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my sister and I use to tease about using nyquil on my 2 boys when we were going on a vaction, and yes it was just a joke we used that line every time they were hyper and with my youngest that was all the time. My youngest was dx with ADHD and was put on folcolin, and concentra which did calm him way down but it didnt help with the academic aspect which was the main reason for me allowing him to take it, after neither drug helping with his academic i took him off the medicine. when the doctor asked why i didnt want him on it and just told him you no its a great baby sitter but it isnt helping with his school work so there for i did not want to put those harsh chemicals in his body.

there are more drugs and OTC drugs out there that we even realize that can be very harmful if misused, that is why we now have to show our ID's to purchase them.

Actually, it's less they're dangerous, and more that they can be used to make meth which has cause the restrictions in sales. If you follow the dossage instructions, they should be safe, especially if you get the pediatrician's or doctor's go-ahead first.
No, none of the statements - at least the ones that have been released - ever said that anyone saw Casey giving any medication to Caylee.

This is what I remember too. None of the statements that I read mentioned anything of such an explicit nature. I don't think that the general public has seen all of each of the statements though, either, and none of some.
LP and his theories make me twitch. No one would look at a body on the 18th that had been decomposing since the 16th and not realizes that staging a drowning was not going to work.

What happened to LP's theory that Caylee fell off of Tony's balcony? Now that the docs are out that clearly came from Maria's statement.

Then there was the dumpster that was going to be a huge issue in this crime. After the docs it would appear that is the towyard dumpster, but we are not closer to finding Caylee's body.

He clearly has some inside info, and but instead of limiting his comments to what the documents actually say he takes it to the next level and is frequently inaccurate.

Yeah, I gotta pretty much agree about LP. He seems like a decent guy, although I don't think we should forget he bailed KC out in the first place, and I'll still like to have seen if she would have been as closed-lipped in jail as she was out. However, he seems to have a lot of theories without in fact being completely in the know. At least, that's my impression. He's a big talker, but he's not really an insider when it comes to the case.
I think LP has taken on the unenviable task of playing the heavy in this case and he is a sweetheart at heart. It's my impression that like Tim, he is very interested in the truth of the matter and is willing & able to do what it takes to do what must be done. Neither of them strike me as people who fool around a lot. I think they make a great team, too.
Actually, it's less they're dangerous, and more that they can be used to make meth which has cause the restrictions in sales. If you follow the dossage instructions, they should be safe, especially if you get the pediatrician's or doctor's go-ahead first.

There have been quite a few deaths in my area where parents gave their babies and toddlers medicine for coughs and colds and ended up killing them. Yes, meth is a huge concern, but so is overdosing your infant with meds that weren't intended to be used on someone so young.
I also think she must have chloroformed her and then thrown her in the pool, though better of it, fished her out and hid her in the yard.

Seaking of the pool, do you think the water in the pool could have been collected and tested for any traces of human decomposition fluids?

Also, what day was it noted that the stairs were in the pool? Was it the 16th?

Benadryl has been around for many years. It is an antihistamine, and can also be used for itching caused by a rash or other skin condition. People use it now for allergies and sinus problems. It can also cause drowsiness, as most antihistamines do.
I'm with you... I have never used something to make a child sleep... too dangerous! And my youngest son was notorious for not sleeping over 15 minutes at a time up until he was nearly 3.

My youngest child had this problem and the Dr. told me to feed her 1/3 jar of baby food lamb just before bed time, said there is something in it that makes us sleep. I tried it for a few nights and after a week she was sleeping all through the night and we never had the problem again.
My kids were some of those that Benadryl did not make sleepy.It always hypes me up and my children as well. We don;t tolerate antihistamines very well at all. The worst was having 3 or 4 hyped up kids at a time all with chicken pox.:eek:

My three all had tonsils removed at the same time, they wrote me a lot of notes, it was the most quiet time of their childhood for about a week. LOL
Me too!
I rocked my 3 girls to sleep after bathing them. It brought a calm to the end of the day as I held my child and watched as she fell asleep.
Now they are older and can bathe themselves, I watch to make sure no one gets hurt, then I read to them or they read to me and we snuggle before they drift off to sleep on their own, sometimes with the help of a small glass of milk.

My kids were not sleepers either. I am one of those moms who just couldn't let them cry themselves to sleep in their crib. I wanted them to know I was there, and I wanted to comfort them. So before bed time I would give them a warm bath with lavender baby bath. Then after their bath I would give them massages with baby lotion... I started this the day I brought them home from the hospital (I read about infant massages in a Parents magazine before my oldest was born!). Then after pajamas I would rock them to sleep. I think that lasted until they were 4 or so!!! lol.
My oldest is 13, my youngest is 8. Guess what? I don't think they were permanently damaged from me overloving them, they are very well adjusted girls!!!! I never spent a moment regretting that time with them, and they weren't drugged!!!
Seaking of the pool, do you think the water in the pool could have been collected and tested for any traces of human decomposition fluids?

Also, what day was it noted that the stairs were in the pool? Was it the 16th?


Turbothink has been wondering about the pool filter being replaced and why, too.
I think the stairs and gate being left open were a day or two later- I'll check.
Seaking of the pool, do you think the water in the pool could have been collected and tested for any traces of human decomposition fluids?

Also, what day was it noted that the stairs were in the pool? Was it the 16th?


Cindy said she and George had put it away on Sunday June 15 and found it by the pool on the 17th.
Cindy said she and George had put it away on Sunday June 15 and found it by the pool on the 17th.

WOW I didn't think it fit in THAT PERFECTLY with the day most people believe she was killed.... yes then I think whoever posted that she killed her on the night of the 15th, then snuck back to the home to make it look like a drowning, then fished her out and moved her was correct....IMO I think that will be the eventual conclusion.

What was the date of Lee trying to get a new pool filter?

Sorry I am trying to follow all the details without asking questions that have been answered 100 times before, but there certainly are alot!
Thanks in advance:rolleyes:
My youngest child had this problem and the Dr. told me to feed her 1/3 jar of baby food lamb just before bed time, said there is something in it that makes us sleep. I tried it for a few nights and after a week she was sleeping all through the night and we never had the problem again.

Wish I had known that then! He is just naturally a night owl, has been all his life, and he's 23 now. But I never was tempted to knock him out with meds... too risky. Oh, and he has never eaten much meat... hated baby food.
Benadryl sometimes has an adverse effect on me... it won't put me to sleep, and it makes my legs restless. Not every time, but usually.
IF Casey used chloroform to quiet Caylee and put her to sleep, then she had to know she was risking overdosing her. It is dangerous stuff... takes only a few drops to knock out an adult.

I PERSONALLY NEVER HEARD OF USING BENDRYL until recently when a doctor suggested I use it for myself and then A daycare lady was arrested for 40 bottles in one year....when did this product come out


Yes Stark it is commonly used for allergies. I have used it and had to give it to at least one of my four boys as they had allergic reactions to meds and mosquito bites and other things. It does cause extreme drowsiness in many adults and children. It is also used in combo with prednisone to avert an allergic reaction to certain tests that they have to use dyes with and they suspect you may be allergic.

Sounds to me like you may be from NY as I am. The day care provider was right here in my Home town using it on the children. :eek: She got 4 yrs. I believe. So glad my boys are grown, it wasn't easy, but I measured and RE MEASURED any meds I had to give them yrs. ago.
That goes to my "premeditated but not that well thought out" theory I keep going back and forth on.

Sleeping pills, Nyquil, Benedryl, all easier and cheaper to obtain and easier to explain to LE as an accidental death. Why she would go out of her way to research and make/buy chloroform just to knock Caylee out, makes no sense at all to me.

Here's my take:

Knowing the dates of the searches would be key as to figuring out her intent.

She could've look it up innocently since there was a sexual reference to it on one of her lovers websites. He thought it was sexy, she thought she would be outrageous and mix up a batch and let him use it on her or maybe she would use it on him. She's trying to please him, be the coolest babe in town!

Now fastforward..she's in jam with this whole Caylee thing and remembers how easy and inexpensive it is to make...she uses it for??? not sure, either to put Caylee to sleep, kill Caylee,clean the trunk, or she made it for the sexual game and Caylee got into it.

I'm with you in that if she just wanted Caylee to sleep for awhile there would be a lot of better ways to accomplish. If she didn't want Caylee to die, she would not use chloroform. Most mom's panic at giving their kids OTC medications the first time even though a doctor has recommended. Chloroform is known to be dangerous, hence not used anymore. If you were concerned in anyway about your childs welfare you wouldn't mix up a batch in your bathroom and try it out on your 2yr old!
Benedryl has been around for years. There is one for adults but also a childrens one. I have heard parents say they were going to go home & give their child benedryl so they would go to sleep.
I have to give one of my dogs this daily as she is allergic to GRASS & this is what the vet told me to do.

when my son was 2...we went to canada for his "catholic baptism" he was a typical hyper and active two year old into everything... as we bathed him and got him dressed, he was groggy...and not very active at all...during the entire baptism he slept like a log...i was amazed as this wasnt like him... only two days later did i find out from my sister that my stepmother had given my son benedryl...i was fuming... i hadnt even heard of such a thing..but she obviously knew of it.
when my son was 2...we went to canada for his "catholic baptism" he was a typical hyper and active two year old into everything... as we bathed him and got him dressed, he was groggy...and not very active at all...during the entire baptism he slept like a log...i was amazed as this wasnt like him... only two days later did i find out from my sister that my stepmother had given my son benedryl...i was fuming... i hadnt even heard of such a thing..but she obviously knew of it.

A good friend has banned her Mother from watching her children alone. She picked up her 4 year old and he was sick with a headache a very groggy. When he threw up once they got home she smelled alcohol - Grandma had been getting the kids drunk to "help them sleep".

I've wondered if Casey did that too. You can choke on you're own vomit if passed out.
A good friend has banned her Mother from watching her children alone. She picked up her 4 year old and he was sick with a headache a very groggy. When he threw up once they got home she smelled alcohol - Grandma had been getting the kids drunk to "help them sleep".

I've wondered if Casey did that too. You can choke on you're own vomit if passed out.

Yep! And, chloroform can make you puke.

When I was a baby, moms routinely gave paragoric for teething pain. It was full of opiates. It was just done, back then.
That goes to my "premeditated but not that well thought out" theory I keep going back and forth on.

Sleeping pills, Nyquil, Benedryl, all easier and cheaper to obtain and easier to explain to LE as an accidental death. Why she would go out of her way to research and make/buy chloroform just to knock Caylee out, makes no sense at all to me.

She probably thought it would make her kidnapping story more believable. Didn't kidnappers use chloroform a lot in old movies?

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