*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Part 2

--Dworkin goes over the paper evidence bag and all the notes on it. The camera and camera bag were given to Dworkin in this evidence bag. There are signatures and dates on it. Whenever an evidence bag is opened by police they sign their name and the date when the evidence is accessed. There are numerous markings on this bag.
--The camera was originally impounded, placed in the evidence locker, on July 21, 2008.
--Dworkin's understanding is that this Canon camera belongs to Jodi. Exhibit #364 (Jodi's camera)
--The memory card from the camera, that contained unallocated (deleted) and allocated photos.
Exhibits #413, #414,#415, #417 were pulled from the camera. Martinez asks that the witness to hold the photos down so that they are not seen.
--Dworkin explains how the camera imbeds information into a digital photo. Such as date and time, possibly information about camera settings such as aperature.
--File system data has to do with managing the information. The photos in question had file system information.
--Exhibits #413, #414, #415, and #417 all have file system information on them. #417 also has ?exif?? information. These photos were taken from the memory card from the Canon camera. Wilmott askes to have the photos entered into evidence. Martinez asks to see the exhibits. Martinez objects to the relevance and objects to #417 in particular and says that one is hearsay. Counsel approach and the jury is excused and told they will be brought back shortly.
Jury withdrawn from courtroom to discuss photos defense wants to introduce via JM objection



Jury coming back into the room:

Staring down Travis' family


Now looking at jury enter room

Defense witness Bryan Neumeister, USA Forensic

February 4, 2013 Afternoon testimony
Witness Lonnie Dworkin still on the stand

REDIRECT--re: #419, records of the internet history from Travis' computer. These entries were from between 0400 and 0435 in the morning of June 4, 2008. Other than that particular time frame there was approximately 100,000 total entries...99,000+ entries. Dworkin was never asked to look at any of the UTube videos.
--re: broken hard drive of Jodi's. Dworkin saw the broken hard drive and saw the mirror image of it. The forensic copy is in a forensic format and you need a viewer to look at it. You need the forensic tool to view it. Dworkin had to use the software to look at it. Dworkin doesn't know how many pictures were on the hard drive. He checks his records. He is unable to do that at this time.
--When Dworkin used Endcase on the mirror image there was thousands of images and files that were recovered. He had to run recovery scripts for "quite some time", for days.


1) are date and time stamps on photos taken by digital cameras, can they be manually manipulated?
Answer: the photo of the file would have to exist first and then go and change the time/date.
It applies to "exsif" information as well.

Dworkin did not attempt to turn on the camera as it had been stored for a long time and there was no reason to do it at the time. Dworkin did not see any evidence of time stamp manipulation.

Martinez asks about #413, is it possible that the photo of Jodi and her sister, could it have been taken in 2007 and then uploaded or downloaded in 2008? Witness answer : "anything is possible".

Martinez asks that Dworkin is subject to recall.
Bryan: Expert witness explaining procedure on extracting audio from cell phone.
DEFENCE WITNESS: Bryan Neumeister

--He is with U.S.A Forensic, does state of the art video and audio for trials.
--certified forensic expert and has worked with the military and the courts before. He refers to his CV as he is going through his experience that makes him an expert.
--he is a contracted technical expert.
--he is working with the prosecution on another case, the Mesa police, and the defence.
--He says does not take a side he just analyzes data. His company has the equipment that a lot of police agencies do not have.
--His experience is working on analyzying 911 calls, surveillance video, recovering video that has been erased, etc.
--has also worked with a lot of Hollywood production companies which he lists. Most of the company's work is legal, as in working with evidence.
--he was retained Sept 15, 2010 and was asked to enhance a telephone recording. The person on the other end of the telephone could not be heard very well. He was asked to clean up the audio of the person that was not heard very well.
Exhibit #429, DVD, contains a number of screen grabs for this type of job. Has to follow a certain set of standards so that they can reproduce the work. They catalog the work so that another company can reproduce the work.
--Received 7 recordings from a telephone. Had to figure out what frequencies they were dealing with. These recordings were taken from a headphone jack to a .mp3 recorder. The DT is showing the software that shows graphs of the frequencies.
--It's not a very good recording so the witness' job was to make it more inteligible.
--the .mp3 file was changed to a .wav file. this made some of the noise go away. Witness narrowed the range frequency.
--background noise and hum was eliminated using software.
--a vocal enhancer was used to bring up the treble to make it easier to understand.
--the remaining background hiss or noise was then taken out.
--a program was used to bring Jodi's voice and Travis' voice to be of equal decible level.
--after the audio was enhanced the audio was put onto a DVD. The witness put a time marker that is visible when the audio is played so that the jury can identify parts of the audio if they have questions.
--There are two people talking in the audio. Wilmott asks if the people identify themselves and the witness says yes, that the male talking....Martinez objects as it is hearsay and the objection is sustained. Lawyers approach the bench.
February 4, 2013 Afternoon testimony

--Objection is overruled.

--The male in the audio refers to the female 3x by the name of Jodi. Travis refers to his name.
--The DVD with the time code was given to the defenct team.
Exhibit #428 Audio DVD
The witness brought in a DVD on Friday with seven audio clips and this exhibit has five clips on it. The other two clips do not have anything to do with this case.

--parties including the state agreed that the people on the audio were Travis and Jodi. The witness compared Travis' voice (known sample) to the one in the audio from the phone but did not do that with Jodi's voice.

Witness is excused.
DT: Did you kill Travis Alexander on June 4, 2008
JA: The simple answer is that he attacked me and I defended myself.
Defendant's aunt and mom

JA . . . w/ DA . . .

Did you kill TA on 6/4/08?
Yes I did
Short answer he tried to attack me and I had to defend myself.

Did you ever give interview and say No Jury Will Convict me?
Yes - I was planning on committing suicide at the time

Parents names - Bill & Sandy Arias - married 33 yrs, oldest child of these 2 - she has a 1/2 sister (paternal) who is 5 years older than she. . . Carl - brother is 2 yrs younger, Angela is younger sis (born @ age 13), and youngest Joseph (born when JA was 11 y/o)

From age 7 it was a fairly ideal childhood . . . predominately positive memories of childhood, brother and I lived in culdesac . ,. lots areas to play in . . .. went to theme parks in California, went to private school for 3 years then public school . . . we went to school together - I was held back in Kindergarten so we were in same grade . . . Mom was a dental assistant . . .

Had pets, cats, dog, fish, brother had frogs, played hopscotch and roller skating, . . . we rode bikes a lot, did a lot of camping. . . . speaking quietly . . . very nervous (pulls mike closer to her per Atty request).

Life was pretty ideal up until age 7, seemed like parents would just spank us when we were little to discipline but it got worse - frequency and intensity changed after that . . .that was the first year that my Dad starting using a belt, my Mom started carrying a wooden spoon in her purse . . .
JODI ARIAS takes the stand

--Nurmi asks Jodi how she is feeling right now. Juan objects to the relevance. Nurmi asks Jodi if she every thought she would be in this position and Martinez objects to relevance. Counsel are asked to approach the bench.
--Nurmi asks Jodi if she killed Travis Alexander on June 4, 2008. Answer: "yes I did". Nurmi: why? Answer: because he attacked me and I had to defend myself.
--Nurmi asking about the interview with Inside Edition and saying that no jury would convict her. Jodi is looking at the jury when she talks. She says at the time she made the statement she was planning on committing suicide. She couldn't say she was suicidal at the time because there was a jail officer there and she did not want to be thrown into a cell and stripped down. No jury would convict her because she planned to be dead and those are the most bitter words she will ever eat.
--Jodi is asked about the pronounciation of her surname.
--Now asked about her immediate family. Jodi is the oldest siblings. Parents are Bill and Sandy Arias, they have been married 33 years. Has a half-sister from her father's previous marriage that is five years older. Brother, Carl that is two years younger. Sister, Angela who is 11 years younger. Youngest brother is Joseph who is 13 years younger than Jodi.
--Jodi was born in Selinas California and lived there until she was 12. For the first years of her life it was really good, until about age 7 it was an ideal childhood.
--Was held back in kindergarten, Carl was then one grade behind her.
--When she was younger her Mom used to work as a server. Her Dad owned restaurants. Her mother later became a dental assistant.
--Jodi's interests as a child was pets. She loved animals. Played a lot of hop scotch, rollerskating, rode bikes, went camping.
--Nurmi asks if she is speaking quietly because she is nervous today. Jodi says "yes, I am".
--Her life was ideal up until age 7. At age 7 the discipline started to get more intense. The frequency and the intensity of the spanking was more intense. It was the first year her Dad started using a belt. Mom began to carry a wooden spoon in her purse. Martinez objects to relevance. Counsel approach.
JA: At age 7 my dad began hitting me with the belt, my mom started carrying a wooden spoon in her purse.Cough, cough <ahem, clears throat>what BS
Two of Travis' sisters

Preparing for the cross

While defendant is talking about mom beating her as a kid.


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