*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

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Explaining why she didn't graduate high school.

Hand talking about her high school goth boyfriend

JODI ARIAS takes the stand

--Objection is overruled.

--Jodi is asked to speak up so that everybody can hear her.
--Mother hit Jodi and her brother with the wooden spoon. Sometimes Mother would pull the car over and hit them with the spoon. It left welts.
--Father used a belt, was very intimidating and did not have to use the belt as often as her Mother.
--The incidents were frequent and intense. They increased in frequency as Jodi got older. Mother beat Jodi with the spon...it seemed like 4x a week to 1x every two weeks. It depended.
--Jodi lived in Selinas until age 11.
--Jodi and her brother did after school activities. Jodi began to get into art, her pets were very central in her life, read a lot of books, took karate lessons, flute lessons.
--re: art, Jodi liked to color when she was younger. Was fascinated by art and began to practice what she saw.
--beatings from parents continued. Increased all the way through the teenaged years.
--the level of the brutality increased. Jodi and her brother would squirm and the harder they would squirm the harder her parents would try and hit them.
--Mother broke the brother's vein once.
--as she became a teenager Father became rougher and rougher.
--Nurmi asks how she felt when her own mother was beating her. Jodi felt betrayed and confused and as she got older it made her mad because it hurt. It put a strain on their relationship but Jodi still loved her.
--re: Father and the beatings getting rougher. Father shoved her into furniture. Never used his fists. Side of her head hit a door post one time and it momentarily knocked her out. When she came to her Mother was there and told the Father to be careful. This happened when Jodi was 16-17 years old. She was arguing with her mother at the time.
--Sometimes she got grounded which became the norm in high school.
--re: beatings from Father. Jodi loved him.
--At age 11 moved to Santa Maria, CA. The pushing into furniture started then. Would have been in grades 6-8. Jodi was going to school with Carl at this time.
--Jodi's interests were trying to make new friends. Says it seemed like she was constantly going to new schools due to moving.
--Focused on her art in Junior High. Took art class. Mentored by her art teacher.
--Parents did not discourage her interest in art. Classmates and art teacher gave her a lot of praise. Parents were indifferent. Didn't really bother her at that time.
--Enrolled in art school for a few weeks. Other family members were more encouraging with her art. Parents never went out of their way to display it.
--Jodi went to high school, for Grade 9 they moved to Yreka and she went to Yreka Union High School. Grades 9-12.
--Jodi entered in her freshman year.
--Beatings from Father continued through the high school years.
--Right before they moved to Santa Maria, Jodi snuck out the house and she snuck back in and when her father asked her where she was her Father smacked her across the face 2x. Open handed hard slap. No bleeding. No bruising. It hurt.
--Father was very big at that time, he is frail now due to his health. Father is 5'11" and used to bench press 520 lbs.
--Mother was aware of Father beating her when she was present. Both parents punished Jodi.
--When Jodi turned 16-17 years old she doesn't remember Mother carrying the spoon anymore. Mother would grab whatever was around like a hair brush. Mother had acrylic nails so she would dig her nails in.
--In high school Jodi traveled to Costa Rica to learn Spanish better.
--Did not have many friends. Had a large circle but nobody she was very close with.
--Interes art continued.
--Worked in high school at her Dad's restaurant. Worked as a server from the age of 15. Worked afternoons and weekends.
--Jodi did not graduate high school because at the time, says it is complicated.
--Jodi dropped out of high school. She was living with her boyfriend at the time outside of Yreka.
--Jodi moved out of her parents home to live with the boyfriend because she was getting tired of the discipline. A few months before she turned 18 her parents grounded her until she was to turn 19 because she skipped a class. She skipped the class to study for an exam. She was studying and her Dad found her in her car and grounded her for a few months until she turned 18.
--This was towards the end of her senior year in high school in May.
--Got Fs because she "let it all fall apart".
--There was a physical incident of abuse where she was knocked against the door frame and Jodi then moved in with her boyfriend. Packed boxes and moved them to the boyfriends. Most of the stuff was at his place so when she was grounded she moved out.
--Turned 18 that summer and worked at a restaurant full time as there was bills to pay.
--Bobby Juarez was the boyfriend and he was unemployed. Bobby was three years older than Jodi. He had never been employed at that point.
--Met Juarez when she was 15, the first summer she moved to Yreka, the carnival came to town and she saw Juarez walking in a crowd. He caught her eye. He was dressed in 18th century goth clothing. It was July/August and it was hot and Juarez was dressed in a black suit and a high collared white shirt. Long dark curly hair. Jodi found Juarez intriguing.
--Spend the day at the fair, was waiting for her friends to go on the zipper ride. Saw Juarez again and he motioned for Jodi to come over. She walked up to him. They went on the zipper ride together, they parted and she did not see him for a while.
--later saw Juarez at a homecoming football game. They reintroduced themselves and Jodi gave him her phone number.
--They did not date right away, they were just friends for several months, Juarez was seeing somebody else at the time.
--Around new years they decided to become boyfriend/girlfriend.
--Jodi did not have a car or her licence yet. Juarez would come to town and meet her at a gas station by the school. They would hang out and hold hands.
--Juarez wanted to move to San Franciso and had other wild ideas and Jodi was 15 so she broke up with him.
--Juarez maintained the belief in vampires and read Ann Rice novels and wanted to go to San Fran to look for vampires.
--Jodi broke up with Juarez over the telephone. Juarez was very upset. Jodi says he didn't take it well. Nurmi asks what that means and Martinez objects.
JA Mother would carry a wooden kitchen spoon, my brother and I if we were misbehaving she would use it on use . . . it felt pretty hard, it left welts . . . .

when Dad hit you with the best . . . did that leave welts on your body?Objection - sustained rephrase

My Dad was very intimidating - my mom didn't carry that fear factor with her so actually her blows hurt the most . . . these were frequent and intense?
It would go from 4 times per week to once a week . . . . lived in Selinas . . . .

before left Selinas went to a public school - had circle of friends, my brother had his own circle of friends, we were in activities, I began to get into art, read books , piano lessons, brother learned the flute, . . . . I liked to color with Crayolas - my older sister had colors - she had the big box . . . . I would love coloring books and I would take an interest in art -I couldn't draw but I could color . . . the beatings from my Mom continued - they began to increase . . . . frequency and severity increased . . . . my brother and I would squirm and they would increase . . . my Mom broke a blood vessle in my his hand - I don't think she meant to . . . . . My Dad's beatings were getting worse too all through teenage years . . . .

Tell me how you felt being beaten by your Mom . . . .

.....es (agrees) I still loved her

Dad never beat me with his fists . . . he would push me around, one time I hit a door post . . .. (?) . . . . . door frame or door post as you described it . . . age 16 or 17

being pushed into furniture or piano . . . nothin to it? Did this happen a lot . . . not as often with my Dad as with my Mom . . . . sometimes I got grounded . . . . the beatings were getting less frequent but more intense harder . . . . .

moved from selenas age 11 - to Santa Maria . . . .Dad started pushing JA into furniture - 6th, 7th and 8th grade - went to school with Karl . . . interests @ that point JA was focused on making new friends . . . . 6th grade went to elementary school . . . then jr high or middle school . . . . .

Grade school years had interest in art , . . . don't remember so much in 6th grade focusing so much in art, but I took an art class one or 2 years 7th grade . . . had a teacher who took and interest in me . . . .my parents felt "lukewarm" about it. . . I was getting praise from teachers and friends. not really got encouragement from my parents .. . .

By that time in your life you were used to your parents not fostering your interests? . . . objection leading

. . . .

went to high school - in 8th grade we moved to Yreka, Yreka Union High School . . . grades 9 thru 10 . . . sorry thru 12 . . . entered freshman year . . . starting off at a new school gain in high school . . . how far Yreka from Santa Maria . . . . SElinas to Yreka 7 hrs then another 3 hrs South . . .10 hrs

My Mom had a friend who had a daughter going to high school in Yreka . . . so I knew her . . .

The beatins and pushing into furniture . . . . happened during high school years. . . . .there were few things happened . . . . . just before we moved my friends and I wanted to go out . . . snuck out Dad found out . . . . he woke me up and I was disoriented from being asleep . . . . he asked me and when I didn't give him a satisfactory answer he slapped me open handed across the face . . . . . again, . . .. again . . .. .

Dad is 5'11" He used to bench press 520# . . . he had a bow flex - solar flex from the 80's he went to the gym frequently . . ..

Mom knew he hit me when she saw it . . . . .

Mom's beating with wooden spoon . . . . she started using whatever available . . . brush . . . she had acryllic nails so she would dig those into me . . .

In high school, I was getting my drivers license, traveled abroad to Costa rica to get better in speaking Spanish . . . .

had a large circle of friends but no one that I was really close with . . .

Art moved from Crayon stage . . . . Grandma had some oil paints . . . . started painting - oil smeared - went to Michaels got some paints . . . .

I worked as a server for my Dad who opened a resteraunt . . . it is now Italian but back then . . . . Dad put me on a few afternoons and the weekends . . .

Did you graduate highschool?
No i didn't . . . at the time I . . . .about 3 months . . well it's kind of complicated . . . .

ok lets talk about it . . . where were you living when you dropped out of high school?
I was living with my boyfirend @ the time about 6 miles out of Yreka . . . I was tired of the discipline . . . .I was 3 months before 18 . . . .I skipped a period to study for an exam . . . . I went to Riteaid parking lot, small town . . . .my Dad found me - grounded me until I was 18 . . . . the end of your senior year of highschool ? My Junior year . . . I finished my Junior year with D's and F's - I let it all fall apart . .

Grounded in my house meant no phone, no social, no going anywhere, you are grounded to your room . . . ..

I was going to wait until I was 18 to move in with my boyfriend . . . I just moved in with him . . . I had bills to pay now . . car insurance . . . .
My boyfriend named Bobby Juarez . . . . he was 3 years older than me . . . out of high school -he had never been employed by that time . . . .I first me him the first summer I was in Yreka . . . . I was with my Mom's friend's daughter . . . . he was caught my eye . . . . it was July or August . . . triple digits temperature . . . . black suit, white color . . . he was on crutches . . . goth 18th century . . . .
State Fair
my friends and I were going to get on the Zipper . . . I didn't want to get on . . . . caught his eye and he motioned for me to come over . . . . .in a very kind way he asked me. . . . .Objection - hearsay

He invited me to go on the Zipper with him . . .we went on 1 ride. . .we parted . . . didn't see him again for awhile . . . Oct of that year I was @ a homecoming football game . . . . I walked up to him . . . we exchanged names, told him my phone number and he remembered and called . . . .he was dating another girl at the time . the girl broke up with him . . a period of time we were both single. . . we were talking more and more, that year when I was a freshman we decided to become boyfriend and girlfriend . . . . he was out of high school . . . not working . . .

being boyfriend and girlfriend - I didn't have a car or drivers license - I was going to get my permit . . . there was a gas station Arco and he would play video games and we would meet there and hang out and hold hands that kind of thing . . . we stayed together for awhile . . .at age 15 I felt the relationship was getting very intense . . . he wanted to move to san francisco and had all kinds of wild ideas . . . he entertained the belief in vampires. . . I used to read Ann Rice novels at the time . . . it was just and idea . . . . Vampires . . .yes we could live together and be together forever . . . . .

Broke up with him over the phone - Aunt Lisa was there . . . . my parents were not there . . . Lisa wanted to leave . . . I had to abruptly end the phone call . . . .I guess he didn't take it that well . . . what do you mean? . . . .Objection! Approach!
During the side bar .. won't take her eyes off the defendant!


Go Tanisha!
Break up phone call and subsequent phone call 10 months? . . . make pc to Mr. Juarez in 1997 . . . she was just starting her Jr. year . . . . friendship with Mr. Juarez . . . he answered . . . I said is Bobby there - yeah who's this. . . I said Jodi . . . I heard click . . . he lived in Montegue it is about 6 miles outside of Yreka and it is even smaller . . . .relationship progressed farther . . . about a week later . . . talking to a friend clicks over (back and forth) we started talking again (strange things she gives details of like how the phone call came thru) . . . I started to tell him about the reason I was calling as his religion was not really that defined at that time. . . . I told him reason I called . . . does talking mean dating? no not yet . . .
Jury being excused for afternoon break


Standing for jury to be excused


The hands that KILLED!!!


Not staring anyone down now

Taking the stand after break




No jury in the room, side bar then waiting for someone to get evidence from the 12th floor






All jokes at the defense table

Switching out court reporters


Jury returning

Listening to niece / daughter lie under oath!

Still talking about Bobby

Listening to defendant (daughter) talk about how her dad treated her mom



Stayed w/a family in Costa Rico . . . their name was Arias . . .stayed with a family that had a son about her age . . . they had a blossoming romance.. . .It was her first taste of feeling warm about somebody . . . he flew back to Costa Rica. . . . letters - postman got to know him name and face . . . he would receive letters from him . . . Spanish language is very romantic . . . he was about a year older than me . . . . Victor Arias

Mr. Juarez and she had been dating . . . . he had given her a ring. Victor had been my boyfriend but Bobby became my boyfriend . . . a little more frequent . . . I couldn't see myself moving to Costa Rica and having children with him . . .Victor was very jealous I couldn't talk to any guys from school . . .I drove through a drive thru . . .we just went to get ice cream . . . The guy I knew from 2 years in high school and gave us ice cream and victor didn't like that
Victor always made me walk on the inside of the sidewalk in Costa Rica . . . broke up iwth him Oct 1997 on the phone . . .

After breaking up with Victor . . . Bobby and I were friends . . .it was around New Years . . .I had a car then . drove out to little white chapel . . . tall steeple snow everywhere - hung out there . . . I had begun to develop feelings for him right after Christmas so I told him and we began to rekindle the relationship - moved in with him April four monbths after New Years . . . .

Did your parents know about your relationship with Mr. Juarez
They knew but don't know how they knew. It was a small town - I am sure people saw me hanging out with him and probably told my parents. . . . my Mom didn't have a very good opinion of him . . .

Working for father @ his resteraunt . . . Jr year in High School . . . my Dad's resteraunt closed year prior when I was a sophomore - I can't remember - he closed sometime . . . I worked briefly @ a little resteraunt called Grandma's House . . . .

Were you supplying $ to Mr. Juarez ?
Yes-= he lived with two people he called Mom and Dad I think it was his grandparents . . . he wsa adopted . . . they were supplying shelter, food, and clothing - that type of thi ng. At this point I was not supplying him with money. They were very much older I don't know if they were really related or not - I actually saw what everyone in town thought should be his Mother .but he didn't want anything to do with her . . . she was much mroe the age to be his mother, these people were about 70's or so . .

He wanted to move to San Francisisco chase vampires and be with you and dress goth style . . .was that 15 year old boy . .
He was 20 now still had a eccentricity and had a flair . . he would dress up like white face all black leather . I thought it was cute on inside and the outside . . .

I was attracted to him . . . but he was a little more down to earth at this point . . .

Mentioned you had moved things to his house . . . . last straw when you moved out? . . . when my parents told me I was going to be grounded until I was 18 . . . . plates, silverware, stuff from my Dad's resteraunt . . . . my Dad used to unhook my car . . .. I learned how to rehook it but then my dad would take the piece so my car wouldn't take it . . . first thing I did was check on my car . . . . it started . . . . I woke up @ 7:30 . . . . . my Mom was cooking breakfast . . . I grabbed my cat - put the cat in the car went to Bobby's house moved out and out of school that day.

Structurally the house was good , but it was very bad shape . . . a lot of tar running down the walls . . . . packed with a bunch of things not quite to the ceiling . . . Bobby did the best to make his bedroom his own little space . . . he wasn't allowed to touch their things. . . . the kitchen was very dirty, the bathroom was very dirty - I tried to mop the bathroom floor but the shower started falling apart - I went to my parents house a few days later to get cleaning supplies . . . his parents would sit on the couch and smoke all day . . . .

We did eventually . . .. right after I moved in with him . . .
moved into this filty home dropped out of school . . . you were working . . .right?
Can you repeat that?
Got a job @ Grandma's House . . .supporting self . . . . not quite yet was I supplying money to him . . . he didn't have ID, no social security card but had a number, no birth certificate . . . .. that was reason he couldn't work . . . at least that is what I understood @ the time

Bobby and I moved to Chico - didn't work out there about a week and half . . . moved back got a job @ Denny's . . . in 1998 working fulltime . . .

only job you had or another? . . . I forgot I did have another job . . . .as a busser . . .

working @ Denny's is that how you supported yourself and Mr. Juarez? . . . . Didn't have rent or mortgage -= by that time his parents moved out to a rest home . . . found out things about the house didn't know before because it was so cluttered . .

who paid phone or power?
I think his parents were - at one point power was shut off in the winter . .. . . they had a furnace and used candles . . . . didn't know how they got the power back on . . .Bobby had a friend who helped . . .

I got moved to the graveyard shift @ Dennys' . . .

I though Bobby treated me well until I discovered he wasn't being faithful . . . he was on a party line and talked to this girl frequently . . . . I figured there was nothinbg going on because he did it right in front of me

I had to go to work . . . .I dropped him off @ his friends. . . . he had a hotmail accoung in 1998 - I clicked the back button - found a whole bunch of love letters that were contemporaneous at the time (?)

took them to his brothers - took him into the bathroom to talk and showed him and he was kind of shocked.

It didn't make me feel good - he was very loving and poetic with this person . . . . .my heart was pounding . . .. I felt deceived . . . . I forgot that I went back to Montegue and got my things. . . that's when I went to confront him with letters.

Very loving and poetic way . . . he wasn't that way to you?
He was initially . . .we got comfortable around each other . . . . I don't know - he wsa going out of his way to court her and I was already in the bag so to speak . . .

Was Bobby every physically abusive toward you . . . there was one time we had a fight, I broke up with him after that incident - long story but he convinced me to stay he wouldn't have contact with that women . . . .

There was another girl who I could see each others houses . . . .

I didnt start it . . . I don't know how . . . but sometime in early Fall of 1999 - physical with JA @ acquaintance home . . . he was into martial arts so he had a strangle hold on me . . .made me upset . . . . . he had never done that before . . . ummm I think I said my family would be very upset . . . . he ummm said how he would kill my family . . . describe how he would get that done . . . .

umm i managed to get the phone and call 911- he kept telling me to shut up because they were going to call back . . . . they did call back and he told them I was trying to program 911. .

Listen to this next part . . . .

Toward the end of the relationship . . . .wasn't toward the end. . . I dont know . . . toward the end . . . it never really happened. .


Did you engage in sexual relationship after this incident - I don't remember . . . I still liked him . . .

You mentioned one time when Bobby moved in with an individual . . . . to end the relationship iwth bobby you ended up moving into your Grandmother's house in Yreka . . . my Gpa and their dog also lived there . . . (Ringo?)

I felt close to my Grandparents - not lovey dovey but my Grandmother is very . . . . I could just tell her anything . . . .why didn't you move back to your parents? I wanted to get along with them and keep it that way.

I had worked @ Denny's for a year . . . fulltime 32 hrs per week you get vacation benefits - I used that vacation to fly back to Costa Rica . . . with victor? no he moved out stayed with Victor's family - lifetime and reflecting . . . I saw Victor 3 days before I flew back . . . .

went from relationship with Bobby . . we kept trying to go back - other girls he tried to hook up with and I kept hearing stories . . . needed to remove my self from situation so that break with him . . . .

Bobby was like my first true love . . .

Vacation time @ Dennys' come back to Yreka . . . bACK to work . . . first day back went into the back @ resteraunt he was sitting @ the counter. .. he has really beautiful eyes anbd kept looking @ me with his puppy dog eyes . . . . we went outside and talked and hugged and (something about a marshmallow?)

Romantic relationshp -

why at this point in time you were open to the idea to have relationship with a man who choked you and . . . . . I felt those were isolated incidcents . . . I didn't want to leave. . . it felt natural - what I was accoustomed to . . . . .

When did you decide it wasn't for the best?
I thought I moved on . . . I thought I was ok when I came back to Yreka and he moved to Medford Ore . . . about 50 miles away from Yreka . . . . .he

I always helped him out . . . . he finally got a job . . there wsa a woman who grew up in school who was a notary public . . . .who knew him growing up . . so she got him id . . .

Evidence he is being unfaithful . . . come back from Costa Rica you are going to move on . . . are we to understand you were financially helping her?

I was kind of . . . he kind of cut off communication with her - he said "you will never see me talking to her" . . . it was kind of implied . . . .

he was really into Southpark - I bought him Southpark tee shirts - I bought him clothing jeans . . . he was in Medford, OR - with an i ndividual named Matt. . .

in I-5 just like Yreka - about 50 miles an hour drive . . . . bigger town not nearly as big as this area but much bigger than Yreka. . . make trips up to Medford - they had a studio -Bobby had a futon - Matt had his own bed . . . .

I went up several times - that period of relationship was short lived . . . not very long . . . Matt . . . .McCartney ? didn't know him before moving to Medford - JA and Matt became friends- Matt noticed how bad he was treating me - it felt kind of good to have somebody to talk to .. . . I came out to Medford when Matt had a girl visiting - he was very chivalrous toward her . . he was very nice to her - that was surprising for JA to see . . ..

Lived with your parents for 17 years?
Yes . . .
Did you not see your father treat your Mother in this way?
When I was young, my Father would kiss my mom, embrace, see another woman on tv I would say she is beautiful and he would say not as pretty as your Mom . . . . he would smack her on the arm . . . smack each other harder . . .

Wsa you Dad degrading toward your Mother?
Don't remember incidents . . . . very critical, very gossipy , talks behind people behind their back . . .they have complaints about each other . . .
JA . . .

Relationship w/Matt . . . he was into Wicca . . .then they moved onto more Eastern religions . .. got into modern version of Trancendental Meditation (TM. . . . . wow that was a flash back) . . .

At that time JA didn't belong to a formal spiritual organization or denomination -considered self "Christian"

Total relationship w/Matt - 1 yr 8 mo . . . .never hit her, called her wh*re, Sl*t, 3 hole wonder . . . .

They stayed for a few months . . . . started arguing over little things. . . he went to Crater Lake?, she moved to Ashland not far from Medford . . . nagging he would leave his clothes everywhere - sometimes I would leave a dish in the living room - it was more about housekeeping . . . .

having discord in relationship . . .we decided to spend time apart but he would come to stay w/me on weekends. . . . I was hanging with his Dad's GF . . .. downloaded pictures onto computer . . .. pictures of him @ Crater Lake . . . found pictures of him with a girl . . .had a feeling - working @ Applebees . . . . 2 people said Hi Jodi - they worked @ Crater Lake . . . they took a vote and felt that she should know something . . . they said Matt was cheating on me .. . . .I figured it was the girl

Of all the boyfriends I had had . . I didn't expect it to be Matt . . . .

He was living @ Crater Lake and I was living in Ashland . . .

I drove up to Crater Lake - 2 dorms there - ran into a guy named Steve . . . told him what I knew . . .

Are the jurors having trouble hearing? If any time you cannot hear - raise your hand let me know (know many had trouble hearing yesterday)

JA didn't want to continue in the relationship if that was the case (he was cheating) . . .

I knocked on Bianca's door - Steve had run to warn her . . . he is gay, very animated, emotional, exaggerates . . . kinda funny . . .I could tell she was very nervous . ., ,

She is from Romania . . .she sat on one bed and I on the other - we talked for hour and a half . . . .

not yelling @ her . . . just chit-chat . . .I tried to not freak out, cry or get upset . . . she had no idea that we were together. . . . I didn't really have much emotion about it until I left her presence . . .

At this point it was really late - ended up crashing in Eddy's dorm . . . he is from Yreka - family knew each other . . . he said you sleep here there are 2 beds. . . .

Haven't talked to Matt until drive back to Medford . . . he came there . . . . confrontation over @ his dad's house - I knew the day he was getting back - he was on the phone w/Bianca - went outside to talk about it . . . didn't want his Dad to hear conversation . . .

Right before Sept 11, 01 . . . . wasn't heated but we were both crying when we broke up . . . .I wanted to leave the area because Matt and I had a good experience in that Southern area of Oregon - all those towns that entire area . . . .

There was a martial arts instructor . . . .

He referred me to another place of employment in Big Sur, Calif . . . . like Selinas but I had never been there . . . resort called Ventana Inn and Spa . . . applied for a job and interviewed by Darryl

I drove down there and interviewed w/Darryl - it was in the afternoon - I was a little apprehensive about moving all the way out there - when there is an overflow the employees are allowed to use the campgrounds . . . .campgrounds were mostly all opened . . .. I was trying to get a trailer . . .

when Matt heard what I was doing . . . the job he had applied to didn't work out in Crater Lake . . . .

So the breakup discussion was not the last time you talked? . . .

Yes there was a period after we broke up we didn't talk for about a week . . . sticky situation and he was really ashamed of his behavior . .. I think his mother shamed him a little . . .

He was gonna live with you in this tent . . .
Yes . . .
A rekindling?
Not really - there were blurred boundaries because we were comfortable with each other . . . one time still sexual with him . . considered it platonic . . . I had some feelings for him . . . .

After about 2 weeks living in a tent I secured housing. . . he stayed in the tent for some time . . ..

initially I was just a server in the Resteraunt . . . eqivilent as Denny's . . .

No it was classified High Star resort . . . high profile celebrities . . . our guests were treated discreetly . . .

one of the better payin jobs?
Most of the servers make the tips . . . but the tip out . . . . the tip was huge . . . after the tip out was huge . . . I was still walking away with more than Applebees. . .

I was there 3 years . . . following summer in 2002 - the wedding coordinator having stomach pains - found out she had pancreatic cancer and died within a month . . . .I worked in her position for a short time . . worked w/brides and grooms. . . returning phone calls, sending out wedding packages . . ..

Not at that point in relationship with Darryl Brewer . . . . .in 2001 summer . . . . in May 2001 the resteraunt closed for remodel - we moved the resteraunt over to . . .

Darryl and I worked closely together - I developed a crush on him . . . he was my boss. he was going to resign told people at the briefing . . . wanted to let me know that so it wasn't like a shock . . ..

Working with him since I was hired . . .
working relationship? a friendship . . .

I would not even call it a friendship - we didn't fraternize

He was in a supervisory role . . . neither of us said anything . .
Prior to that we discovered our mutual interest in each other . . . about a week later he stepped out of his supervisory role

I was 22 and he was 42 . . .
I wasn't so much concerned about dating him as I concerned about other people view it . . . I saw him as a George Clooney type . . . we had a lot of similar interest . . . .age gap and worry about how other view the relationship

knew he had a son saw few times @ resteraunt . . . relationship . . he kept things very private that I didn't care for but I loved him . . .
Darryl quit the Supervisor position . . .we went to a San Francisco 49rs game . . . toured the city, got a good rate on a room , met his son age 4 or so

Darryl's interaction with other women didn't get jealous . .

Go on dates . . .bought house in June 2005 . . prior to buying the home . . . . 2002 to 2005 . . did not live together . . he had moved back to Monterray . . . we had separate jobs . . . . in Monteray . . . don't remember exact point in time - either in San Francisco . . . we celebrated Supervisory role - we celebrated - he was very clear he didn't want to give married . . . he liked me, attracted to me, don't see myself getting married . . . JA was young @ the time so it didn't bother her . . . .fell in love with Darryl . . .

I don't remember the exact moment . . . a gradual process. . . crush became more and more - I got to know his son . . .

what were you overlooking?
I discovered after I developed deep feelings for him that he was a smoker . . . I didn't like that . . . never knew it . . he never smelled like smoke - I never knew it . . . .he had very good hygiene . . . . he then admitted to me he was an alcoholic . . .. I worried it would affect his health

I didn't want to be around a smoker - didn't like it . . .

I would notice after dinner - he would take some Stoli out of the freezer . . . there was entire 6 pak of Sierra Nevada - I didn't see him drink it - he was trying to overcome it . . .

Before you bought the house . . .

Darryl working @ a resort in Pebble Beach and JA was bartending . . .

JA saw self eventually becoming a real estate investor . . .what I wanted to do career wise - I wanted to buy a home - I had good credit but didn't have quite the income . . . . (strange sound in courtroom)

He stopped drinking he has been sober since 2004 . . . .we decided to talk about buying a house together - his ex wife was moving to LaQuinta . . . we wanted to stay near to Monteray and not come all the way down to the desert . .. JA took real estate classes @ Monteray Peninsula College - she was taking more semesters of Spanish . .. paying more attention to Real Estate Market trends . . .

In high school - had interest in Art . . . a business that she saw self developing - at that point in her life she was trying to start real estate business. . . . it takes a long time to do art - for Father's Day I gave Darryl a portrait of his son.

Home purchase $350K . . . sizeable downpayment? One of those . . . . 100% financed interest only . . . . I was pretty solid financial position about 10K or 12K - at that point in my life that was a lot of money saved . . . Darryl was saving for retirement and he was invested as well . . . June 2005 closed . . .

We were going to move to Sacremento . .. made an offer on a house - the day after our offer was accepted - the plan for the child to live with Darryl and visit his mother - at that time Darryl's ex didn't want to change the custody - I wasn't able to afford the home by myself .

Jodi . . . why don't we (speed this up?)
February 5, 2013 Morning testimony

JODI ARIAS day 2 of her testimony

--Matt McCartney was a manager at Subway. Jodi was working at Applebees.
--Matt treated her very well, spritual, kind, respectful.
--Leery about some of the things Matt was into such as his books on witchcraft. Matt was just interested in othe=but he went to church but was turned off of christianity. He was interested in Wicca and thinks Matt practiced it before they met but then he moved on to Hinduism and Buddism after.
--Jodi was not a member of any denomination, did not obey all the commandments, believed herself to be a Christian.
--Took new age type seminars with Matt, semiars had their roots in Buddism.
--relationship was sexual.
--Jodi was in love with Matt.
--Lived in an apartment and they split the expenses 50/50.
--Lived in the apartment for five months and then moved to Crater Lake, Oregon. Reason was that the seasonal work there was better. There is staff housing at the resort and they lived in a dorm together.
--By now they are six months into their relationship.
--Talked about children but weren't heavily discussing marriage.
--Marriage was a future possibility.
--relationship lasted a year and eight months.
--Matt never hit her or called her a *advertiser censored*, *advertiser censored* or a three hole wonder.
--The end of the relatonship came when they went back to the same apartment they had before and they started to argue. They decided to take a breather from living together. Matt went back to Crater Lake for a season and Jodi moved to Ashland in Oregon.
--re: arguements between Jodi and Matt. No screaming or throwing things. It was more like nagging. Matt would leave his clothes everywhere and she would leave a dish. Arguements were not volatile.
--They decided to spend time apart but would see each other on weekends. Matt would come into Ashland. One time they were looking at photos on the laptop that belonged to Matt Dad's girfriend. Jodi saw a photo of a girl that was taken at the lodge.
--A couple of weeks later she ran into somebody when she was working at Applebees and these people worked with Matt at the lodge. They told Jodi about a girl named Bianca whom Matt was seeing at the lodge.
--Matt was the first to cheat on her.
--Jodi asked her boss to go home early, she went home, got changed, at this time Matt was on the opposite side of the California border from her. Jodi decided to find out if it was true. It was a 1.5 hour drive to go to Crater Lake. Jodi wanted to also find out from friends if it were true. She went to the dorm that was closest to the lodge.
--Jodi knocked on Bianca's door, a guy named Steve had gone to warn her, Steve is gay and very emotional and animated. Jodi could tell they were nervous. Bianca invited her in to the dorm room. They talked for an hour to an hour and a half. Jodi was able to confirm that Matt and Bianca were together.
--Jodi and Bianca were not yelling, it was just chit chat. Jodi says it wasn't Bianca's fault because she didn't know.
--Jodi allowed herself to cry after she left the dorm room. Jodi crashed in her friend Eddie's dorm, he is a family friend, who is also Matt's friend. Jodi crashed until sunrise and then drove back to Medford. Had not spoken to Matt yet.
--Doesn't remember the sequence but she confronted Matt and he confirmed it.
--Jodi went over to Matt's Dad's house as she knew the day he was getting back. Matt was on the phone with Bianca. They went to Jodi's car to talk. They talked about it and basically their relationship was over and it was kinda sad. This was in 2001.
--The confrontation was not heated, it was emotional, they were both crying.
--Not the last time she saw Matt. Jodi wanted to leave the area because Matt and her and a lot of experiences, most of them all good in the town and surrounding area.
--Jodi knew a martial arts instructor who referred her to another place of employment in Big Sur. The resort is called Vintana (sp?) Inn and Spa. It was the resort where she met Daryl Brewer.
--She applied for a job and was interviewed by Daryl Brewer.
--Jodi drove to Big Sur and interviewed with Daryl in the afternoon. There was no staff housing available at the resort. Employees were allowed to use the campground. Thinks that this was October 20th and it was Matt's birthday.
--When Daryl hired her she went to an outdoor supply store and bought some supplies. Jodi and Matt continued to talk. Matt was ashamed of his behavior and their feelings for each other were tender.
--Matt and Jodi planned to live in the tent. There were blurred boundaries. Not actively tryng to rekindle their relationship. They had sex one time after they broke up. After that Jodi considered it platonic. They were just friends.
--After two weeks of staying in the tent Jodi got employee housing.
--Jodi initially started as a server in the restaurant. The restaurant was fine dining and it was better paying and a better tip out.
--The following summer in 2002 the wedding coordinator was having stomach pains and passed away from stomach cancer. Jodi filled that position and was the wedding coordinator.
--This position involved dealing with the wedding party and setting things up.
--October 2001, goes to Big Sur, in May 2002 she worked closely with Daryl and she developed a crush on him. She did not let it. Daryl pulled her aside and told her that he was resigning from his position. She had worked with Daryl for about a year. It was a working relationship at that time.
--After Daryl stepped down from his management position he stepped into a supervisory role. Jodi and Daryl didn't make any moves but then Daryl stepped out of his supervisory position. They then went on a date. Jodi was 22 years old. Daryl was 42. This is in 2002.
--Jodi wasn't concerned about how other people might view it. She found Daryl handsome, tall, attractive, saw him as a George Clooney type. They had similar interests.
--Knew of Daryl's son, had seen him a few times at the restaurant.
--Knew Darykl was divorced. Found out about things after her and Daryl broke up that she didn't like.
--Jodi and Daryl both went to a 49er game as soon as Daryl stepped down. They walked around union square. They got a great deal on a hotel room. They hung out on their days out. Son got used to Jodi. Son was 3+1/2 -4 years old when Jodi came along.
--Daryl became a server so that both he and Jodi were equal as far as positions go.
--There was approximately 20 servers working in the restaurant. There was seven other women.
--Jodi was never angry or jealous with Daryl.
--Jodi and Daryl bought the house in 2005 and closed it in June 2005. Prior to buying the home they did not live together. Daryl had moved to Monteray and Jodi did too but they lived in seperate apartments.
--Can't remember when they became a couple but it was around the time Daryl gave up his supervisory position.
--Daryl was not interested in getting married and told her. Jodi says she was okay with it and she just enjoyed the time they had together.
--Jodi fell in love with Daryl...her crush became more and more and she began to love his son.
--Once she was in love with Daryl there were flaws/things she had to overlook. She discovered that Daryl was a smoker. He did not advertise it. He never smelled of it. He told her he was an alcoholic. Those were two big things that were troubling to her. She couldn't see herself being with a smoker, not that there is anything wrong with it, but her grandparents smoked.
--Didn't notice the alcoholism but she would notice that after dinner Daryl would take vodka out of the freezer and she would notice that later on in the evening the bottle would be empty. She never saw him drink it and he didn't seem like he had been drinking.
--At this time Jodi is working at an italian restaurant and California Pizza Kitchen. She tended bat at Poizza Kitchen. Can't remember where Daryl was working. May have been at a resort in Pebble Beach.
--Jodi saw herself eventually investing in real estate as the housing market was taking off. The property in Monteray was very expensive.
--Daryl had stopped drinking, has been sober since 2004.
--Daryl's ex wife was moving to Laquita.
--Jodi took real estate classes and Spanish language classes.
--Jodi was still interested in art but was interested in starting a real estate company. Took time out to do some art such as a portrait of Daryl's son.
--Jodi and Daryl purchased a house for $350,000. Can't remember if they put money down but thinks it was 100% financed.
--Says she had $10-12,000 saved in the bank, she also had good credit. Daryl had good credit.
--Originally put in an offer on a house in Sacramento and Daryl's son was going to live with him full time. The ex wife changed her mind and they didn't get the house in Sacramento.
--Daryl decided to then move close to his son and they checked out homes in Palm Desert. Made an offer on a house Jodi saw online that she really liked. It was within their price range.
--They moved to the house in Palm Desert in the summer of 2005. The house was 1400 square feet. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, pool in the back, palm trees and fruit trees.
--Daryl's son came on the weekends, 2-3 days a week.
--Jodi grew closer to the son, it wasn't a motherly type of role but more like the boy was like a little brother to her.
--When Jodi and Daryl moved into the house they were in a committed monogamous relationship.

Last solid payment was Nov 2006 . . .

couldn't make the $1400 a month payment - houses had dropped value by $100 . . . they ended up letting house go into foreclosure and she had been paying her portion of the mortgage with credit cards.

Our relationship was going nowhere . . . at some point I wanted marriage and children to be a possiblity . . . became more disenchanted w/relationship - he had his life, his bills, his ex-wife, we were going in different directions personally

Home was a business venture that eventually did not do so well . . . other things want to do in life??
Looking for other ways to get on my feet, investing in real estate and photography . . . I didn't see my self making a career out of art. wanted to get my art into galleries but I wanted to become a wedding photographer also . . (age 26)

over the course of your life - relgious . . . spiritual thinking in 2006?
I considered very open minded as far as religions go . . . all religions were . . . .I was broad. . . I considered myself spiritual . . .

Also mentioned a financial mechanism to help you with photography . . . I went to work @ California's Pizza Kitchen . . boss asked me where do I see myself in 5 years . . . .he wanted to be retired and he was my age - he gave me PPL video . . . I reviewed it . . . it stayed @ work for several weeks almost a month - took it home didn't look for a long time - about 6 months later I was cleaning things out I wanted to throw it away and I felt I needed to know what was on it . . . I called the person who gave it to me . . . he wasn't in the business but his upline said he wasn't in the business anymore and then I went to PPL on line . . . I signed in my information . . .a lady named Michelle called me back . . . didn't know her @ the time - in Palm Desert @ the time .

When you submit info to PPL your phone number - she is in the same area code as I am - she checked her email - told me where to go to sign up - I went online and signed up and we agreed to meet . . . .

I didn't know what that meant at the time . . . go ahead and go on line - pay the fee and become an independent associate - to be able to sell the product . . . why interested in becoming an associate? I liked what I saw on the DVD the 2 individuals explained it in simple terms it had simple math . . . I was interested in it . . . sent me away with tons of supplies - marketing . . . I didn't do anything with it just stuck it away in a closet somewhere . . .still w/Brewer - this is in March 2006 - convention . . . .

materials to sell memberships? not selling at that time . . . I went to my cousins wedding - she called me in early August wanting to know if I had bought my ticket - kind of her behest (?) I bought the ticket . . . .

At Sept 2006 you were working 2 jobs . . . gonna go back to work at ? . . .the owners leave the desert and go up to Monterray . . . resteraunt reopens in Sept when school starts and I have a job when reopen . . .

Sept 2006 did you still have $10K or $12K?
No that money was gone - it was paycheck to paycheck. . . I gave up all the little things like Starbucks it was very sparse . . .

Relation with Brewer .something I dreaded but I understand . . . he didn't want to get married . . he was in another place and I was in another place.

Las Vegas event held @ MGM Grand convention -she drove to ? and parked @ Michelles' house and LeNor and Michelle and JA all carpooled to LV . . .

Michelle and JA would talk, text, she was almost JA's mother's age but didn't know her well . . . active in the PPL . . . didn't know if she wanted to go but she felt she needed to do this . . didn't know anyone else @ the convention

Upon arrival they checked in . . . a swarm of people with their luggage . . . at the time there were about 12....

(sound cutting out)
TA was walking thru the casino area and he walked with purpose so I stepped out of his way and he stopped and shook my hand . . .he knew other people there as he had met them before - they were part of his upline . . .

On Wed night Sept 2006 . . . Michelle, LeNor, JA and her Mother were with them @ Rain Forest cafe . . stayed in Lobby area - paying the check - tons of people everywhere - I am staying close to Michelle - meeting other people on my team - introduces me to people in my upline . .. .

He stopped right in front of me and stuck his hand out and introduced himself - shook his hand - tried to log the name because there lots of people meeting that weekend . . .wander around the casino . .

Mr. Alexander was not part of the group you had @ dinner . . No he was not

.. . . .

ran around town . . . went to a store and grabbed a few things and nothing was working out - I was in the dressing room @ Kohls he had my cell number. . . .Objection

Did you end up obtaining a dress . . . yes his friend had an extra dress and she heard about me and said I could wear that dress . . .

find it strange TA asking you to this . .

I didn't think of it was strange - whole week was kinda strange - just going with the flow . . .

How did you obtain the dress and how did it happen?
After I realized there was a dress @ the hotel - traffic was slow - made it back to MGM Grand - TA met me and Michelle and we walked where banquet was being held in the ballroom . . . .

His friend's wife allow me to borrow . . . I had met her (?) . . . hadn't met Chrisy's husband . .

It was nice . . . I was somewhat accostumed to that level of dining but I was the server not the guest . . . table service and how the courses went I knew but what I was impressed with how many people were there that made money it wasn't a "get rich quick scheme that is not what it was . it was legitimate business. . . . it was very *(intoxicating) . . . .TA also challenged me to say every time I take someone to the . . .

January 5, 2013 Afternoon testimony

Jodi Arias on the stand

<missed the first few minutes>

--Talking about payments. Her income did not quite cover the mortgage. She was hoping to earn more money.
--Began paying the mortgage with her credit cards.
--Value of the home wasn't increasing. Market was turning into a buyers market.
--Went south very quickly, last full payment she made was in November 2006. By January she was not able to pay anything. Her and Daryl; decided to let the property lapse into forclosure.
--re: relationship with Daryl. She still loved him but that summer, a lot of reality hit, she was no longer 22 but was 26 now and questioned where she was going with her life. Her goal was marriage and children. She wanted to focus more on that but they had the house together and she wasn't sure how that was going to work.
--Daryl had a lot of stress going on with his work, son and his ex-wife.
--Jodi was looking for other ways to get on her feet financially so that she could invest in real estate which was going to be her main income. Other ways was photography but it was more of a hobby. She wanted to get her art into galleries. Wanted to become a wedding photographer.
--re: spiritual part of her life. Didn't have a particual religion she identified with. She still considered herself spiritual.
--re: finding other ways to make money. Was working at California Pizza Kitchen and the manager asked her where she saw herself in five years. The manager said he was going to be retired. The manager gave her PPL information.
--Jodi took the PPL DVD home and didn't look at it for a long time. 5-6 months later she came across the DVD and watched it. She liked what she saw and called back the person who gave it to her. He wasn't in the business anymore but gave her a name...she called him who wasn't in the business anymore but was going to get back to her. Jodi then went on the PPL website and submitted her information and a person from PPL named Michelle called her. March 2006.
--Michelle was in the area. Michelle was at a convention and told Jodi where to go to sign up. To pay the fee to become an independant associate.
--Jodi was interested because she liked what she saw on the DVD. Two executives on the DVD explained it in simple terms.
--Michelle gave Jodi marketing material such as DVDs which she took home. Was living with Daryl still at that time as boyfriend/girlfriend. This is at the end ofMarch 2006.
--Michelle called Jodi in the summer. There was a team event in July. Jodi had her cousin's wedding to go to. Michelle called her in August and invited her to another event. Jodi bought a ticket to the event.
--September 2006, Jodi was going to back to the restaurant in ?????
--The money that Jodi had saved was long gone
--Financial situation in September 2006 was pay cheque by pay cheque.
--She gave up things she liked such as Starbucks to make ends meet.
--Her and Daryl hadn't discussed their relationship, she did not realize Daryl's feelings for her were as deep as what he testified to on the stand.
--Jodi purchased a ticket for the PPL event in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand. Jodi drove to Michelle's house and anther girl, Lenore carpooled to Las Vegas.
--Jodi was comfortable around Michelle but didn't really know her. Michelle was around her mother's age.
--Didn't look forward to going to the convention but thought that she should give it a shot.
--Upon arrival in Vegas there was a swarm of people everywhere checking in. Convention of 12,000 people from all different walks of life. Not everyone stays at the MGM but they stay in Vegas.
--Jodi shared a room with Michelle and Lenore and another person? Jodi thinks there was four of them.
--Convention is Friday/Saturday and they got there Wednesday night.
--Didn't know what to expect, had never attended a PPL convention before.
--Was going to leave on the Sunday.
--Michelle was on Team Renew and Jodi became part of that team.
--Wandered around the hotel. There was a swimming pool, did not bring a bathing suit, but Jodi did not bring a bathing suit. She felt awkward because she was in her business clothes.
--On the Thursday, Michelle, Lenore and Jodi got dinner at Applebees and killed time just doing things around town. Jodi was introduced to people Michelle knew.
--Later learned that there was an executive director banquet on the Thursday evening.
--Met Travis at the convention.
--On Wednesday night, early September 2006, Michelle, Lenore and ??? mother were at the Rainforest cafe outside the entrance. Tons of people everywhere, a lot of them were PPL associates.
--Michelle introduces Jodi to people in her upline.
--Jodi sees somebody walking toward her fast paced, looked like he had a purpose. He stuck his hand out and introduced himself. It was Travis. Jodi shook his hand and tried to log the name.
--The group began to wander throughout the casino. Travis made it a point to walk with the group, he was also with team Renew. Travis knew all the people. He made it a point to move next to Jodi and keep her engaged in the conversation.
--After wandering around they went to the lobby and took pictures there with some people. Jodi noticed that she had ignored everybody else in the group as she had been talking to Travis.
--Doesn't remember how her and Travis parted but she went back to the hotel room. Michelle thought Travis liked Jodi.
--When at dinner at Applebees Michelle's phone rang and she said that it was Travis wanting to know if Jodi wanted to go to the executive director banquet with him.
--The banquet is an upscale event. Formal attire.
--Jodi turned him down because she didn't want to go as she didn't have the attire. The banquet started in less than an hour and she did not have enough time to get a dress and get across town.
--Jodi did attend the banquet. Michelle said it would be a very good experience, there were a lot of executives to meet. Thought it would be a good opportunity. Not everybody gets the opportunity.
--Ran around town, went to Kohls and tried a few things on. Called Travis and told him that she was going to find a dress. Did not find a dress at Kohls. Got a dress from Travis' friend who had packed an extra dress.
--Did you find it strange that Travis was asking you to this banquet? She didn't really find it strange, she was just going with the flow.
--Went back to MGM. Got changed. Met Travis and walked to the ballroom together.
--Borrowed a dress from Travis' friend's wife Sky Hughes.
--Had not met the Hughes before.
--Banquet was nice, familiar with table etiquite and her eyes were opened to the success of the people at the banquet. The business was legitimate, not a get rich quick scheme.
--The success of others made a big impression on her.

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