Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 3 murders, July 2023

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Just noticed the link on Valerie's page goes straight to Megan Waterman's security footage leaving the hotel instead of the statement on her identity.

These poor girls. And the poor toddler baby. This man is SO sick. I just woke up & read about him stealing clementines at Whole Foods last year... Weirdo.

Do we have transcripts of the calls he made to family members after the fact, or no?
Imagine the horror. Your sister goes missing and the man who took her calls you to brag and gloat. Disgusting on a different level.
The link you posted takes me to Valerie Mack's page.
I'm suspecting that he replaced his Colorado Avalanche with a Colorado Avalanche.

In the presser they thank the FBI for enabling them to seize his Colorado Avalanche in South Carolina. He has links to a brother there, so perhaps sold the murder-truck or gave it to him or traded it in and it ended up being purchased by someone now living in South Carolina.

But, it certainly is a Colorado Avalanche being towed out of his yard by Suffolk Police tow truck yesterday during the search (photo in linked article). EXCLUSIVE: Drone footage shows cops combing 'serial killer' backyard
Autocorrecting to Denver’s hockey team, I was visualizing a team jersey, lol
Pretty certain Peaches also had remains found in Gilgo and Manorville no? And, then the toddler who was found in Gilgo is now proven by DNA to be the child of Peaches. There was dismemberment involved with these three given their remains found in multiple sites and I've not heard the same for the Gilgo4.

Not certain on the Asian male, but he was found closest (very close) to the Gilgo 4 and RH search history seems to put this victim into the realm of his victimology and MO.

But I'm curious if RH has any links to Manorville as other items in his search history make me think dismemberment by him is also possible in these other cases.

The Gilgo4 and the Asian male located all very close to each other along the stretch and the others were placed further away from them so possibly two seperate killers, BUT the kicker for me:

Valerie and Jessica and Peaches' child were found at one end of the beach close together but Peaches herself was found at the other end of the beach; Peaches and her child were obviously killed by the same killer. The Gilgo 4 victims and the Asian male are in the middle of them.

Eerie coincidences.
Peaches' torso was found near Hempstead Lake State Park. There was also another unidentified victim, whose partial remains were found in Gilgo Beach and on the Fire Island. So at least four victims were dismembered.

This is from late 2011 - I wonder about the forensic evidence in other cases:

On November 29, 2011, police announced that they believed one person to be responsible for all ten murders, and that the perpetrator is almost certainly from Long Island. The single killer theory stems from common characteristics between the condition of the remains and forensic evidence related to the bodies.

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Pretty certain Peaches also had remains found in Gilgo and Manorville no? And, then the toddler who was found in Gilgo is now proven by DNA to be the child of Peaches. There was dismemberment involved with these three given their remains found in multiple sites and I've not heard the same for the Gilgo4.

Not certain on the Asian male, but he was found closest (very close) to the Gilgo 4 and RH search history seems to put this victim into the realm of his victimology and MO.

But I'm curious if RH has any links to Manorville as other items in his search history make me think dismemberment by him is also possible in these other cases.

The Gilgo4 and the Asian male located all very close to each other along the stretch and the others were placed further away from them so possibly two seperate killers, BUT the kicker for me:

Valerie and Jessica and Peaches' child were found at one end of the beach close together but Peaches herself was found at the other end of the beach; Peaches and her child were obviously killed by the same killer. The Gilgo 4 victims and the Asian male are in the middle of them.

Eerie coincidences.
I have the same curiosity.
Some thoughts (JMO) on the aesthetic/financial info discussed, as this is my field and I’m from the area:
people hear “architect” and think big bucks, but the truth is, there are so many areas to work in and many don’t pay well. This guy was obviously not a builder to the stars in the Hamptons. He’s in codes and regs dealing with the NYCDOB mostly as an expeditor, it seems. One of the most dreaded, aggravating and frustrating areas of work. He has pics from large corporations on his site but that could be simply that he got their work permits signed off on for the rooms and buildings in the pics, not that he designed the buildings/renos. I don’t get “great architect designer” vibes from him and can’t imagine him working up drawings.

His massapequa house is ramshackle, he’s behind on taxes, both property and personal since at least 2010, his dental work needs attending to—all expensive things. He has a cramped looking Midtown office where the rent is sky high and you know the landlord will force him to pay rent so maybe his personal finances have to take a back seat. He may have been scraping by for all we know. LI property taxes are also exorbitant (over $11,000/year for his house, which is normal here) and building permits to renovate are notoriously a giant pain in the butt—I know architects who refuse to work in certain towns because it’s such a hassle.

Combine all of this and I see a guy whose life was/is perpetually out of control and who could have been scrambling to hold it all together plus hiding these huge terrible secrets and getting sloppier. The press keeps touting “architect” but it seems he was really an expeditor (no offense to expeditors!) who bragged about all the ways he knew to get around the rules, such as using the 1938 or 1901 codes. A legal loophole does not protect modern society (that’s why we have code revisions) and he obviously liked circumventing the laws no matter the expense of public safety. Like a little thrill getting over on someone in the DOB. I mean, everyone tries to push the boundaries with codes but I just get the feeling this guy goes way further.
Again, JMHO.
So true...he is nothing more than an expeditor. It is rather amazing to see such a shabby propped up house in what appears to be a nice clean little neighborhood.
Wonder how the family is holding up. They can't live there now, daughter lost her job.
What a shock to them. I think so anyway.
Some thoughts (JMO) on the aesthetic/financial info discussed, as this is my field and I’m from the area:
people hear “architect” and think big bucks, but the truth is, there are so many areas to work in and many don’t pay well. ...

According to linked articles, he also has a disabled son and a wife who is in ill-heath. I come from a nation where we have universal/free health-care for all so I really don't grasp what it costs in the USofA when someone is sick, disabled etc, but I'm thinking that these factors also contributed to the finacial strain he has been facing.

True definition of "Your priorities are in the wrong place" because, despite all of the above, he was buying and funding burner phones like crazy. At least 7 of them.
As if LE had sent RH a reporter, who had to act as an overmotivated interviewer and just wasn't able to persevere in his role. (Admitting: I saw only part of the video.) MOO
I thought the same thing about the reporter.. i thought maybe they sent him undercover. Especially when the tool question was asked.
The suspect did not work in careers such as sales or stock brokerages where personal contacts are important and entertaining associates and clients at home is common. Likewise, he did not design buildings, thus no need to have guests over to show case his skills.

Rather, his specialty was apparently pure and unadulterated.... paperwork regarding NYC's complex building codes, permits, occupancy licenses for businesses, zoning laws etc. One does not need to be a "people person" for this type of work.
MY boyfriend's dad was a regular architect in NYC and often told my bf about how arcane and confusing NYC building codes and zoning laws are; someone like this guy would have to be consulted as an expert at each step of the designing process.
Crazy. Between the other info from LE and now this, it certainly seems like he was gearing up to begin the cycle again - if he ever stopped. And, if he never stopped, that he was gearing up to restart in "this area", at least. MOO
Yes, it certainly looks that way--and that is truly scary as hell! I'm wondering exactly when they started tailing him and just how close a tail it was. It really doesn't give me much confidence if he's stalking a potential victim only 2 weeks ago and they continue to let him roam free. I also got huge red flags that he was continuing to troll online for girls, when did the police survelliance start and I'm now wondering if there are more victims bodies out there. He wasn't stopping. His name wasn't known until last year so are there more victims out there? I shudder to think...

According to linked articles, he also has a disabled son and a wife who is in ill-heath. I come from a nation where we have universal/free health-care for all so I really don't grasp what it costs in the USofA when someone is sick, disabled etc, but I'm thinking that these factors also contributed to the finacial strain he has been facing.

True definition of "Your priorities are in the wrong place" because, despite all of the above, he was buying and funding burner phones like crazy. At least 7 of them.
OH yeah. We're talking hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt per person to be chronically sick or disabled w/ frequent appts or (especially expensive) in-home care in the US. I'm 28, sick since 23, and I'll probs have to file medical bankruptcy. To give you an idea!
Yes, it certainly looks that way--and that is truly scary as hell! I'm wondering exactly when they started tailing him and just how close a tail it was. It really doesn't give me much confidence if he's stalking a potential victim only 2 weeks ago and they continue to let him roam free. I also got huge red flags that he was continuing to troll online for girls, when did the police survelliance start and I'm now wondering if there are more victims bodies out there. He wasn't stopping. His name wasn't known until last year so are there more victims out there? I shudder to think...
Oh my god I'm trying to catch up, he was stalking people recently?!
I'd personally say there are certainly more victims MOO. I doubt he just stopped circa 2011/2012. SKs cannot control themselves that long. Especially killing like what, 16, 17 people we know of in his frame of time potentially, he ain't stopping unless police or death stops him
Susieq87 said:
Some thoughts (JMO) on the aesthetic/financial info discussed, as this is my field and I’m from the area:
people hear “architect” and think big bucks, but the truth is, there are so many areas to work in and many don’t pay well. This guy was obviously not a builder to the stars in the Hamptons. He’s in codes and regs dealing with the NYCDOB mostly as an expeditor, it seems. One of the most dreaded, aggravating and frustrating areas of work. He has pics from large corporations on his site but that could be simply that he got their work permits signed off on for the rooms and buildings in the pics, not that he designed the buildings/renos. I don’t get “great architect designer” vibes from him and can’t imagine him working up drawings.

His massapequa house is ramshackle, he’s behind on taxes, both property and personal since at least 2010, his dental work needs attending to—all expensive things. He has a cramped looking Midtown office where the rent is sky high and you know the landlord will force him to pay rent so maybe his personal finances have to take a back seat. He may have been scraping by for all we know. LI property taxes are also exorbitant (over $11,000/year for his house, which is normal here) and building permits to renovate are notoriously a giant pain in the butt—I know architects who refuse to work in certain towns because it’s such a hassle.
how do people afford this?!
Some thoughts (JMO) on the aesthetic/financial info discussed, as this is my field and I’m from the area:
people hear “architect” and think big bucks, but the truth is, there are so many areas to work in and many don’t pay well. This guy was obviously not a builder to the stars in the Hamptons. He’s in codes and regs dealing with the NYCDOB mostly as an expeditor, it seems. One of the most dreaded, aggravating and frustrating areas of work. He has pics from large corporations on his site but that could be simply that he got their work permits signed off on for the rooms and buildings in the pics, not that he designed the buildings/renos. I don’t get “great architect designer” vibes from him and can’t imagine him working up drawings.

His massapequa house is ramshackle, he’s behind on taxes, both property and personal since at least 2010, his dental work needs attending to—all expensive things. He has a cramped looking Midtown office where the rent is sky high and you know the landlord will force him to pay rent so maybe his personal finances have to take a back seat. He may have been scraping by for all we know. LI property taxes are also exorbitant (over $11,000/year for his house, which is normal here) and building permits to renovate are notoriously a giant pain in the butt—I know architects who refuse to work in certain towns because it’s such a hassle.

Combine all of this and I see a guy whose life was/is perpetually out of control and who could have been scrambling to hold it all together plus hiding these huge terrible secrets and getting sloppier. The press keeps touting “architect” but it seems he was really an expeditor (no offense to expeditors!) who bragged about all the ways he knew to get around the rules, such as using the 1938 or 1901 codes. A legal loophole does not protect modern society (that’s why we have code revisions) and he obviously liked circumventing the laws no matter the expense of public safety. Like a little thrill getting over on someone in the DOB. I mean, everyone tries to push the boundaries with codes but I just get the feeling this guy goes way further.
Again, JMHO.
Thank you for your informative post, I think your assessments are probably correct. In between the murders he worked hard for the money.

Suspect in Gilgo Beach Killings Led a Life of Chaos and Control
According to the timeline released by prosecutors and to Buildings Department and court records, Mr. Heuermann kept up his busy work schedule even as victims were vanishing.

In 2009, prosecutors said, after killing Melissa Barthelemy, a 24-year-old who worked as an escort, Mr. Heuermann made a series of taunting calls to her family, during lunchtime and after work hours, from locations near his office.

In June 2010, about two weeks after Megan Waterman, a 22-year-old from Maine, was last seen alive, Mr. Heuermann filed an application to install a new fire escape at a building in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn. In August of that year, he filed an application to repair the terra cotta and repoint the bricks in a building on the Upper West Side, nine days before Amber Lynn Costello, 27, disappeared near her home a few miles from Mr. Heuermann’s.

On March 9, 2022, as the investigative dragnet was tightening, Mr. Heuermann was writing a typically detailed letter to a lawyer concerning a project on West 71st Street:

“It appears that from my walk though, the drain line is above the interior floor slab and if the trench drain is placed below this level, it would not be able to drain by gravity,” he wrote. “I would strongly recommend an investigation into the use of negative side waterproofing at this site.”

Edited to delete quotes to 10%
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I hate that we still have to have articles asserting that sex workers are indeed, human beings who deserve compassion.

Ms. Cann spoke in a broken voice about the police who brushed off any claim that her sister was actually missing; the fruitless trips Ms. Cann’s husband and brother took to New York to search for her; the difficulty, because she was an escort, of even getting Ms. Brainard-Barnes’s name onto an official list of missing persons. She talked about the children her sister left behind — an 11-year-old girl and a 5-year-old boy — and she admitted that she was surprised by her sister’s escort work. She was afraid to question her sister’s choices, but she also regretted that she couldn’t protect her.

“I don’t like how they’re talking about her,” Ms. Cann told me. “I understand they only know what she was down there doing, and that’s what they look at her as. But it doesn’t matter what she did. She was still a mother. She still meant the world to her daughter, she meant the world to me.”

The police seemed to resist taking the case seriously at first, and in reality, they had not even been looking for these women. They were found by happenstance [..]

No formula exists to explain what brought [these women] to Gilgo Beach. Human trafficking was a factor for one of them, addiction for another.

But if they shared something, it was that they never fell off the grid or lived on the streets the way the TV procedural stereotype dictates. They all remained close to their families. They all came from towns with narrowing options and were seeking a way out.

Wanted to ask if y'all believe indeed Shannan Gilbert was a victim since the house she went to obviously wasn't Rex's. I believe she is but I've heard even the policemen have differing opinions, as we all have.

Never personally saw this page by the commissioner before today.
Sounds like it was camo burlap, apparently used in hunting, not regular like the sort used in gardening. He had a lot of guns, too. I doubt anyone who knew about his avid interest in guns thought there was anything strange in him buying quantities of camo burlap. They just thought he was hunting animals, not human beings.

They mentioned it was camo burlap in the press conference. I'm wondering why they didn't release that, possibly holding it back as one of the things only the killer would know? Good point on him buying the camo burlap, he was just hunting animals they surmised. I'm now wondering if they found any at his house.
Great insights.

I wonder what came first, chicken or egg? Did his "addictions" serve as a coping mechanism for his bumbling life or did he not quite achieve success because of his criminal activities.

And by not achieving success, I mean he didn't pay bills, lived a sloppy life. Not every professional wants to live a showy life and there is absolutely nothing wrong with living modestly and focusing on hobbies. That is fine - no offense given. But that is not what is happening here. Any comments about his run-down house in an otherwise nice neighborhood are a reflection on him, not anyone who might be reading this. The man is accused of being a disgusting serial killer and yes my impression of his life is colored by that.


After reading a few books about Ted Bundy, these "sex addictions" take up an increasing amount of the killer's time and attention. When they're not killing women, they're stalking them, thinking about it, planning the next one, re-living previous ones. Bundy spent hours, days, just driving around trolling for victims and scouting remote places, roads, etc. to take them.

The longer the addiction continues, the less time they spend on work and relationships. Some manage to keep some control of their private lives (Golden State Killer, Dennis Rader, etc). Rex was apparently able to pause his murder spree for a while, but maybe by then, he'd already done quite a bit of damage to his personal and professional life. Even then, they're still addicted and always looking over their shoulder for LE.
It was his home place.
I imagine he would have known about what needed repairing and it wouldn't have cost millions to repair that roof, for example..
Unless he had a reason for not repairing it?
Quite possible that he had incriminating evidence or bizarre stuff he didn't want anyone to accidentally see. I couldn't believe how ramshackle the place is, he's got blocks of wood nailed in as shims above one of the posts.
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