Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 3 murders, July 2023 #8

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This is Queens
Any of his former contracts located here?

I read an article recently (will have to find it), that discussed RH having worked in the Queens area at one time in his career. Didn't he also attend school there?
Investigation by AI sounds like a successful lawsuit against LE waiting to happen, to me.

JMO, if it matches a timeline and the evidence, it might work.

I recently read about software that the FBI has that helps LE interpret, sort and organize cell tower and cell phone data. Some of that comes as a big data dump that has to be sorted before it can be analyzed.
There is evidence, namely her DNA and hair found in the wrappings of two victims bodies. Two of the three hairs found on victims bodies were hers. There's also a new witness who claims knowledge of Rex bringing sex workers back to the home while his family was there, on more than one occasion.

The investigation isn't complete, but the evidence out there can't be ignored. No one is accusing her, but they need to question her and pursue an investigation. If something turns up in the evidence from the search warrants, they probably will take a closer look.
BBM. The only person saying this is John Ray, who isn't part of the investigation and has no clients that are involved in this case. Shannan Gilbert was not a victim of Heuermann and Jessica Taylor's family isn't associated with Ray anymore. IMO, I have no reason to believe anything he is saying about this.

Her hair being on the victims could be transfer from Heuermann or because he brought them to their home while she was on holiday. She doesn't need to be involved in the slightest, so that evidence is poor at best. Especially because it's not even a proper hair sample and had degraded to the point that they had to use the nucleus to even idenify who it might be.

The comparison wasn't made. It was an example of how we can be wrong. LE knows more than we do. Let them investigate. Ideally without being sued.
I think the examples should wait until she is actually charged with something, until then she was just Heuermann's wife.

Do you mean AE suing the police? If you do, most people will sue the police after they do searches of their house because they won't compensate them otherwise. She doesn't have a job, is having to look after her disabled adult son, has two types of cancer and is about to lose her health insurance because it was through RH, I doubt she has the ability to pay to have her hosue fixed and it'll take time before she is able to apply for government benefits. I really don't blame her for going this route.

EDIT: This is the last thing I am going to say about AE because I really do think it is unfair to be discussing her in this way when she hasn't been charged with anything and is just trying to defend herself. The focus should be on the GB4 and the other victims found on OP, and Heuermann himself.
My guess is LE at the time actually suspected DS and therefore ignored or thought less of his eyewitness testimony. Cops love to laser focus on a murder victim's closest relatives or friends (usually for good reasons), but many times at the expense of adequate investigation into other possible theories.. I'm thinking this may be part of why DS's statements about vehicle and Amber's previous client were shuffled around, but they would never admit that of course. JMO
You could be right and DS could have been a suspect originally. That would actually make sense, esp. in light of what we now know of his activities - another reason he may not have been taken seriously. However, could those investigating today really know why it was originally overlooked? Isn't it a different group of LE? DA Tierney brushed it aside during an early press conference as just one of thousands of tips hidden among the overwhelming numbers LE received. The valuable tidbit came to light only when the task force started the tedious and meticulous task of re-examining EVERY tip.
I read an article recently (will have to find it), that discussed RH having worked in the Queens area at one time in his career. Didn't he also attend school there?

JMO, if it matches a timeline and the evidence, it might work.

I recently read about software that the FBI has that helps LE interpret, sort and organize cell tower and cell phone data. Some of that comes as a big data dump that has to be sorted before it can be analyzed.
Interesting PDF address within link..



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I just want his lair to be found so bad..
We're really stuck until that happens.
I believe their deaths were prolonged because of the nature of the beast and if his only desire in killing was instant death, he could easily have broken their necks in the street and kept on walking..
that is not what he chose though, is it?
He chose petite light young women.

Not his own size.

And not just to break their necks quickly and kill them fast either IMO.

That lair simply must be found.

IMO (rant over)
Maybe, Theodore already had some "lair", for what purposes ever? And RH became the successor? So, we have to find something old on LI/Massapequa? Disguised as what??
BBM. The only person saying this is John Ray, who isn't part of the investigation and has no clients that are involved in this case. Shannan Gilbert was not a victim of Heuermann and Jessica Taylor's family isn't associated with Ray anymore. IMO, I have no reason to believe anything he is saying about this.

Her hair being on the victims could be transfer from Heuermann or because he brought them to their home while she was on holiday. She doesn't need to be involved in the slightest, so that evidence is poor at best. Especially because it's not even a proper hair sample and had degraded to the point that they had to use the nucleus to even idenify who it might be.

I think the examples should wait until she is actually charged with something, until then she was just Heuermann's wife.

Do you mean AE suing the police? If you do, most people will sue the police after they do searches of their house because they won't compensate them otherwise. She doesn't have a job, is having to look after her disabled adult son, has two types of cancer and is about to lose her health insurance because it was through RH, I doubt she has the ability to pay to have her hosue fixed and it'll take time before she is able to apply for government benefits. I really don't blame her for going this route.

I am confused. I am not saying she was involved.

I don't happen to think she was; I lean to her being incapacitated by coercive control and another victim of Heuermann. To me, John Ray's unnamed witness bolsters this feeling.

I don't know of course. LE has better information to formulate a better theory. Part of the information that they have is John Ray's witness story. We don't know what LE is theorizing because their public facing statements would be the same is they doubted any complicity or suspected significant complicity.

The family lawyers have never denied John Ray's information. They just mislead people with distracting statements like, "He's trying to stay relevant." So what if he is? That doesn't answer the important question.

What does John Ray's witness tell us?

About suing the police after searches: personally, if it helped find a murderer, Id trade my house for it. I don't blame her for being distressed, but LE had to get a suspected murderer off the street, and needs to do a proper investigation. She and her family are hardly the first people sharing property that gets ransacked under a warranted search. If this is not right, she needs to call for law and policy changes because she was not treated in any way out of the ordinary.

I am confused. I am not saying she was involved.

I don't happen to think she was; I lean to her being incapacitated by coercive control and another victim of Heuermann. To me, John Ray's unnamed witness bolsters this feeling.

I don't know of course. LE has better information to formulate a better theory. Part of the information that they have is John Ray's witness story. We don't know what LE is theorizing because their public facing statements would be the same is they doubted any complicity or suspected significant complicity.

The family lawyers have never denied John Ray's information. They just mislead people with distracting statements like, "He's trying to stay relevant." So what if he is? That doesn't answer the important question.

What does John Ray's witness tell us?

About suing the police after searches: personally, if it helped find a murderer, Id trade my house for it. I don't blame her for being distressed, but LE had to get a suspected murderer off the street, and needs to do a proper investigation. She and her family are hardly the first people sharing property that gets ransacked under a warranted search. If this is not right, she needs to call for law and policy changes because she was not treated in any way out of the ordinary.

The top part was me replying to Betty P, sorry for confusing you.

BBM. Yes, the police do that all the time, they also get sued for it all the time. She is within her rights to get compensated for the damage. A lot of people do advocate for policy changed when it comes to police conduct within this area.
The top part was me replying to Betty P, sorry for confusing you.

BBM. Yes, the police do that all the time, they also get sued for it all the time. She is within her rights to get compensated for the damage. A lot of people do advocate for policy changed when it comes to police conduct within this area.
Let's see that "they get sued all the time," link.

Because, no, they do not. If a warrant was not obtained or fraudulently obtained, people with the luxury of competent legal representation get that evidence thrown out often enough.

It is harder than I think it should be for LE to be held responsible for misconduct. Suing about a lawful, warranted search is DOA.

[edited to remove irrelevant question]

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No doubt lE have all the gear but sleuthing is the name of the game here.
So we can just look at all abandoned buildings and all derelict buildings in lI and in Queens, why not..
Or we can add a list of all contracts he has ever held providing proof he had access.

This will still run to thousands of buildings..
but I can't watch lawyers squabbling for another day of my life.

This is a far more exciting project..

It's lengthy..

But it's what we do best, when we do it.

That's fine me waffling but alone I can't do any of it..

need some hot techies to take up the cause or even great mapping people..

I'd like to go back to mid to late 90's.

Betcha there are some buildings still uninhabited and still unchanged in all that time.

If the torture chamber is found, the drudgery ends automatically..
You know, this might actually lead to something even without a list of his holdings. I'm not familiar enough with GPT chat to know if you can request vacant buildings in a certain area in a certain year 2007-2010. But you might get enough to also request Google maps photos of that same area and time to look for the green Avalanche and/or RH. ATM, I think looking in the 90s might not be as effective as I don't know what type vehicle he drove then. Does anyone?
Yes. In the previous thread a member suggested that there had to be many Chevy Avalanches in LI, at the time but that got me wondering. How many people, outside landscaping and parks crews would choose a green bevy Avalanche? Also, how many were owned by huge men? It still the link/tip that once taken seriously broke this case wide open.
Wow, so many typos, above:
Sorry about that…it was super early and I couldn’t link to previous thread to reply.
Anything is possible. To me in listening it seemed like JRay was indicating that LE says the family are not suspects and have no knowledge of the crimes just bc they were out of town/ out of the country when the crimes were committed. But I, JRay have a credible witness who does not want to come forward that has shared with me otherwise.
So you believe this witness came forward to LE and LE still maintains the family are victims? That LE found nothing from the witness to discount the families victim status? So JRay is looking for public outcry? To put pressure on LE?

Once again anything is possible but I have to believe that as part of their surveillance on Rex LE was doing the same with the family simultaneously.

Guess we will just have to let it play out

It must be emphasized that this statement about the family not being implicated, because they were not in town, only applies to MB, MW and AC. LE and the prosecution should be very clear that their statements, at present, are only relevant to those three victims.
Let's see that "they get sued all the time," link.

Because, no, they do not. If a warrant was not obtained or fraudulently obtained, people with the luxury of competent legal representation get that evidence thrown out often enough.

It is harder than I think it should be for LE to be held responsible for misconduct. Suing about a lawful, warranted search is DOA.

[edited to remove irrelevant question]


And given the high profile nature of this case and that the public was not chomping at the bit for a suspect, I believe all search warrants would have been checked and double checked to make sure everything was legal.

LE and investigation had come too far for it to get screwed up by sloppy police work.

I really think that with all the evidence they probably had, some things could be deemed inadmissible but still not change the outcome of the trial.

They've got the goods on this creep
I read an article recently (will have to find it), that discussed RH having worked in the Queens area at one time in his career. Didn't he also attend school there?
So, if we suppose that RH knew the area around his school and office best, wouldn't that make a great area to start combing through Google street views? We don't even need to know about vacant buildings, renovated buildings or anything else.

Frankly, I don't know how to find street views, but someone here does having already found RH near his office.
So, if we suppose that RH knew the area around his school and office best, wouldn't that make a great area to start combing through Google street views? We don't even need to know about vacant buildings, renovated buildings or anything else.

Frankly, I don't know how to find street views, but someone here does having already found RH near his office.

I personally think RH's modus operandi was always killing and dismembering at home with his wife out of town. He did this in heavily populated areas with hundreds of sex workers available to check all the boxes (contact by cell phone, willing to be picked up and brought home to his house, etc.)

For this reason, I don't think there were too many other murders. He was extremely orderly and precise and probably only acted when everything was right. But what do I know.
Interesting PDF address within link..
View attachment 440789

View attachment 440790

I wish there were cell towers around here that were adequately disguised. Most of the ones around me are made to look like trees, but the poles are way taller than any other trees around, and the "leaves" on the tree are only at the very, very top. Doesn't look like a tree at all. Some of the ones in this CAST picture are amazing.
You know, this might actually lead to something even without a list of his holdings. I'm not familiar enough with GPT chat to know if you can request vacant buildings in a certain area in a certain year 2007-2010. But you might get enough to also request Google maps photos of that same area and time to look for the green Avalanche and/or RH. ATM, I think looking in the 90s might not be as effective as I don't know what type vehicle he drove then. Does anyone?
@Lyanna had a list of all his contracts for every year, we just didn't know where to start so Queens is a good place to start, maybe? A new member suggested it this morning and it feels like a plan..

I'm assuming he would have had some furniture in there.. a building that is habitable but unoccupied for a number of years?
Can't be too many, Queens is expensive real estate.. maybe a building that is in probate for a very long time? But that would have required his services at some stage..

I can't work the chat gPT thing in any case.. and I dislike it as well.. Google maps might do the job.. we can check older maps that way too..

i don't know about his vehicles in late 90's but they should be on record?
Maybe, Theodore already had some "lair", for what purposes ever? And RH became the successor? So, we have to find something old on LI/Massapequa? Disguised as what??
wild guess, looks fine on the exterior, possibly a normal house but unoccupied for quite some time..
I'm assuming they went in there alive but never left.. he wouldn't want to have panicked them before he got them inside...
I'm speculating like crazy..
A cabin in a garden?
An old public building that served as accommodation for workers at some stage in the past?
A folly?
An elaborate antique looking garden structure?
a place with a basement?
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