**GRAPHIC**- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder: ***DISCUSSION OF THE VIDEO ONLY***

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um, if you guys and gals come up with good stuff I hope you'll share it with LE for you never know if they could use it or further investigate what you've come up with.
The dog was a Boston terrier.

The majority of the stab wounds were concentrated on the same entry points. You may notice the intentional precision of the person in the video.

How are you sure it was a Boston Terrier?? I know some people said it could be but I have pekingese/shih tzu puppies who looked like that puppy, too. Lots of puppies look like that one.
Boston terriers are very distinctive-looking at any age (see avatar). One might mistake one for a French bulldog but little else.
How are you sure it was a Boston Terrier?? I know some people said it could be but I have pekingese/shih tzu puppies who looked like that puppy, too. Lots of puppies look like that one.

I must agree.
At that age (barely weened, very young) most puppies do look much the same.

Sizewise, proportions, behaviour. Be it a Great Dane, an Alaskan Sleigh Dog, Australian Dingo or even a Pekingeze...
So it will be practically impossible to tell. Coloring is a clue... but with strays/not thoroughbreds, the black w. white markings is the most common in very young mixed breed puppies (as they are with mixed breed cats as well.).
Just like this one.

I also find the subject moot. What difference doest it make. No statements or questions to the public have been made by LE regarding the dog. The puppy in question is most likely dead. I am still guessing it was in one of the garbage bags which LE hopefully recovered, and that it's stomach contents may be evidence in the case. And good for the puppy. Then it didn't die completely in vain.

EDIT: I failed to mention that a vast majority of mixed breeds start out with just these colors. When they mature, their colors change, most often quite dramatically.
You rarely have mixed breeds true to their infant puppy coloring (and in several breeds that goes for thoroughbreds as well).

JMO, MOO, all that.:moo:

Question: Is there any significance to the cuts that were made on the back - this struck me as being done very precisely and methodically. Here is a hand drawing of the cuts - the vertical ones were done first and then the horizontal ones. Is this a symbol that I should know what it means or is this just regular LM being LM.

eleph wanted to update you and everyone on my search which was attempting to connect the cut pattern which you shared with us to the cut patterns of various serial killers or high profile killers (both real world and fictional) which Magnotta has either mentioned or that our fellow members have pointed out as potential killers which Magnotta exhibited traits of.... I've compared your pattern with as much information as I've been able to locate and am sad to share that I've found no connection so far.
eleph wanted to update you and everyone on my search which was attempting to connect the cut pattern which you shared with us to the cut patterns of various serial killers or high profile killers (both real world and fictional) which Magnotta has either mentioned or that our fellow members have pointed out as potential killers which Magnotta exhibited traits of.... I've compared your pattern with as much information as I've been able to locate and am sad to share that I've found no connection so far.

Thanks HastingsChi - I have been looking too and have not found any connection to the distinctive, deliberate cut pattern. It probably means nothing - thanks for looking with me though.

The only other thought that did cross my mind went something like this:

Sometimes when we are counting with the children to track things we will put a vertical line on a piece of paper for each item and then when we reach the 5th item, we will put a horizontal line through the vertical lines. But when my thoughts go in this "counting direction" my heart says "no" this couldn't be but my head is telling me otherwise.

To visualize, here is a crude drawing of what I am talking about.



  • 6-20-2012 10-31-22 PM.png
    6-20-2012 10-31-22 PM.png
    16.5 KB · Views: 123
I can't quote both HastingsChi and Elepher50 at the same time, but I just wanted to say thanks to BOTH of you for asking, and seeking ansewers to a question about this case, i.e the pattern of the cut marks. THAT is what makes WS's a valuable tool, IMHO. People see patterns where others do not, and then others seeks answers to the questions raised. In the face of all that is horrible, disgusting, vile, and disturbing..... it is somewhat comforting to be in the gutter with bright minds like yours. :blowkiss:
I had someone watch the video today, they used to be a movie producer with a very good eye for detail.

Her is what they told me, LM slashed the throat of JL when he is sitting on top him, one cut ear from ear. There were no other people in the room, just LM, it was not edited, just stopped at various times.
The dismemberment cuts were too sharp and not jagged, so it was not with the knife, maybe a saw.
The lighting in the room changed so it took very many hours to do this. The pubic hair disappearing was only because of the light conditions, he did not shave him.

My theory he will be diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. All the signs are there and we know LM had very many identities all over the web. And he will certainly play the part, because he is an actor, so not too hard for him to do.

No jail for him, just a nice psychiatric hospital.
Does anybody know offhand why the guys who made the 3 guys 1 hammer made that video?? I ask because the title of LMs videos (1 boy 2 kittens, 1 lunatic 1 icepick) obviously came from the 3 guys 1 hammer video.

There was also a *advertiser censored* video that had a similar name called 2girls1cup which you can wiki, but it's about as low as you can go. Wiki dates it 2007.
There was also a *advertiser censored* video that had a similar name called 2girls1cup which you can wiki, but it's about as low as you can go. Wiki dates it 2007.

I've mentioned the naming convention here before. I don't know for sure that 2girls1cup came before the hammer one, but I think it did. And I do know exactly who told me about the former, though, so I can peg it in time very precisely to when it first came out and the wiki is correct. I think I've posted here before that is was about 5 years ago. Plus, it goes along with lm's known scat fetish. He could easily have glommed that from the sites he was on at the time, since I'm sure that video was VERY popular and much copied there...gah!
I had someone watch the video today, they used to be a movie producer with a very good eye for detail.

Her is what they told me, LM slashed the throat of JL when he is sitting on top him, one cut ear from ear. There were no other people in the room, just LM, it was not edited, just stopped at various times.
The dismemberment cuts were too sharp and not jagged, so it was not with the knife, maybe a saw.
The lighting in the room changed so it took very many hours to do this. The pubic hair disappearing was only because of the light conditions, he did not shave him.

My theory he will be diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. All the signs are there and we know LM had very many identities all over the web. And he will certainly play the part, because he is an actor, so not too hard for him to do.

No jail for him, just a nice psychiatric hospital.

I know much of what I write here has been discussed, but I guess that's why we're all here.

If he, the alleged murderer, can distinguish between right from wrong, which I believe he can, will that send him to a psych ward or jail? I can't help but think the video is all simply for shock value and attention and fame, just like his hero, Karla. And I'm banking in his mind, he is a mastermind brilliant guy that has figured out a way to get all this attention using the media/Internet, only to get a weak sentence and eventually walk away from it all like his hero and disappear, because he will then have achieved his fame status and there will no longer be a need for anymore killing or attention ploys.

There is simply too much suggested simulation in the video. The simulated sexual acts, the appearance of cannibalism, the zooming in on the poster for an effect, the fact that you never see the victim scream or struggle to escape (drugged and then dead before torture?), the slow deliberate wimpy stabbings all seem to suggest he is very aware of what he is doing; he seems to be staging everything.

In my mind, this seems different from someone who simply craves the sadism and killing and thrives on it. Maybe I give him too much sanity credit. He's clearly twisted in his thinking, but I believe he can help himself but made the choice not to stop. He is turning 30 in July, knowing his escort days and looks were no longer that of an early 20s twink, perhaps he felt compelled to make his mark now or never. Who knows, maybe drugs helped fuel his courage.

Take, for instance, the cannibalism. If, in fact, the fork has the flesh on it when the puppy is on the bed, then he did not eat it at the time in the video where he suggests he eats it. That's staging. Maybe in my mind i'm trying to assess the level of evil he is. He clearly ranks up there with evilest, but if he only suggests the cannibalism and only suggests the penetration, that makes me more inclined to believe he is not in the same category of a Bundy or a Dahmer. And if Dahmer didn't go to a psych ward, there is no way one can justify Magnotta going to one if he's determined guilty.

On the ring, does anyone think the style in which he wears the ring is also unique? It seems pushed down away from the hand and sits closer to the second knuckle on his finger from the fingertip.
If he, the alleged murderer, can distinguish between right from wrong, which I believe he can, will that send him to a psych ward or jail?


We have a psych discussion thread going if you would like to pose your question over there for additional feedback.

Armchair psych profile and background-Who is Luke Magnotta? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

IMO and as evidenced by many cases of psychotic killers... a murderer can distinguish right from wrong from a legal perspective (they would be arrested) but they may not have the ability to appreciate the morality of what they are doing is wrong (in their mind they believe it is justified).
Does anybody know offhand why the guys who made the 3 guys 1 hammer made that video?? I ask because the title of LMs videos (1 boy 2 kittens, 1 lunatic 1 icepick) obviously came from the 3 guys 1 hammer video.

From what I read, the guys who created the "3 Guys 1 Hammer" video didn't even name it that, it was a nickname the internet community gave it once it was leaked onto the net.

I personally have a hard time believing they did it because someone was paying them. They seemed to enjoy it too much. Plus, if someone was paying them to do it, why attend the funerals and flip off the victim's graves? They were just a couple of twisted individuals who got off on the "hunt" of humans.
How are you sure it was a Boston Terrier?? I know some people said it could be but I have pekingese/shih tzu puppies who looked like that puppy, too. Lots of puppies look like that one.

I also thought it looked like a BT, based on stills I saw (that were very poor quality for the most part). I've seen some people suggesting it looked more like a cat or a rabbit (although, I pretty much dismiss the rabbit idea since rabbits are not carnivores.) I haven't watched the video - can a dog be heard barking in the background?
I also thought it looked like a BT, based on stills I saw (that were very poor quality for the most part). I've seen some people suggesting it looked more like a cat or a rabbit (although, I pretty much dismiss the rabbit idea since rabbits are not carnivores.) I haven't watched the video - can a dog be heard barking in the background?

Yes, shortly before the dog appears in the video for its part, there is 2 quick barks in the tone of a young pup that are easily heard.
Yes, shortly before the dog appears in the video for its part, there is 2 quick barks in the tone of a young pup that are easily heard.

Hmm, I wonder then where the dog was up until he brought it in for it's "part". I've been checking the Montreal SPCA strays page pretty much daily in the hopes of seeing a similar dog - but no luck. I have a feeling that poor pup did not meet a good end. So awful :notgood:
Hmm, I wonder then where the dog was up until he brought it in for it's "part". I've been checking the Montreal SPCA strays page pretty much daily in the hopes of seeing a similar dog - but no luck. I have a feeling that poor pup did not meet a good end. So awful :notgood:

Right now, I want to know what happened to that dog. BIG SIGH!!!! Why has LE not mentioned the dog?? Why has the media not asked this question?? I am not going to give up on getting an answer to the question of where the dog came from, and what happened to it. BIG SHOUT OUT TO ANY MEDIA READING HERE..... PLEASE cover this aspect of the story!!!! PLEASE!!!! :banghead:
There is simply too much suggested simulation in the video. The simulated sexual acts, the appearance of cannibalism, the zooming in on the poster for an effect, the fact that you never see the victim scream or struggle to escape (drugged and then dead before torture?), the slow deliberate wimpy stabbings all seem to suggest he is very aware of what he is doing; he seems to be staging everything.

In my mind, this seems different from someone who simply craves the sadism and killing and thrives on it.

Take, for instance, the cannibalism. If, in fact, the fork has the flesh on it when the puppy is on the bed, then he did not eat it at the time in the video where he suggests he eats it. That's staging. .


I have not seen the video so I lose credibility in that
but I think the same. For a true sadist or necrophiliac
this would have been a *advertiser censored* video for them
as well as whoever else they released it to.
They would want to take their time and try
all their weird desires. It's horrible what was
done. Please don't take this the wrong way but
it's all been done. It's like a transcript of
evil things other killers have done. All of it evil but nothing
his own. it comes off as a checklist.

The truth remains it was done. It's not any
less horrible because he didn't get off on it.
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