After the murder Salbey willingly gave some interviews to journalists, some of his statements were documented on video recordings. He insulted the gunman and called him names. Because of that, he has now been reported for defamation, the Munich newspaper "tz" reports on their online portal.

The legal proceeding has been confirmed by Florian Weinzierl, the spokesman for the Munich I Public Prosecutor. However, it still remains to be determined, by whom the report has been made. Since the expletives were uttered only after the fact, they had no influence on the course of events, Weinzierl explains.

The charge should terefore be regarded as "an insult to the detriment of a Dead person". A judicial investigation might therefore be concluded quickly.


Omg. Unreal.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

A fortnight after unblanced Sonboly, 18, lured young people to a McDonald's restaurant in Munich and killed nine of them before taking his own life it has emerged that the German-Iranian youth travelled with his father Masoud to Iran in December last year.

The news magazine Focus said that he underwent "weapons training" while there which included firing guns, although it was not specified where.

Sonboly, who was obsessed by violent computer games and mass school shootings in both Germany and America, bought a 9mm Glock handgun from the 'dark web' for £80 to commit the murders.

His father Masoud did not mention the Iranian trip, or gun firing while there, in an interview last weekend with the Bild am Sonntag newspaper.
He said that he and his wife and 14-year-old son had faced numerous death threats since his son's rampage on July 22.
He also told the newspaper he had no idea that his son was planning such an act.



The complaint will not be prosecuted

On Wednesday it was announced that Salbey has been reported for insult and negligent homicide. Now a woman claims that she was the one who reported the man already on July 23, one day after the massacre. "I stand by it," she says in a YouTube video. Her name is known to the Prosecutor.

The woman, whose name is Michelle and who is 40 years old according to her Youtube profile, explains herself as follows:"In my view, the massive insults of the gunman were no heroic deeds." The man would have insulted the offender, although he was aware that the other was carrying a loaded gun. That way he put other people at risk.

"The fact that the gunman was provoked by the insults and indeed responded by firing more shots is documented in the circulating video," the woman says. In the process a local resident would have been shot. "So there happened at least one injury by gunshots after the insults."

According to police, the victims died before the scene on the parking deck. David S. had shot nine people in and in front of the Olympia shopping center in Munich on 22 July. Then he pulled the gun on himself.

The Munich public prosecutor Thomas Steinkraus-Koch said to "tz" on Thursday: "The reporting party is based on the manifestly erroneous assumption that at the time when the video was created, the shooting spree had yet to start." But that was not correct. "At this time, the gunman had already killed nine people," Steinkraus-Koch said. The case will not be prosecuted.

The video, which shows the shouting duel between Salbey and the offender was taken by another resident of the apartment building at Olympia Shopping Mall. His father was wounded in the shoulder by the gunman, however not by a bullet, but due to flying debris ricocheting as the videographer told "Welt am Sonntag" on the day after the shooting rampage.

Whether Salbey provoked the gunman or prevented more deaths by his behavior, is debatable. Heinz Kraft, a trainer for violence de-escalation, said after the shooting spree that Salbey probably had acted unknowingly correctly: "He has pulled the perpetrator out of his plan. He has irritated him.." The perpetrator had certainly not expected such insults - suddenly the 18-year-old had to reconsider how to proceed. In those two minutes, many people probably managed to get to safety.

YouTuber Michelle sees things differently. She also wants the people who bullied David S to be held accountable. "If I find out who bullied the gunman before the fact, and if I should be able to find out that in the context of bullying offenses happened, I will also report this," she says in the video. This is not a matter of a peccadillo: "Bullying can kill."


Creeps! She reeks of Unsafe Places and Micro Aggressions! I hope she crawls back into her Safe Space quickly.

Meanwhile, give that man a beer.
Sonboly had his backpack full of ammo. In the two hours after the rant of Balcony Man and before the police located him, he shot no one.

:toast: Here's to you, Balcony Man!

The complaint will not be prosecuted

On Wednesday it was announced that Salbey has been reported for insult and negligent homicide. Now a woman claims that she was the one who reported the man already on July 23, one day after the massacre. "I stand by it," she says in a YouTube video. Her name is known to the Prosecutor.

The woman, whose name is Michelle and who is 40 years old according to her Youtube profile, explains herself as follows:"In my view, the massive insults of the gunman were no heroic deeds." The man would have insulted the offender, although he was aware that the other was carrying a loaded gun. That way he put other people at risk.

"The fact that the gunman was provoked by the insults and indeed responded by firing more shots is documented in the circulating video," the woman says. In the process a local resident would have been shot. "So there happened at least one injury by gunshots after the insults."

According to police, the victims died before the scene on the parking deck. David S. had shot nine people in and in front of the Olympia shopping center in Munich on 22 July. Then he pulled the gun on himself.

The Munich public prosecutor Thomas Steinkraus-Koch said to "tz" on Thursday: "The reporting party is based on the manifestly erroneous assumption that at the time when the video was created, the shooting spree had yet to start." But that was not correct. "At this time, the gunman had already killed nine people," Steinkraus-Koch said. The case will not be prosecuted.

The video, which shows the shouting duel between Salbey and the offender was taken by another resident of the apartment building at Olympia Shopping Mall. His father was wounded in the shoulder by the gunman, however not by a bullet, but due to flying debris ricocheting as the videographer told "Welt am Sonntag" on the day after the shooting rampage.

Whether Salbey provoked the gunman or prevented more deaths by his behavior, is debatable. Heinz Kraft, a trainer for violence de-escalation, said after the shooting spree that Salbey probably had acted unknowingly correctly: "He has pulled the perpetrator out of his plan. He has irritated him.." The perpetrator had certainly not expected such insults - suddenly the 18-year-old had to reconsider how to proceed. In those two minutes, many people probably managed to get to safety.

YouTuber Michelle sees things differently. She also wants the people who bullied David S to be held accountable. "If I find out who bullied the gunman before the fact, and if I should be able to find out that in the context of bullying offenses happened, I will also report this," she says in the video. This is not a matter of a peccadillo: "Bullying can kill."


Creeps! She reeks of Unsafe Places and Micro Aggressions! I hope she crawls back into her Safe Space quickly.

Meanwhile, give that man a beer.
Sonboly had his backpack full of ammo. In the two hours after the rant of Balcony Man and before the police located him, he shot no one.

:toast: Here's to you, Balcony Man!
I bet she's president of her home owners association, too. [emoji35] [emoji34]

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk


The gunman from Munich paid 4350 euros for his firearm and ammunition according to the police investigation. This had emerged from the investigation into the alleged arms dealer who had been arrested on Tuesday in Marburg.


That is expensive, very much so.

In comparison: for less than 5000 euros, the terrorist of Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher bought in Brussels:

2 Skorpion submachine guns
1 rocket propelled grenade launcher
2 Kalashnikov automatic assault rifles

I am not recommending a price war, but I do like to know how Sonboly got the money. His only source of income would have been a small job as a newspaper boy.

SpiegelOnline also mentions that the same arms dealer sold a machine gun and ammo to another 17 year old boy:

The 17-year-old is said to have acquired in the first half of July in Marburg of the suspects a machine gun and 157 cartridges for the price of 1,150 euros. During a search of his room in his parents' apartment in North Hesse in the night of 3 August, the goods have been recoivered - as well as a Walther PK 380, three guns of various calibers, four revolvers, another 175 cartridges and approximately five kilograms of black powder.

There is no evidence that the youngster would have wanted to use weapons. He lived in a normal social environment.

Hell yeah... after all, there IS a difference between having guns and having chocolate...


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