Grandparents Met with Casey 14 Aug

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It would help if Casey gave him the real NAME of who kidnapped her so he would know which direction to drive.

that's funny! even though, this situation isn't.

I agree with all of you about using a family spokesperson...neither one of them can STOP themselves from speaking. Looks like they all
have self-control issues. That said, I DO agree that the reporter's question was way out of bounds. Creep.

I don't care for Cindy at all, but I do feel for her and George. But for the grace of God, this isn't happening to one of us.
They have Jose Baez as their lawyer. George and Cindy should be directing that Jose and ONLY Jose answer questions if they want to keep the media away...they'll soon tire of the same scripted responses.

But, they DO like the evidences by Cindy's little "reveals" about tipsters and such which is just feeding the media and keeping the frenzy alive.
Baez is representing Casey and I suspect that there'd be a conflict of interest if he was representing them as well. After all, they're going to be called to testify in any trial, and although they are supporting Casey, what they will have to testify to isn't going to reflect well on Casey, no matter how they try to sugarcoat the truth.

They might "feel" he's their lawyer since he's representing Casey, but....

Cindy likes to argue and that's what I saw this morning. She wants to dispute anything comment that hints of Caylee not coming back. George was pulling her away like she did to him the other day in front of the media when he lost it.

From their attitude going into the jail it looked like they were already upset, but after they came out of the jail they were certainly upset. It looked like they were devastated.
Lots of f-bombs in that household. While this one is not, you know the intent was to intimidate the reporters into not asking anymore questions.

Bullying, it's the Family Anthony way...

I have to disagree because the media is relentless. We don't hear of celebs attacking them for no reason. And granted, celebs chose to be in the spotlight and do live to have their every move documented to get into the press -- but these folks didn't choose this.
Well, I see they are back on the "hate the media" trip. Me thinks George needs to get in the billboardmobile and head on down to the Keys.

"Guys, please just leaves us alone," George told reporters asking questions before their scheduled visitation Thursday morning. "When I go up here, do not follow us in the gate. Do not follow us when we're standing in line, please."

George and Cindy Anthony made it clear they were in no mood for questions before their video visitation with their daughter Casey. But when a question was asked about a detective's theory that 2-year old Caylee may not be alive, George Anthony lashed out.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I'm sick of this," he said.

Cindy Anthony then seemed to indicate they both believe Caylee is alive.

"And [a tipster] just spotted Caylee again, so you guys better just frickin' quit bugging us," Cindy said.

"If you don't want to be knocked down, get out of my way," George added.

If only George directed his disgust & anger at the person responsible for all their problems....

their lying daughter?

It must be EXHAUSTING to have to keep pretending they believe Casey didn't kill Caylee.
I think that they love their daughter, and love Caylee deeply and they don't want to face the idea that their child is capable of killing their grandchild. Having dealt with Casey's attitude all her life, they may know why Casey is acting like the @ss she is, trying to avoid blame, but at the same time they really can't fathom why she would not speak to bring Caylee home, dead or alive.
I'm wondering if the jail tape of Casey and George hasn't been released yet b/c it possibly contains information that is could be used in the investigation. I asked hubby this last night (he's LE but we don't live in FL) and he said they don't have to release anything that could be used in the case against Casey.
I think that they love their daughter, and love Caylee deeply and they don't want to face the idea that their child is capable of killing their grandchild. Having dealt with Casey's attitude all her life, they may know why Casey is acting like the @ss she is, trying to avoid blame, but at the same time they really can't fathom why she would not speak to bring Caylee home, dead or alive.

what makes me more confused is that interview from GVS yesterday that Casey was a good mother, she was patient with her child.....:confused:
Their demeanor & even their walks when they were leaving the jail was very telling to me. They looked like they were barely able to contain tears. They looked like someone had just dropped a bomb on them. Anyone else notice this?
I thought Lee was doing a great job of this and seemed calm, level-headed and articulate. I wonder where he's been and why he's noticeably absent lately.

I have always thought that if anyone was on to Casey it was the brother..I think the grandparents of Caylee are in massive denial and remind me of Scott Pretendersons parents.

Casey reminds me of Scott but less slick.

I do not think that the grandparents of Caylee can even entertain the idea of her being dead because it would be too overwhelming for them.
They would have to face soooo much about their daughter and they do not want to.

I do not think Casey will ever crack..she is another SP that way.
She will go to her grave lying her face off and her parents will support her.

Can you imagine what it would be like to face you raised a monster?

I can tell by how they communicate with Casey that she is and has always been a spoiled brat..but they had no idea that she was as despicable as she has turned out to be.

I do not make excuses for them, I simply state is is understandable that they are living in denial.
Does anyone remember how long a turn around it took between a visit and the tape being released?

George "You say my granddaughter is dead and I will fly off the handle."
Reporter: Casey Anthony's lawyer is looking for information on the search performed on the car and in the house from the cadaver dogs. Wants their accuracy level etc..
Also asking for audio and video of searches done in the home.
what makes me more confused is that interview from GVS yesterday that Casey was a good mother, she was patient with her child.....:confused:
I've known "mothers" who were patient and nice to their children when there was an audience ie..parents, casual friends, neighbors etc.. but afterwards those children were screamed at, smacked and not lightly, in short they were verbally abusive and the children were confused by the jekyl and hyde switch.
Their demeanor & even their walks when they were leaving the jail was very telling to me. They looked like they were barely able to contain tears. They looked like someone had just dropped a bomb on them. Anyone else notice this?
Yes. They looked devastated. It might be that all of the strain has just gotten to them and seeing her in jail brought it all crashing down or Casey pulled her usual attitude, or it could be something more.
Their demeanor & even their walks when they were leaving the jail was very telling to me. They looked like they were barely able to contain tears. They looked like someone had just dropped a bomb on them. Anyone else notice this?

You have to assume Casey is STILL feeding them the same stupid lies & they're stuck pretending that they have leads they're working on.

I also think I caught Cindy smirking at one point.
I have always thought that if anyone was on to Casey it was the brother..I think the grandparents of Caylee are in massive denial and remind me of Scott Pretendersons parents.

Casey reminds me of Scott but less slick.

I do not think that the grandparents of Caylee can even entertain the idea of her being dead because it would be too overwhelming for them.
They would have to face soooo much about their daughter and they do not want to.

I do not think Casey will ever crack..she is another SP that way.
She will go to her grave lying her face off and her parents will support her.

Can you imagine what it would be like to face you raised a monster?

I can tell by how they communicate with Casey that she is and has always been a spoiled brat..but they had no idea that she was as despicable as she has turned out to be.

I do not make excuses for them, I simply state is is understandable that they are living in denial.

Casey is used to manipulating her family I think, she's pretty slick for a 22 year old. She most likely doesn't want herself questioned, which might be why G & C have so little information on her lifestyle and birth father of Caylee.
George told reporters on one interview when he was pulling the sign a couple of days ago not to ask the question about what if Caylee is dead. He said he did not want to lose it like he did last time. Maybe Cindy did get a tip last night. Who really knows any more what is actually going on. I think Lee is out following up leads. He may even be out of town.

I also agree that they need a spokesperson. But like someone else said, the media would get tired of no response and turn to another case. This way Cindy is keeping Caylee in the media.

I hope something breaks really soon. I have my own life to live, but this is consuming me. :( I want little Caylee back alive!
what makes me more confused is that interview from GVS yesterday that Casey was a good mother, she was patient with her child.....:confused:

Don't let that fool you. She was SO putting on an act being miss perfect mother. She'd have a good thing going if she could have lassoed tony. Actually I was fooled myself for awhile while he talked, but came to my senses.
I have to disagree because the media is relentless. We don't hear of celebs attacking them for no reason. And granted, celebs chose to be in the spotlight and do live to have their every move documented to get into the press -- but these folks didn't choose this.

Anthony paparazzi
what makes me more confused is that interview from GVS yesterday that Casey was a good mother, she was patient with her child.....:confused:

Well, let's review.
As reported on the news and in interview:
Casey meets 2 guys May 24 (or 27, don't remember off the top of my head).
Within 2 weeks, she is spending the night with Guy A, bringing her daughter over to be entertained by Guy B while she is 'hanging out' with Guy A, and by the 16th of June, no more Caylee.
I just don't think it is that much of a stretch for her to play the good mommy act to impress her new bf for what, 2 or 3 whole weeks? And seriously, it's not like she had Caylee over there every day for those 2 to 3 weeks, and also IMO I don't classify this as good mother behavior.

Don't let that fool you. She was SO putting on an act being miss perfect mother. She'd have a good thing going if she could have lassoed tony. Actually I was fooled myself for awhile while he talked, but came to my senses.

I am pretty gullible....I can't fathom that she just wouldn't let her parents raise the child if she wanted out:(
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