Glimpses into Casey's Frame of Mind During Solitude *REVISITED*

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Back on topic...KC found the pic and identified with it...downloaded it...and had it with her other photos...

I do believe that somehow KC looks at something erasing her identity and she erased Caylee's.

I really don't enjoy looking in these deep thoughts of KC's they are lonely and dark.

KC was once a cheerful, sweet little girl just like Caylee...but that innocence and sweetness is long since lost. And what has replaced it is a dark, lonely, evil shell. Much like Diane Downs.
I have over 575 jpgs saved on my computer. Everyone of those pictures involved a thought process in searching for it and deciding to save it. I had a purpose or reason when I ventured through the web searching. Then I made a conscious decision when I saved them. I think most people go through a similar process and this is why the photos Casey saved are so intriguing to me. A glimpse into her thinking...

We had someone who began doing this long ago but I think it was kinda just dropped. I thought it was a great idea then and I still do now! Every image
I have on my computer, every icon I make or get from someone else has meaning and shows who I am inside.. IMO I think it's the same for everyone who is into digital images. Doing this and going back to certain dates shows exactly what was on her mind on those days.

Don't stop! :blowkiss:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

(((posting an icon from KC's not sure ifit will work)))

Gee... wasn't that the truth though?

----it is the one that says "Don't go to bed angry, stay up & plot your revenge"
Wow I can't even look at the pages upon pages of her icons but way too many are so eerily true to what her mind thought was with poor Caylee :(
Bolded by me.
She COULDN'T go back to her parents or friends houses to live because she had murdered Caylee. Her friends and family would eventually demand to know where Caylee was located. TL's apartment was the only place she could live without bringing suspicion about Caylee's disappearance therefore, TL had the only roof and shower that KC could utilize. She was also using his Jeep for transportation because her car smelled of Caylee's dead body. Because TL was in charge of the "shot girls" at the club, being TL's lay and "helper" at the club would have given her benefits of free drinks and free club admission (if admission was ever charged for bands). Being TL's lay might have given her access to free drugs.

After seeing KC's party photos, very few would believe that she had to be "encouraged" to be in a hot body contest. She manipulated her male companions into believing she needed vodka shots so they would provide her with free drinks. KC didn't have a job to earn money for to pay for her own drinks. Being a narcissist, she took every opportunity to tell anyone that would listen how she was "begged" by a group of males to be in a hot body contest.

I couldn't agree more! Those pictures of the hot body contest make it clear that she enjoyed every minute of it!

As it was, Casey was only a temporary girlfriend of TL's. He certainly wasn't interested in her other than the free sex and her helping him at the club. He didn't even trust her to be alone in his apartment, and wouldn't let her have a key.

Casey couldn't go home or go stay with other friends because she'd be questioned about Caylee. She knew she couldn't produce a live Caylee, so she avoided those who would demand to know where Caylee is. Staying with TL was her hideout as she wouldn't be questioned too closely.
sorry, snipped by me. Just wanted to point out that we don't know for sure if Casey had any knowledge at that time that Caylee was dead or in danger. She could have known that, or suspected that, of course but we don't know that for sure. She might have thought at that time that whoever (she thought) Caylee was with was not someone who would harm her.

Even in Casey's own statement to police at this time she was supposed to have realised Caylee was 'missing'!!

If you don't believe that story (who does) but you think Caylee was still alive at this time she would have been in the trunk of Casey's car!

But unfortunately, most likely, Caylee was already dead at this time.

So however you view the blockbuster video its pretty disturbing.

Wow, very interesting. Thanks for that find. That's a very awkward way of standing. Again, IMO, KC looks like she's "going through the motions" of videotaping Caylee. Almost as if before the egg-hunt began, Cindy said "KC, grab the video camera". OT but I got one of those "Flip" video cameras for Christmas. I keep it in my purse at all times - very handy for video taping my little one. I have so many clips on there it's hard to keep up with them all, at that age there isn't a day that goes by that they don't do something video-worthy, IMO. So it's kind of..Idk, upsetting, to me anyway - that KC looks almost forced to be taking video and as if she'd rather be doing something else.

I can't figure out why she stands like that though? Her whole stance, to me, seems disconnected and uninterested. I'd love to hear what a body-language analyst would say about that particular photograph. JMO.

Sadly I think it shows a downtrodden girl with zero self-esteem.
I think this thread deserves a bump.

How she spent her time and what she was searching for and dowloading during the 31 days she told LE that she was conducting her own search to find Caylee is IMO important to show her frame of mind and help prove she was spending time doing other things than looking for Caylee.

Thanks tlcox for finding it for me...
I find the picture in Post 1 with the little girl entering the woods with Love across the picture is IMO an indication of Casey's state of mind.

In contrast to the little girl entering the woods, surrounded by flowers and the caption LOVE... Caylee was double bagged and dumped her in a animal infested Swampy flowers, no love.
The weird thing the skulls and hearts are a very big theme with the 20 - 40 crowd. Women have them on everything - their sneakers, their gloves, scarves and mini-babies t-shirts. And usually the colors are black, white and hot pink.

I don't understand the attraction but I see them everywhere.

That theme has moved into childrens' clothing and accessories now..there is no way any I will purchase a pink t-shirt with skulls and hearts for any of my daughters...NO WAY
I am aware that the skulls are a trend and in fashion these days. I just find it wierd that they were being collected during the time period her baby was missing/dead.

Casey did say she was conducting her own search...
I always suspected that Casey was attracted to that pic for several reasons. I think most of us agree that it looks like the remains site. The word love is intriguing, because the dark background and the brightness of the word love stand in stark contrast.

At first I thought the word "love" was a sign of remorse. Sort of an "I miss you and I'm sorry" to Caylee.

However, the more I thought about it, I think it's meant to be ironic. The word "love" is plastered over this dark, almost evil haunting picture. I think she is telling us that love -- at least hers -- is dark, sick and twisted and she knows it. She doesn't understand what love really is. The child she is supposed to "love" she murders. The mother she is supposed to "love" she punishes.

I'm probably not explaining this well. Hopefully, someone can put together a coherent thought from my ramblings.

The "love" pic has always stuck with me too. I think you are on to something with the Love = something dark, sick and twisted. However I think that KC saw the way SHE was loved as dark, sick and twisted. I think for KC is it always all about HER. If she ever thought to herself - "I killed Caylee" - I feel sure that it was someone else's fault that she was pushed to it in her mind. If KC ever admits to the murder, she will probably say she did it to save Caylee the same awful fate that she had growing up in the A house. I always thought that KC went and took the Teddy Bear from the A house in order to deprive CA from something that brought her comfort. But, maybe she was tormented by the loss of Caylee. Maybe she took that bear for her own reason instead of solely to punish CA? I don't think she ever felt remorse. EVER. I think she felt alot of fear. Fear that she'd be found out which would have meant losing AL, going to jail, and of course the wrath of CA. I wonder if KC ever thought that she could kill Caylee and have CA be her biggest defender??? I am not so sure KC ever saw that coming.

That theme has moved into childrens' clothing and accessories now..there is no way any I will purchase a pink t-shirt with skulls and hearts for any of my daughters...NO WAY

I agree....what is with that??? Last time my son & I went school shopping it was all skull & iron crosses & crossbones! And I am talking in the major department stores. All over the tees & hoodies. We didn't buy any either but it sure did reduce our selection, also my son said the school doesn't allow them. Chalk up one point for our school systems.

respectfully snipped- bolded and underscored by me

I think you are referring to her stance in this photo. That is the photo I was thinking of when I saw the 'LOVE' picture, too.



The end of the underlining - the tip of it- sort of looks like a snakes head, doesn't it? hmm...never noticed that before.

FWIW This picture comes from here-

The comments make it clear this picture belongs to this woman, she created it.

WOW:eek:.......I have never seen this pic lightened to the point where one can clearly see another figure (and it looks more male also, as it is taller, male stance) standing behind the first one, more hidden, more in the, now I am really wondering if there was an accomplice after the fact. Did KC see this and it reminded her of the remains site, of herself standing there, and of another hidden person behind her, trying to stay in the dark? JMO
WOW:eek:.......I have never seen this pic lightened to the point where one can clearly see another figure (and it looks more male also, as it is taller, male stance) standing behind the first one, more hidden, more in the, now I am really wondering if there was an accomplice after the fact. Did KC see this and it reminded her of the remains site, of herself standing there, and of another hidden person behind her, trying to stay in the dark? JMO

In the 50 minutes between your post and mine, this photo has been set to private so I couldn't see what you're talking about. Hmmmmm :waitasec:

I'm kind of glad. I've read through the thread and am in awe of all of you who were so thoughful in your responses because I have neither the energy or stomach to enter the dark vacuous void that is KC's mind.
I've disassociated myself from concern for ICA, her thoughts, emotions, fears, dreams, or future. She's already dead in my mind.
I tend to think if she had any remorse, she would have revisited that place several times over the past 2 years. We'd have seen her wear it like a badge at status hearings and have not. We would have been spared the wiggle hipped smiling perp walk when she was first arrested and the tantrums she demonstrated in the video calls with mom and dad.

I'm not proud that I have no empathy or compassion left for ICA but it is what it is. Like I said at the onset I'm in proud awe of those of you who still do care enough to unravel the mystery that is KC's mind. Be safe in there and don't get lost because I do have empathy and compassion for you folks. :seeya:
I have heard that when they find a body with a blanket or something like that spread over to cover the face it's often considered to be an indicator that the perp may have known the victim. And if you saw a body with lots of injuries to the face I would think this was an attacker with a lot of rage, stranger or not. But as far as duct tape on the face, of course we still don't know exactly where the tape was placed other than over the mouth area, but I think it's fairly common for stranger/predators to duct tape the victim's face, isn't it? One of our members here said when she was raped the perp duct taped her mouth and eyes. It seems like I've heard of it in cases quite a bit. For example, that predator who was attempting to abduct other little girls in Orlando during this time frame also taped their mouths with duct tape, IIRC.
I haven't seen any evidence indicating Casey had rage toward Caylee by the way, or anyone else who did. I think violent perps like sexual predators often engage in a certain amount of overkill, rage problems for sure, but not because they know the victim.

Quote above by Seagull65 was snipped for space and BBM.


I accidently snipped the lower part of your quote where you say that by all of KC's friends accounts that KC was a good and loving mother. What I think we all need to remember is that KC presented a front to all. She lied about having a full time job, she lied to get her friends to babysit, she assimilated to fit in to the Grunds, she was a chameleon. Perhaps the only person to see through her was JPC as he told AH/RM that he did not want KC in his room when she came to visit. So they were basing their opinions on the person KC presented herself to be, not the person she really was.

As far as not seeing evidence of KC having rage toward Caylee, I think of KC seething about Caylee under the surface. Until the evening of the 15th, then she raged at both Ca & Caylee. Most abuse doesn't take place in the light. And much abuse, esp. the emotional & psychological is more subtle, it doesn't show in cuts & bruises. Have you ever watched the videos of Caylee that were taken by KC when they were home alone. They are unsettling, they make the hairs on my body stand on end, they are frightening, so I can only imagine what Caylee must have felt. Also the relationship b/t KC & CA being so twisted, one knows that this love/hate thing they had going on must have centered on Caylee once she was born. She was used by each of them to "get under the skin" of the other. One minute Caylee was being drawn near by one of them to get at the other, the next minute they were at each other because she had to be cared for. She was a wishbone.....and even though she was only 2, you know she felt it. I think the match that lit fuse may have been CA & Caylee going to MT Dora and coming back with the info that KC had stolen $ from SP. CA probably was lit up like a christmas tree, calling KC names and yelling at her............and when confronted by this anger in CA, the rage in KC boiled to the surface. Think of how many times CA probably called KC names over the last year, said nasty things to her (in front of Caylee too) and how many times did Caylee repeat words to KC that CA had said in anger. Caylee at 2+ is becoming more & more verbal, so she is repeating things w/o even knowing what they mean. IDK....I can see it, I can see it building in KC, and when Caylee started repeating things that CA said about KC.....maybe that was it. Of course we don't know that it happened this way, but from what we do know, it seems a natural progression to me. I can see KC going from seething about things, to the 15th when it boiled over, it exploded, and she did things she couldn't take back.

WOW:eek:.......I have never seen this pic lightened to the point where one can clearly see another figure (and it looks more male also, as it is taller, male stance) standing behind the first one, more hidden, more in the, now I am really wondering if there was an accomplice after the fact. Did KC see this and it reminded her of the remains site, of herself standing there, and of another hidden person behind her, trying to stay in the dark? JMO

The photo is set to private on flickr
but looking at the one we have on WS
Do you see a male at the entrance to the woods? Perhaps waiting for the little girl to cross the threshold into the woods
In the 50 minutes between your post and mine, this photo has been set to private so I couldn't see what you're talking about. Hmmmmm :waitasec:

I'm kind of glad. I've read through the thread and am in awe of all of you who were so thoughful in your responses because I have neither the energy or stomach to enter the dark vacuous void that is KC's mind.
I've disassociated myself from concern for ICA, her thoughts, emotions, fears, dreams, or future. She's already dead in my mind.
I tend to think if she had any remorse, she would have revisited that place several times over the past 2 years. We'd have seen her wear it like a badge at status hearings and have not. We would have been spared the wiggle hipped smiling perp walk when she was first arrested and the tantrums she demonstrated in the video calls with mom and dad.

I'm not proud that I have no empathy or compassion left for ICA but it is what it is. Like I said at the onset I'm in proud awe of those of you who still do care enough to unravel the mystery that is KC's mind. Be safe in there and don't get lost because I do have empathy and compassion for you folks. :seeya:

Above BBM.
Gosh that's really weird huh? I used a magnifying glass too b/c my eyes aren't what they used to be. I wish I could fix it so you could see it but I am a completely computer illiterate.


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