Glimpses into Casey's Frame of Mind During Solitude *REVISITED*

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I wonder if she sits there and thinks it's funny when the SA gets a fact wrong. I feel like she sits there feeling all self righteous because she is the only one who really knows what and how it happened.
Some of the testimony was so horrible it was enough to push anyone over the edge. I think in a few years she's going to be a complete mental basket case. This trial will play over and over again in her mind for a very long time. I couldn't tell you what she was thinking. I know what I was thinking.
I wonder if she sits there and thinks it's funny when the SA gets a fact wrong. I feel like she sits there feeling all self righteous because she is the only one who really knows what and how it happened.

if that's ALL she's thinking? Then she's got bigger issues than we all figured! If "telliing her side of things" eats her up? I can't imagine what it's doing to her as everyone else gives their version of things. :crazy:
Just for research purposes. If there is anyone I could compare ICA's case to? As in mentality, demeanor etc? Look up the Betty Broderick case. It was back in the 80's. Famous socialite married to an attorney. Her nickname is Angry Betty. That is what this case reminded me of. AND if you research her latest plea for parole? You'll see why she was denied.
Some of the testimony was so horrible it was enough to push anyone over the edge. I think in a few years she's going to be a complete mental basket case. This trial will play over and over again in her mind for a very long time. I couldn't tell you what she was thinking. I know what I was thinking.

I think initially she will be a mess. But after a while I think she will adjust to prison.

BTW I sure do agree with your first sentence.
I think her thoughts are...Wow look at all these people here for me..this is being televised so all my fans can see me. Wow ..How do I look?
Maybe she is thinking about her new book, "If I Did It"...
I saw the look that passed over her face today when aquittal was denied it was palpable and she very quickly had to control her breathing, pure fear, I think...
I think most of the time she is thinking, "I could squash all these dumb insects".
Just for research purposes. If there is anyone I could compare ICA's case to? As in mentality, demeanor etc? Look up the Betty Broderick case. It was back in the 80's. Famous socialite married to an attorney. Her nickname is Angry Betty. That is what this case reminded me of. AND if you research her latest plea for parole? You'll see why she was denied.

Diane Downs springs in to my mind
"After all this *****, no one ever got me Tony's phone number. What a waste, a huge waste."
Diane Downs springs in to my mind

I'm watching 20/20 right now about Diane Downs! ICA and DD have a lot of the same personality traits!

I have been thinking all Evening about what ICA must be thinking tonight. She has been so upbeat and happy (except when Jury is in room of course) thru this entire trial. I have always thought that she has been enjoying the limelight of the trial and truly believed that she was about to walk free. I think she has been planning her "Coming Home" party in her mind all along.

I think that when HHJP denied CM's motions without a moment of thought tonight ICA saw, maybe for the 1st time, that she is NOT going home....
"After all this *****, no one ever got me Tony's phone number. What a waste, a huge waste."

LOL! I wonder what she was thinking when he was in court. I bet she was wishing she could talk to him, I mean manipulate him into believing she's the victim!
I'm watching 20/20 right now about Diane Downs! ICA and DD have a lot of the same personality traits!

I have been thinking all Evening about what ICA must be thinking tonight. She has been so upbeat and happy (except when Jury is in room of course) thru this entire trial. I have always thought that she has been enjoying the limelight of the trial and truly believed that she was about to walk free. I think she has been planning her "Coming Home" party in her mind all along.

I think that when HHJP denied CM's motions without a moment of thought tonight ICA saw, maybe for the 1st time, that she is NOT going home....

She may also be realizing that once this is all said and done and she's sitting in jail she won't be having her "family" of lawyers visiting her everyday and she'll be all alone after shunning her real family.
She probably thinks that she will be rich after the trial. I imagine she thinks she is going to walk out of there into a mob of reporters. She is probably thinking about all the TV interviews she will be giving.
I think she's really angry. She's not in control of anyone or anything. She's mad when the focus strays from her and only sad when it's about her in an even remotely positive way. She is livid that she isn't viewed as the victim and Caylee is. I do think she was jealous of the love her parents showered on Caylee. She did look stressed at the end. She also became animated and I wonder if she now wishes she had gone on the stand to explain/lie about her side.
I wonder if she sits there and thinks it's funny when the SA gets a fact wrong. I feel like she sits there feeling all self righteous because she is the only one who really knows what and how it happened.

Good point. That's her only power here.
she is wishing she had done things in a different order.....Dad first, then Mom, then Caylee

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