Germany - Shooting at Munich shopping centre, 22 July 2016

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July 23, 2016
13:37 UPDATE

Munich shooting: First picture of 'bullied' killer Ali Sonboly published by local media

This is the first picture reportedly showing baby-faced Munich killer Ali Sonboly.

The 18-year, who claimed to have been bullied, committed suicide after blasting nine people to death and injured 27 in and outside a McDonald's on Friday evening.

The teenage gunman is said to have had been obsessed with mass shootings and had a book called "Why students kill".

Munich police investigator Robert Heimberger said it appears that the shooter hacked a Facebook account and sent a message urging people to come to the mall for a free giveaway.

The posting, sent from a young woman's account, urged people to come to the mall at 4 p.m., saying: "I'll give you something if you want, but not too expensive."

Heimberger says "It appears it was prepared by the suspect and then sent out."

The woman shortly after reported that her account had been hacked.

Just no words for this "chilling" 😡
Gunman in Munich Attack That Killed 9 Had No ISIS Ties, Say Police

Jul 23, 2016, 6:47 AM ET

Shooting at a shopping mall in Munich; investigators believe there was just one gunman who killed himself.

An 18-year-old, German-born male student was the gunman in the deadly shooting attack at Munich's Olympia-Einkaufszentrum shopping mall, which left nine victims dead and 27 injured, police said Saturday morning.

Of the 27 injured: 4 had bullet wounds, 10 are seriously injured, 7 people are lightly injured. The number of injured may change is others decide to seek medical treatment.

Police said the victims' ages were 15, 15, 14, 14, 14, 17, 19, 20, and 45, the latter of whom was female. (The other genders were not identified.)

The gunman killed himself at the scene of the attack, which began shortly before 6 p.m. at a McDonald's across the street from the mall. A police officer did fire at the gunman when he was on a car park's roof, but an autopsy revealed that it wasn’t the officer that killed him.

At a press conference Saturday morning, Munich police president Hubertus Andrae said there were "no evidence" of links to ISIS found in the gunman's home and described the tragedy as a "classic shooting rampage," "killing spree," and "shooting massacre."

Authorities are assuming there was no political motivation behind the attack, so the terrorism investigation is being shut down. The gunman was a dual German-Iranian citizen.

He added that the gunman was born in Munich, was the lone attacker, and had "absolutely no" link to the issue of refugees.

Police said they believe the gunman was in therapy for mental health issues..

Police investigator Robert Heimberger said the shooter was armed with a 9mm Glock pistol and had 300 rounds, and police are trying to locate where it came from. shot himself. Andrae said a rucksack belonging to the attacker contained 300 bullets. Police also found newspaper articles about school shootings and a book called “Why Pupils Shoot.”

Police have searched the apartment of the suspect’s parents. They also searched his room.

Heimberger said it appears that the gunman hacked a Facebook account and sent a message urging people to come to the mall for a free giveaway.

The posting, sent from a young woman's account, urged people to come to the mall at 4 p.m., saying: "I'll give you something if you want, but not too expensive."

Heimberger said "It appears it was prepared by the suspect and then sent out."

The woman shortly after reported that her account had been hacked.

Munich mayor Dieter Reiter wrote on his Facebook page that Saturday was "a day of mourning." Police president Andrae said the mall is in the process of reopening, but the McDonald's remains closed.
Gunman in Munich Attack That Killed 9 Had No ISIS Ties, Say Police

Jul 23, 2016, 6:47 AM ET

Shooting at a shopping mall in Munich; investigators believe there was just one gunman who killed himself.

An 18-year-old, German-born male student was the gunman in the deadly shooting attack at Munich's Olympia-Einkaufszentrum shopping mall, which left nine victims dead and 27 injured, police said Saturday morning.

Of the 27 injured: 4 had bullet wounds, 10 are seriously injured, 7 people are lightly injured. The number of injured may change is others decide to seek medical treatment.

Police said the victims' ages were 15, 15, 14, 14, 14, 17, 19, 20, and 45, the latter of whom was female. (The other genders were not identified.)

The gunman killed himself at the scene of the attack, which began shortly before 6 p.m. at a McDonald's across the street from the mall. A police officer did fire at the gunman when he was on a car park's roof, but an autopsy revealed that it wasn’t the officer that killed him.

At a press conference Saturday morning, Munich police president Hubertus Andrae said there were "no evidence" of links to ISIS found in the gunman's home and described the tragedy as a "classic shooting rampage," "killing spree," and "shooting massacre."

Authorities are assuming there was no political motivation behind the attack, so the terrorism investigation is being shut down. The gunman was a dual German-Iranian citizen.

He added that the gunman was born in Munich, was the lone attacker, and had "absolutely no" link to the issue of refugees.

Police said they believe the gunman was in therapy for mental health issues..

Police investigator Robert Heimberger said the shooter was armed with a 9mm Glock pistol and had 300 rounds, and police are trying to locate where it came from. shot himself. Andrae said a rucksack belonging to the attacker contained 300 bullets. Police also found newspaper articles about school shootings and a book called “Why Pupils Shoot.”

Police have searched the apartment of the suspect’s parents. They also searched his room.

Heimberger said it appears that the gunman hacked a Facebook account and sent a message urging people to come to the mall for a free giveaway.

The posting, sent from a young woman's account, urged people to come to the mall at 4 p.m., saying: "I'll give you something if you want, but not too expensive."

Heimberger said "It appears it was prepared by the suspect and then sent out."

The woman shortly after reported that her account had been hacked.

Munich mayor Dieter Reiter wrote on his Facebook page that Saturday was "a day of mourning." Police president Andrae said the mall is in the process of reopening, but the McDonald's remains closed.

What's with the, "they believe", he was in therapy? Either he was or he wasn't

bbm, I would like to know how much time between the alleged hacked post was made and the young woman reporting it. And why her account?
What's with the, "they believe", he was in therapy? Either he was or he wasn't

The position might not yet be clear. Stuff usually comes out about shooters and terrorists in the days and weeks that follow.

He might or might not have been in therapy currently.

He might have been in therapy sometime in the past but wasn't currently.

He might have been receiving some sort of support which might or might not be classified as therapy. Psychotherapy = therapy. Reflexology or chakra thingummy sessions = not therapy.
What's with the, "they believe", he was in therapy? Either he was or he wasn't

bbm, I would like to know how much time between the alleged hacked post was made and the young woman reporting it. And why her account?

I have no answer for the therapy just by ongoing reports

From my understanding he attempted to hack several FB accounts to get people to come to the mall. I think this woman reported it due to all the precautions LE stated about FB & Twitter.

Hopefully there will be more answers today in the next news conference.

Some interesting info about the FB account that the shooter allegedly set up.
The account "Selina Akim" was active since June! and stated that the previous account had been hacked / closed.
Selina repeatedly invited her followers to come to McDonalds, and told them she would pay if it was not too expensive.

Der Spiegel, liveblog

The gunman from Munich appears to have shot himself before the eyes of police officers. The Munich Police has made this known.
According to the info, the 18-year-old hit upon a patrol around 20h30 hrs.
When the officers spoke to him, he pulled out his gun and shot himself.

So far the police had merely stated that the perpetrator had shot himself and his body was found one kilometer from the shopping mall.


Der Spiegel, liveblog

The gunman from Munich appears to have shot himself before the eyes of police officers. The Munich Police has made this known.
According to the info, the 18-year-old hit upon a patrol around 20h30 hrs.
When the officers spoke to him, he pulled out his gun and shot himself.

So far the police had merely stated that the perpetrator had shot himself and his body was found one kilometer from the shopping mall.


Thanks for translation ZaZara 🙂

Do you speak German??? I couldn't read that nor pronounce it if I tried. LOL. I even tried to find where to translate to English and I couldn't find that!!!

jmo 🐮
Looking at Ali Sonboly, he shows characteristics of an injustice collector. An all too common thing we have seen lately.

Some of articles I read indicates he is a constant complainer. He likely harbored grudges for a long time, as long as he can remember.

On Wound Collectors

Identifying The Next Mass Murderer—Before It’s Too Late

The Dangerous Injustice Collector: Behaviors of Someone Who Never Forgets, Never Forgives, Never Lets Go, and Strikes Back!

Psychology of Terrorism - National Criminal Justice Reference Service

Elliot Rodger: A Personality Analysis

Insights into Isla Vista Shooter Elliot Rodger

Websleuth Radio Interview Of Tina Meier describing Lori Drew

It is at the 20:40 mark. Tina Meier's describes Lori Drew as a bitter and insecure person who is very resentful and envious. She talks all the time because she complains non-stop of how life is always unfair to her. Meier's description of Drew describes Gavin Long, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, Micah Johnson, Omar Mateen, Anders Breivik, Dylann Roof, Elliot Rodger, Adam Lanza, Jodi Arias, Yoselyn Ortega, and Osama bin Laden and 9/11 Terrorists. They make their life about grievances. This would apply to Sonboly.

They are very unhappy and resentful as they are extremely envious of others. It is always about them as they are not pleasant people to be around. They are professional victims that rage at the world. They are perpetual victims and feel like society marginalizes them. They blame everyone else, but themselves.

Police commandos, armed with night vision equipment and dogs, raided an apartment in the Munich neighborhood of Maxvorstadt early on Saturday where the German newspaper Bild said the gunman lived with his parents.

"I am shocked, what happened to the boy? Only God knows what happened," Telfije Dalpi, a 40-year-old Macedonian neighbor of the family told Reuters. "I have no idea what happened - but he was a good human being. I have no idea if he did anything bad elsewhere."

Pics of 6 of the 7 teenage victims. Theories that he targeted teens because he was bullied.

EXCLUSIVE: 'He always said he'd kill us': Classmates reveal computer-obsessed Munich loner who called himself 'Psycho' refused to mix with other pupils and promised revenge on his school tormentors

A 14-year-old girl who lived in the same block of flats as Sonboly has now revealed how the murderer once told his classmates: 'I will kill you all.'

And during an argument just a few months ago Sonboly, who was today described as being 'deranged', had boasted about wanting to kill people in a massacre.

Seven of nine dead victims were teens, including three aged just 14, and 27 people were injured. They were 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 45, and 18, with the rest of the ages yet to be released.

His father, Masoud, ran an upmarket taxi firm using a BMW series 7 limousine that he is said to have washed and waxed every week.

Sonboly's mother is said to have worked as a sales assistant in the Karstadt department store in the city.
He was put through a trade school in his early teenage years when it became apparent he was unlikely to complete the standard German Abitur exams.

But he ended up failing at his school too, blaming bullying by 'Turkish and Arabic' schoolmates as being the reason for his poor educational performance.

Lacking any academic qualifications, he was then seemingly doomed to a life of shelf stacking or floor washing.

Over the years his resentment grew while the warped fantasies he developed were fuelled by violent video games he played on sites where he gave himself profile names like 'Psycho' and 'God Like.'

Read more:
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Seung-Hui Cho was bullied, right? What about Lanza and Rodgers? I've read the Columbine shooters were bullied but I've also read they weren't bullied.

Anyway. He sounds like all the others.
Gunman in Munich Attack That Killed 9 Had No ISIS Ties, Say Police

Jul 23, 2016, 6:47 AM ET

Shooting at a shopping mall in Munich; investigators believe there was just one gunman who killed himself.

An 18-year-old, German-born male student was the gunman in the deadly shooting attack at Munich's Olympia-Einkaufszentrum shopping mall, which left nine victims dead and 27 injured, police said Saturday morning.

Of the 27 injured: 4 had bullet wounds, 10 are seriously injured, 7 people are lightly injured. The number of injured may change is others decide to seek medical treatment.

Police said the victims' ages were 15, 15, 14, 14, 14, 17, 19, 20, and 45, the latter of whom was female. (The other genders were not identified.)

The gunman killed himself at the scene of the attack, which began shortly before 6 p.m. at a McDonald's across the street from the mall. A police officer did fire at the gunman when he was on a car park's roof, but an autopsy revealed that it wasn’t the officer that killed him.

At a press conference Saturday morning, Munich police president Hubertus Andrae said there were "no evidence" of links to ISIS found in the gunman's home and described the tragedy as a "classic shooting rampage," "killing spree," and "shooting massacre."

Authorities are assuming there was no political motivation behind the attack, so the terrorism investigation is being shut down. The gunman was a dual German-Iranian citizen.

He added that the gunman was born in Munich, was the lone attacker, and had "absolutely no" link to the issue of refugees.

Police said they believe the gunman was in therapy for mental health issues..

Police investigator Robert Heimberger said the shooter was armed with a 9mm Glock pistol and had 300 rounds, and police are trying to locate where it came from. shot himself. Andrae said a rucksack belonging to the attacker contained 300 bullets. Police also found newspaper articles about school shootings and a book called “Why Pupils Shoot.”

Police have searched the apartment of the suspect’s parents. They also searched his room.

Heimberger said it appears that the gunman hacked a Facebook account and sent a message urging people to come to the mall for a free giveaway.

The posting, sent from a young woman's account, urged people to come to the mall at 4 p.m., saying: "I'll give you something if you want, but not too expensive."

Heimberger said "It appears it was prepared by the suspect and then sent out."

The woman shortly after reported that her account had been hacked.

Munich mayor Dieter Reiter wrote on his Facebook page that Saturday was "a day of mourning." Police president Andrae said the mall is in the process of reopening, but the McDonald's remains closed.

4 had bullet wounds, 10 are seriously injured (seriously injured) if not a bullet what could that be? Falling? Flying glass?

IMo there is something very "childlike" in this

I'll give you something if you want, but not too expensive."


it is not a very alluring invite??

As, one by one or in small family groups, the people of Munich come to lay flowers, place notes or light candles, the main sentiment most mourners strained to convey is the hope this terrible attack will not change their city.

Floren, a father of young girls who has lived downstairs from the family for the past five years, describes the young man as introverted, depressed and appearing "under a lot of pressure."

"He was too quiet," Floren says of Sonboly, who he last saw three days ago. "He looked like he needed psychiatric help. I feel very sorry for the parents."
4 had bullet wounds, 10 are seriously injured (seriously injured) if not a bullet what could that be? Falling? Flying glass?

IMo there is something very "childlike" in this

I'll give you something if you want, but not too expensive."


it is not a very alluring invite??


Seriously injured could be from the gunshots or from the live feed, I watched, stating people were being trampled on trying to get out. Will never know what the sick murderer was thinking, except "killing"!

Guess the perpetrator thought offering "to buy" something would lure younger children and or teens. idk

Just SICK 😡

jmo 🐮
Munich shooting: Teenage killer Ali Sonboly 'inspired by far-right terrorist Anders Breivik' and 'used Facebook offer of free McDonald's food to lure victims'

July 24, 2016

Gunman Ali Sonboly used Facebook account to lure victim with offer of free food
He was described by police as a "depressed" loner receiving psychiatric treatment
He kept stash of books about shooting rampages in his bedroom - police
Authorities say "obvious link" between Munich shooter and 2011 Norway massacre
​How the attack unfolded
Gunman 'probably' acted alone
He was 18-year-old with German and Iranian citizenship
Munich attack: everything we know so far
The teenager who shot and killed nine people in the Munich massacre used Facebook to lure his victims to a McDonald’s, police said yesterday.

Ali David Sonboly, 18, launched his killing spree in the Bavarian city in an apparent revenge attack for being bullied. It is now thought he targeted youngsters of “Turkish and Arab” origin, having claimed those groups had picked on him in school.

Sonboly, who killed himself at the end of the attack, had set up a fake Facebook account using the identity of a pretty teenage girl.

Using the name “Selina Akim”, Sonboly posted a message hours before the attack saying: “Come today at four o’clock to McDonald’s at OEZ [shopping centre]. I am giving away anything you want as long as it’s not too expensive.”

Mass killer Anders Breivik makes Nazi salute as he appears in court
March 15, 2016

Anders Breivik'
massacred 77 Norwegians has launched human rights lawsuit over government's decision to keep him in isolation cell

Mass killer Anders Behring Breivik made a Nazi salute at the start of a court case on Tuesday in which he is accusing Norway of violating his human rights by keeping him in isolation in prison.

Breivik, who killed 77 people during a shooting spree in 2011, appeared in public for the first time since his 2012 trial. In that time, he has had just one visitor, his mother, who was allowed into prison and gave him a hug shortly before she died of cancer in 2013.

Wearing a black suit, white shirt and golden tie, the 37-year-old raised his right arm in a Nazi salute as he arrived. He did not say anything. He had shaven off a beard and short blond hair from the previous trial.
not implying anything but remain baffled how the person who recorded the McDonalds,part, before any shots were fired - what made him zoom on that person from so far away before he even started shooting?

Seriously injured could be from the gunshots or from the live feed, I watched, stating people were being trampled on trying to get out. Will never know what the sick murderer was thinking, except "killing"!

Guess the perpetrator thought offering "to buy" something would lure younger children and or teens. idk

Just SICK ��

jmo ��

Hi Gee!

It struck me as peculiar - I would not "advertise" that I was giving stuff away, only if it is cheap to get people to go there --

I wonder if he kept going to high buildings planning to jump but could not??
Mathieu von Rohr ‏@mathieuvonrohr


Munich shooter was in psychiatric treatment in a clinic for two months; he bought the pistol from the darknet

The Glock 17 nine millimeter caliber, with which the student David S. killed nine people and shot himself on Friday evening in Munich, is a reactivated ( "refurbished") theater weapon. This the Süddeutsche Zeitung has heard from investigators circles. The proof marks [ of the weapon ] date from 2014. After that the gun was no longer sharp, but it was made ready for use again later. The weapon carries a certification mark from Slovakia. The gun was bought by the perpetrator on the Darknet.

The Darknet is a kind of secret Web, a parallel world to the Web of Facebook, Amazon and the news sites that most Internet users know. The pages in the darknet can be accessed only if you use the right software and know exactly where to look. Often criminals use the darknet, to deal there in weapons, drugs or child *advertiser censored*.

The police secured 58 cartridges after the evening of the shooting - all but one came from the murder weapon.

David S. also was strongly inspired by Anders Breivik and the gunman from Winnenden, more so than previously known. According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, David S. had gone to Winnenden personally, had looked around there and taken pictures. He also had the "manifesto" Breivik, the assassin of Utoya and Oslo, on his computer. On Friday, it was the fifth anniversary of the Norwegian murder.

Like the SZ further learned, last year David S. spent two months in psychiatric inpatient care at Klinikum Harlaching and until recently in outpatient therapy. He suffered from depression, from an attention deficit disorder, and a social phobia and was also treated with drugs.


So much for therapy.
The other astonishing thing is of course that this newspaper insists on calling him "David" when in fact his name was "Ali".
the British BBC does the same.
Funny that his first name is now, David and not Ali. :)

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