*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
K. Friedman identified the defendant in court as the resident who arrived at the home approx 15 mins later
Kevin Friedman - Yreka PD - re: breakin @ JA Gma & Gpa's house . . . photos of where handgun had been - what had been in the room 5/28/08.

#323-#326 admitted . . .

(JA and her Atty wearing basic beige)

A dresser that had been changed into some sort of gun cabinet . . . 3 guns in 3 cases in the bottom portion - standing upright.

#325 area (upper shelf) above gun cases. . . . case did not appear to have a lock - had a piece of string - may have been tied shut . . . could shut it and it would stay fairly closed.

#324 - top of cabinet the guns were in - with sticker "Sonny Allen" name . . .large amount of quarters sitting on top of dresser/gun cabinet.

One item reported stolen from living room and one from gun cabinet.

About 3:40 pm when officer arrived @ this residence. He got call approx 10 min prior to his arrival. Another officer showed up and a resident of the home showed up @ 4:00 - that person was JA -

KF talked to JA about missing items . . . she checked her room/living area in the residence and discovered money missing. A $20 and $10 bills were missing from a dresser or bedstand in the room. . . . open drawers but nothing else missing . . her laptop wasnot stolen - it was in underclothes in clothing basket. She normally kept her laptop in there to "keep it safe so it would not be stolen".

Pictures #337 - 340 admitted

JA stated she left @1pm and officer arrived @ 3:40 pm . . .

#337 - dresser the money was allegedly on top of ($30 total) grey(green) round laundry basket is where she put her laptop under clothing. . . he didn't see computer come out of basket.

#338 - dresser (built in?) in her room with 1 drawer (4th down) was open a few inches . . .

#340 - another dresser in the bedroom - nightstand - 3 drawers open

File cabinet w/top drawer open.

The main bedroom on far east side of residence (different from JA's bedroom) . ..
#331 - long dresser in master bedroom - reported a stereo used to be next to the TV - pic admitted

4 rooms - 4 items taken . . . KF has responded to 50-60 burgleries in his career . . . strange the "change" (quarters) were not taken and only 1 gun from the gun cabinet - while others were left there.

Cross . . .

Rash of Burgleries in Yreka area at that time . . . small town - a "rash" could be 2 or 3 in a row . . . home/residential burgleries.

Call on 5/28 - Allen home - mud carried inside . . . doesn't recall much - on back patio - wet mud outside the door and directly inside (first couple of feet) . . . scuff marks - appear to be footprints.

Garbage bag full of aluminum cans - worth money . . . don't know the going rate for aluminum per Pound in Yreka @that time.

no lock on gun cabinet - i don't recall if latch to put a padlock on . . .didn't recall any cut locks or forced entry into the cabinet. Anyone living in that home could open it and gain access to the contents without disturbing or breaking cabinet.

Prosecutor -
A "rash" of burgleries . . . 2 or 3

Any connected or like the one on Pine Street?
No . . . they were not . . . .forced entry into the residence but everything of value that a person could get @ the time was taken . . . 4 or 5 guns - all the guns were taken in that one.

the guns in the cabinet were just standing they were not bolted down (@ JA's GP'rent house).

1 question from jury - counsel approach.

State call next witness
Flores back on the stand . . . #343, #344 #345 admitted . . . conversation w/JA was audio and video tape . . .

Cue up dvd or cd? #343

Interview room w/round table . . .
reported gun stolen is 25 auto is the same that was used to kill travis
JA- A 25 Auto was used to kill travis?
F - along with all the multiple stab wounds

(JA watching hold left side of her neck)

JA - along with the gun?

F - when did you report it stolen?
JA - I don't remember a gun being stolen . . . . grandparents
F- what did you do with the gun?
JA- I don't have a gun

F- have you evershot that 25 Auto? ever touched it?

JA - the one that was stolen? I've never seen it . . . I don't even know what a 25 looks like.

F mirandized her before the interview on audio/video tapes.

#346 - portion of statement that contains F's advisement to her . . . same conversation in clips already shown.

Taken in Yreka July 15, 2008 - #346 admitted

cue up disc . . .

(now JA holding right side neck)

F - you are considered not under arrest you are detained . . . you are not free to go.

7/15/2008 - 10:01 . . . .case #2008161 1844?
yOU DO have right to remain silent . . .etc

understand these rights?
F- I am going to ask you some questions and what you were doing on some of these dates - you were travelling . . .if questions you don't want to answer you can say no - it is completely up to you @ your speed.

Cross Exam = DA asks for a moment
DA - did Ms Arias make any statements about protecting TA's image?
F - yes - don't remember how those came up.

Pg 8 line 16 - read that area and see if it refresh memory of context of that.

F - talking about their spirituality and their religion
DA - wanted her to open up about TA
F - yes
DA - it seems wanted TA to be portrayed a certain way.
Objection - sustained

Pg. 23 - line 6

DA - you discussed him portraying himself in a different way =

F -
January 14, 2012 morning testimony

Det. Flores--witness for the prosecution

--After Jodi's arrest he spoke to her about the handgun that was stolen.
Exhibits #343, 344, 345, video exerpts from interviews with Jodi Arias.
#343--played for the court. Det. Flores tells Jodi that Travis was killed with a .25 caliber gun. She sounds "surprised".

#344--played for the court. Jodi asks if they found the gun, Flores tells Jodi that the gun was in her possession. Says that she didn't know that there were guns until the house was broken into. She thinks the B&E happened a few months ago. When asked what she did with the gun she says "I don't have a gun".

#345--played for the court, Flores askes if you ever shot the handgun. Jodi says no, and that she had never seen it. Jodi says she doesn't know what a .25 looks like.

--Flores states that Jodi had been mirandized (correct term?) prior to the statements.

#346--Miranda rights advisement from July 15, 2008 1001 hours. Done in Yreka, California. Video of Flores reading Jodi her Miranda rights. Flores advises Jodi he will be asking her questions about her travel on certain dates.

Cross examination

#252, transcript of the interview from the July 15, 2008 interview of Arias by Flores. Transcript is handed to Flores. Defence asks if during the interview if Jodi was trying to protect Travis' image. Prosecution objects, lawyers approach the bench.

Defence: Did Jodi Arias make any statements about protecting Travis' image? Transcript is read by Flores to refresh his memory. During the interview Jodi was talking about her and Travis' religion and spirituality. Flores is directed to look at a certain page and line of the transcript. Defence is trying get evidence in that Jodi was protecting Travis' image and the Prosecution is objecting. Lawyers are asked to approach the bench.
..... (Missed some)

pg. 30 line 10 transcript -
objection he doesn't remember . . . Ask the question

you made comment "obviously you guys wanted to keep this relationship hidden"
who were you referring?

JA and TA

Kept relationship hidden from everyone else because nobody really knew about it

maybe you were going there just to talk to him and have a good time and something got out of hand.
I don't remember

Pg. 55 line 5 transcript.
DA - now do you recall saying that statement?
F - as far as this transcript says - I would prefer to see the video

DA - you don't look like a person who would plant something like this
F - that is correct

Prosecutor- was that a belief or technique
Kept it hidden, finances were an issue, planned - all techniques? yes

step down
January 14, 2012 morning testimony

Det. Flores--witness for the prosecution

--During the interview Jodi made a statement about Travis appearing to have money but her really didn't.
--Flores made a reference to "you guys kept this relationship a secret". Flores was referring to Jodi and Travis. Flores commented that maybe Jodi had gone to Travis' place to "have a good time". Flores does not remember saying that and the Defence directs him to read the transcript. Flores says he would prefer to see the video instead of the transcript.
"You don't look like a person that would plan something like this, you're just not that person".


Prosecution: "were the questions you asked an interview technique?" Flores states that all the questions referenced by the defence were interview techniques.
States witness, Michael Melendez, Mesa PD, Detective Computer Forensic Unit

Michael Melendez - Mesa PD - assigned to computer forensics unit - Det. - computer related evidence examinations and collections of evidence.

he would collect evidence, then write blockers so it couldn't be changed, finally examine

He would examine hard drive not the tower or monitor - because that is where data is stored. Connect hard drive to write blocker - it prevents his computer from altering the drive . . .he used forensic software - endcase (encase?) - make a copy from the drive to keep original in pristine form - conduct exam from a mirror image of hard drive.

what are you looking for what do you do on mirrior image. . initially look for software - user account info, last time computer was shut down, time and date and any other info contained in that . . . .

anything with cameras?
yes - something similar to camera in a computer is a SD card or memory stick - try to see what is in there.

connect it to a card reader with USB cord then connect to write blocker and make a mirror image and apply software available to see data.

There was a laptop he initially worked on. .... if they are done with something they can hit delete and it is off monitor and then hit delete again that doesn't go away.

A computer has an operating system . . . ie: XP, windows8 etc. . . .the area assigned to that file can be used for a new file.....there are areas the deleted item goes to and stays there until something comes along to overwrite it. . . .

you have a file cabinet - a folder in that cabinet - if you take out old files and replace with new files you have overwritten them.

New files can eventually overwrite old files and then old ones would not be there anymore.

on camera - if it is deleted - works in same fashion - storage space in the media card - called unallocated space because it doesn't have a file (or name) assigned to that specific area.

more like a way to index where you put things but lost your index card - don't know where you put that stuff. . . . look around in that space I search for file header - specific file header - if those files are in unallocated space it would show me a "hit" where those files are (might be)

You can go into unallocated space - different ways to look @ with the software- image view (like thumbnail view - multiple images you can look @) . . .thumbnail - when you take a photo it takes a large image and a small thumbnail image. . . . if you delete large image the thumbnail may still be there if the area is not overwritten with new info.

thumbnail is a smaller image. What the software does - hexview - letters, imageview - thumbnail view - image you can recover.

Exhibits #214, - camera - digital camera - need to have power source - officer bought the power source - he didn't have one the battery was dead needed to maintain power.

Turn them on . . .point and click the button. right & left handed . . . .button is on top right side - take it out to look @ it.

Come back @ 1:25 after lunch.

#215 &
January 14, 2012 morning testimony

Michael Melendez--witness for the prosecution

--works for Mesa PD. In June 2008 he was a detective in the computer forensics department. He conducted examinations of computer related evidence. Did forensic examinations.

--Prosecution is walking Melendez through the steps of what he examines and why. Melendez takes the hard drive and connects it to a device that makes it incapable of being altered. A copy of the hard drive is made to work with. The original is kept.

--Looks at user account information, and last time computer was shut down. Melendez also looks at cameras. Looks at the memory cards in cameras. Similar process used to examine memory cards. A mirror image is made and software is used to look at the information.

--Melendez initially worked on a laptop. Prosecution asked about deleted information...what happens to deleted information on a computer? Melendez is explaining how the operating system deals with deleted information. Deleted information stays in the operating system until new information is added to the open space. The operating system will overwrite the deleted information when the space is needed. Prosecution is now asking about deleting information from a camera/media card. The unallocated space doesn't have a file assigned to it so it sits empty until the computer needs the space. Investigators can look into unallocated spaces. Melendez uses forensic software to look at these unallocated spaces.

--Forensic software will show thumbnails of images.

Exhibits #214, 215, 220

#214, Camera--Melendez explains how a digital camera works. Battery in the camera was dead. Melendez used a power source instead of a batter. The button to take photos is on the top of the camera.

Lunch break.
January 14, 2012 morning testimony

Michael Melendez--witness for the prosecution

--works for Mesa PD. In June 2008 he was a detective in the computer forensics department. He conducted examinations of computer related evidence. Did forensic examinations.

--Prosecution is walking Melendez through the steps of what he examines and why. Melendez takes the hard drive and connects it to a device that makes it incapable of being altered. A copy of the hard drive is made to work with. The original is kept.

--Looks at user account information, and last time computer was shut down. Melendez also looks at cameras. Looks at the memory cards in cameras. Similar process used to examine memory cards. A mirror image is made and software is used to look at the information.

--Melendez initially worked on a laptop. Prosecution asked about deleted information...what happens to deleted information on a computer? Melendez is explaining how the operating system deals with deleted information. Deleted information stays in the operating system until new information is added to the open space. The operating system will overwrite the deleted information when the space is needed. Prosecution is now asking about deleting information from a camera/media card. The unallocated space doesn't have a file assigned to it so it sits empty until the computer needs the space. Investigators can look into unallocated spaces. Melendez uses forensic software to look at these unallocated spaces.

--Forensic software will show thumbnails of images.

Exhibits #214, 215, 220

#214, Camera--Melendez explains how a digital camera works. Battery in the camera was dead. Melendez used a power source instead of a batter. The button to take photos is on the top of the camera.

Lunch break.
Det . Melendez describes 5 part process to delete pics off camera memory stick -
playback, menu, delete, select which pics to delete, then actual delete images selected.

A directed file that is deleted shows when it was taken and when deleted.

An unallocated space files may have only partial of the file and/or partial images

The blurry pics were thumbnails - when make them bigger they become blurry.

If the camera take thumbnail and a larger image . . . when you delete - the deleted ones may be overwritten but the thumbnail may have not been.

Exhibit #164 - #169 - female Defense Atty looks @ them . . . JA looks on -turns head slightly to get a better view.

Defense asks if they can approach . . . .
#164-169 are admitted . . . the dates and ties are from en(d)case . . .

JA is bowing her head and trying not to look @ picture . . . but she strained to see them when Atty was holding the pics.

Image of a female
#166 - image of a male = bottle of personal KY lubricant - 6/4/08
#165 - 6/4/08 - 1:44 pm
#167 = foreground . . . can't make it out
#166 - could it be the same bottle of personal lubricant? objection - top is blue, white in body of item. . . . . believe it is the tv in the background.

Why so blurry? that is a thumbnail . . . .the larger the picture the smaller you make it loooks more clear - but small to make bigger becomes blurry due to pixelation.

Unallocated clusters - unable to locate a date and time.
Exhibits #141 - 160 admitted. . . .

look @ 141 - travis in shower with hi hands folded fists in front of his chest . . .

Det went to Queensborough house - the body was removed when he saw the shower . . .6/4/08 5:22

#142 - travis back 5:22:36 - 12 seconds after one above . . . . it would be the function of the person taking the time to take another photo. . . . . camera is naturally taking pics with the right hand - with the left hand you would have to somehow reach over to press the button.

5:22:54. . . pic looks darker - camera has an auto feature - back of travis w/arms up . . . setting would have had to have been changed by someone.

#144 - 5:23:00 - 6 SECONDS later - arms up back to camera

#145 - TA in shower facing toward R of pic 5:23:24 mouth open

#146 5:23:30 - 6 seconds later - similar to one above.

#147 - Travis looking down 5:24:30 - 1 minute later facing to R side of pic

#148 - TA looking to the left side of picture - positioning of person taking photo changed . . . Objection - sustained. Did the position of the shower head change? No - only saw 1 shower head . . . 5:24:48 - 18 seconds later

#149 - left side of his head (facing left in the picture) 5:24:52, 5:24:48 from previous - 4seconds later

#150 - able to tell water is coming from upper right side of the photo . . . how close was individual taking photo or is this zoom feature? . . . would not know. . . . that is the left side of the face (he is facing left) 5:24:56 - 4 seconds from #149

#151 picture looking from below up toward ceiling w/TA's arms both raised 5:25:00 4 seconds after #150

#159 - pic 5:29:20 - where TA looks directly toward camera - looks like he is sitting. . . . 4 min 20 seconds after #151

#160 - time 5:30:30 - (doesn't show pic in court) -

#158 - time 5:29:20 (blurry on screen

#158 time 5:28:54

#156 time 5:27:58

#155 time 5:27:18

#154 - time 5:27:12

#153 - time 5:26:56 (TA back to camera)

#160 time 5:30:30
January 14, 2012 afternoon testimony

Michael Melendez--witness for the prosecution--works for Mesa PD. In June 2008 he was a detective in the computer forensics department. He conducted examinations of computer related evidence. Did forensic examinations.

#214, Camera--Melendez explains how a digital camera works. Battery in the camera was dead. Melendez used a power source instead of a batter. The button to take photos is on the top of the camera.

Lunch break.

(Missed the first few minutes, had to refresh the page)
--Multiple ways of deleting images. Only some of the photos were deleted. This would have been done by choice. There are multiple steps (five) in deleting images.
--The not deleted photos, the witness does not know what they were offhand.
--The forensic software is used to see all the images that were not deleted. There were photos of Travis in the shower and photos of a man and a woman engaged in sexual activity.

#164-169--Images recovered from the unallocated space. Partial images are sometimes found and the information that goes with photos is not found.
--The date and time was embedded on the photos.
--There were thumbnail photos and when they are 'blown up' they are blurry. The larger version of the photos were deleted and may have been overwritten. The tumbnails remained.
--Defence lawyer asks to approach the bench. Photos are entered into evidence.

#164--Date and time is 2008-06-04, 1:42 p.m. Image of a female.
#166--Image of a male and a bottle of KY personal lube. Date in time is 2008-06-04 1:48 p.m.
#165:--2008-06-04, 1:44 p.m. Item in the photo has a blue top and white bottom. Bottle of KY?
#166--Item in the photo with a blue top and a white bottom. TV in the background.
#167--Date and time is 1:47:15 p.m.
#168--Blurry image
#169--No date and time, image is from unallocated clusters of memory.

Items also part of the memory card
Dates and times were put there by the camera itself.
#141-- Date is 2008-06-04 at 5:22:24 p.m. Naked male in the shower. View is from the side.
#142--5:22:36, 12 seconds after the first photo. Photo is of a naked male in the shower, view is from the back. Male has back to the camera and has his hands over his head
--photos were most likely taken using one's right hand, otherwise the camera operator would have to reach around.

#140, 5:22:54, Male in the shower with his back to the camera.
The lighting for #140 is darker than #142, the setting may have been changed by the camera operator.
#144--5:23:00, 6 seconds later, Photo is of a male in the shower, view is of the back.
#145--5:23:24, Travis in the shower, view is of his side. Lighting is dark.
#146--5:23:30, 6 seconds later. Almost the same photo.
$147--5:23:40, Travis from rioght side of his face,standing in the shower, lighting is dark.
#148--5:24:48, 18 seconds later. Photo is of Travis standing in the shower, side view of the left side of his face. Shower head appears to be spraying him. In the other photos the side views are of the right side of his face.
#149--5:24:52, 4 second later, Left side of Travis' head as he is facing the shower head.
#150--5:24:56, 4 seconds later, Travis standing in shower, water is spraying the back of his head, shower head is on the right side of the photo.
#151--5:25:00, 4 seconds later. Side shot of Travis in the shower, back is to the shower head.
#159--5:29:20, 4 minutes & 20 seconds later. Photo of Travis in the shower, appears to be sitting, he is looking at the camera.
#147 5:28:54
156 5:27:28
#155 5:27:18
#154 5:27:12
#153 5:26:56
#160 5:30:30

--Camera does have a zoom so it is unknown how close the photos were taken.

Other photos recovered from unallocated portion of the memory stick of the camera.
#161, #162, #163
#161--5:31:14, 45 seconds later. Photo of a ceiling and the upper wall portion of the bathroom. Can see what looks like the shower door . No floor trim seen in the photo. Was the camera right side up when this was taken? Yes.
Can it be determined if the photo was taken right side up? Yes.
Melendez' opinion is that the camera is 2-3 feet, waist high, off the ground when the last two photos were taken.
#162--5:32:16, 62 seconds later. Was the camera right side up or upside down? Camera was upside down when the photo was taken. Floor can be seen in the photo. (This is the much debated photo of Travis being dragged?)
Det. Melendez has worked on hundreds of thousands of photographs in his career. He is therefore able to form an opinion on where the camera was to take these photos. This photo was taken on the ground.
#163--5:33:13. Photo of the floor, can see a mass with reddish lines in the top left corner. Can see the floor. This photo was taken upside down. Camera would have been on the ground.
#161, #162, #163 - admitted

#161 - ceiling area and upper wall portion of the bathroom - door frame on left side pic - metal frame might be shower door 6/4/08 5:31:13 . . . approx 45 sec apart from #160

can you tell was the photo taken right side up or upside down . . . yes if I look @ image . . . . this area up here - ceiling . . . don't see floor trim - the camera was right side up when this picture was snapped.

#162 - this is amuch better picture - you can see foreground - with what appears to be JA clothing . . . . floor in foreground . . . .tile flooring - this picture was taken upside down.

#161 - looking @ ceiling.

he has looked at hundreds of thousdands of photos over the years . . . . the one looking @ ceiling #161 - @ least 2 or 3 feet off the ground when photo was snapped

#162 5:32:16 -1 MIN 2 SECONDS AFTER #161 - upside down on the ground

#163 - floor baseboard - mass of some sort on Left side reddish lines coming down on mass (looks like same pattern of reddish lines on TA's shoulder to me) 5:33:13 taken on the ground (upside down?)

Computer examined on first floor - office space . . . .camera was in sleep mode. . . . .on computer if no activity the monitor goes dark to save battery . . .

can you tell if anyone did anything on it . . . ie: viewed or sent something . . . .look @ your report . . .

#347 on your report - 6/4/08 15:34:49 hrs on laptop - removed power from it to seize it - label and package it . . .returned following day to take to evidence section . . . password protected - Det. did n't need password - he looks @ data on the drive - not same as what seen on laptop.

pocket PC - phone - text messages -not able to look @ all of them . . . extract text from the cell phone? no - no technology available @ the time .. . it has since become available -

Cross exam
Female DA questioning . . . found camera in washing machine w/memory stick . . . had to buy power cord - camera was still working . . . doesnt appear to be ruined (ie:kicked to ruin) . . .button totake photos is missing . . . .when I examined it the button fell off - rubber button . . .. if camera is sitting upside down in last 2 pics on the floor - that button would be hitting the ground. . . memory stick inside the camera - could not tell - I was wearing gloves if it was wet - I didn't see water . . .can't recall if smelled of bleach - not sure if I would have noted in report if I could smell bleach - there were other smells in the home @ the time - but not smell of bleach when I did report @ office . . . . .picture of TA in the shower - these pictures appear . . . .begin TA 5:22:24 - 6/4/08 in afternoon. . . .. 5:22 - 5:30 many pics of TA in the shower. . . . some of his poses are in different positions(poses). He is able to turn one way and then another - it doesn't appear he is injured @ anyway - doesn't appear he is involved in any altercation.

We can see in some pictures we can see right side face and the left side of face because he turned around . . . #148 - - left side of his face - water runs off back of his head - faucet behind him.

Other pics taken on 6/4 earlier in the day - nude photos of TA and ja - ONLY some of those were time stamped . . . from date camera imbedded in the file . . . the red writing comes from the information . . . . Det. did not put red writing on them.

Don't need to see those pics again - in at least one of thos photo s you can see her face. . . .(lost video feed)
Ceiling picture appears to be unintentional picture . . . .
just over 1 min later - 5:32:16 #162 - blood or substance coming down right of TA . . . a little over 1 min later 5:31:14 - ceiling pic

TA - #162 TA on the floor - camera on floor and flipped upside down . . . couldn't reach the button to take a photo because button on the ground.

next #163 - picture of hallway - 5:33:32 - camera is upside down - button to take photo is on the ground.

talked about pocket pc - a phone . . . looked @ it - power it on . . . . text messages on that phone - not able to extract anything on the phone - could not plug it into anything to extract . . . could have snapped photos of texts . .. over 15K pictures on that phne - if he had 8 months to do that it would be physically possible.

Looked @ laptop - the one in the den/office right off garage entryway - across from that was bathroom? - don't recall bathroom

office was on the first floor - plugged into a power source when walked in . . .

laptop - believed to belong to TA - compaq presario - product ID - virus alert - need to look @ report . . . approach witness . . .

I don't know what that stands for . . . usually product ID . . .. virus going on there? could be - didn't see any signs of virus . . . .look @ computer and checking for virus - didn't find any.

laptop - lots of CD's taken from his office - based upon exam report mid page - objection hearsay - counsel approach!

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