Global Warming

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This came linked as an alert from my weather watching site - scary indeed. Not sure what it means to agriculture, or to electricity production, or energy costs...but this is NOT good at all.

"For the first time in history, the U.S. government has ordered that flow of Colorado River water from the 50-year-old Glen Canyon Dam be slashed, due to a water crisis brought about by the region's historic 14-year drought. On Friday, the Federal Bureau of Reclamation--a division of the Department of Interior that manages water and electric power in the West--announced that it would cut water released from Lake Powell's Glen Canyon Dam by 750,000 acre-feet in 2014. An acre-foot is the amount of water that will cover an acre of land one foot deep; 750,000 acre-feet is enough water to supply at least 750,000 homes for one year. The flow reduction will leave the Colorado River 9% below the 8.23 million acre feet that is supposed to be supplied downstream to Lake Mead for use in California, Nevada, Arizona and Mexico under the Colorado River Compact of 1922 and later agreements. "

Herding Casts
So...just because I'm kinda weird, I look at my local weather patterns for fun. It's usually the same - warm or hot, LOL, but usually at this time of year I watch hurricanes in the Pacific. The usual pattern is form, go out to sea, get caught by the warm currents, go over Mexico; occasionally, we'll get remnants of them, but it's not common.

Arizona, New Mexico, and west Texas usually feel the brunt of these tropical storms/depressions. We are too far west, mostly, but like I said, occasionally we'll get some rain.

This year, we've had a few hurricanes; one had a direct hit on Hawai'i, and the other fizzled out towards Hawai'i. Not too bad, more depressions than I usually see, but still, not bad.

However. Right now, there is a tropical depression (which may become a hurricane) that looks like it will come straight up and then through Santa Monica. Now, the last time we had a hurricane in Los Angeles was something like 1926, so while it's not unprecedented, it's very rare. And it was only a Cat 1 (again, IIRC).

Hurricanes need warm water to form. We typically have colder water temps, even during summer, than what is needed for the formation. This is interesting on several levels, because there is no real 'warming' off the coast in the how is this forming, and how will it get here?

I find this interesting...just interesting. Just thought I'd share...

Herding Cats
there's a lot to read out there re the effect of climate change/global warming on winter weather. one example: when lakes don't freeze like they "usually" do, more water is available to evaporate into precipitation, resulting in more snowfall than when lakes are frozen

cold air and hot air chase each other around, and displace each other. hot air circulating in larger amounts and for longer periods displaces and/or diverts cold air into areas where it's not "usually" of much consequence. but winter patterns are being evaluated as much as summer patterns because harsher winter weather is becoming more evident, more often

recent patterns of harsher winters cause many to question the validity of climate change (in terms of warming trends), when the reality is that sustained warmer weather contributes to sustained colder weather
U.N. panel says it's more certain that humans drive global warming

Scientists are more convinced that human activity is behind the increase in global temperatures since the 1950s, which has boosted sea levels and the odds of extreme storms, according to a leaked draft of an upcoming U.N. report.

More at link......

Another article on the same with a graphic:

How can this be anything BUT political?
It's certainly not based on science....
As Air Conditioning Use Grows, Are We Cooling Our Way to a Hotter World?

No other country uses as much energy for air conditioning today as the United States. .........

But that's changing quickly as developing nations – especially in the most populous and hottest parts of the world – seek to enjoy the advantages of modern life, particularly one that makes life indoors more comfortable, helps people by more productive at work and can even save lives during periods of intense heat.

That's worrying scientists who note that the energy required to meet the demand for cooling across the developing world could go up dramatically, and would likely be generated by some of the dirtiest sources of electricity..............more.......
I think we use so much air conditioning because modern buildings are made with window that don't open :(

I hate air conditioning blowing on me - but I use it, cuz I hate it when it is toooooooo hot even more :)

I think we use so much air conditioning because modern buildings are made with window that don't open :(

I hate air conditioning blowing on me - but I use it, cuz I hate it when it is toooooooo hot even more :)


My old work didn't allow the windows to be opened anymore due to security reasons. Parts of the building were so hot you sweated and others so darn cold you layered up or froze. Building more efficient buildings, like the thick adobe ones in the southwest will help. Wider outer walls, more insulation, more overhanging roofs.

AC is a good way to get rid of pollen, mold spores, etc. We notice the difference in late fall before the first frost since we have a big field behind us with a lot of rag weed in it. We saw the wind blow yellow dust one year! Fortunately for us it blew the other way, not so fortunate for our neighbors.
Climate change 'driving spread of crop pests'

Climate change is helping pests and diseases that attack crops to spread around the world, a study suggests.

Researchers from the universities of Exeter and Oxford have found crop pests are moving at an average of two miles (3km) a year.

The team said they were heading towards the north and south poles, and were establishing in areas that were once too cold for them to live in.

The research is published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Currently, it is estimated that between 10% and 16% of the world's crops are lost to disease outbreaks. The researchers warn that rising global temperatures could make the problem worse. ........more.........
I had a HUGE idea/thought this me, it's the missing piece of the puzzle which I started talking about earlier on this thread - with the weather patterns changing because of the earthquakes that have changed the axis of the earth?

Well, there's this thing called the equatorial bulge...a swelling around the equator that happens because of centrifugal force...

What if...just pretend here...the axis change has ALSO made the bulge change? That would account for the noises that some hear - "the earth groaning", additional shifts in weather patterns (because the bulge would act as a spatial diverter of a sort), sinkholes, and lots of other things.

What do you all think of that idea? I think it holds merit...

Herding Cats
I had a HUGE idea/thought this me, it's the missing piece of the puzzle which I started talking about earlier on this thread - with the weather patterns changing because of the earthquakes that have changed the axis of the earth?

Well, there's this thing called the equatorial bulge...a swelling around the equator that happens because of centrifugal force...

What if...just pretend here...the axis change has ALSO made the bulge change? That would account for the noises that some hear - "the earth groaning", additional shifts in weather patterns (because the bulge would act as a spatial diverter of a sort), sinkholes, and lots of other things.

What do you all think of that idea? I think it holds merit...

Herding Cats

I believe everything you've posted makes sense, a lot more than cow farts causing climate change.

The earth has been groaning for quite a while now - signal of a polar shift? It has happened before, there is scientific proof.

Just my thoughts, which ain't worth that much, but in the end, whose are? If they survive on paper/papyrus, someone will most likely come along and burn them, LOL.
Most of the global warming propaganda pushers have gone into hiding.
But I see there are still a few setting themselves up for ridicule.
I believe everything you've posted makes sense, a lot more than cow farts causing climate change.

The earth has been groaning for quite a while now - signal of a polar shift? It has happened before, there is scientific proof.

Just my thoughts, which ain't worth that much, but in the end, whose are? If they survive on paper/papyrus, someone will most likely come along and burn them, LOL.

That's another factor - magnetic pole shift. Gravity and magnetism are closely linked, and if the earth is shifting it's axis, I would absolutely expect to have the magnetism shift, too...and that would affect the weather changes.

Yes, it's happened fairly regularly over the earth's 'life''s a fascinating issue indeed.

Adding to the axis shift ideas, there has been more volcano eruptions (at least to my untrained eye) that have been happening lately...

It's a huge puzzle, but I think the pieces are coming least to me.

Thanks, Trident...I'm glad you see what I'm trying (so poorly) to articulate.

Herding Cats
2899 Record cold temps vs 667 record warm temps in U.S. — From July 24 to August 19

Record Cold in the Northern Interior
Bettles Alaska recorded a low of 15ºF Saturday morning. This is by far the lowest temperature of record at Bettles in August. The previous record at the Bettles in August was 22ºF on August 30, 1969. At old Bettles, about four miles downriver from the current townsite, a low of 20ºF was measured on August 24, 1948.

North Pole Sees Unprecedented July Cold – Arctic Sees Shortest Summer On Record — ‘Normally the high Arctic has about 90 days above freezing. This year there was less than half that’

John Coleman

It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the “research” to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus.
Causes of Global Warming

Scientists have spent decades figuring out what is causing global warming. They've looked at the natural cycles and events that are known to influence climate. But the amount and pattern of warming that's been measured can't be explained by these factors alone. The only way to explain the pattern is to include the effect of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted by humans.

To bring all this information together, the United Nations formed a group of scientists called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC. The IPCC meets every few years to review the latest scientific findings and write a report summarizing all that is known about global warming. Each report represents a consensus, or agreement, among hundreds of leading scientists........more......

Climate Change: Evidence, Impacts, and Choices



Temperature data from four international science institutions. All show rapid warming in the past few decades and that the last decade has been the warmest on record.

Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities,1and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources.


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