Gilbert Attorney: Escort's Affidavit Implicates James Burke in GB Murders

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The curtain is going to come down sure enough on Spota and friends. When the Fed wrecking ball starts swinging there is only one outcome. Just remember at jimmyboys plea agreement wherein he started speaking french " Oui did this and Oui did that.
The Feds knew for yrs what was going on in Suffolk Co. They only showed an interest after finding out their calls were listened in on.
The Feds knew for yrs what was going on in Suffolk Co. They only showed an interest after finding out their calls were listened in on.

NO TRUER WORDS have ever been spoken. The FEDS know a lot and they just don't care because it involves a little work. They know who does the black ops work for Burke and his crew. Nobody out there is looking out for your interests. Truth is they actually harm your interests when they allow criminals to stay free.
If Burke locked the door on his County SUV he would still be Chief. But he is not, he is sitting in a cell looking at stainless toilet w no seat. The former head of Intel, well you won't see him no more. The Feds are just closing the deal however their is many tentacles opening different doors. They are going to get slammed on the Cabbie case. Not only denying victim justice but throwing his sorry *advertiser censored* in jail for att. murder of PO. That case already caused a probable murderer to get out, Hubbard
You sound as though you know what you are talking about, Equalizer. Yup, Ratman is a goner and I don't think he can avoid going to jail for a bit. Rumor had it he checked into South Oaks around the time he retired.

You know all I ever really wanted was for someone, anyone of any authority admit they framed my former son in law. Ratman played a major role in that when he lied on the stand as to the circumstances of the burglary. ALL that useless IAB had to do was to read his testimony at the trial and they would know it was a LIE. Three cops that happened to stop in when Ratman testified left the courtroom in horror. He followed them out and yelled at them for being there. That was followed by a call to the precinct by that idiot Dormer ordering them to write a letter why they thought they should come to a trial. I was there and I know they came in with an open mind and they certainly didn't leave that way. The higher echelon of the SCPD is a disgrace, at least it was back then.
You sound as though you know what you are talking about, Equalizer. Yup, Ratman is a goner and I don't think he can avoid going to jail for a bit. Rumor had it he checked into South Oaks around the time he retired.

You know all I ever really wanted was for someone, anyone of any authority admit they framed my former son in law. Ratman played a major role in that when he lied on the stand as to the circumstances of the burglary. ALL that useless IAB had to do was to read his testimony at the trial and they would know it was a LIE. Three cops that happened to stop in when Ratman testified left the courtroom in horror. He followed them out and yelled at them for being there. That was followed by a call to the precinct by that idiot Dormer ordering them to write a letter why they thought they should come to a trial. I was there and I know they came in with an open mind and they certainly didn't leave that way. The higher echelon of the SCPD is a disgrace, at least it was back then.
Anyone locked up by these losers their cases should be reviewed. Heartless scum.

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Makes sense, doesn't it? Makes even more sense when you consider there are scores of people out there like me insisting something be done about this disgrace. The very least that should happen is every case the DA office had a personal hand in and someone complained it should be an automatic. But that would require a little work.

DeeDee was spot on when it was said the FEDS jumped in when they were on the wiretaps. Otherwise Burke would still be Chief instead of a prisoner.
Of course the current upper echelon is a disgrace, They all cowardly stayed silent when Burke removed Feds from gang and serial killer case. Now gangs and opiod usage is out of control. I have a better chance becoming a Field Marshall in the Wehrmacht than SCPD homicide can solve gilgo cases. Multiple Federal investigations involving DA and his minions and SCPD. The same Feds who could be fighting the 100,000 MS 13 members in the US and tracking and stopping ISIS supporters. Sini should have purged the entire useless upper echelon from day 1.
Of course the current upper echelon is a disgrace, They all cowardly stayed silent when Burke removed Feds from gang and serial killer case. Now gangs and opiod usage is out of control. I have a better chance becoming a Field Marshall in the Wehrmacht than SCPD homicide can solve gilgo cases. Multiple Federal investigations involving DA and his minions and SCPD. The same Feds who could be fighting the 100,000 MS 13 members in the US and tracking and stopping ISIS supporters. Sini should have purged the entire useless upper echelon from day 1.

Well said..
Of course the current upper echelon is a disgrace, They all cowardly stayed silent when Burke removed Feds from gang and serial killer case. Now gangs and opiod usage is out of control. I have a better chance becoming a Field Marshall in the Wehrmacht than SCPD homicide can solve gilgo cases. Multiple Federal investigations involving DA and his minions and SCPD. The same Feds who could be fighting the 100,000 MS 13 members in the US and tracking and stopping ISIS supporters. Sini should have purged the entire useless upper echelon from day 1.

Very well said! Burke & his croonies should be held directly responsible for the recent deaths attributed to MS 13.
Many of you may already be familiar with investigative journalist George Webb Sweigert. He has a youtube channel that contains videos of his analysis of the Long Island murders among many other topics such as MS 13. He mentions, in particular SG, and her driver MP. I am not sure if the links can be posted but some of you may wish to take a listen or not.
Leanne was going to give her client list to DT. Im sure she changed her mind about that. Would she have given it to the Feds instead? Would they investigate or give it to the DT's? How would this be handled?
Hello all. New here and been reading the posts for a while after watching the A&E episodes of the Killing Season.
First off former chief JB ??? I don't think I've seen such a display of arrogance and I'm "untouchable" attitude. And the fact he was instrumental in blocking the FBI in assisting in GB4 case makes me so angry. I hope TS winds up in the next cell to him.
JB obviously in jail ( TG ) and I'm assuming the Feds have a DNA sample from him since he's a convicted felon ? Has it been brought up at all if his DNA possibly matches the deceased toddler found ? Was the mother possibly a loose end for him ? Did she know something ?
As far as SG goes ??? My mind keeps going back and forth. She doesn't fit the "lured by the killer" alone given she had a driver. But something dark and dirty went down that night. As far as PH ?? Ok I'll give him some credit he is a doctor. However he seems dumb as a rock. I don't think he knew she was going to wind up dead hence the call to SG's mom. He's a grandstander and a "hey look at me I'm important" Trying to look like the hero in someone's eyes. Now that this girl is dead and I think he now knows who killed her he's faking heart arrithymias on camera.

If he was involved with providing JB with a Rx for prescription drugs ( they claim they went to CVS at one point in the evening ) there would be a record. Or if PH called in the script the pharmacy prior ( is that CVS open 24 hours a day ?) again it would have a record. Pharmacy's are required to keep records for 10 years. Especially controlled substances.

And in the A&E series. JS Jr ??? Why were him and his father so adamant she would be found in the marsh ??? As she eventually was ?

I never realized SCPD was so dirty. My dad is retired NYPD and maybe once or twice he'd bring home a boom box or baseball bat taken off a perp. But this was back in the late 70's. What is going on out in Suffolk is off the rails. I grew up in Nassau County and can remember perfectly that stretch of highway.

I did find the Leann press conference interesting. I found her to be credible and honest. Brave girl. As for the attorney ? Him stating that JB is directly involved I don't think a good move. ( he probably is ) but I'm shocked an officer of the court to make such a bold claim.
I really don't think SG is a direct LISK victim, however I do think she somehow weaved herself into his "associates" and people who are aware of him.

I think if I won a free beach house in Oak Beach I'd pass :-/
Sherwoodforest, welcome to WS.
You mentioned Leannes press conference. I found it odd that reporters did not react when Leanne stated a Det told her POI she called in a tip on him.
The conference can be found on youtube for those that missed it.
Burke was caught with drugs in his jail cell by the Feds. It'll be on the news soon. It was an opiate. I'm hearing oxy, but I'm not 100 on that yet.

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And to think he was a police chief is hard for me me to wrap my head around. Burk can fit the profile of an sk who wears a mask of wolf in sheep's clothing. Sounds like he has addiction issues that need to be addressed. I have compassion for addicts but he has proven to be such a hypocrite it's hard to empathize. I would bet that he knows who lisk is.

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See if you can get a bookie to take a on that.
Please tell me JB won't be entitled to his pension upon release from Federal Prison ?
And I definitely think he knows who LISK is or at least has a lot of incriminating evidence that hasn't been brought forward.
As far as his fed sentence ? 46 months ? In this day and age does that seem a bit light ? Will he be out sooner ? Good behavior ( ok don't laugh ) ? Yes that is an oxymoron.
If you think this is bad you should read where 2 narcotics detectives that were charged with being drug addicts filed for a disability pension by claiming they contracted their addiction due to their assignments in narcotics. You can't make this stuff up, They continue to receive their pension for being drug addicts in the performance of their duty.

Maybe this was the price for their silence by not telling on what they knew..
Not surprised. Majority of LE are honest and true believers of upholding the law. But the dirty ones seem to be coming out of the woodwork more and more.

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