Germany - Shooting at Munich shopping centre, 22 July 2016

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The Australian

As the boys held him down and the girls giggled as they painted make-up on his face, Ali Sonboly resisted and screamed he would make them pay for his humiliation.

Years of bullying and failures at school led to depression and psychiatric treatment.

Last week, the troubled 18-year-old went over the edge. Drawing inspiration from other mass murderers, he meticulously prepared and carried out a bloodbath in which nine people died. Then he turned the gun on himself.

He struck on Friday, the fifth anniversary of the massacre by Anders Breivik, a Norwegian right-wing fanatic, of 77 people, most of them children.

It was also the day Sonboly broke the news to his family that he had failed his end-of-school exam for the second year running.

Investigators believe that Sonboly, born to Iranian parents in Munich, could have set out to target Arabs and Turks at the Olympia shopping centre.

Hours before the attack, Sonboly created a fake Facebook profile in the name of Selima Akim, a young Turkish woman, and used it to post a public invitation for free food and drinks at a branch of McDonald’s across the road from the centre.


The article is paywall, but i got around that by using the webcache, hence the link.

I find the quotes regarding the shooting, that it will not change the city, a bit odd. I'm sure everyone is feeling some relief that it wasn't ISIS, but I'd like to think the shooting by a bullied boy who grew up in their city and attended schools in their city would spark some discussions about what is needed to change in their city.

I do not blame anyone for the shooting except the shooter....but I'd like to think that some self-examination about the way he was treated (and it sounds like his bullying was true, not in him imagination) would happen for the city. I'd like to think someone is willing to change in reaction to this tragedy.

Terrible story from every angle.
snippets, not necessarily in order.

“One of the other neighbours told me he had psychological problems,” another local said, “but I never saw any evidence of it myself.”

Some may also have teased Sonboly about his Iranian background - the German newspaper Bild quoted one former classmate as saying that the gunman targeted “Turkish and Arab pupils” because they had bullied him particularly harshly at school.


According to the German newspaper Bild, several of Sonboly’s classmates had blocked him on the network after he began sending them abusive messages.

“About a year ago we kicked him out of the [Steam] group because he kept threatening us," a former classmate told Bild.

The classmate added that Sonboly was able to return to the Steam network under different aliases and continue to send them abuse.

Among the aliases used were "Psycho", "Until I see sense no more", "Godlike" and "We will play this game to death".

Then, on the day of the attack, Sonboly sent a final message to his classmates via headset: “Come to the McDonald's and I will come and get you and shoot you.”
He also received inpatient psychiatric treatment in 2015 for two months, spokesman for the Munich prosecutor's office Thomas Steinkraus-Koch told reporters. "The suspect had fears of contact with others" and depression, the spokesman said.


A search of the shooter's home overnight revealed a trove of literature about mass killings, including a German-language translation of the English book "Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters."

De Maiziere said the shooter had researched a 2009 school shooting in Germany as well as the Breivik attack.

"There was material found in the apartment of the suspect that showed a particular interest in shooting sprees," de Maiziere said.
I find the quotes regarding the shooting, that it will not change the city, a bit odd. I'm sure everyone is feeling some relief that it wasn't ISIS, but I'd like to think the shooting by a bullied boy who grew up in their city and attended schools in their city would spark some discussions about what is needed to change in their city.

I do not blame anyone for the shooting except the shooter....but I'd like to think that some self-examination about the way he was treated (and it sounds like his bullying was true, not in him imagination) would happen for the city. I'd like to think someone is willing to change in reaction to this tragedy.

Terrible story from every angle.

This line was especially odd, imo.rbbm.

"After a close call like that, your first reaction is to have fear, to be afraid to go out in public," she says, pointing to the bus stop in front of the mall where she waits for her bus to work each day.

But, she says, she trusts that will pass.

"In Munich we feel secure. Even black people, we feel safe here. For now." ..
Hi Gee!

It struck me as peculiar - I would not "advertise" that I was giving stuff away, only if it is cheap to get people to go there --

I wonder if he kept going to high buildings planning to jump but could not??


Good question, whether he was planning to jump or not, I feel he was headed for death regardless


Daily Mail

A man who confronted the Munich killer from the balcony of his flat has told Mail Online he would have shot the killer if he had a gun.

Thomas Salbey, who has become known as the 'balcony man' after his profanity-laced exchange with killer Ali Sonboly went viral, said he wished he could have fired back at the killer.

'All I had was a beer bottle to throw at him. If I had a gun I would have shot him I'd have shot him in the head,' Mr Salbey told Mail Online.

He said: 'I was drinking a beer after work when I heard the shots, first at McDonald's. Bam bam bam – that's how it sounded.

'This was just below our house. At first I thought it was a Kalashnikov he was firing. Then I looked down from the balcony and saw him running along the glass tunnel.
'As he reloaded his gun I got my beer bottle and threw it at him. It broke on the glass, but I don't think he heard it.'

But the bottle attracted the attention of Sonboly, who made his way on the to car park roof after leaving a trail of bodies in the shopping centre.
Mr Salbey began shouting at the killer, who was dressed all in black - prompting the killer to fire several shots in his direction.
He said: 'At the time I was not sure if they were real of they were blanks. I now know they were for real.


Video with interview here (Dutch subtitles)

The crow on the railing is either very well educated ot not real.

Seung-Hui Cho was bullied, right? What about Lanza and Rodgers? I've read the Columbine shooters were bullied but I've also read they weren't bullied.

Anyway. He sounds like all the others.

I have read that Seung-Hui Cho was bullied, but not severely. I have read that Adam Lanza was not bullied. I am sure he was too.

I have read that Elliot Rodgers engaged in bullying and harassment when he was in college.

Isla Vista Investigative Summary - Santa Barbara County sheriff's

Disturbance with Suspect and a Couple at Goleta Beach: May 6, 2014

On May 6, 2014,141 a couple in their 20’s had just finished eating dinner and were preparing to leave Goleta Beach. As the female’s boyfriend was backing out of his parking space, a black BMW blocked him in. The female, who was about to enter her vehicle because she drove separately, noticed her boyfriend was arguing with the driver of the BMW. The female called her boyfriend’s cell phone to find out what was going on. The female learned that the driver of the BMW said, "You're lucky to be an Asian guy dating a white girl. It's too bad she is such a horsefaced *advertiser censored*.” The BMW drove away from her boyfriend without further incident.

The female was upset over this comment, so she drove around the beach parking lot and located the BMW. She confronted the male driver and he didn’t respond. The female said she didn’t feel right about this situation, so she drove away.

After driving away, the female noticed the BMW speeding throughout the Goleta Beach parking lot, almost hitting several vehicles. The female called 9-1-1 and requested that law enforcement search the area for the BMW. The female provided the license plate of the BMW as 6ELX898.

Even in his manifesto, I can tell that Rodger engaged in bullying.

My Twisted World

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had a history of bullying.

The Search for Truth at Columbine

Eric and Dylan’s harassing behavior
Eric and Dylan had a history of harassing other students. As far back as eighth grade, the two boys (along with others), sent a girl a threatening letter. In ninth grade a girl went on a date with Eric, but declined further dates. Eric’s reaction was to fake a suicide in front of her, pretending to have bashed his head in with a rock, and covering himself with fake blood.Another girl who dated Eric and then broke up with him said that after the break-up she received threatening emails.It takes no stretch of the imagination to think that the girls who were thus victimized talked to their friends about these incidents, and Eric’s reputation likely became darker with each episode.

In fact, one girl Eric was interested in reportedly was afraid of him.Another refused to return his calls, commenting that he seemed a little “evil.” Another girl went out with him briefly, but then stopped returning his calls because he was “weird.” Thus, Eric’s behavior was responsible for numerous episodes of rejection.

Statistics on Bullying and School Shootings

Most school shooters engage in bullying themselves.

There have been criminals who had history or probably had of bullying like Omar Mateen, Jerry Sandusky, Lori Drew, and Adolf Hitler.
Clicking thanks wasn't enough. Thank you HMSHood for such a thorough and well-researched answer!


Arrest of a 16 Year Afghan in the developing connection with the shooting spree - Laim

Polizei München

On Sunday, 24.07.16, around 18:15 hrs, an apartment was entered in the Munich district of Laim by forces of the Special Commandos on orders of the Munich I Public Prosecutor. In the apartment a 16 year old Afghan was arrested.

This person is a teenager who was in a friendly relationship with the dead 18-year old German-Iranian gunman.

The 16 year old came forward on Friday immediately after the shooting rampage to the police station and was questioned because of his relationship with the perpetrator.

However, in the course of the day, the conducted criminal investigations revealed contradictions in his statements.
It is suspected that the 16 year old is a possible accomplice to the facts.
The Munich Criminal Police is therefore investigating the youth on suspicion of failure to report a planned offense under § 138 of the Criminal Code.

If and to which extend the arrested person is responsible for a Facebook call for a meeting in a cinema complex near the Munich main train station, the other criminal investigations will have to find out.

Police Munich makes very clear that we will act with all our available means against the so-called freeloaders and warns for further copycat crimes.These put people into danger and force police actions that will be charged to the perpetrator in full amount.


Not lone wolf after all....?
The gunman - identified by sources as David Sonboly - called himself "Ali" and once described the 17-year-old killer in the 2009 attack as a good person, according to a 16-year-old youth with whom he played video games in an online club, the German magazine Spiegel reported.

Bavaria's chief prosecutor Thomas Steinhaus-Koch said the gunman was treated for anxiety and been hospitalized for psychiatric treatment from July to September 2015, followed by out-patient treatment as recently as last month.

Nor did the victims include anyone who commented on a fake Facebook page created by the gunman in May, using photographs and the name of a young Turkish woman, the officials said. He had invited people to free food at the McDonald's restaurant at 4 p.m. local time, shortly before the shooting began.
Just learned of this attack in Germany today, not- apparently related to terrorism.
A Syrian man killed a woman with a machete and wounded two others Sunday outside a bus station in the southwestern German city of Reutlingen before being arrested. Police said there were no indications pointing to terrorism.

Police spokesman Bjoern Reusch told The Associated Press that witnesses said the 21-year-old asylum-seeker, who was known to police, was having an argument with the woman before attacking her about 4:30 p.m. The suspect, whose name was not released, wounded another woman and a man as he fled.

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