*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

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Just getting in . ..
missed some testimony

TA shows no evidence of being stalked and continues relationship with JA on his own accord . . . where is jA's fearful behaviors?
DV tends to be different - what you see with battered women they go back and forth . . .most of these relationships they don't leave and stay gone . . . with stalking fear develops over short period of time . . . when stalking occurs it is when one person has totally left the relationship . .. stalking is different than 2 people who love each other and no one has decided to leave.

do you consider . . no jury will ever convict me to be low self esteem
sounds like a really stupid statement

degree of namecall - level of escalation and his 2 closets friends and relationships with other women that aren't close - not just JA words

do you handle cases where female is abuser

TA discuss other women in his journals

TA claimed stalking by anyone else other than JA?

how many cases you defended were in defense of men
not just criminal - also worked in family law . . of 18 times I have testified I have worked 3 or 4 - . . . defense has a broader brush . . . what I mean referreals for men accursed of beating wife and children - worked with htem and get intervention for them
object - sustained

manifesto you referred to?
I don't know - never seen it - someone said there was one

is there a type of stalking . . comfy around person when speaking but afraid of what they will do when not around
when look @ abuse or lower end battering - during pull apart time and pull apart and move back together - go back and forth -might be protective order and they get together for dinner -very common to violate protective order . . .very common but that is not stalking .. . once that stalker knows you mean business - once you are gone that is when they escalate

JA let out he was a pedophile
I wasn't aware of that -
does it mean anything to you

how would JA write about these things until well after the killing
if she planned on being separated from tA she would be building up a story that would include all of this - I don't see a plan to separate from TA and build a dv case

text where he is upset about her BS story from Michelle K about Alaina . .. BS story woman came into resteraunt and told JA about lisa Andrews . . . .looking @ overlap of communications of what was said what JA told me and what Lisa Andrews wrote - she was having a relationship with TA at the time - it wasn't BS

I read information from Lisa Andrews 0 talking about relationship @ the time - corroboration from Lisa Andrews

know that BS story was not lie - the actual story told to TA
I can't - don't know actual story to TA

Havaisupai trip - go upstairs .. . how you knw he didn't want to calm her in front of freemans?
don't know - can't answer

JA doesn't write anything in her journal - can remember physical abuse incidentse so vividly?

I believe that ther ewere different places where she wrote references to her feelings - can't explain what someone does -but references in her writing - people do have memory without writing down

JA secondary gain to benefit her
that is possible - I didn't rely just on her oral word

evidence of TA make JA tear out pages and only write positive thougths

manipulativce behaivro be a pattern
I wasn't able to interview people from her past . . . 20 collateral sources - more than any case I have ever worked on

you like to meet with individuals before agree working with people -tell us TA story
by law I can't interview TA family, can't interview TA, I did review 7 hrs footage - where people spoke well of him - friends and family . . .some things he did was kind and generous - made people laugh and motivated people - didn't feel he was 1 dimensional person @ all . . . you don't hook up with someone who doesn't have lots good traits - TA had outstanding traits

abuse and battering traits in your column - why is stalking excluded from those columns . . I call it normal stalking - neither party believes each other - don't believe you will leave and you don't believe I will stop hurting you .. . . protecgtivec orders . . .pushing on the person . . when they mean business. . . the pulling away of the relationship

is your contuum incomplete? . . .why not list bullet points in all columns
oh yes . . I continue to change it since 90's . .. . framework to look @ otherwise look like dead sea scrolls . .. yes incomplete

you have chosen not to take cases in past . . .did you take this case because you believecd JA . . . would you turn down if didn't believe . . .if believe by default isn't that prejudice toward their partner.

no if I find it not credible . . .I can investigate this I will not testify . .I drop them or advise the atty - maybe not I am not the appropriate expert (DV) . . . I don't have a great retirement after 34 yrs but
object - sustained

burst of anger and then calmed down . . TA seem longer in text form? . .
actually they are longer 3 hrs . . .

there were long rants - 2 or 3 hours . .. the 5/26 I think . .the detail of date isn't important as context of what is happening . .. general framework of the rant .. .there was a followup . . .this went on for another . . `16 pages an extensive length of time

burst of anger . . .10 or 20 min rant describe as a burst . . what happens during that time - break things or throw things . .. look @ what happening not just burst

argument that takes all day to end - still healthy relationship
indicat abuse?

2 people abusive to each other

don't you believe TA making comments about 12 y/o old while phone sex is different than TA masturbating to photos of young boys
I think it is different it is just unusual comment from 30 year old man

light or incomplete info on 6/4 . .

knew in general what happened -focused on what led up to then and I think I know what happened

confused about details
I was - I believed shot was fired in closet and it wasn't . .I think I know most details

deceptive and not share sexual intimate moments in their life
I think most people keep sexual details life private
why do you think TA is deceptive?
I don't think he keeping sexual private is deceptive - but 30 year of virgin is deceptive

sexual details ja shared with her family
no - she never claimed to be virgin . . .part of LDS and not going along with Laws of Chastity

deception started after she killed TA - how could you know this?
I only know her prior relationshps . . .MM and DB neither described her as a liar

sexual degredation @ the hands of TA?
she participated in that relationship - she went along with things -not all her favorite things . . .she wanted relationship and didn't honor her own boundaris

sexual degredtaion . . desires to see each other, actions on sex call, texts etc?
I havenot heard JA say she felt sexually degredated . . she hasn't made claims in that direction

consider written only - did you see abuse (exclude interview with JA)
I am confused with that . . if I excluded those things and still used the written docs I got I would see that as abuse

what level degree. . . abuse?
I don't think it was terrorism . . it was definitely battering

can you see escalation in written conversation?
oh yeah . . .over time rants got longer -put downs got worse - anger - his own anger seeing as scary

TA was in 7 yr relationship with Deanna - did any one interview her?
don't know if she was a survivor of abuse

did you interview her?

asking for more questions . . counsel please approach
missed some JW questions . ..

look @ patterns of manipulation from JA
didn't see

teen ager violence toward mom questions . . .

stalking and sexual degredation .. . what did you conclude DV . . .relationship TA and JA
it was more battering (not terrorism)
they both involved in sexual relationship . . .

sexual degredation . . .men give love to get sex . .women give sex to get love . . count as sexual degredation?

writings support fact JA wanted to particupate in sex with TA because brought closer?
yes I did . . believe 5/26 conversations . . feel closer to him shen sexual he treated her different . . . valued her and they had more time together ....
she said I want those feeelings we had together.

missed some JW questions. . .

don't have room on my continuum to put stalking in every column . . .

possible JA doesn't remember physical abuse when don't write down . . .
strangled be memorable?
Been having an internet problem wit at&t all day
Got a feed in time for juror questions
Got all excited then lost my feed again
Can anyone throw me a bone to tide me over?
Oh sorry dont want to be abusive

I only caught part of the questions this morning . . . and part of JW's questions . . .

see posts 902 and 1165 for some pseudo-transcriptions

(the numbers may be less a couple due to MODS removing posts)
Jw w/ALV . . .

kicked, slapped, strangled easy for people to remember without write down

burst of anger - 5/26 text - #450 . . even start where there seems to be some anger noted - 4:03pm . .. TA going on calling her names . . .we don't see an end to it until 9:17 - about 5 hrs. . . even though not message back and forth every minute - JA able to contain his anger

in the IM's even more character assassination begins - longer than burst of anger . . .consider this in ALV eval.

aware JA threatened to expose TA for his pedophiliac activity
not aware of that
one time comment over the phone . . . at no other time threatened to do that . .important to know?

if information were true . . any patterns of JA
threaten to expose sexual acts?
other than threaten to go to bishop - TA didn't want her to

that person knows most about you and have ability if they chose to expose who you are and what you have doen . . . mean the most to you financial and spiritual safety is in their hands. ..

Could TA hold anger because JA threaten to expose
he could

TA told Miss Housely he had a stalker in message?
smiley faces and ha ha's in same conversations

kept JA away from his girlfriend Deanna
TA told JA Deanna was crazy and did so to keep them separated

judge may we approach?
didn't interpret one way or other - no contact between 2 of them
who had that contact?
I know in one journal entries . . JA dropped TA off and Deanna was there and he didn't want them to meet . . don't know how active his role was . . TA asked Ja not to come in

journals of TA . . discussed abuse JA in those journals questions asked

havisupai with JA write about?
tirades with JA, character assassination with JA,
not written in his journals?
missed some questions . . .

was JA the greater perp?
no . . the DV was prior to 6/4 . . the "defensive episode" was on 6/4 . . . look @ . . .
violence - high violence - when person is defending their life they do more than they need to do.

DV relationship must there also be physical abuse
if no physical abuse change their relationship
no it doesn't - psychological abuse . . .books written about coersive abuse, emotional abuse . . testimony from people on the other side of that abuse . . . no physical violence I have worked with people who come in shaking, withdrawn . . manipulation/control/putdowns/power differences . . . person in that relationship slowly sunk . . not happens all at once very gradual . . often people don't see it happening until it has happened.

if no physical violence did you have enough to make the call
if I didn't have enough to make the call I wouldn't be sitting her
battered woman oesn't have to be perfect -f aults as well?
correct . . .there may be people who are victim/survivor of DV male or female that I don't particularly like or feel good or they may need mental help . . maybe situational, do things I don't like or habits I don't like doesn't mean they are not abused . . . not cause and effect . . . just like living with someone with an addiction . .. people get upset with addict . . that is why people go to Al-Anon . . .in this case I think it would b e terrific if there had been help.

mens groups what they have done . . . why they are there . .
I liked almost all the people in my groups there have been maybe 3 or 4 people and that is why I have co-facilitatior . . . people are not one-dimensional

is TA have lots likeable qualities
he did - had wonderful qualities, able to motivate people. . I remember when Ms Arias

I didn't ask this question . . may we approach?
eventually most people do fight back

high conflict relationship - why is JA and TA not high conflict?
because of dynamics . . . may talk or be physical kinds of things in relationship - no fear in the relationship . .. not all abuse because equal power

could JA be perp in this case in the almost 2 years they were together - do you think that is true
no I don't

no other recorded phone calls other than sex tape . . . could JA be psychological abusive in phone over the phone
I would see that in their communication style - patterns

patterns in written messages - pattern of TA being abusive . . would you expect that in their phone conversations
I would expect that but I don't have their phone calls

reviewed 8 hrs footage some included of TA family - only access you had to his family?
women in abusive relations reach point of violence?
point of anger
angry is when victimized . . .robbed . . most people get angry and that happens in DV
what happens when angry and afraid?
more likelihood you would over react

Martinez may follow up
jury ask you how many times you testified on behalf on men - one or 2 times
names of the men you testified for criminal proceeding
I don't know their names and that is confidential
hold on . . .is JA's name confidential?
only criminal cases . . charges against a man you testified on behalf of that man
do you know his name?
no a police officer
no way for us to check out

it was criminal court?
it was an appeal . . . on a criminal charge
was that part of his job or that in ccriminal court
it was in criminal court and I wrote a report I didn't actual testify

you were asked how many times you testified on behalf of a man in criminal court
you didn't testified in criminal court on behalf of man . . you misrepresented self
I didn't testify in criminal court - I wrote report

I wrote number of criminal cases and the family law cases . . I don't have them in front of me . . . my CV
your times you testified not included in your CV . . specific cases. ...no second man you testified in criminal court?
I said one or 2 . . .I don't remember
how many times did you testify on behalf on man in criminal court - either zero or don't know

one man I wrote report - didn't write report
JA being manipulative . . . what she does when she was a juvenile to be manipulative later in life..
I didn't know if she was manipulative as a teen . . a lot of difference between teens and adults - I didn't see pattern of manipulation

isn't it true today response to questions from the jurors . . discuss whether ja was maniuplativec as a teen
I remember what my definition of manipulative was

immediately after question about testified for men . . . you were asked about manipulation in teens....
I don't remember time frame

just 2 hrs ago
I don't know your question Mr. M . . what are you asking me?
do you remember your responses occurred between 9:30 and now . . .
you need recollection refreshed . . you don't remember

I don't know your question . . if I was clear about your question I might be able to answer

one question asked if JA was manipulative . . you answered and referred to her during time she was a teen. . . said @ the time she may or maynot have been manipulative during that time . . . .if she was when she was younger . . .that manipulation may not carry over to adult . . .based on that you told jury based on what you read she was not manipulative . .
based on the materials I read . . no evidence of Ms. A being manipulative . . .nothing I read, evaluated or assessed was no pattern of manipulation . . .

she may have been manipoulative then but not now
no pattern in what I read.

you didn't reference the purple plum incident with JA and men from 6/13/08
you didn't consider teen age years and then again 6/13/08 but no pattern
there was a difference of behavior following the death of TA.
didn't reference purple plum
no I didn't

alleged pedophilia did occur wouldn't change your opinon re: abuse

whether JA was telling truth or lie you said she may have lied after . . . you think assessment was affected
no never said that
negatively affected your assessment . . .. is assessment still same in light of JA made these lies after killing TA
my assessment would remain the same

people involved in these circumstances tendacy make things up
people go thru behavior that is abhorrent to them make things up and that is typical response - I saw no pattern of lying

is that how you saw her lies in this cases
if she was someone who suffered abuse - would change your mind if JA had lied as far as these proceedings would that change?
years later after the event . . .hypothetically speaking 3 or 4 years later what if it came to your attention the defendant had lied about something else?
hypothetically speaking if defendant lied about a different event some 3 or 4 years later . . . after the initial time of lying.

depends on what she lied about . . pattern of behavior . . . depends on quality on what you are talking about . . white lie, big lie that affects.

so a lie isn't really a lie?
not what I am saying
a little white lie not tell truth . . isn't same as a big one as they both misrepresentation.

if I am asked if something someone is wearing makes them look fat and I say no that is a white lie

your assessments can be tainted . . some are white lies, some are medium, and some are big

there is quality and pattern of lies . . . characterize someone as a liar . . or occasionally saying something isn't the truth . . there is a context . . I am not black and white there is a whole lot of grey . ..

asking you what lie would have impact in this cases
I would consider what it was . . the pattern . .. the quality . . all kinds of things whether it affected my assessment of dv occurring . .. that is why I am here - Domestic Violence

isn't the word of JA the only thing you confirm DV
not at all
in journals doesn't show proof DV

there is no specific allegations of DV
you are relying on JA word

your opinion is only as good as you have been telling us in this case right?
I am unclear what

regard juror questions . . .testified on 1 or 2 occasions on behalf of man
didn't testify you wrote a report
objection asked and answered
may we approach
you indicated JA suffered from abuse . . . same certainty with regard to your question regarding number of men you testified on behalf
I testified in family law I am not . .
judge non-responsive

same type of certainty for both answers
absolutely not
did you not take that question seriously?
I took it seriously . . I should have said I don't remember . . .over 29 years . . I don't remember because I don't have my CV in front of me

criminal case testimony knowing it was only a report .. isn't that misrepresentation?
I do not remember if I testified . . .I still don't know if I have testified in one . . it would be more accurate if I would have said I know I have in family law cases

testify on behalf of a man only wrote a report
objection - sustained

issues in this case - you resolved them relying on your education
my experience
your education played no part
you don't have a doctorate correct
objection -beyond the scope
back in courtroom and up to the bench . . . jury has not been brought in . . . it is 12:30 . . .are we going to continue today?
Alyce getting her glasses? . . . she just left the stand and walked across camera
Juror #11 is ill - court has excused him from further participation in this trial

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