Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 6 murders, July 2023 #13

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Excellent theory!
Thanks, Just K. Last time I saw you we were searching a swamp behind Hacketts house! And Fred&Edna was there and Truthspider and Peter Brendt and Hawkshaw and Flukeyou ……… those were the days! Who ever would have thought we’d be where we are today in this case? 10 years ago Hawkshaw was correct about everything!
I've seen Heuermann Kills on here, I've seen Hunt Kill. Happy Killer. These sound like good ideas for this.

It's interesting, though, that we've got initial set "HK" now in the discussion and the other set of important initials he introduced before was with the belt, WH. And it's kind of interesting, WH upside down becomes HM. HK upside down is backwards "K" and H. All the inversion and so forth is almost certainly overthinking it, but does he have any relatives with initials HK or KH? Because that WH is the grandfather.

It not likely there's the same type of thinking between this set of initials on the document and the set with the belt. The initial set on the belt (WH) was left with a victim's remains, RH had to wonder if LE would someday find it. The "HK" was buried in a deleted file. But I'd still be curious to know if any victims or any of his relatives had those initials.
HK could also represent “Human Kills,” in which case, I wonder if RH also kept - and perhaps did NOT delete - documents in which he recorded his success or plans for improvement in other types of hunts - such as AK (Animal Kills) or WK (Wildlife Kills or Waterfowl Kills).
He is quirky but he gets the job done.
Last October he held a press conference. Ray said that new evidence has been uncovered that could link Heuermann to Karen Vergata.

As it stands, with that affidavit signed by the witness, it looks like Ray did have it right.
I wish I could agree with "Ray did have it right"about the witness but as far as I know nothing has been confirmed about LP's story, ex-NYC narc boyfriend and Karen Vergata.
To be clear, AE filed for divorce at the beginning. Yet nothing had happened since. Many of us on WS wrote that we feared RH had gotten to her emotionally and mentally.

"He indicated he was very happy to see her," Heuermann's defense attorney Michael Brown said. "My understanding is she doesn't believe he was capable or committed these acts.
If this happened, Rex was living a complete double life. Nobody would like to believe their spouse is capable of any of these heinous crimes," Ellerup's attornery Robert Macedonio said."

MOO is he did get to her. When she double flipped off the public it really burned me.

We have on the record that she doesn't believe he was capable or committed these acts. But "she" through his atty buffers herself while saying if this happened, Rex was living a complete double life."

Not long after enters John Ray stage left center right, so to speak, and posts:

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Thanks, Just K. Last time I saw you we were searching a swamp behind Hacketts house! And Fred&Edna was there and Truthspider and Peter Brendt and Hawkshaw and Flukeyou ……… those were the days! Who ever would have thought we’d be where we are today in this case? 10 years ago Hawkshaw was correct about everything!
And if RH did both Gilgo4 and Manorville (dismemberments) that opens up this case to so many unsolved missing and murdered NY cases. Some big names in those mentioned were adamant that there were two separate murderers. I fear this RH, who traveled up and down the East Coast, for 30 years or more, and to Nevada and places unknown to us, will have many dozens of murders under his belt.
I have to disagree for a few reasons.

Many people are not trusting of LE for various reasons, and John Ray has extended the opportunity to give information another way.

The most effective police commissioner over this case in its history asked the public to approach John Ray if they were not willing to go through Crime Stoppers (LE tip line). If the police commissioner who oversaw the task force identify, surveil and arrest Rex Heuermann trusts John Ray, why would anyone distrust him? It is absolutely not accurate that John Ray does not work in partnership with LE.

He has information that LE rejected and is highly relevant. You would think his info would be from populations involved in illegal activities, but in fact his most interesting witnesses are law abiding persons. One of them attempted to get her information accepted by crime stoppers, and was unsuccessful.

If it were not for John Ray, we would NOT have the Shannan Gilbert 911 tape.

JR said that when Rodney Harrison first came into office he contacted him then came out to his office and they talked.
It would be nice to know that these men are still in touch.
I have to disagree for a few reasons.

Many people are not trusting of LE for various reasons, and John Ray has extended the opportunity to give information another way.

The most effective police commissioner over this case in its history asked the public to approach John Ray if they were not willing to go through Crime Stoppers (LE tip line). If the police commissioner who oversaw the task force identify, surveil and arrest Rex Heuermann trusts John Ray, why would anyone distrust him? It is absolutely not accurate that John Ray does not work in partnership with LE.

He has information that LE rejected and is highly relevant. You would think his info would be from populations involved in illegal activities, but in fact his most interesting witnesses are law abiding persons. One of them attempted to get her information accepted by crime stoppers, and was unsuccessful.

If it were not for John Ray, we would NOT have the Shannan Gilbert 911 tape.

Boom!! Bam!!!!
One more comment and then I'm going to just shut up and read. A sworn affidavit is meaningless if it can't be presented in a court of law. Since (so far) John Ray doesn't represent any of the known victims, or their families , he can't present this "swinger party" affidavit in a court of law. And after seeing this witness in an interview with Banfield, I would be SHOCKED if Ray Tierney ever put her on the witness stand.


The only way Tierney would maybe put LP on the stand is if the prosecution has corroborating evidence.
The ex-boyfriend who was a NYC narc and/or evidence from the house that connects Karen Vergata.
Then again if they have any evidence from the house they may not even need LP/boyfriend.

I'm going to say it now that I had questioned if LP was nodding out?
And if RH did both Gilgo4 and Manorville (dismemberments) that opens up this case to so many unsolved missing and murdered NY cases. Some big names in those mentioned were adamant that there were two separate murderers. I fear this RH, who traveled up and down the East Coast, for 30 years or more, and to Nevada and places unknown to us, will have many dozens of murders under his belt.
Ironically, I don’t see RH connected to Shannan. I think her death was as sad and tragic as just getting lost in that swamp. It would be too much of a coincidence that she died that death while escaping RH. Although she was escaping a couple of guys who were up to no good (Brewer and Paks). If Paks had done the job he was hired for (Shannan’s driver) she wouldn’t have died. He abandoned her.
I found a photo on the Peconic Club site (that wasn't shared on the thread or in media) and I think it looks very much like RH... others disagree. He does have "graying" sideburns in photo and I thought maybe he just got tired of dying them so just shaved 'em off... lol! The hairnets-don't-fit theory sounds better. I guess the picture I saw isn't him (or maybe it's his brother? I haven't seen a photo of him).


The only way Tierney would maybe put LP on the stand is if the prosecution has corroborating evidence.
The ex-boyfriend who was a NYC narc and/or evidence from the house that connects Karen Vergata.
Then again if they have any evidence from the house they may not even need LP/boyfriend.

I'm going to say it now that I had questioned if LP was nodding out?
I think we also have to pump the brakes a bit because RH hasn't been charged with the murder of Karen Vergata ( not yet, anyway ) . If he can't be charged with Vergata's death, all of this is meaningless anyway.

I, like others believe she is telling her truth, just like she heard it.

An affidavit is the written version of swearing under oath to tell the truth, just as if you were testifying in a courtroom.

Signing an affidavit that contains false information can subject the affiant to criminal penalties. Therefore, before signing, it is very important to read the document carefully to ensure that the information is accurate and truthful. If the affidavit includes any statements that are the opinion or belief of the affiant, the fact that it is opinion or belief needs to be clearly stated."

What was interesting about "belief" is that LP said that "she believes she had sex with RH".
As much as I want her claims to be true about Karen Vergata I don't get how someone can remember all she claims to and not remember for certain if she did or didn't have sex with him.
John Ray also showed up not long after the DA did to RH's house while LE were extracting things from the house last week.

He is not only Shannan Gilbert family's lawyer, but a lawyer for other victims of RH.

That said. John Ray made it clear Gilbert didn't get lost in a swamp and died. Her neck was broken BEFORE she was found in the swamp and had a hole drilled through her head

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