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Just curious. I haven't seen the movie but wasn't American Pyscho listed on one of Casey's blogs as a point of interest. Did the killer in that movie use chloroform?
or, you know, it wasn't an accident.

benadryl, unless in large quantities, wouldn't have been a permanent solution. chloroform would have.

it's may be better to think it was an accident, but seriously, this article doesn't make it so.

Oh, I'm pretty sure it wasn't an accident. I USED to think it was accidental.

I DO think KC went back to the house to try to make it look like a drowning.

Maybe somebody thought chloroform wouldn't show up was untraceable in body fluids?
Me too!
I rocked my 3 girls to sleep after bathing them. It brought a calm to the end of the day as I held my child and watched as she fell asleep.
Now they are older and can bathe themselves, I watch to make sure no one gets hurt, then I read to them or they read to me and we snuggle before they drift off to sleep on their own, sometimes with the help of a small glass of milk.

Mmmmmmmmm!:) Warm, sleepy, and cuddly!
LP and his theories make me twitch. No one would look at a body on the 18th that had been decomposing since the 16th and not realizes that staging a drowning was not going to work.

What happened to LP's theory that Caylee fell off of Tony's balcony? Now that the docs are out that clearly came from Maria's statement.

Then there was the dumpster that was going to be a huge issue in this crime. After the docs it would appear that is the towyard dumpster, but we are not closer to finding Caylee's body.

He clearly has some inside info, and but instead of limiting his comments to what the documents actually say he takes it to the next level and is frequently inaccurate.

I;m a little torqued re: his theories re: who fathered Caylee.
That goes to my "premeditated but not that well thought out" theory I keep going back and forth on.

Sleeping pills, Nyquil, Benedryl, all easier and cheaper to obtain and easier to explain to LE as an accidental death. Why she would go out of her way to research and make/buy chloroform just to knock Caylee out, makes no sense at all to me.

Me neither. Unless she thought it wouldn't show up in body fluid tests, because it's a gas?

I can't think of a single reason for going to all that trouble.
I can't get past how she could kill her child and THEN carry her body all over the place before settling on a "final" resting spot. It turns my stomach over. I couldn't even bear moving my pet ferret's urn from one room into the next without bawling. :(

Yeah, but you are HUMAN.
She probably thought it would make her kidnapping story more believable. Didn't kidnappers use chloroform a lot in old movies?

Great point! That is another point towards my premeditated but not fully thought out theory.
OT kinda- speaking of LP, is anyone his myspace friend? I am, and he is quite popular on there. Alot of people are following this case and rooting for him and Tim Miller to find Caylee.
FWIW, all sleep agents in over the counter pain meds, that I know of is Diphenhydramine HCI aka Benadryl. You are better off taking the much cheaper store brands of Diphenhydramine HCI, if you don't need the pain relief and just need help sleeping. Also, while it's hard for adults to OD on Benadryl, it's not hard for children under 5 to do so. And taking as little as one extra Tylenol/Acetaminophen tablet a day can kill you. So it's good to just stay away from that. I know alot about this subject because my husband passed away from an adverse (not overdose) drug reaction from Acetaminophen. Turns out if you have a virus like the flu, it compromises your liver and you shouldn't take Tylenol. I have a storeroom full of research and legal papers about it.

I'm puzzled over Casey using Chloroform on Caylee. If she could have safely put Caylee to sleep with it, it wouldn't have lasted very long. It usually only lasts about 20 minutes. Maybe Casey didn't know this and overdid it. Maybe it was a premeditated act of euthinasia(sp). Or Casey was huffing it. I'm still sitting on the fence with the Chloroform.
FWIW, all sleep agents in over the counter pain meds, that I know of is Diphenhydramine HCI aka Benadryl. You are better off taking the much cheaper store brands of Diphenhydramine HCI, if you don't need the pain relief and just need help sleeping. Also, while it's hard for adults to OD on Benadryl, it's not hard for children under 5 to do so. And taking as little as one extra Tylenol/Acetaminophen tablet a day can kill you. So it's good to just stay away from that. I know alot about this subject because my husband passed away from an adverse (not overdose) drug reaction from Acetaminophen. Turns out if you have a virus like the flu, it compromises your liver and you shouldn't take Tylenol. I have a storeroom full of research and legal papers about it.

I'm puzzled over Casey using Chloroform on Caylee. If she could have safely put Caylee to sleep with it, it wouldn't have lasted very long. It usually only lasts about 20 minutes. Maybe Casey didn't know this and overdid it. Maybe it was a premeditated act of euthinasia(sp). Or Casey was huffing it. I'm still sitting on the fence with the Chloroform.

For me, I think Casey was huffing it, and I think it was dumped in the trunk, like the gas, to be used as a "cleaning agent" of sorts.
RM deleting that pic fro m his myspace on 7/16 is all I need to know about how the chloro was "used"
Turbothink has been wondering about the pool filter being replaced and why, too.
I think the stairs and gate being left open were a day or two later- I'll check.

I bet LE took the pool filter. Therefore it needed to be replaced. When we had a spa we would use ours and soak it in Muric acid every 6 months and replace it every 2 yrs. We also had a high iron content in our well water. i just do not see them replacing the filter just because. I think Le took it to check it for evidence.
For me, I think Casey was huffing it, and I think it was dumped in the trunk, like the gas, to be used as a "cleaning agent" of sorts.
RM deleting that pic fro m his myspace on 7/16 is all I need to know about how the chloro was "used"

I guess people will huff anything. But, I can't imagine huffing chloroform would be pleasant. Sleepy and pukey? UGH!
<<One wonders if by trying to fake a drowning death, KC was trying to pin it on her parents?>>

You can't fake a drowning accident. No water in the lungs, no drowning.
<<Yep. That's a movie thing.>>

I think this line of thinking is interesting. Remember Casey telling LE (I think it was) the reason she didn't call sooner was because she had seen movies about kidnappings and was afraid to call?
<<One wonders if by trying to fake a drowning death, KC was trying to pin it on her parents?>>

You can't fake a drowning accident. No water in the lungs, no drowning.

Very little to no water in the lungs: dry drowning. It doesn't happen often in drowning cases, but dry drowning does exist.
I have taken Benadryl for sleep for years. I'm a nurse and I started taking it years ago when I worked night shift at the hospital and it halped me sleep during the day. I guess now it's a habit because I can't sleep without it.
For me, I think Casey was huffing it, and I think it was dumped in the trunk, like the gas, to be used as a "cleaning agent" of sorts.
RM deleting that pic fro m his myspace on 7/16 is all I need to know about how the chloro was "used"

My very first impression when I heard chloroform was that someone did some heavy duty cleaning of something very messy and smelly. Looking back I don't even know why I thought this, but there it is. It has been illegal to possess since the mid 70's, although we've seen how easy it is to purchase over the net. Personally I wouldn't know how to use it without knocking myself out too!

Is it plausible that KC realized chloroforms staying power too late and was hoping to confuse the matter by putting Caylee in the chlorinated pool, she had to realize no breathing = no drowning. (being a CSI fan an all) or that maybe the chloroform didn't do quite enough so she used the pool to finish the job.

I just can't see her doing much handling of the body, even 24 hours after death this would be very unpleasant. According to FBI docs the body was in the car 2.6 days post death, there's just no way at this point she could have put her in the pool without leaving evidence behind.

It's all just too much.

Does anyone here know why someone would want to huff chloroform? What it does that makes it worth the odor, the nausea and vomiting and the headache. Not to mention the risk of death or injury.

KC's prior crowd of friends seem like nice young people, mostly blue color, tight friends, some of them with long histories. The TL crowd is a little edgier, college kids. None of these 'kids' fit the profile of chemical 'huffers'. (Is huffer even a word? IDK.) RM, JG et al just don't seem like the type and TL & friends would probably have access to a better class of chemicals if this is what they wanted to do. Chloroform doesn't sound worth the risk.
Maybe KC is the type who has to act out her fantasies. Her energy is directed toward the goals of the fantasy cause she doesn't have any better ideas to structure her life.

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