*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

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Panic set in . . . lost all connectivity to the internet! Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!

After check 3 computers, calling the internet provider - messing around with wires, cords, and such for 45 min . . . . texted the hubby and told him . . . he has me push one button and magically I am back!
Panic set in . . . lost all connectivity to the internet! Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!

After check 3 computers, calling the internet provider - messing around with wires, cords, and such for 45 min . . . . texted the hubby and told him . . . he has me push one button and magically I am back!
Just stepping on . . . sorry I missed first part . . .

many ways to stalk - GPS, computers, gaslighting, moving things around - many ways someone can stalk - put a fake bomb in front of this girlfriends' house. . . . stalking frightens people . . . people that I know that have been stalked they have gone to LEO, got protective orders, try to stop stalker.

asked about communication between Ragen and TA . . he said he was afraid . . . is he also joking with her? . . . objection words were extremely afraid

JW . . . to ALV - was he joking with her?
yes he was
based on characters on here on IM's. . extremely afraid . . . same time talking to Ms. Houseley - other messages on that same day?
ALV - he had um
objection - overruled
you know the date message between Houseley and TA May 19, IM'ing JA several times that day?
I don't know number of times - have to be refreshed
ok - JW approaches bench . . having something admitted into evidence

Just stepping on . . . sorry I missed first part . . .

many ways to stalk - GPS, computers, gaslighting, moving things around - many ways someone can stalk - put a fake bomb in front of this girlfriends' house. . . . stalking frightens people . . . people that I know that have been stalked they have gone to LEO, got protective orders, try to stop stalker.

asked about communication between Ragen and TA . . he said he was afraid . . . is he also joking with her? . . . objection words were extremely afraid

JW . . . to ALV - was he joking with her?
yes he was
based on characters on here on IM's. . extremely afraid . . . same time talking to Ms. Houseley - other messages on that same day?
ALV - he had um
objection - overruled
you know the date message between Houseley and TA May 19, IM'ing JA several times that day?
I don't know number of times - have to be refreshed
ok - JW approaches bench . . having something admitted into evidence

does that support that verbage at all?
another woman - on May 19th he is talking with 3 different women
asked about supposed stalking behavior .. ..we know this IM complain is 5/19/08 - but some of that behavior starting months before you were told -- behavior supports the verbage . . . 1/1/08 - text - TA tells JA he loves her . . JA said ILY2
behavior support being afraid of her?
not that I can figureout
he took her to Havisupai . . trip in 2007 - another trip to new mexico in 11/07 . . .suggest he is somehow afraid of her?
no that does not suggest he is afraid
throughout the written items . . forget about the journals . . just conversaations between TA and Ja? . . evidence 12/07 thru 6/08 constant line of communication between the 2 of them is consistent with what jA told ALV . . .

listened to sex audio tape from 5/10/08- spoken word better than written - line of questions . . . spoken word listen to TA's voice 9 days after saying he is afraid of her . . . objection this sex tape he makes with her - approach please
does that support that verbage at all?
another woman - on May 19th he is talking with 3 different women
asked about supposed stalking behavior .. ..we know this IM complain is 5/19/08 - but some of that behavior starting months before you were told -- behavior supports the verbage . . . 1/1/08 - text - TA tells JA he loves her . . JA said ILY2
behavior support being afraid of her?
not that I can figureout
he took her to Havisupai . . trip in 2007 - another trip to new mexico in 11/07 . . .suggest he is somehow afraid of her?
no that does not suggest he is afraid
throughout the written items . . forget about the journals . . just conversaations between TA and Ja? . . evidence 12/07 thru 6/08 constant line of communication between the 2 of them is consistent with what jA told ALV . . .

listened to sex audio tape from 5/10/08- spoken word better than written - line of questions . . . spoken word listen to TA's voice 9 days after saying he is afraid of her . . . objection this sex tape he makes with her - approach please
sorry missed some testimony . . .

you were asked about TA and JA's relationship ending in June 2007 . . . their relationship over . . . did they break up 6/29/07 - after they broke up the next day was there contact between the 2 . . . within a week . . (yes) . . . continued contact after that?
yes there was
objection - may we approach?
take a 10 min recess @ this time - back @ 2:45
sorry missed some testimony . . .

you were asked about TA and JA's relationship ending in June 2007 . . . their relationship over . . . did they break up 6/29/07 - after they broke up the next day was there contact between the 2 . . . within a week . . (yes) . . . continued contact after that?
yes there was
objection - may we approach?
take a 10 min recess @ this time - back @ 2:45
Aug 2 2007 just shortly after JA moved TA sent her a picture of a French Maid outfit . . . indicating he wanted her to wear it while cleaning his house . . .
any fear on behalf of TA?
not that I can see
anyone afraid of a stalker allow them to come to your home to clean it .
no not expect that
she moves to Mesa - contact between 2 parties continues . . . then on a trip to Havisupai . . . with the Freemans. . . next month went to New Mexico they went alone . . .don't see people take vacations with their stalker or someone they are afraid of . . try to get away from stalker - don't see any correlation in stalking in their relationship

ja came to TA's house and saw him with another woman - indicate stalking behavior - you were asked the fact she came over and saw him with another woman . . isn't this indication their relationship is over because he is with another woman . . .wouldn't we have to consider Ms. Andrews @ same time while in relation with Jodi and same time he is caught on the couch he is making out with another some unknown woman . . . objection relevance - unfair

JA catch him cheating while they were officially dating . . . she did
pattern you saw . . .yes in general thru written info between women . . there were a couple of woman @ least he had face to face contact . . sexual conversations and flirtations conversations and with 2 had face to face time with them . . during this time still dating Ms. Andrews, pursuing Mimi Hall also having sex conversation with other women while having a relationship with JA? . . . (all yes he is)

on May 2 . . . 17 days prior to him complain he was afraid of JA . . .
see ta @ top . . . on 5/2 he asks for her to send pictures of her right now
in stalking range - no . . .
TA ask for naughty or nude photos more than one time/
17 days before feeling afraid of him
objection - extremely afraid

judge - may we approach?
you may
Aug 2 2007 just shortly after JA moved TA sent her a picture of a French Maid outfit . . . indicating he wanted her to wear it while cleaning his house . . .
any fear on behalf of TA?
not that I can see
anyone afraid of a stalker allow them to come to your home to clean it .
no not expect that
she moves to Mesa - contact between 2 parties continues . . . then on a trip to Havisupai . . . with the Freemans. . . next month went to New Mexico they went alone . . .don't see people take vacations with their stalker or someone they are afraid of . . try to get away from stalker - don't see any correlation in stalking in their relationship

ja came to TA's house and saw him with another woman - indicate stalking behavior - you were asked the fact she came over and saw him with another woman . . isn't this indication their relationship is over because he is with another woman . . .wouldn't we have to consider Ms. Andrews @ same time while in relation with Jodi and same time he is caught on the couch he is making out with another some unknown woman . . . objection relevance - unfair

JA catch him cheating while they were officially dating . . . she did
pattern you saw . . .yes in general thru written info between women . . there were a couple of woman @ least he had face to face contact . . sexual conversations and flirtations conversations and with 2 had face to face time with them . . during this time still dating Ms. Andrews, pursuing Mimi Hall also having sex conversation with other women while having a relationship with JA? . . . (all yes he is)

on May 2 . . . 17 days prior to him complain he was afraid of JA . . .
see ta @ top . . . on 5/2 he asks for her to send pictures of her right now
in stalking range - no . . .
TA ask for naughty or nude photos more than one time/
17 days before feeling afraid of him
objection - extremely afraid

judge - may we approach?
you may
Judge asks jury if anyone overheard bench conference - see no hands.

JW asking about text . . . . JW getting paper - this particular text message . . exhibit #444 . . begins with TA asking JA where are you . . .
beyond scope . .
she was asked about april 7 text messages
approach please
Judge asks jury if anyone overheard bench conference - see no hands.

JW asking about text . . . . JW getting paper - this particular text message . . exhibit #444 . . begins with TA asking JA where are you . . .
beyond scope . .
she was asked about april 7 text messages
approach please
you were asked about text message on April 7 . . . ALV asks to review . .
JA is wearing her jacket over her arms in her lap in the front . . .

why this text relevant to their relationship?
want it back? you can keep it . . . well JW takes paper back

several reasons - at the time they were talking about this story about Maria or Michelle - he was furious, angry, over the top with this anger - something that was happeing]
you were asked about text message on April 7 . . . ALV asks to review . .
JA is wearing her jacket over her arms in her lap in the front . . .

why this text relevant to their relationship?
want it back? you can keep it . . . well JW takes paper back

several reasons - at the time they were talking about this story about Maria or Michelle - he was furious, angry, over the top with this anger - something that was happeing]
These are the remaining transcripts for the last portion of day 42 (afternoon session).
I don't want to mess up the chronology of the thread, but I missed the right time to post those in the correct place.
Chronologically, those transcripts belong between post #1188 and #1189 of this thread (between wenwe4's post that ends with 'afternoon recess' and the post with the trial clips of day 42).
I hope I'm not messing up the chronology too badly, maybe the mods can move single posts.

Day 42; afternoon session after afternoon recess:

jm: exibit 448, we were talking about the message there, if we turn the page we see the same message
jm: you don't know how that got there
alv: no
jm: you are biased in favour of the defendant
alv: I believe the evidence in favour of defendant, bias not right word
jm: ye,s it is the right word

remember that the first thing you did when meeting ja was apologizing to her bc you read some items in relation to this case and already formed an opinion, right
alv: no
jm: fair to say that apologizing seems like there is sympathy on your behalf
alv: apology for reading their most private thoughts is a way to establish rapport, wanted her to be able to talk to me
jm: meant the apology
alv: of course I meant it
jm: indicates you already formed an opinion
objection overruled
alv: no

jm: no need to apologize
alv: from my perspective yes
jm: felt badly for her?
alv: felt badly for invading her most private thoughts, like reading my daughter's diary, I would apologize for that. did apologize because I meant it, and b/c it's a way for her to trust me

jm: apology that you extend to all your clients?
alv: no, it isn't
objection overruled
alv: I apologized to ja for reading her private things
jm: do you apologize to your clients when they come in
alv: no, I don't know anything about them when they come
jm: yes or no
alv: not a complete answer, yes or no not complete answer
jm: so you can't answer
alv: I don't know their stories, have no reason to apologize

jm: knowing you read those thoughts, you felt so badly that you had to apologize
alv: I felt badly
jm: did that affect the way you viewed the defendant
alv: no, it means I apologized, not that I'm …I've apologized when I was misunderstood but that doesn't change the way I work with clients
jm: no need to apologize if you were just assessing her
alv: my gut said I needed to apologize
jm: where is it in the rules that you have to apologize first thing?
objection overruled
alv: not anywhere in the rules
jm: you did in this case, though
alv: I felt the need to do it
jm: because you felt sorry for her?
alv: because I invaded spaces most people don't invade, to establish rapport, did not bias because I had made no decision about this case

jm: other ways to build rapport
alv: many ways
jm: other way is to buy books and magazines, right? way to build rapport?
alv: done it for other people
jm: not what I asked you
alv: you're mischaracterizing what I do
jm: true that you bought books for her?
alv: yes
jm: true that in order to build rapport, you could have done other things than to apologize
alv: many things one could do
jm: could you build rapport another way?
alv: I suppose
jm: didn't you say humour is a way?
alv: would have been inappropriate, counterintuitive if I had told a joke
jm: didn't say a joke, said humour
alv: I get to decide how I build rapport

jm: why is it that you felt so strongly that you felt the need to coddle her by giving her books and apologizing
objection sustained
jm: why is it that you felt the need to do that?
objection overruled
alv: want a complete answer?
jm: I want an answer to my question? why need to do that when you could have built rapport another way
alv: saw it as a respectful way, it's important for people to see that you respect them regardless of the accusation, basic to a human being, chose that way to do it, it's not something I planned, it happened when I was there. when I bought the book I was on the case for a year and a half, done that for other clients because jail is boring, done it with people I don't know, it's part of what I do, see it as preventative

jm: how many other times have you testified at trial in a criminal case?
alv: (counts slowly): not certain, testified 18 times altogether other than this trial, some family cases, less than ten criminal cases
jm: in those ten cases, did you apologize to everyone of those defendands when you went to see them
alv: didn't read their private…different way to approach these things, I reduced my fees in some cases, it's the way I work, no one-size-fits-all approach, look at the person I'm dealing with
jm: are you done?
alv: I'm done
jm: how many of those people did you apologize to on the first meeting
objection overruled
alv: don't know, first case was 1984, don't know. unlikely due to different circumstances

jm: so different case where you could have shown respect a different way
alv: seemed like a good way in this case to show respect in the beginning by apologizing
jm: but there are different way of showing it, could have sat across from her and talk in respectful way, right?
alv: I did
jm: showed her you're respectful, right?
alv: yes
jm: 90% of conversation is nonverbal, right?
alv: yes
jm: if you really wanted to show her respect, if 90% is nonverbal, you didn't have to say anything at all
objection overruled
alv: untrue
jm: so you felt that those were the only exceptions to 90% rule
alv: no, that's not true
alv: 90% you start by someone with talking before you can assess body language
jm: spent 44 hour on this case, time to asses body language
alv: not in 5 minutes
jm: noone forced you to apologize first 5 minutes
alv: no
jm: you told me it was in the first 5 minutes
alv: don't know if in first 5 minutes, did it relatively soon, had no prior basis for communications, did I have to make apology? you could say no, I say it was good and respectful thing to do, you can argue but it was the right decision to me

jm: how long was the first meeting?
alv: 8 hours
jm: you could have through your body language after maybe 1-2 hours conveyed to her through nonverbal conversation that you're respectful, didn't have to immediately apologize
alv: no
jm: could have waited, see if she was going to trust you
alv: why is this an issue?
jm: judge, she's non-responsive
jm: it was not necessary to apologize right away because you spend 8 hours with her
alv: felt that it was necessary
jm: I understand but you were not compelled
objection sustained
jm: during conversation you talked to her about what happened, right?
alv: yes
jm: you had a good feeling about her right?
alv: more positive feeling than prior to meeting her, much better feeing after I spoke with her,
jm: isn't it true that you stated to me that you had a good feeling about her (prior to trial)
alv: yes
jm: this is on a personal level, right?
alv: she filled blanks I had
jm: so you developed as a consequence a good feeling the consequence of which is the testimony we're having today, right?
alv: I had a better feeling to pursue the case
jm: I'm asking about a good feeling about her, not the case, remember telling me that?
alv: yes, I do
jm: now you have this good feeling and continue on with the case
alv: yes
jm: isn't it clear to you today that perhaps there's an issue of bias?
alv: no
jm: so you could set all these good feelings aside
objection overruled

alv: I think what you're talking about is that I have positive feelings and it would interfere with my work, I'm a human being, but I take this case very seriously
jm: but in this case there are no objective materials like tests
alv: I'm saying I look at materials from a variety of sources and took all of that into account
jm: you told me during interview and testimony that ja has low self esteem
alv: yes
jm: isn't it true that she was happy about evaluation because she believed her IQ was as high as Einstein's
alv: yes
jm: speaks against low self-esteem
alv: no
jm: doesn't indicate that she has no low self-esteem issue
alv: most people who talk about how smart they are don't feel that smart at all, people are very interested in their IQ, many reasons why she could have been excited about it
jm: you don't know why she wanted to know about her IQ
alv: no
jm: could be she has very high self-esteem
objection overruled
alv: don't believe behaviour demonstrates high self-esteem
jm: not talking about behaviour, one other thing we know about her is that she'd correct other people's grammar when she was upset with them, right?
alv: yes
jm: you walk into the interview knowing about that, right?
alv: not sure if I knew that before I met her for the first time
jm: now you know that it's something that's out there
alv: yes
jm: she believes she's intelligent, she corrects other people, doesn't indicate high sense of self?
alv: not at all

jm: know about defendant's manifesto?
alv: remember hearing about it, haven't seen it
jm: heard about it, right? ja was autographing copies of it
objection approach

jm: JA signed copies of manifesto it in case she became famous
alv: I believe so
jm: doesn't that speak against a lack of self esteem
alv: not at all, can have self esteem issues in particular areas of your life, she may think she's a good writer, part of feeling good about herself, but doesn't mean she has high self esteem

jm: also familiar with the results of the MMCI (?)
alv: I took notes, no expert on testing as you pointed out
jm: but you took note on what the results were on self-esteem, right?
alv: I took notes on everything that was in the test, but I did not interpret it
jm: do your notes reflect that JA has no self esteem problems
alv: that was at that time, which was years after she left the relationship, after she was in jail for a long time
jm: but there is a test that says she has no issues with self esteem, right?
alv: if I wrote that in my notes, that's what I wrote
jm: want to look at your notes?
alv: sure
defense: may we approach? yes

jm: take a look at exhibit 602, let me know when you're done reading it
alv: sure
jm: copy of your notes in your handwriting, talking about the MCMI, right?
alv: yes
jm: it was important enough to look at that report to include it as part of assessment, right?
alv: yes
jm: you looked at social functioning scales, right?
alv: yes
jm: you remarked that it was in the normal range, right?
alv: not the same as self esteem
jm: her self image is within the normal range, right?
alv: correct
jm: self image has nothing to do with self-esteem?
objection approach

jm: you now told us that this self image was in the normal range, right?
alv: right
jm: we have an individual who is happy about being tested because she believes she has an IQ as high as Einstein's
objection sustained
alv: yes, she says that
jm: she's signing manifestos because she believes she'll be famous
alv: don't know if I said she did it because she believes she'll be famous
jm: you want to look at your notes to see if that's accurate?
alv: yes
(notes are entered into evidence #603)
defense asks to approach

Judge asks Jury to leave courtroom for approx. 3 minutes, jury leaves
recess for 3 minutes

jm: the page you reviewed is an important page
alv: just read the highlighted portion, do you want me to read the whole page?
jm: yes, please review the entire page

witness reviews the entire page of #603

jm: with regard to this document, in this is the issue involving the manifesto, right?
alv: correct
jm: it's on the top upper left corner, right?
alv: yes
jm: on the margins, don't you reference the manifesto
alv: I didn't look at the margins, I just looked at what was written
jm shows her the page
jm: you reference the manifesto, right?
alv: yes
jm: in this document, the defendant asked someone called Amy to print out the last two pages of the manifesto and have them signed in case…
objection approach

jm: isn't it true that defendant signed them in case she became famous?
objection sustained
alv: in this case…
jm: it's a yes or no question
alv: I got the information from Amy and she said that
jm: so Amy is lying?
alv: no, I didn't say that
jm: all I'm asking is for the substance, and that is that she signed those pages, and you had no reason to believe Amy was lying about it

jm: Judge, do you want to do the other thing we talked about?

Judge: we're going to take the evening recess.
We are back from afternoon break . . .(sorry I missed quite a bit this afternoon)

when ALV investigates a case she doesn't presume what she is being told is truth - she needs to figure it out herself . . there must be evidence or don't have enough time to do a good job . . she has gone half thru cases and then declined testifying on the case.

ALV had skeptism . . was not sure she would take this case @ all . .
working on this case ever time you felt you might withdraw from it?
may we approach?
you may
We are back from afternoon break . . .(sorry I missed quite a bit this afternoon)

when ALV investigates a case she doesn't presume what she is being told is truth - she needs to figure it out herself . . there must be evidence or don't have enough time to do a good job . . she has gone half thru cases and then declined testifying on the case.

ALV had skeptism . . was not sure she would take this case @ all . .
working on this case ever time you felt you might withdraw from it?
may we approach?
you may
During time on the case did you ever feel need to withdraw from this case?
when first met with ja - apologise to her . . . genuinely sorry I invaded private space people write and pour out on a page that is private . . I wanted her to know I understood what I was doing . . maybe she would have a little trust and will speak to me . . .

women generally don't tell me lots of things - tend to gradual over time trust . . .
@ point you met her already know a lot about her . . sexual nature - sex contact with her and TA . . normally kept in private
went in there apologized to her anything make you feel biased already for her
not at all
ever concerned like her too much to give honest opinion about a battered woman.
never had that come up . . . I never liked someone so much that I . . .cases are tough, but in this case it is extremely important . . lose their


mens group . . .some men have done some pretty awful things to people don't like what they done doesn' mean you want to work with them . .

working with JA . . domestically violent relationship did you have problems working with this case
no I did not.

talk couple small details from JA past . . childhood friend who knew her in grade s chool . . interview (reviewed) conducted 20 years after she knew JA . . some things said about her were . . .questions about whether JA would play a victim in grade school . . prosecutor talked about something occur much later after june 4th working @ purple plum . . how she acted with men working @ purple plum . . . since grade school and then incident 20 years later . . 2 incidents 20 years apart represent a pattern?
not of d.v.

Mr. Arias talked about his own daughter - things want to consider about him . . tough to look @ own behavior in relationship to their children . . according to reports he has been abusive with JA . . and with his wife and there are patterns of that . . it would be diffiuclt to talk to him . . he and JA had strained relationship over 20 years what he said would come out of limited framework . . 10 years after she left . .
During time on the case did you ever feel need to withdraw from this case?
when first met with ja - apologise to her . . . genuinely sorry I invaded private space people write and pour out on a page that is private . . I wanted her to know I understood what I was doing . . maybe she would have a little trust and will speak to me . . .

women generally don't tell me lots of things - tend to gradual over time trust . . .
@ point you met her already know a lot about her . . sexual nature - sex contact with her and TA . . normally kept in private
went in there apologized to her anything make you feel biased already for her
not at all
ever concerned like her too much to give honest opinion about a battered woman.
never had that come up . . . I never liked someone so much that I . . .cases are tough, but in this case it is extremely important . . lose their


mens group . . .some men have done some pretty awful things to people don't like what they done doesn' mean you want to work with them . .

working with JA . . domestically violent relationship did you have problems working with this case
no I did not.

talk couple small details from JA past . . childhood friend who knew her in grade s chool . . interview (reviewed) conducted 20 years after she knew JA . . some things said about her were . . .questions about whether JA would play a victim in grade school . . prosecutor talked about something occur much later after june 4th working @ purple plum . . how she acted with men working @ purple plum . . . since grade school and then incident 20 years later . . 2 incidents 20 years apart represent a pattern?
not of d.v.

Mr. Arias talked about his own daughter - things want to consider about him . . tough to look @ own behavior in relationship to their children . . according to reports he has been abusive with JA . . and with his wife and there are patterns of that . . it would be diffiuclt to talk to him . . he and JA had strained relationship over 20 years what he said would come out of limited framework . . 10 years after she left . .

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