*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

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Cross examination

#249, diagram of house, large area of blood on diagram by the tile/carpet floor area. No blood in the closet. Someone could not have walked through the blood covered carpet without bringing some of the blood with them. No evidence that someone would have walked through that pool of blood because we would have seen signs of transfer in the bedroom.
All the blood is in the master bathroom and the area in the carpet. Prosecution: "Was water used in this case to change the patterns? "
Witness: "Water did change the pattern. Motivation is unknown."
Prosecution: "Is it difficult to wash blood off the hands?"
Witness: "no"

Jury Questions
1) Is it possible for the shower and doors to be completely cleaned with water?
answer: If it were tested, yes. This witness did not personally do any testing in the shower.
2) Would there have been trace even with a wash?
If we had tested, yes
3) Is there a way to measure the volume of blood?
Is't more of a medical professional's opinion to offer.
January 10, 2013
Afternoon testimony

Detective Flores

Re: telephone conversations he had with Jodi Arias

#295, Audio recording of Jodi speaking to Flores about Travis' ATM pin number. She knew it. She also knew the garage pin number as Travis gave it to her.
--TA had two roommates at the time. Zachary Billings and ????? Did the police investigate their whereabouts at the time of the murder? Yes. They were not associated with this crime.
#247 & #248, Re: Inside Edition interview from 2008. The statement on whether any jury would convict her. #247, Video playing in courtroom of the Inside Edition where Jodi says "she can't imagine slitting anyone's throat". #248, Video from Inside Edition where JA says "no jury will convict me, you can mark my words on that, no jury will convict me".

Cross Examination

Lawyers approach the bench.

Regarding telephone conversations on July 11. During the phone conversation the topic of Jodi living with Travis was discussed. Flores did not discuss this with Travis' roommates. Regarding her move to Yreka, do the phone records show that there was contact between Jodi and Travis? Yes. There was not a time where the contact ceased.
Discussing Flores' experience with the force and his training in report writing. Asking Flores about his endeavors in becoming a detective. Flores has reviewed his reports in the past few weeks. Defence goes to get copies of reports.
#290, autopsy report page 17, Defence: "It appears you attended the autopsy of Travis Alexander" "It appears you authored your report on August 22, 2008". Is that the day you wrote it or finaled it?
Flores: "It is the day it was entered into our report management system."
Defence: "It appears you came away with the belief that Travis was shot first?"
Flores: "Yes" it was based on the autopsy and conversation with the ME
Testimony from 2009, exhibit 260, page 18, line 14 at the time Flores was "asked if he had spoken to Dr. Horn about this case". Objection from prosecution.
Defense Counsel Information based on case minutes:

First public defender at arraignment is James Hann. There is a minute entry about the public defender having a possible conflict. The State’s Attorney is Juan Martinez

On 9/19/08 the public defender is Maria L Schaffer as primary.

On 9/19/08 another public defender Judis R Andrews requested an extension of time to challenge the Grand Jury proceedings as they did not have a copy of the Grand Jury transcript.

On 12/18/08 the primary public defender is Maria L Schaffer and the secondary public defender is Gregory T Parzych. Juan M Martinez is still the State’s Attorney.

On 5/22/09 the defendant submitted a request for a change of council.
Additional hearings and status meeting are held without further mention of the change of council.

On 8/10/09 the Court received and reviewed a motion from both public defenders to withdraw from representing the defendant. The Court found sufficient cause to allow them to withdraw and noted that the trial was set for February 2, 2010 so there is adequate time for new counsel to be assigned without putting the trial date in jeopardy.

On 8/18/09 Victoria E Washington and Kirk Nurmi appear as counsel along with Maria Schaffer and Gregory Parzych at an evidentiary hearing. Of interest, this hearing was to determine if there is probable cause to add an Aggravating Factor that will make this a death penalty case. This is where the prosecution presents to the Court that the victim was shot first, then repeatedly stabbed, then stabbed in the heart and finally had throat slit. Detective Flores represents to the court that he spoke with the Medical Examiner Dr. Horne and that this is the sequence of events Dr. Horne gave him.

On 8/18/09 Victoria E Washington (secondary) and Kirk Nurmi (primary) are assigned as new defense counsel.

On 11/3/09 new trial date of 8/16/2010 is set. This is per the request of defense counsel who previously stated they need more time to prepare.

On 6/18/10 the trial date was reset to 8/2/2011.

On 2/25/11 Kirk Nurmi announced to the Court that he is leaving the Public Defender’s Office.

On 3/8/2011 a hearing is held regarding Kirk Nurmi withdrawing as defense consel. Very interesting minutes. Defendant strenuously objected to new counsel and possibility of pushing back trial date. The Court noted that “Once a case is set for trial, counsel may not withdraw except upon motion providing the name and address of another attorney, along with a statement from that attorney stating that he or she has been advised of the trial date and will be prepared for trial. Rule 6.3(c). No such motion or statement has been filed in this case. “ Mr. Nurmi was ordered to continue as the lead defense counsel at the standard public defender hourly rate paid to the primary defense counsel.

On 3/9/2011 Mr. Nurmi submitted a formal motion to withdraw and as hearing on the motion was set for 3/21/2011.

On 3/21/2011 Mr. Nurmi’s motion to withdraw as counsel is denied. At this hearing the State’s request to change the trial date due to a scheduling conflict with State Attorney Juan M Martinez was also denied.

On 3/22/2011 another hearing is held with a second motion to withdraw by Mr. Nurmi. After the hearing on the previous day the Public Defender Office notified Mr. Nurmi that they were withdrawing the mitigation specialist, investigator, and paralegal because the Public Defender Office does not want Mr. Nurmi directing staff when he is no longer an employee. The Court ordered that Mr. Nurmi motion was denied and he was required to remain as the primary counsel and that the Public Defender Office must immediately reassign the personnel to the case.

On 4/4/2011 Mr. Nurmi stated his objection to remaining on the case during a status hearing as he has left the Public Defender Office to go into private practice. The Court found that Mr. Nurmi has an ethical obligation to continue representing the defendant but would begin receiving a reasonable hourly rate of $225.00 as compensation to avoid any financial interests that would place Mr. Nurmi in conflict with his client.

On 8/8/2011 defendant has a hearing on an oral motion she submitted to represent herself. At the end of the hearing this motion is granted but Kirk Nurmi and Victoria Washington are to remain as advisory counsel, with Victoria Washington as primary. The evidentiary hearing on the purported letters from Travis Alexander alleging he is a pedophile is held with Ms. Arias as defense counsel.

On 8/9/2011 during a normal status conference both Victoria Washington and Kirk Nurmi address the Court as to the roles and responsibility of advisory counsel, and the primary counsel (which is now the defendant). The Court agrees and addresses this with Ms. Arias and asks her if she wishes to remain as her own counsel. She states she will continue as primary counsel.

On 8/15/2011 the evidentiary hearing regarding the “pedophile” letters is completed. The Court orders that the letters are precluded and the defense withdraws them. At the end of this hearing Ms. Arias submits an oral request to withdraw as her own counsel and requests that Mr. Nurmi and Victoria Washington be reinstated as defense counsel. The Court orders Kirk Nurmi and Victoria Washington to represent the defendant in all further proceedings.

On 9/9/2011 the trial date is reset to 2/21/2012 due to the primary defense witness needing to withdraw because of a health issue. A new witness will need to be retained and allowed time to prepare for the trial.

On 12/22/2011 a hearing was held on a motion from the Public Defender Office to withdraw from this case due to a conflict of interest with Victoria Washington. Motion was allowed but the Public Defender Office will appoint a new second counsel, investigator, mitigation specialist, and paralegal. Victoria Washington is released as counsel.

On 1/3/2012 a hearing was held on a motion to continue trial due to assignment of new counsel. New secondary counsel Jennifer L Willmott was assigned by the Public Defender Office. Defendant agreed and waived the applicable time limit. Trial date was changed to 10/17/2012.

On 3/12/2012 a hearing was held on a defense motion to dismiss the Intent to Seek Death Penalty. Per the motion “At the status conference on January 3, 2012, the Court granted an oral motion by the defense to continue the trial due to the recent appointment of Ms. Willmott. Defendant Arias agreed to the continuance and the exclusion of time. The trial was reset to October 17, 2012. All time was excluded. See minute entry dated January 3, 2012. Defendant now asserts the State’s Notice of Intent to Seek the Death Penalty should be dismissed because, to assure she had effective representation by counsel, Defendant Arias had to agree to the continuance of the trial to October 17, 2012.” The Court denied this motion as the need for competent and prepared counsel trumps her right to a speedy trial. During this hearing the defense also submitted a motion to preclude the State from referring to Travis Alexander as a “victim” during the trial. Specifically, Defendant Arias argues she would be prejudiced by permitting the State and its witnesses to refer to Mr. Alexander as the victim since it is contrary to her claim of self defense. As such, she would be prejudiced. The State responds that the term “victim” is routinely used in criminal cases and does not imply the defendant committed the crime with which she has been charged. Further, the State argues Mr. Alexander was murdered and thus he was a “victim” of a criminal offense as defined by Arizona law. The Court finds the defendant failed to establish she will be prejudiced if Mr. Alexander is referred to as the “victim” in front of the jury during the trial. The State’s evidence will show Mr. Alexander was the victim of a homicide. Apparently, the defendant will argue she acted in self defense and was thus justified in her actions. Regardless, referring to Mr. Alexander as the “victim” during the trial will not unfairly prejudice the defendant.

On 10/30/12 defense submits another request to continue the trial date (there was a previous motion that was granted moving the trial date from 10/17/2012 to 11/19/2012) because they want their own review of a computer hard drive. State objects to the continuation.

On 11/19/2012 motion is granted changing trial date to 12/10/2012.

On 12/4/2012 defense submits another motion for continuation. Motion is denied.

Jury selection begins on 12/10/2012. Final jury is selected and sworn in 12/20/12. Opening statements scheduled to being 1/2/2012.

All court minutes for Jodi Arias
January 10, 2013
Afternoon testimony
Detective Flores

--Flores is asked if he spoke with the ME, Doctor Horn about this case. The conversation would have taken place August 6, 2009. Doctor Horn testified that he did not remember speaking to Flores.
--In 2009 Flores was asked about the sequencing of injuries by Dr. Horn. Flores answered that the gunshot was possibly first. Flores' anwer was based on a telephone conversation he had with Dr. Horn. Flores asked Horn if Travis would have suffered. Defence is focused on the accuracy of the report. Flores asked Horn if Alexander could be conscious after the gunshot to the head. Flores says it is his understanding of what the situation was.
--Flores also gave past opinions that Travis was shot first and aspirated blood over the sink.
--Flores has heard Dr. Horn's testimony from this week. Heard Dr. Horn testify that he did not remember speaking to Flores previously.
--Flores says he spoke the truth of what he believed at that time. Flores says that if he gave that testimony it was a misunderstanding of what Dr. Horn told him.

Afternoon recess
Place names of towns on receipts and during phone call with Det. Flores of
Mesa P.D.
I will add more as needed or requested.

I assume the defense's case relies on a story that he was shot first, didn't go down, kept coming after her, until she killed him with a knife. So the defense is trying to refute the ME's opinion that the stabbing happened first.

ETA: They want the jurors to think the ME is changing his story to fit the prosecution's theory. Remember they grilled the ME about this, i.e., "didn't you tell Detective that he was shot first?", and the ME was getting really pissed.

This is from a hearing on 8-10-09 concerning defendant’s Request for Determination of Probable Cause on Alleged Aggravating Factor. The Court found there was probable cause which opened the door for the death penalty to be sought. In the evidentiary hearing the State argument was:

A first degree murder is “especially cruel” if the victim suffers physical pain or mental anguish and the defendant knew or should have known that the victim would suffer. State v. McCray, 218 Ariz. 252, 259, ¶31, 183 P.3d 503, 510 (2008). To establish this aggravating factor, the State does not need to prove that the victim was conscious for “each and every wound
inflicted.” State v. Sansing, 206 Ariz. 232, 235, ¶10, 77 P.3d 30, 34 (2003). Physical pain may be found where a conscious victim physically suffered for at least a short period of time. State v. William Herrera, Jr., 176 Ariz. 21, 859 P.2d 131 (1993) (finding victim was lying on the ground with a gash in his head for at least 18 seconds and possibly as much as two to three minutes).

The State presented evidence that the victim was first shot on the right side of his head near his eye with a .25 caliber handgun and that the bullet lodged in his left cheek. This wound was not fatal and may or may not have rendered the victim unconscious. The victim did not remain unconscious based on the infliction of the other wounds and the location of blood spatter evidence in the bathroom sink and blood in the hallway. In addition, the defendant told the police that the victim was unconscious after being shot but then crawled around and was stabbed.

The victim was then stabbed 27 times in the back, shoulders, head and chest. Cuts on the hands were defensive wounds from grabbing the knife. With the exception of two wounds, these wounds were not fatal. The two fatal wounds were a deep stab wound to the chest and then a cut
across the throat. While conscious, the victim would have felt pain and mental anguish associated with these multiple wounds.

The Court finds that the State has proved that there is probable cause to believe that the offense was especially cruel under the theory that it involved both physical and mental suffering of the victim."

The full minutes can be read here: http://www.courtminutes.maricopa.gov/docs/Criminal/082009/m3846408.pdf
States witness, Jodi Legg, City of Mesa, Forensic Scientist III, DNA

Jodi Legg - Mesa - Criminal biology dept - DNA

she is a screener or seriologist - that person is the one who determines what evidence to take and then she has had further training for Dna analyst

BS - chemistry and biology classes post graduate - Cityof Mesa since 2004 - 15 years prior experience as a research chemist

everyone has dna . . . . there is only a part portion of dna that is completely unique to us. . . specific locations we look @ in forensic dna analysis - is just portion that differentiate cells between one person to another.

results look like graph peaks and numbers underneath. . . instrument provides the graphs and analyst looks @ numbers and graphs. . . 16 different locations - included with sex marker and 15 other markers. . . . results can be numerical

Profile is compilation of the numbers related to the peaks . . . locations on the chromosomes . . . each of us get dna from our parents - one from our Mom and one from Dad - if Parents are the same then same peaks . . . .still report the same locations - but the same peak . . . one with Mom and one with Dad. . . profile with the numbers matching with other numbers (ie: 12 & 12 vs 12 & 13) . . . .match or sorta match? . . . depends on other info you get from the numericals

If there are no other peaks present a known sample is a 12 & 13 and your unknown sample is a 13 & 14 - it would not be a match . . . a mixture of DNA can be differentiated between the different people

2 bucchol swabs known - 1 of Jodi and 1 of TA. . . . looked @ profile between two did not match each other . .. @ crime scene receive item #77 close to the wall......a swab from the wall with biological substance from which a profile was developed - a mixture of dna - compared to Travis Alexander's profile.

Mixture of dna - peaks which peaks are larger - who gave more dna to the profile than the other - a major profile can be picked out . . . that major profile matched JA and the minor one matched TA.

The quantitiy was higher is assumed because the peaks are higher -
there was not enough profile from Jodi or Travis to develop a full profile of each - but both dna was there

two pieces of hair submitted - one contained a root and and there was one that cut that wasn't containing root -

Piece out of the sink . . . a #39 something - refer to notes 32692-A . . . item #
hair - hair part but not the root -

the hair was cut into 2 sections - the one without root was TA
The one with root was id'd as Jodi

for hair - dna comes from root end only . . . . there is no neuclei in section of the hair with no root.

Substance on top of the hair - profile matched Travis
Root match Jodi

no further questions from anyone
For JSR...........the "hottie" from today

Special Agent Nathan Mendes


thanks to those who posted the pics earlier!
Highlights from the Defence opening statements:

1) Jodi was forced to kill Travis. "The million dollar question is what would have forced her to do it?" "In just those two minutes Jodi had to make a choice, she would either live or she would die".

2) Jodi did not always tell the truth. Jodi was scared about what had happened and scared about what she had done. She had absolutely no experience with police interrogation before. So when they talked to her she wasn't always truthful. Her fear and her ??? led her to tell different stories. Those stories were not the truth.

3) Jodi loved Travis so what would force her to take his life?

4) At the convention in Vegas where Travis met Jodi, Travis spent a lot of time wowing Jodi. Travis invited Jodi to the executive banquet and got her a front row seat. Travis tried to kiss Jodi but she stopped him and reminded him that she had a boyfriend.

5) Four days after the Vegas convention, Jodi and her then boyfriend Darryl broke up.

6) The week after the convention Travis convinced Jodi to drive up to meet him and stay at his house. At this time Jodi was introducted to the Morman church. Jodi went to church with Travis and his friends.

7) A few days later, Travis stopped in Mesa to see Jodi. They met at a Starbucks. Travis gave Jodi The Book of Morman. Travis sent missionaries to Jodi's house, once a week.

8) Two months after meeting Travis, he convinced her to convert to Mormanism. Travis was a very important member of the Morman church.
Travis was a temple member. Travis baptized Jodi into the Morman church. Members are not to have premarital sex of any kind. (This was in November).

9) In reality Jodi was Travis' dirty little secret. From the moment he met her he was pushing and pushing Jodi to have a sexual relationship. Travis pursueded Jodi to have oral and anal sex.

10) Travis found somebody (Jodi) who was easily manipulated and controlled. He could have a secret sexual relationship and on the outside he could still pursue the appropriate Morman woman.

11) Travis encouraged Jodi to date somebody else but when she would talk to another man Travis would degrade her by yelling and embarrasing her.

12) Jodi avoided Travis' temper by being humble, compliant, and agreeable.

13) June 2007, Jodi broke up with Travis because he was pursuing other women while he was still having sex with Jodi. Travis didn't want to break up. Travis begged Jodi for forgiveness. They never stopped seeing, talking or emailing each other.

14) July 2007, Travis sent Jodi a poem apologizing for his behavior asking her to be with him. Later that month Jodi flew out to Mesa to visit and that weekend Travis showered her with attention and he was nothing but sweet and kind.

15) Shortly after that weekend Jodi moved to Mesa and moved in with one of her Morman girlfriends.

16) Travis treated Jodi differently in the public eye. He degraded her to his friends. Claimed she was "crazy" or a "stalker". Also called her "*advertiser censored*" or "*advertiser censored*" if she texted or talked to another man.

17) Travis distanced himself from Jodi to his friends and this made it easy for him to keep control of her and keep her for his own sexual needs.

18) The defence will be calling a domestic violence expert.

19) To his friends, Travis insisted that Jodi stalked him, Jodi wouldn't leave him alone. Travis had a t-shirt made claiming his ownership of Jodi.

20) In April 2008, Jodi found out Travis was pursuing other women. Jodi had enough and she moved away to live with her grandparents. Travis wouldn't let her go. He continued calling, texting, and emailing. He guilted her for leaving and Jodi fell right back into the relationship with him.

21) Even though they did not see other from April to June 2008 Travis was still able to use Jodi for his own sexual desires through the phone. The jury will hear a recorded call between Travis and Jodi. Made just a couple of weeks before Travis died. Travis tells her about his fantasies and how he wants to tie her to a tree and put it in her *advertiser censored* all the way. Jodi pretends to climix and Travis tells her that she sounds like a twelve year old girl that is having an orgasm for the first time.
Travis discusses how he is going to Cancun with somebody else.

22) It was Travis' continual abuse that forced Jodi to kill him. He left her with no other option than to defend herself. On June 4, 2008 Travis threatend to kill Jodi.

23) Travis beckoned Jodi to come see him in Mesa.

24) Travis wanted to tie Jodi up. He was prepared with soft rope, like curtain tie back rope. Travis tied Jodi and used a knife to cut the rope. They had sex and Travis wanted to take pictures of Jodi with his new camera.
Travis liked to see Jodi in pigtails so she put her hair in pigtails.

25) Later they were in Travis' den looking at photos and there was a problem with the computer and Travis got angry and threw a CD against the wall. Jodi then went into protection mode. Jodi knew that sex calmed his temper. Travis then spun her around and bent her over the desk and had quick and rough vaginal sex, ejaculating on her back.

26) Jodi then went to the shower and rinsed herself off. Travis' temper had now subsided.

27) Travis wanted Jodi to take photos of him because he had been working out. Travis went into the shower and Jodi took pictures. Jodi accidentally dropped his camera. Travis lunged at Jodi in anger knocking her to the ground and there was a struggle. Jodi's life was in danger. This is not the result of premeditation.

Judge Sherry K. Stephens, Prosecutor Juan Martinez, Defense Atty Jennifer Willmott, Defense Atty Kirk Nurmi​

Jodi Arias Trial Day 5 (Full) - Thurs. Jan 10, 2013
States witness Nathan Mendes (Special Agent DOI), former Lead Detective in Major Crimes Unit Siskiyou County Sheriff's Office (Yreka, CA)
States witness Lisa Perry, City of Mesa Police Crime Labratory, Forensic Scientist, Biology Unit (DNA)
States witness Esteban Flores (case agent), recalled
States witness Jodi Legg, City of Mesa Police Crime Labratory, Forensic Scientist III, Biology Unit (DNA)
Direct to Lisa Perry's testimony: http://youtu.be/qLfabn2US8U?t=52m6s
Direct to Esteban Flores' testimony: http://youtu.be/qLfabn2US8U?t=2h18m56s
Direct to Jodi Legg's testimony: http://youtu.be/qLfabn2US8U?t=3h23m1s
Mistrial hearing part 1
Mistrial hearing part2

Jodi Arias Trial Day 4 (Full) - Wed. Jan 9, 2013
States witness, Ryan Burns, met defendant at a PPL event, defendant visited him in Utah hours after killing Travis
States witness, Maureen Smith, Mesa PD, Forensic Latent Print Examiner II
States witness, Kevin Biggs, Mesa PD, Forensic Latent Print Examiner II
States witness, Maureen Smith, recalled
States witness, Heather Conner, direct examination continued
States witness, Esteban Flores, recalled
Direct to Maureen Smith's testimony: http://youtu.be/_mG-HoiBA1k?t=2h29m57s
Direct to Kevin Biggs' testimony: http://youtu.be/_mG-HoiBA1k?t=2h34m38s
Direct to Maureen Smith's recall testimony: http://youtu.be/_mG-HoiBA1k?t=2h41m42s
Direct to Heather Conner's testimony: http://youtu.be/_mG-HoiBA1k?t=2h43m50s
Direct to Esteban Flores' testimony: http://youtu.be/_mG-HoiBA1k?t=3h29m40s

Jodi Arias Trial Day 3 (Full) - Tues. Jan 8, 2013
States witness, Heather Conner, continued
States witness, Dr. Kevin Horn, Maricopa County Medical Examiner (40:38)
States witness, Elizabeth Northcutt, City of Mesa Forensic Firearms Examiner (3:04:40)
Direct to Dr. Kevin Horn's testimony: http://youtu.be/1tZKYBlfkxI?t=40m38s
Direct to Elizabeth Northcutt's testimony: http://youtu.be/1tZKYBlfkxI?t=3h4m40s

Jodi Arias Trial Day 2 (Part1) - Thurs. Jan 3, 2013
States witness, Esteban Flores, Case Agent, Homicide Detective, City of Mesa
Jodi Arias Trial Day 2 (Part2)
States witness, Esteban Flores, continued
States witness, Heather Conner, Mesa PD, Latent Print Examiner
Direct to Heather Conner's testimony: http://youtu.be/Cpcc37rmk4A?t=25m21s

Jodi Arias Trial Day 1 (Audio Only) - Wed. Jan 2, 2013
Opening statements of prosecution and defense
States witness, Marie "Mimi" Hall, friend of Travis, went on 3 dates with him
States witness, Sterling Williams, Mesa PD, Patrol Officer
Direct to defense opening statements: http://youtu.be/Ip7EN8uoD-Q?t=29m34s
Direct to Marie (MiMi) Hall's testimony: http://youtu.be/Ip7EN8uoD-Q?t=1h24m32s
Direct to Sterling Williams' testimony: http://youtu.be/Ip7EN8uoD-Q?t=2h42m2s
GUYS - Please DO NOT post the photos of the deceased. You may link to PUBLIC photos, but you must ensure that they are linked and don't post in the threads.


Defense requested a stay, it was denied.
States witness, Kevin Friedman, Yreka PD
responded to a cold burglary Pine St. Yreka, CA, May 28, 2008

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