Globe Interviews LP

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Globe is a TABLOID with a tabloid mentality. If anyone believes a word they read in that trash magazine, well then I've got a bridge I'd like to sell ya!

Think you're confusing it with one of the Alien Is Born-tabloids. IIRC, the Globe is like the Enquirer, lots of good info and they really DO interview people related to the case like LP. I doubt they used LP's name and made up his quotes, a paper like that would have been out of print years ago with all the lawsuits. If it said LP told them the info, I believe it.
That goes to my "premeditated but not that well thought out" theory I keep going back and forth on.

Sleeping pills, Nyquil, Benedryl, all easier and cheaper to obtain and easier to explain to LE as an accidental death. Why she would go out of her way to research and make/buy chloroform just to knock Caylee out, makes no sense at all to me.

Maybe simply because it was cheaper? Get a gallon of bleach, and some acetone, and voila, she'd have a big old batch of the stuff that could last for months. Nyquil and all those other things are expensive if you have no income with which to buy it (other than the stolen money of course, but she probably wanted to save that for lingerie and beer).
I hear you JBean. When my 3 had the chickepox, Beanadryl affected them the same way! I had 3 little ones bounding off of the walls! lol!
We sure didn't get very sleepy from it's use!:)

And it scares me when I hear parents "using" meds to make their kids sleep. That's just not something that parents should ever be doing, in my opinion.

I totally agree. When I was a kid, you could still get Paragoric. Lots of mothers used to rub it on their children's gums to help with teething, not realizing they were actually slipping the kid a mickey.
I think LP's version of the story is somewhat plausible, but I seriously doubt you could use a shovel to lift the body out of the water, while standing on the stairs. It is too difficult. It seems like she just would have changed clothes and gone in and gotten her, or just held her under the water without dropping her.

I guess if they wanted to test this theory, they could test the shovel for chlorine, if it had a wooden handle, and had soaked up water.

I agree about the shovel. That would be impossible to do with a child. I can see maybe a dead squirrel, but not a child.
Maybe simply because it was cheaper? Get a gallon of bleach, and some acetone, and voila, she'd have a big old batch of the stuff that could last for months. Nyquil and all those other things are expensive if you have no income with which to buy it (other than the stolen money of course, but she probably wanted to save that for lingerie and beer).

Good point. I have no idea what chloroform is made from so I wasn't aware you could make it out of things found around the house. I wonder if the Anthony's are missing a bucket from that infamous shed of theirs....:waitasec:
The rocking chair always worked well for me! :)

Me too!
I rocked my 3 girls to sleep after bathing them. It brought a calm to the end of the day as I held my child and watched as she fell asleep.
Now they are older and can bathe themselves, I watch to make sure no one gets hurt, then I read to them or they read to me and we snuggle before they drift off to sleep on their own, sometimes with the help of a small glass of milk.
Does anyone know how hot the temp was that night? Would that suffocate a child quicker? and the choroform stronger??? It was a hot summer up here in PA.
Does anyone know how hot the temp was that night? Would that suffocate a child quicker? and the choroform stronger??? It was a hot summer up here in PA.

I am checking on June weather history for Orlando. Something odd about the graphs. I am going to ask for expert information. I'll be right back.
I agree about the shovel. That would be impossible to do with a child. I can see maybe a dead squirrel, but not a child.

I am about KC's size and once our dog killed a HUGE Possum in the yard.
I had to pick it up with a shovel and I really thought my back was going to break. It is hard to do and this thing mustve weighed 20#?
She mustve used the shovel to try to dig a hole? OR used the Bamboo excuse so the neighbor thought thats why she was in the backyard when parents were gone? just dont know:confused:
I am checking on June weather history for Orlando. Something odd about the graphs. I am going to ask for expert information. I'll be right back.
sweetwater - Check our timeline calendar...I believe that one of our posters entered the temperature/weather for each day.
Benadyrl has been out since I was a kid. It is an antihistamine which is excellent for allergenic children. It does not make all children sleepy, but wires up some kids. I have used it with my kids for itching in chicken pox, allergic reactions to insect bites, and seasonal allergies.

My Parents found a dose of gravol, on long road trips, calmed motion sickness in children and had the added benefit of knocking us out for hours, too! Makes for peaceful driving...;)
OT here, sorry...on the Benadryl...that is all Tylenol PM is...the tylenol plus the benadryl or its generic...when I worked for a doctor, lots of them recommended it as a safe alternative to the older folks who always had trouble sleeping...they always thought at 80 years old they should still sleep 8-9 hours a night,lol...go figure!!! Some it would help and some it would hype up...all depended on the person....they would always want to be given a RX for a sleeping pill and lots of them would refuse Benadryl when they found out it was not one,lol. Was a good placebo if you could get them to take it,lol.
Yeah, chloroform sounds awkward, and hard to manage. Of course, maybe that was the was hard to manage. And, trying to use it correctly when one is upset, say, from a family fight....

or, you know, it wasn't an accident.

benadryl, unless in large quantities, wouldn't have been a permanent solution. chloroform would have.

it's may be better to think it was an accident, but seriously, this article doesn't make it so.
sweetwater - Check our timeline calendar...I believe that one of our posters entered the temperature/weather for each day.

sweetwater - Check our timeline calendar...I believe that one of our posters entered the temperature/weather for each day.
Ok, I'll do that. I've emailed a weather forum friend, too. I'm looking at the graphs, daily, weekly,monthly, for Orlando. The reports are out of the airport, which might have some variation from the Anthony's residence.
However, they had 70-90 degrees, rain and T storms, winds at 25mph- 45mph gusts over the course of days from the 16-20 of June, so far.

Hmm. It would have been muddy, windy. I'm thinking that the neighbor's may not have been on a real neighborly level with the Anthony's, and that Casey never expected anyone to find out she had borrowed the shovel. She may have not been desperate enough to break into the shed at that point, if she ever really did. But she may have needed to repair some damage she did, tracks she left in the mud, yard, ...??? Fill in an indentation or shovel some sand around to cover her tracks/odor in the yard?

I have never seen the logic in using a shovel to move Casey's body around. I also think she must have chloroformed her and then thrown her in the pool, though better of it, fished her out and hid her in the yard. The sandbox would have worked great during those stormy days. I can see her shoveling sand, just not digging a hole.
Wasn't there a comment from Amy in her interview with LE where she mentioned that Casey gave Caylee some cold/cough medicine that knocked her out and she slept through a party on a sofa in the living room?
Wasn't there a comment from Amy in her interview with LE where she mentioned that Casey gave Caylee some cold/cough medicine that knocked her out and she slept through a party on a sofa in the living room?

You could be correct but from what I remember the statement stopped short of saying that, perhaps implying such, just that Caylee could sleep through anything. Something to that effect.
You could be correct but from what I remember the statement stopped short of saying that, perhaps implying such, just that Caylee could sleep through anything. Something to that effect.

Ok, thanks! It's been awhile since I read those interviews. I got my conclusion mixed in with what I read.:crazy:
No, none of the statements - at least the ones that have been released - ever said that anyone saw Casey giving any medication to Caylee.
If she tried to stage a drowning, why didn't she follow through? What stopped her? I'm not saying it would have been a good plan, but she didn't seem to have anything else lined up. If she did this, I wonder why she bailed.
Ok, thanks! It's been awhile since I read those interviews. I got my conclusion mixed in with what I read.:crazy:

I remember thinking that was the implication when I read it, so you're not the only one.

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